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心理弹性概念研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理弹性研究兴起于20世纪初,目前巴成为心理健康领域的重要研究课题,其研究主要集中于心理弹性作用机制、心理弹性的测量、干预等方面.但是,由于心理弹性本身的复杂性,学界至今未能对此概念达成一致.本文对以往的心理弹性概念研究进行综述,并对心理弹性概念研究前景提出展望.  相似文献   

心理弹性研究兴起于20世纪初,目前已成为心理健康领域的重要研究课题,其研究主要集中于心理弹性作用机制、心理弹性的测量、干预等方面。但是,由于心理弹性本身的复杂性,学界至今未能对此概念达成一致。本文对以往的心理弹性概念研究进行综述,并对心理弹性概念研究前景提出展望。  相似文献   

从社会、家庭、学校、心理工作者及大学生自身等角度对目前高等院校大学生心理现状和存在问题进行了剖析,阐述了如何通过教育手段塑造健康的大学生的心理素质的对策。  相似文献   

中学生的学习倦怠现象是一种内外综合压力对个体作用的消极结果,不仅影响学生的正常学习和健康情绪,而且有碍心理健康.从心理弹性理论的视角审视学习倦怠现象,可以提高中学生心理弹性的内外在保护因素,增强抗压能力,进而降低倦怠水平,提高学习效果.  相似文献   

心理恢复能力——心理弹性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心理弹性是指个体在危机情景或压力事件中能保持良好适应的能力。心理弹性研究关注保护性因素和过程,旨在发现过程中的保护性因素并通过干预来减少不幸事件的危害。目前以变量为中心范式和以被试为中心范式为主,研究涉及各领域并获得可喜成果。未来研究更加强调领域化和干预提高心理弹性。  相似文献   

心理弹性是从弹性力学中引出的一个心理学概念,目前日益为心理学界所关注。本文从心理弹性入手,探讨了心理弹性与心理健康的关系及其对高职生心理健康的影响。  相似文献   

心理弹性研究已成为西方心理学界研究的热点,但在我国尚处于起步阶段。大学生作为一个特殊的社会群体,危险性因素和保护性因素是其心理弹性的两大影响因素,所以把“心理弹性”这个概念引入到大学生群体中来,探讨其心理弹性,希望能为大学生心理危机的预防和干预提供理论指导,为高校心理健康教育提供实践支持。  相似文献   

"心理弹性"是在弹性力学基础上提出的心理学概念,近二三十年来该领域的研究已成为西方心理学界研究的热点。文章首先阐述了心理弹性概念、促进心理弹性形成的保护性因素、作用机制以及与积极心理学的契合等问题,然后探讨了心理弹性研究对当前心理健康教育的启示。  相似文献   

心理弹性是一种个体的能力、潜能或特质,透过个体与环境的交互作用过程,产生良好的适应结果。影响青少年心理弹性发展的家庭因素主要有依恋风格、父母教养方式和家庭氛围三个方面。为了促进青少年心理弹性发展,家长应当创造和谐的家庭氛围,减小环境的不利影响以及培养青少年的积极信念。  相似文献   

贫困大学生是大学校园里的特殊群体,如何帮助他们在经济和心理上双双"脱贫"成为全社会的关注重点。基于心理弹性的视角,文章从健全贫困大学生心理健康教育体系和完善贫困大学生心理弹性外界支持系统两个方面探讨了提升贫困大学生心理弹性的策略,旨在为心理危机预防和干预工作提供积极支持。  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(3):579-594

As a result of the AIDS pandemic, adolescent-headed families are becoming a common trend in South Africa. However, little is known about the experiences of the adolescent, especially within the school context. Hence the purpose of this article was to explore the experiences of adolescents within the school context. During our initial review of literature we became very disillusioned by the findings of previous studies that portrayed an extremely bleak picture of the experiences of such adolescents. We decided to focus on adolescents from adolescent-headed homes that were displaying resilience in their academic and personal lives despite the odds. Resilience theory and positive psychology assisted us in exploring this topic. Data were collected through individual and focus group interviews with learners and educators. The findings identify specific aspects that are essential to creating resilience to such an extent that they could be positive despite their life situations. We focus on those aspects to assist those adolescents that are indeed not coping.  相似文献   

