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What Time Is It? Tom’s grandfather lives in the countryside(乡下).There is a big farm near his house.When Tom hastime,he often goes to the farm to help his grandfather. Tom is free today.He is going to see his grandfather.He gets to the bus station early for the early bus.The early bus is going to leave at 6:30.He looks around.There are a lot of people in the station.Some arestanding in line。Others are walking around.There is no place for him to sit in. Tom walks into the tea house next to the station.There is a big clock on the wall.It is only five twentynow.He finds a seat and sits down before a big mirror(镜子)on the wall.He asks for a cup of tea and some cakes.Just then,one of his friends.Jim,comes in and sits with him.  相似文献   

A Three kids have been learning ehem- istry for only a few months.But they have already begun to challenge a worht-famous scientist! Li Weichi,Huang Runling,and Xiao Yah are from Zhongshan Huaqiao Middle School in Guangdong. They have just found a red cabbage that could be a new kind of acid- base indicator(指示剂).They want it  相似文献   

一、阅读短文判断正误Most of England and Wales will have a cold,dry day.It will be sunny at times.There will be alittle rain in the afternoon.The wind will be weakin the east,but quite strong in the west.At nightthe temperature will stay above zero in most partsof the southeast and Midlands.But in the north,the west and Wales,the temperature will fallbelows zero.In most parts of Scotland,the temperature willbe above zero in the day.But at night it will fallbelow zero again,and the roads wil…  相似文献   

(A)On a snowy evening,a rich lady was standing by the road.She was very worried.Her car had broken down.Just then a poor man named Robert came.He was on his way back home from work as usual.  相似文献   

阅读下面的文章, 完成后面的练习: A Lijiang,Yunnan, Dec. 17( Xinhuanet) ——A film dire- cted by famous Chinese director Zhang Yimou, made its domestic debut ( 国内首映式) in Lijiang, where the film was shot, in southwest China’s Yunnan Province, on Friday night. The film, titled Riding Along for Thousands of Miles, was played by Japanese actor Takakura Ken. It tells a story that Takada, a Japanese fisherman, fulfills ( 完成) the last wish of his dying son by travelling thousands of mil…  相似文献   

What Is the Use of the Hum ps on Camels?The humps(驼峰)on a cam els back are actually huge heaps of fatand flesh that can weigh as much as 80pounds in a healthy cam el.Thesehum ps help cam els survive for weeks withoutfood and water.When water and food becom escarceon the deserts w here cam els roam , thefatty hum ps serve as stored food and areused for nourishm ent (营 养 ). Asthecam els body metabolizes (新陈代谢) oruses up the hum ps stored fat,the hum pbecom es sm aller and fiabbier(更松…  相似文献   

(A) Hello!My name is John.I'm a little boy of thirteen years old.My family live in a flat in a busy street.Outside there are many tall buildings.They are modern factories,restaurants,cinemas and schools.  相似文献   

WHY a 15-year-old American boywrote a suicide(自杀)note and thencrashed(撞击)a small plane into a tallbuilding is unknown. Charles Bishop wrote a suicide noteexpressing his support for Osama binLaden.Then the boy flew a small planeinto the 42-storey Bank of Americabuilding in Tampa,Florida(佛罗里达).  相似文献   

Languages There are more than 3,000 million people on the earth and about 2,500 languages. Of these languages only about twelve are used by more than 50 million people. Here are the names of some languages which have very wide use:  相似文献   

(A)Why doesn't the hungry polar bear eat the penguin?When the students of Class Four were having a lesson, Liu Lei was asleep. Mr. Wang patted(拍) on his back and said, Wake up, please. And answer my questions.Liu Lei woke up suddenly and stood up quickly.  相似文献   

The temperature of the suniS over 5,000 degrees Fahrenheitat the surface, but it rises toperhaps more than 16 milliondegrees at the center.The sun isso much hotter than the earth thatmatter can exist only as a gas,except at the core,that is,thecenter.In the core of the sun,thepressures are so great against thegases that,in spite of the hightemperature,there may be a  相似文献   

ALi Ao,a famous Taiwan writer,TV commentator,historian and lawmaker,arrived in Bei-jing yesterday for his first visit to the mainland in56years.Li,70,said he was driven not by nostalgia(怀旧)butby curiosity,insisting he did not come to see the old Chinahe…  相似文献   

A Today,air travel is far safer than driving a car on a busy motor-way.But still there is a danger that grows every year.Airliners get larger and larger.Some airplanes can carry over 300 passengers.And the air itself becomes more and more crowded.If one large airliner  相似文献   

阅读短文,根据所读内容在文后1—10的空格里填上适当的单词或短语。每空不超过3个单词。  相似文献   

The kiwis live only in New Zealand. They are a kind of strange birds because they cannot fly. A kiwi is the same as a chicken. But it has no wings(翅膀) or tails. It does not have any  相似文献   

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