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我国编辑出版学本科教育的回顾与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国编辑出版教育起步较晚,但是发展迅速,尤其是本科教育,历经挫折,已经步入正轨。1998年教育部调整了高校的本科专业目录,将原来编辑学专业、图书发行专业整合为新的编辑出版学专业。章将介绍我国编辑出版专业发展的历程、现状,在此基础上结合我国编辑出版教育发展规律及我国出版业未来发展的需要,提出若干编辑出版学专业本科教育改革的建议,起到抛砖引玉的作用。  相似文献   

高等教育改革和发展迫切需要进一步加快高等学校人事制度改革的步伐,建立起适应社会主义市场经济体制和符合高等教育发展规律的高等学校人事管理体系。目前我国高校在用人政策上比较科学,也取得了较好的成效,但也存在着一些误区。因此,如何科学、合理地使用人才,建立科学的高校人力资源管理系统,采取有力措施避免在人才使用上走入误区已成为我国高校管理者迫在眉睫的研究课题。本文就上述问题做一些初步的探讨,供高校人力资源管理者借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

论图画书阅读与儿童发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图画故事书对儿童的终生发展起着非常重要的作用。越来越多的老师和家长开始关注这一神奇的发展领域.而在这其中走出思想认识的误区,采取正确合理的教育引导方法,实现幼儿与图画书的交流与对话,无疑具有举足轻重的地位。  相似文献   

生活教育是陶行知对20世纪贡献的一份宝贵的教育学说,继承与发展生活教育是历史赋予21世纪中国教育工作者的神圣使命,“生活·实践”教育是在继承与发展生活教育中探索形成的。我们既要了解什么是生活教育,还要了解为什么要继承与发展,更要考虑怎么继承与发展,从哪些方面去继承与发展。  相似文献   

为保证远程教育成本投入的效果,本文从发展的角度,对远程教育的有效性进行了分析。研究表明,教学过程和教学条件是我国远程高等教育尚待加强的两大着力点,通过优化远程教育的教学过程,改善远程教育的教学条件,可以达到提高远程教育有效性的目的;同时,对远程教学管理体制进行改革以促进远程教育机制的优化,将成为提高远程教育有效性的制度性保障。  相似文献   

This article is predominantly concerned with the global challenges associated with managing an academic workforce in an era characterised by increased demand for higher education. In scrutinising global trends in higher education and academic workforce management, the article will address two research questions. First, what are the global trends that most affect education in the twenty-first century? Second, what are the transformations that have taken place in the academic workforce amid these trends? Last, the article calls for a need for researchers to profoundly explore the management of the academic workforce cross-nationally between developed and developing economies, with a particular focus on Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.  相似文献   

“一体多翼”的劳动教育教材体系,其中“一体”指劳动教育专用教材是开展劳动教育必修课教学的主要依据,“多翼”指与劳动教育密切相关的,体现劳动教育特点与要求的学科教材,是进行劳动教育必修课教学的必要补充。研究分别从自我、他人、社会三者之间关系,学科知识与劳动教育内容二者关系的视角,构建涵盖劳动教育教材和非劳动教育教材的体系。在此过程中,要处理好劳动教育教材和相近课程教材、劳动教育教材与其他非劳动教育教材的关系。  相似文献   

高校后勤改革,是贯彻邓小平教育理论、实践“三个代表”重要思想和实施科教兴国战略的重要体现,是加快发展高等教育的必由之路。在继续推进改革过程中,对社会化运作和经营管理方面有许多问题需要探索。本运用经济伦理学基本理论对有关问题进行思考,对推动高校后勤服务实体的健康发展提出了几点意见。  相似文献   

高职院校构建和谐校园契合社会发展、人才培养、教学改革等需要,构建和谐高职院校应从办学理念、发展战略、管理机制、校园文化、人际关系、发展空间等六方面着手。  相似文献   

The paper describes the salient features of the emerging knowledge society, its relationship with education, the role of the international organisations in knowledge development and knowledge management, and specifically the need for knowledge-based aid policies. The paper argues that development of strong education systems, including specifically higher education and research systems, is a necessary prerequisite for development of a knowledge society. International aid organisations have been active in the development of education directly, and thereby in knowledge development indirectly in developing countries. Some organisations have also initiated efforts that aim at knowledge development and management directly. But the approaches of international organisations for knowledge development and management need to be modified to suit the divergent dynamic socio-economic conditions and national policies. Also based on the principle of comparative advantage, it can be suggested that knowledge development should be the main responsibility of governments in developing countries, while knowledge management could be the task of the international aid organisations.  相似文献   

