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We examine the impact of local and foreign labor mobility in India by modeling one regional and one global network, each of which captures the inter-organizational mobility of inventors. Our analysis of the regional network shows that, within India, the productivity of inventors does not improve when they move from foreign to Indian organizations. In the global network, we find that Indian organizations remain located in the periphery as a result of employing a small number of inventors from foreign organizations. However, in the instances when inventors are hired from foreign organizations, they are able to produce patents with a higher impact in comparison to inventors hired from other Indian organizations. Furthermore, when the inventors are hired from abroad, the impact of their patents is even higher in comparison. The implications of these findings for innovation and policy in the emerging economy context are discussed.  相似文献   

We extend debates about the sources of university capabilities at research commercialization. Drawing upon quantitative data for a panel of 89 research-intensive US universities and interview data from two academic licensing offices, we model the relationship between technology transfer experience, embeddedness in biotechnology industry networks, basic science quality and capacity, and citation impact measures of university life science patents. Technology licensing officers draw upon the expertise of corporate partners to evaluate the potential impact of invention disclosures. The information gleaned through network ties to industry enables well-connected institutions to develop higher impact patent portfolios. Reaping the benefits of such connections, however, requires experience in balancing academic and corporate priorities to avoid the danger of ‘capture’ by industrial interests as overly tight connections limit patent impact. This pattern of diminishing returns to connectivity is robust across multiple citation measures of patent quality.  相似文献   

Literature on innovation policy reveals little of how relations between government agencies as policymakers evolve. Taking the policy network approach, this paper investigates three mechanisms underlining the evolution of inter-government agency relations in emerging economies – policy agenda, power concentration and heterogeneity dependence, and applies them to the analysis of the evolution of innovation policymaking in China. Operationally, the paper proposes a social network analysis (SNA)-based method to quantitatively study China’s innovation policy network, which consists of 463 innovation policy documents formulated by its central government ministries between 1980 and 2011. The findings show that the formal policy network for innovation has been not only sustained through the intervention of policy agendas but also self-organized because of policy network’s nature of power concentration and heterogeneity dependence. The presence of such mixed mechanisms in China’s innovation policy network’s evolution differs from the findings from industrialized countries where self-organization plays a central role. This work advances our theoretical understanding of the evolution of innovation policy network and has implications for innovation policymaking in emerging economies.  相似文献   

Much past research on commercialization activities by university scientists and engineers has focused on the role of resources in the extra-organizational commercialization environment, such as the availability of venture capital funding. By contrast, our theoretical and empirical interest was in intra-organizational dynamics impacting the context in which scientists and engineers work. Drawing upon organizational psychology literature on the construct of organizational climate, we posited that researchers working in an intra-organizational climate that supports commercialization and encourages intra-organizational boundary-spanning will be more likely to produce invention disclosures and patents. Our data from 218 respondents at 21 engineering research centers was both multi-method (i.e., qualitative data from interviews, longitudinal archival data, and survey data) and multi-level. Our results showed that an organizational climate characterized by support for commercialization predicted invention disclosures one year later and an organizational climate characterized by boundary-spanning predicted patent awards two years later.  相似文献   

Regional technology clusters are an important source of economic development, yet in biotechnology few successful clusters exist. Previous research links successful clusters to heightened innovation capacity achieved through the existence of social ties linking individuals across companies. Less understood are the mechanisms by which such networks emerge. The article uses social network analysis to examine the emergence of social networks linking senior managers employed in biotechnology firms in San Diego, California. Labor mobility within the region has forged a large network linking managers and firms, while ties linking managers of an early company, Hybritech, formed a network backbone anchoring growth in the region.  相似文献   

Many young biotechnology firms act as intermediaries in tripartite alliance chains. They enter upstream partnerships with public sector research institutions, and later form commercialization alliances with established, downstream firms. We examine the alliance activity in a large sample of biotechnology firms and find: (i) firms with multiple in-licensing agreements are more likely to attract revenue-generating alliances with downstream partners; however, (ii) the positive relationship between in-licenses and downstream alliances attenuates as firms mature, and (iii) the diversity and the quality of the academic connections of firms’ principals influences their chances of successfully acquiring commercialization rights to scientific discoveries in universities.  相似文献   

