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This paper examines trainees' perceptions of the impact, on secondary mathematics trainees, of collaborative school‐based work involving small groups of trainees, a university tutor and a class teacher. The findings suggest that trainees' become better able to plan and deliver a coherent yet diverse sequence of lessons, that their awareness of children's learning styles and misconceptions was raised and that preconceived notions about teaching and learning were challenged and mediated. A few trainees found the experience unhelpful and threatening. The role of the tutor was found to influence trainees' responses to the program and, to an extent, moderate the effects of variations in teacher involvement. Some implications are discussed.  相似文献   

学习型社会:以学习求发展   总被引:30,自引:2,他引:30  
20世纪60年代末到70年代早期,西方社会进入一个比较大的结构转型时期,人口、资源、发展和环境的矛盾日益突出。“学习型社会”概念的提出,是解决传统发展危机的一个选项,孕育着新的发展观。20世纪80年代末以来,“学习型社会”及其相关概念构成“新增长理论”的重要组成部分,逐步进入到各国政府和国际组织的政策文件中去,是为了应对新的挑战和发展危机。21世纪初,“学习型社会”在中国的提出和实践,也是为了应对经济社会发展遇到的新形势、新挑战、新问题。所以,学习型社会的实质就是“以学习求发展”,其具体内涵包括:以个体的学习来追求个体的发展,以组织的学习来追求组织的发展,以国家的学习来促进国家的发展;以终身的学习来追求终身的发展,以灵活的学习来追求多样的发展,以自主的学习来追求内在的发展。学习型社会建设的基本目的在于满足全体人民基本学习需求,促进全民学习、终身学习,以实践科学发展观,全面建设小康社会。  相似文献   

学习社会的来临宣告了传统教育范式的终结。教育的天平开始由重“教”向重“学”倾斜。一切教育活动都将要为学生的学习服务。教育内容的选择、教学方法的采用、教育环境的营造都不能偏离学生的学习这一中心。教育过程体现为学习自我指导、自觉能动地建构主体的过程。学习化社会为学习主体的生成营造了良好的环境,同时学习主体帆成为学习社会得以完善的动力机制。  相似文献   

终身学习与学习化社会   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
建立学习化社会,实现终身学习,是进入知识经济时代世界各国的必然选择。它一方面要求学校向社会开放,为各类社会成员提供多种、多次受教育的机会,形成开放、灵活、发达、完备的终身教育体系。一方面要求创建学习型组织、学习型家庭、学习型企业、学习型社区,形成人人学习、终身学习的环境和氛围,使学习成为基本的生存和发展方式。  相似文献   

徐琦 《当代教育论坛》2006,(23):105-106
一、学习城市的概念人们通常运用“学习”和“学习城市”的术语,而不是“教育”或者“教育的城市”。我们为什么要区分这些术语呢?因为“教育”这个概念是有相当局限性的,它主要侧重于一个特定的教育系统。学习这个概念更注重学习的过程,它包含了教育。学习兼顾了教育与学习过程向前发展的方式,也涉及了许多传统教育与职业需求以外的技能和核心能力。很容易将学习城市看成是这样一个地方,它鼓励并使得它的市民在闲暇时间教育他们自己,因为市民们对于他们的教育与发展越来越赋有责任。在这样的学习城市的模型中,定义的特征是教育投资的性质和…  相似文献   

学习社会:原则与模式   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
发展终身教育,建设学习社会是20世纪末及21世纪前半期我国教育改革和发展面临的一项重要任务,是目前和未来中国教育的使命。虽然学习社会主要是人类社会遵循自身发展规律“生长”的结果,但是通过我们有目的的努力,我们可以推进这个“生长”的进程。在理论上研究我国建设学习社会的原则、模式和进程,就是这种努力的重要方面。一、我国学习社会建设的基本原则在我国建设学习社会,首先应注意两个方面,一是普及终身教育是建设学习社会的基础。终身教育的社会就是学习社会。二是建设学习社会要在借鉴世界先进经验的基础上,具体考虑我…  相似文献   

Despite increasing interest internationally concerning the concept of recurrent education, comparatively little work has been undertaken on its economic implications. This paper applies the principles of social cost-benefit analysis to the recurrent education model and contrasts it with the conventional apprenticeship or front-end model of provision. Consideration is given to the implications of redistributing education and training over the lifespan of the individual, and also of utilising alternatives to conventional full-time formal educational provision. It is suggested that, when a range of factors is taken into account, recurrent education may not be so obviously uneconomic as simple analyses suggest. On the other hand, the concept may pose rather starkly the possible conflict between efficiency and equity objectives in educational policy-making. These findings must be tentative, however, because the cost implications of different forms of provision geared to the specific characteristics and needs of adults have been little researched. The paper concludes by asking how far the cost-benefit framework itself is an appropriate tool for choosing between alternative educational strategies, when decisions are non-marginal and the criteria for educational policy-making may not be primarily economic.The author wishes to thank Professor Gareth Williams for helpful suggestions on an earlier draft.  相似文献   

