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一诺 《阅读》2014,(47):47-47
<正>妈妈:Feel the playdough.How does it feel?孩子:It is soft and squishy.妈妈:What about wooden chopsticks?孩子:They are hard.妈妈:摸一摸橡皮泥,有什么感觉?孩子:软软的,黏黏的。妈妈:木筷子呢?孩子:硬硬的。妈妈:What can we make with milk cartons and boxes?孩子:We can make pencil holders.We can also make picture frames.妈妈:OK.Let’s make them.  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(43):47-47
<正>妈妈:What do you want to make with playdough?孩子:I want to make apples and grapes.妈妈:Then I will make bananas.孩子:Interesting!Let’s play house.妈妈:All right!妈妈:你想用橡皮泥捏什么呢?  相似文献   

樊丽红  丹丹 《阅读》2013,(30):40-41
Lucy是个丢三落四的孩子,经常找不到自己的东西。瞧,她又在找东西了。Lucy:Helen,where’s my pencil?Helen:It’s in your pencil case.Lucy:Where’s my pencil case?Helen:It’s under your school bag.Lucy:Where’s my school bag?Helen:It’s on the desk.小朋友发现了吗?对话中出现了介词in,under,on,它们都表示某样东西在什么方位,所以叫方位介词。方位介词非常喜欢捉迷藏。我们来看看它们的意思吧。  相似文献   

一诺 《阅读》2014,(39):45-45
<正>妈妈:How are you going to make your tree?孩子:I will make the tree out of playdough.And then I will cover the tree with leaves.妈妈:Good idea!What about your house?孩子:I want to use wooden sticks and playdough.妈妈:你打算怎么制作树木呢?孩子:我想用橡皮泥制作树,然后用树叶覆盖树。  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(15):46-46
<正>妈妈:Listen to the music carefully.What instrument do you hear?孩子:Hmm...It is a piano.妈妈:Right.What kind of musical instrument do you want to play?孩子:I want to learn how to play the violin.  相似文献   

允诺 《阅读》2015,(11):47
小朋友们,上学期我们一起学习了能激发创作力的美术英语,这学期,小编老师将带你们一起来了解有益身心健康的身体英语。一起来瞧瞧下面这组日常对话吧!妈妈:Did you enjoy your snack?孩子:Yes,I did.妈妈:Do you want to take a walk to the park with me?孩子:Sure.I would like to jump rope.妈妈:零食好吃吗?孩子:非常好吃。妈妈:你想和我一起去公园散步吗?孩子:好呀。我想跳绳。  相似文献   

施燕 《阅读》2006,(12)
All Are BusyAre you busy, Peter? -Yes, I’m reading a newspaper. Are the girls playing chess? -No, they’re making a dress. Is Tom playing with a yo-yo? -Oh, no. He’s cleaning the window.难度系数: ☆☆☆w. Square, square, Here’s a square. Its four sides are the same. Turn it round, it doesn’t care. Circle, circle, Here’s a circle. It goes round and round. No end can be found. ShapesWe are going camping, Alice! Would you please come with us? When the stars twinkle in the sky, We’ll cook on the open fire. We Are Going...  相似文献   

施燕 《阅读》2005,(12)
同学们,今天我们一起去探访一下特殊疑问句吧。特殊疑问句是以特殊疑问词开头的问句,它们用来询问具体的人或事。如:问时间,地点,天气,数量,原因等等。所以不能简单地用Yes或No来回答,必须根据问题作具体的回答。那么,哪些词是特殊疑问词呢?哦,它们是:what,where,who,whose,how,why,which等。它们引导的特殊疑问句有:1.—What’s your father?你父亲是干什么职业的?—He’s a doctor.他是个医生。2.—Where’s Helen’s English book?海伦的英语书在哪里?—It’s on the desk.在书桌上。3.—Who is the woman overthere?那边的那个妇女…  相似文献   

小金子 《阅读》2015,(Z2):60-63
阅读提示小女孩莉莎和妈妈住在森林边的小木屋里。一天,莉莎的妈妈生病了,她想喝蘑菇汤。可是,莉莎不知道在哪儿可以采到新鲜的蘑菇,她的好朋友小鹿、小兔子和小松鼠都来帮忙。莉莎能够找到新鲜的蘑菇吗?Let’s read the story.  相似文献   

There are six houses in the forest.Six kinds of animals live there.The bear’s house number is No.13.The monkey’s num-ber is No.16.The sheep’shouse is not next to ther abbit’s and the monkey’s.The the elephant’shou seplus(加上)2is the cat’s.There are two houses between the rabbits and the elephant’s.Which numbers do they live in?请帮助小动物们找家(英文)@文苑…  相似文献   