An impressive literature documents how individual-level factors correlate with entrepreneurship and commercialization behaviors. We have far less insight, however, into how different organizational contexts may, in fact, play a dominant role in shaping these individuals and their behaviors. In this paper, I leverage a unique case of commercialization in which a largely overlapping team attempted to commercialize a technology in two different organizational contexts – first, in a university and later in a startup firm. By detailing the contextual features in each organizational environment and by linking these features to the participants’ differing approaches and attitudes toward commercialization, I extend the current literature through a demonstration of how organizational context shapes not only the initial decision to become an entrepreneur, but also the specific ways in which individuals interpret and act upon an entrepreneurial mission. More generally, I contribute to the literature on the commercialization of university research by highlighting some of the challenges inherent in adapting a context optimized for exploration to the task of exploitation.  相似文献   

Academic entrepreneurship arose from internal as well as external impetuses. The entrepreneurial university is a result of the working out of an “inner logic” of academic development that previously expanded the academic enterprise from a focus on teaching to research. The internal organization of the Research University consists of a series of research groups that have firm-like qualities, especially under conditions in which research funding is awarded on a competitive basis. Thus, the Research University shares homologous qualities with a start-up firm even before it directly engages in entrepreneurial activities.  相似文献   

This paper contributes to the ongoing debate on the impact of academic patenting on publishing and knowledge transfer. Drawing upon two separate surveys of academics, and their CV information, we provide empirical evidence for UK academics in engineering and physical sciences. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. First, our findings show that (the intensity of) academic patenting complements publishing up to a certain level of patenting output, after which we find evidence of a substitution effect. We also find weak evidence of important differences across scientific fields with the more basic-oriented fields showing indications of a crowding-out effect. Second, our analysis of the potential impact of patenting on knowledge transfer shows a positive correlation between the stock of patents and engagement in knowledge transfer channels. However, we find that a substitution effect sets in, indicating an inverted U-shaped relationship between patenting and several knowledge transfer channels.  相似文献   

The formation of Stanford University's technology transfer program in the life sciences is analyzed from 1968 to 1982. The program evolved from multiple models based on divergent definitions of invention, inventor, rewards, and university-industry boundaries. The eventual program that emerged proved to be widely emulated. The norms of the academy shaped the uses of resources and the conditions of their appropriation. In turn, the currency of industrial science prompted the rethinking of academic norms. The analysis offers insight into the early stages of institutionalization, as the ambiguity of important categories and flexibility of policies were transformed into organizational routines. Today's ‘settled’ outcomes are the product of highly divergent practices.  相似文献   

从高校图书馆资源视角出发,以“211工程”及省部共建高等学校为研究对象,采用广义最小二乘法考察了高校技术转移、高校图书馆资源在区域创新能力提升过程中的影响机制。研究发现,高校政府科技投入正向影响区域创新能力;高校技术转移在政府科技投入与区域创新能力间承接中介作用;高校图书馆人力资源和文献资源在高校政府科技投入与高校技术转移间起到正向调节作用。  相似文献   

技术商业化是大学科技成果转化的重要途径。为填补技术商业化过程中的资金缺口,加速大学创新的商业化进程,提高大学科技成果转化能力,美国大学内演化出一种新的组织模式——概念证明中心。该类组织通过制度创新,构建有效的开放创新网络,充分利用区域资源把创新与创业紧密地结合在一起,实现了大学科技与产业的协同发展。这一案例对促进中国大学科技成果转化有重要启示:大学内部不仅要通过组织模式创新与制度设计构建和谐的创新生态系统,而且还要积极融入区域创新生态系统。  相似文献   

【目的】 提高期刊耦合分析结果的准确度,并通过分析学术期刊在不同数据集上的耦合强度揭示学科内部、学科内部与学科外部的知识传播,为细粒度分析期刊耦合关系提供了新的思路。 【方法】 以我国图书情报类17种CSSCI核心期刊2009—2014年的所有论文为研究对象,建立了17种期刊的三个(国内学科内部的、国内学科外部的、国外的)参考文献数据集;在Ucinet6.0环境,从吸收学科内部知识、学科外部知识、国外知识三个维度上对期刊耦合网络进行了凝聚子群分析、密度分析和中心性分析。 【结果】 在三个不同的维度上,17种期刊的子群划分结果有差异、相同的期刊子群成熟度有差异、同一期刊在学科中的地位和作用有差异。 【结论】 在不同维度上进行期刊耦合分析,能够从不同视角观察学科期刊间的亲疏关系,更细致、全面地揭示期刊对应学科的知识结构和发展成熟度。  相似文献   