Research within the United Kingdom has shown that it is common for school students to combine full-time education with part-time employment. Attention has tended to focus on the negative impact this may have with limited consideration to the potential benefits. Some studies have indicated that skill acquisition may be one such benefit, but studies typically pay little attention to the views of young employees and fail to explore potential variations in skill development between age groups and job sectors. This study addresses this gap. Younger (14 and 15 year olds) and older (16 to 18 years) school students working in the retail and catering industries participated (n = 35). Two interviews were carried out facilitated by workplace observation and on-the-job event recording. Results suggest that opportunities for acquiring skills are common for both younger and older workers in both retail and catering jobs. Differences in perceptions between age groups and job sectors were small with the exception of the areas of future learning and the types of skills. In addition, retail workers tend to see more opportunities for learning than those in catering. These results support those who see such employment as potentially valuable.  相似文献   

Qualifications Frameworks: some conceptual issues   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The aim of this article is to contribute to realising the progressive and democratic opportunities that National Qualifications Frameworks (NQFs) can offer. In doing so it will be critical of many of the ways that NQFs have been interpreted to date and the claims that have been made for them. The article has six sections. Section 1 considers some of the reasons for the recent growth of interest in NQFs. Section 2 is concerned with the widely shared goals of NQFs and some of the contradictions and problems that they involve. Section 3 discusses the very different forms that NQFs can take. Section 4 examines a number of issues that underlie all approaches to qualifications but are made more explicit by qualification frameworks and concludes by questioning the much lauded claim that NQFs can promote and accredit informal learning. The concluding section considers the longer term implications for the future of NQFs of the earlier analysis.  相似文献   


In the first part of this paper, studies are reviewed which suggest that gender differences in science achievement can be explained entirely in terms of social factors, and which also suggest that these differences could be eliminated, or even reversed, by changing the social environment. For the studies examined, it is suggested that research workers may not have taken sufficient account of confounding variables in their work, and that the apparent changes in gender differential reported may be explained in terms of these confounding variables.

In the second part of the paper, studies are reviewed which seek explanation of gender differences in science achievement in terms of unequal treatment of boys and girls by science teachers in the classroom. It is concluded that the quality of the research work which has been undertaken is disappointing, and that the research evidence provided by these studies for the differential treatment of boys and girls by science teachers is far from convincing.

It is concluded that real gender differences in science achievement do exist, and that they cannot be explained fully in terms of the social environment. It is suggested that both biological and sociological theoretical perspectives on gender differences in science achievement are inadequate, and that further progress in understanding gender differences in science achievement will require a new theoretical synthesis. It is suggested that sociobiology may provide the required new theoretical synthesis by allowing for the recognition of both biological and environmental influences on science achievement.  相似文献   

【专访背景】为了发挥现代远程教育的优势,推动终身教育体系和学习型社会的建设,教育部高等教育司于2006年6月启动“数字化学习港与终身学习社会的建设与示范”(简称“数字化学习港”)教改项目。记者日前就此采访了该项目的负责人、中央广播电视大学副校长、奥鹏远程教育中心主任严冰。  相似文献   

建设学习型社会是国家教育发展的重要战略之一。西方学者对学习型社会建设的认识期待,主要包括提升劳动力、促进人的全面发展、培养合格公民和建设民主社会、新的社会形态、文化革命和社会运动、社会和谐等六个方面,以及神话论、乌托邦、理想主义、掩盖论、异化论等五大质疑。在此基础上进一步反思了开展的学习型社会(城市)建设实践。这可以丰富我们对学习型社会的认识,为推进我国学习型社会建设提供启发。  相似文献   

学习型社会中的教育变革   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
建设学习型社会的提出必将带动教育的变革。本文从教育年限和教育场所、教育资源和教育方式、教师角色和师生关系等方面加以论述。  相似文献   

学习化社会的来临给制度化的学校教育带来了前所未有的冲击与挑战。正规化、阶段化、精英化、标准化的学校教育开始受到来自四面八方的指责与批评。新的时代背景要求学校教育对这些问题做出积极的回应。学校正处在十字路口,改造与创新势在必行。  相似文献   

学习型社会是人类社会进步的产物, 有其历史发展的必然性。研究学习型社会及其形成的根源, 对于增强成人教育工作者的责任感与使命感, 推动全社会的成人学习实践运动的发展, 具有重要的现实指导意义  相似文献   

Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability -  相似文献   

学习网:基于Agent的智能学习型社会   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
信息化社会要求社会成员必须不断地学习,有目的、及时、高效地更新自己的知识和技能,从这一意义上来说,信息化社会必须是一个学习型社会.信息技术是创建、形成、支持信息化时代学习型社会的基本手段.本文提出了一个智能的学习网模型,依靠代理和个人知识管理技术对知识的访问和应用提供全面的支持,以便提供一个广泛可通达的学习环境.实质上是建立一个开放性的体系架构,将不同类型的系统整合成一个人与计算机代理自然共生的复杂适应系统.  相似文献   

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