上课时,如果你有什么问题或请求,先举手(raise yourhand)。■提问题时说:Ihave a question.■回答问题时说:Iknow the answer.■听不懂时说:Ican’tfollow you.■看不见黑板时说:Ican’tread the board.■没有听清楚时说:I begyourpardon.或者:Pardon.■请老师再讲解一遍时说:W ould you please explain itagain?■万一坚持不住要上厕所,怎么办呢?M ay Igo to the bathroom?■It’s time for class.上课了。■Is everyone here?都来了吗?■Who’s on duty today?今天谁值日?■Have you worked out the problem?你解出这道题了吗?■Wha…  相似文献   

地点:小猫的家时间:小猫的生日人物:猫妈妈、两只小猫、羊小姐、鸭先生、狗弟弟Storyteller:H i,friends.This is B oy C at.This isG irlCat.They're tw ins.Look,They have the sam ebright eyes and w hite hair.They are lovely.N owthey're singing and dancing.Two Little Cats:(singing and dancing)Brightday,sunny day.It’s our birthday.W e are happytoday.Let’s go and play...M other Cat:O h,m y dear.Don’t go.Today isyour birthday.W hat would you like?Boy Cat:I’d like a ham burger,an ice creamand a…  相似文献   

What’s the spring like?It’s like a pretty girl.She can sing and dance.She has a big basket.  相似文献   

<正>阅读提示:天气越来越冷,为了度过寒冷的冬天,小青蛙和他的妈妈要钻进泥土里冬眠了。小青蛙和朋友们一一告别,他们相约明年春天再见。Let’s read the story.It is getting cold now.Winter is coming.“Mama,it is cold!” says Little Frog.“How do we pass (度过)this winter?”  相似文献   

樊丽红 《阅读》2013,(11):40-41
Lucy是个丢三落四的孩子,经常找不到自己的东西。瞧,她又在找东西了。Lucy:Helen,where’s my pencil?Helen:It’s in your pencil case.Lucy:Where’s my pencil case?Helen:It’s under your school bag.Lucy:Where’s my school bag?Helen:It’s on the desk.小朋友发现了吗?对话中出现了介词in,under,on,它们都表示某样东西在什么方位,所以叫方位介词。方位介词非常喜欢捉迷藏。我们来看看它们的意思吧。  相似文献   

柚子 《阅读》2023,(68):34-37
<正>What can you see in the sky in the daytime? The Sun!It’s one part of the solar system.The solar system is a family. It includes the sun and everything orbits around it. They are the eight planets,their moons and so on. Let’s have an amazing adventure through our solar system.  相似文献   

任何一种语言都是在人类的长期社会实践中产生、并不断地随着人类社会实践的需要而发展、变化的.为了适应当代生活工作的需要,当代英语的发展逐渐趋于用尽可能简单的形式来表达复杂的概念.在含义相同的情况下,’s属格(’s-Genitive)逐渐取代of属格(of-Genitive)便是当代英语名词属格的发展趋势.依据传统的语法规则,’s属格主要用于表示有生命东西的名词,用于表示时间、团体、距离等名词;而of属格则主要用于表示无生命东西的名词以及主低级动物等名词。例如:the girl’s hand(表有生命的名词)an hour’drive(表时间的名词)the dog’s bark(表较高级动物的名词)within a stone’s throw(表距离的名词)the country’s name(表团体的名词)the hand of the clock(表无生命名词)the law of the game(表无生命名词)在现代英语中’s属格几乎可与任何名词相搭配,在含义相同时,’s属格正在迅速取代of属格,这种情况不但出现在一般非正式的口语和书面文体中,而且在正式的文件和书籍中也屡见不鲜,以下是从近期出版的英美书刊中摘录的例子:the train’s departurethe earth’s gravitytomorrow’s businessyouth’s problemsmy family’s storythe company’s profits ’s属格取代of属格,有下列四点优越性:1. 简单  相似文献   

宫文胜 《阅读》2012,(10):37
I Change My Mind Teacher: What’s your favorite food, Jack?Jack: Biscuits.Teacher: Well, please spell the word "biscuits".Jack: Oh, I change my mind.My favorite food is pies.想一想Why does jack change his mind?  相似文献   

<正>Winter is the last season of the year. The weather gets colder, days get shorter, the leaves turn colors and fall off the trees. We put on warm clothes in winter. But what about animals and plants? We don’t see too many animals in winter. Where are they? How do they spend those cold days? Let’s find out.  相似文献   

Snow in Winter     
丁瑞阳 《阅读》2015,(Z2):73
Which season is it?Guess!Yes,you’re right.It’s winter.Look,a group of lovely snowflakes(雪花)are falling down slowly from the sky.They are lying on the ground quietly.The trees,the roads are all white now.It turns into a white world.  相似文献   

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