蔡新蕾  高山行 《科学学研究》2011,29(9):1397-1405
 已有研究多聚焦于提高企业创新技术成果,对技术成果转化为企业绩效,即创新商业化这一过程关注不足。从知识产权理论和企业资源观出发,研究创新独占性和专有互补资产独立以及共同对创新商业化过程的调节作用。270家中国企业创新调研数据的实证研究表明,只分析单一调节作用时,市场专有互补资产对创新商业化有显著的正向调节作用,而创新独占性和制造互补资产调节作用不显著。引入共同调节作用后,模型解释力提高,创新独占性和两种专有互补资产间存在着显著的负向交互作用。研究结果有助于我们更好地理解企业创新商业化机制,对现阶段中国企业的创新实践具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

FDI对促进我国区域创新能力的影响   总被引:17,自引:2,他引:17  
外商直接投资(FDI)通常被认为是先进技术转移和扩散的重要渠道,而近年来对于FD I是否能促进国内企业的技术进步,正日益成为学者们和产业界争论的焦点。本文运用全国各地区的数据分析了FDI对促进区域创新能力的影响。结果表明FD I的流入对国内企业的技术外溢效应并非普遍认为的那样显著,FDI对提高区域创新能力的作用是有限的,对提高自主创新能力和增强原创性的科技能力无显著影响。加大国内研发投入,增强国内企业技术创新的源动力,提高技术创新能力和技术吸收能力,营造技术创新的良好环境才是提高区域创新能力的关键。  相似文献   

结合全新的科技创新政策范式,参照政府监管政策绩效评估框架,采用个案研究法,从政策内容评估、政策执行评估和政策效果评估等3个方面对南京"紫金科创特别社区"开展政策全过程评估研究。研究案例具有典型性、代表性,政策执行时期较长,适合作为开展政策评估的研究对象,得到的政策启示包括完善科技创新政策制定方法、推进科技创新政策立法保障、加强科技创新政策动态管理等。  相似文献   

This paper argues that the contribution of some universities to local and regional economic dynamism is much richer than overly mechanistic depictions suggest. Beyond generating commercializable knowledge and qualified research scientists, universities produce other mechanisms of knowledge transfer, such as generating and attracting talent to the local economy, and collaborating with local industry by providing formal and informal technical support. A detailed case study of the University of Waterloo, in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, with its progressive Coop and Entrepreneurial education programs, and innovative Intellectual Property policy, illustrates the way in which the university has contributed to growth and innovation in the local and regional economy.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on Italian universities’ patenting activities between 1965 and 2002 and on the way they were affected by internal IPR regulations, set as part of broader responses to the increased level of autonomy granted to universities during the 1990s. Our analyses are based on a unique dataset including detailed information on all patents filed by Italian universities and university-level characteristics. Results show that: (1) in the last 10 years, the number of Italian university patents rose substantially; (2) patenting activities almost tripled in universities with an internal IPR regulation, after controlling for several universities’ characteristics, previous patenting activity and time trends; (3) each time a university creates its own patent regulation, there is a 9% increase in the likelihood that universities without any internal patent regulation will adopt one. Implications for university technology transfer policies are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】 针对学术期刊多属性综合评价中指标间相关性较强的问题,提出一种新的基于社会网络分析和密度算子的学术期刊综合评价模型。【方法】 将学术期刊评价指标视为网络节点,依据节点间相关性构造关系网络矩阵。设计节点中心度和子群凝聚度,度量节点和子群的重要性。基于密度算子综合集成评价信息,计算并且排序学术期刊综合评价值。【结果】 以图书情报类学术期刊为研究对象,实证结果表明该方法能够充分顾及指标间的相关性,得出较为合理的评价结果,是一种切实可行的学术期刊综合评价方法。【结论】 基于社会网络分析和密度算子的学术期刊综合评价模型为科研机构评价学术期刊提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   

主要针对区域科技创新政策的评价研究,以中关村国家自主创新示范区政策为例,运用PMC指数模型并结合文本挖掘方法对相应的区域科技创新政策进行量化评价,以实现为现有政策提供科学合理的量化评价框架的目的,具有为新一轮政策的实施、调整、修正及延续提供决策支持的意义。实证结果表明政策P2的PMC指数低于其他两项,仍有较大的改善空间,但总体来讲三项政策均在合理范围内。最后,提出本研究的局限性及下一步研究方向。  相似文献   

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