论中国高校教师人力资本产权制度的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国正处在由计划经济体制向社会主义市场经济体制转变的过程中.在这一变革的历史时期,社会主义市场经济的各种制度逐渐得到了确立和完善,中国高校的变革和发展也不例外.目前,中国大学教师人力资本产权制度已出现了端倪,教师人力资本在高校的资源配置中的地位得到不断加强.对中国高校教师的人力资本产权制度进行分析、总结及构建,将会对中国高等教育的改革和发展产生巨大的作用.正是从这一视角出发,文章在分析人力资本产权的性质、特点和价值实现的基础上,提出了在法律、文化、分配和管理等方面对中国高校教师人力资本产权制度进行构建.  相似文献   

This article continues the analyses of the impact of an innovative teacher education programme aimed at school improvement in a developing country context (A. Khamis, P. Sammons, 2004. The development of a cadre of teacher educators: some lessons from Pakistan. International Journal of Educational Development, 24(3), 255–268). Building on recent publications that have analysed outcomes of the teacher education programme and how the cadre of teacher educators has worked to initiate improvement in schools in Pakistan. The article considers the ‘teacher education for school improvement model’ based on findings from the case studies of nine co-operating school. Lessons are presented to further inform the development of teacher education programmes and the measurement of effectiveness of such programmes in developing country contexts. The article further considers relevant international research on educational change and reform to draw further lessons. These lessons include the need to pay greater attention to the cultural contexts and milieu in Pakistan, and the need to create models of school improvement and teacher education that originate within developing country contexts rather than the adaptation of European/North American models that are based on sources of data in those contexts. The article concludes by arguing for the need to develop better theoretical understandings from the current innovations underway and placing the onus on intervening agencies to better inform educational change strategies promoted in developing country contexts.  相似文献   

The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning has become an important field of inquiry, focusing on the development of new and critical pedagogic approaches in higher education. It is a broad field leading to the emergence of a number of contrasting perspectives concerning the development of insights into teaching and learning. In this article, we explore the potential for Lesson Study to act as a framework for reflecting on and developing pedagogic practice in the university sector. Originating in Japan over a century ago, Lesson Study is a collaborative tool for analysing and developing understanding of student learning. This makes it an ideal tool for capturing and interrogating new and critical insights into teaching and learning. An outline framework is suggested for developing the use of Lesson Study in higher education and we discuss how it can form a positive methodology for extending the work of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning.  相似文献   

服务地方是各国高等职业教育得以长期存在的重要经验,也是高等职业教育可持续发展的不可或缺的因素。为适应当地旅游发展的需要,针对高职涉外旅游专业教学存在的问题,通过开发地方特色课程,完善工学一体化教学,从而为地方培育、输送本土型双语导游人才。  相似文献   

This article shows how metaphor is basic to language structure. It is illustrated with practical examples of how metaphor is found within different social and cultural contexts, irrespective of historical time. Numerous examples are given of how metaphor works in efforts to communicate meaning. From an early age, young children are initiated into the use of metaphor. This appears to be understood intuitively, and examples of words games and riddles are given to show how children become familiar with the symbolic use of language. It is discussed how this early facility to engage in ‘word play’ forms a basis for future development of language skills, helping children move on from familiar contexts which are understood intuitively by transferring their skills in order to interpret metaphorical language empirically in unfamiliar contexts. Theories concerning ‘dead’ and ‘living’ metaphors are explored, and attention is drawn particularly to the need to teach children how to rediscover the original meaning of Biblical metaphors, many of which have become so embedded in language and culture that they have lost their metaphorical significance. It is discussed how the interpretation and use of metaphor extends the capacity to reason and think reflectively, and the importance of education in developing this potential: this is required in many of the recently published Agreed Syllabuses of religious education and the Model Syllabuses of religious education, and would help address the requirements of the Education Reform Act (1988) concerning pupils’ spiritual and moral development.  相似文献   

创建农村教师流动图书站具有重要的意义,它是实施农村教师教育的有效途径,并丰富了流动图书馆服务的内涵。创建农村教师流动图书站的具体措施包括站点选择、图书资源配置和后续管理。图书站建设还需要进一步探索。  相似文献   

针对随书光盘的特点,分析现有随书光盘的几种管理模式,介绍本馆随书光盘的管理方法,指出随书光盘管理的趋势。  相似文献   

高校图书、情报、档案实行一体化管理初探   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
从图书、情报、档案三者内在联系出发,阐述了信息时代高校图书、情报、档案实行一体化管理的必要性,提出了高校实行三者一体化管理的措施。  相似文献   

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