This paper considers teacher resilience from the viewpoint of a discipline concerned with the interactions between work design, management style and employee health and well-being: occupational health psychology. It will be suggested that there are strong parallels between interventions designed to promote resilience and those designed to reduce work-related stress. The imperative for the latter type of intervention arises from a significant evidence base, summarised in many research studies and reviews of the scientific literature. In making this argument, this paper draws upon four sources of information: (i) the experience of employers outside the education sector in resilience building, (ii) the influence of work design and line manager behaviour on employee well-being, (iii) current British government advice to employers about reducing stress and (iv) an illustrative case study. It is argued that although robust evidence as to the effectiveness of resilience interventions in the education sector is still lacking, experience from other sectors suggest that schools might nurture resilience by improving work design and by providing appropriate training for employees and their line managers.  相似文献   

有什么样的社会现实就有什么样的社会心理状态。马克思主义心理学认为,人的心理是由客观事物引发的,又会在人的行为中表露出来。通过仔细观察人的行为变化,了解人的心理活动,把握人的思想动态,有助于增强思想政治工作的预见性和科学性。思想政治工作要深入人的内心,尤其是利用社会心理学知识,才能了解和理解人的思维活动,从而走进人的心理。如果不掌握一般的心理知识,思想政治工作就难以具有生命力。  相似文献   

浪漫主义心理学重视人的生活世界和意义,反对将人的心理和行为自然化,倡导质化研究方法。其局限性在于易走向相对主义,缺乏应有的客观性和普遍性。  相似文献   


The objective of this study was to analyse the role of resilience in the dimensions of academic burnout syndrome and psychological health in a sample of nursing students. A battery of questionnaires was administered to 218 nursing students, all of whom were in the second year of their degree at the University of Murcia (Spain). The applied protocol used the CD-RISC 10 scale for the measurement of resilience, the burnout scale MBI, and the GHQ-12 questionnaire to assess psychological health. The findings showed a significant relationship between resilience and burnout, emotional exhaustion, and self-efficacy, as well as with psychological health. Moreover, three burnout dimensions were found to be significantly linked to psychological health in the way we had predicted. Regression analysis indicated the moderating role of resilience on psychological health in emotionally exhausting situations. We conclude that the psychological characteristic resilience moderated the effect of emotional exhaustion on the psychological health of the students. The practical implications of the results are discussed in order to introduce measures for the proper training of nursing students for professional practice; we also make several suggestions for future research in this field.  相似文献   

Vocational psychology is need of reinvigoration and one way to achieve this goal is by re-examining vocational psychology in the light of cultural psychology. Vocational psychology is a cultural enterprise and the embeddedness of culture needs to be more fully incorporated into career theory and research. Cross-cultural and cultural psychology are described. Specific reference is made as to how core vocational concepts, such as development and the self, can be re-interpreted through cultural lenses.  相似文献   

This article explores and compares the impact of studying a challenging literary text at GCSE on pupils with and without learning difficulties. It is based on the findings of a qualitative classroom‐based research project that analysed taped pupil conversations to measure the resilience of the response of secondary school students to reading Shakespearean texts. The data gathered from questionnaires and captured conversations in class suggests that pupils with learning difficulties become risk‐averse in their learning because they do not want to experience failure. They demonstrate signs of resilience in their classroom behaviour but are often under‐confident when working independently. Compared with students who are considered more academically able, pupils with learning difficulties find it difficult to negotiate the linguistic complexities of analytical discourse because it differs greatly from their own social lexis. These pupils are struggling to benefit from their encounters with challenging literature because they are not yet fluent scholars and are lacking opportunities to develop a confident critical voice of their own.  相似文献   

基于生物细胞弹性理论建立了供应链弹性模型,研究了制造商与不同供应商之间的合作关系在需求中断事件的冲击下如何影响供应链的弹性。研究结果表明:加强与自身弹性更强的供应商的合作更能够提高供应链弹性,降低供应链的损失;当供应链上下游企业之间的合作程度较低时,加强两者之间的合作能够迅速提高供应链弹性,而当上下游之间的合作程度较高时,继续加强合作对供应链弹性的影响较小,因此在一定范围内增强上下游之间的合作关系是提高供应链弹性相对经济有效的方法。  相似文献   

This study investigates changes in the conceptions of learning and teaching among undergraduate student teachers. A qualitative content analysis of essays using metaphors to describe learning and teaching written by 256 students at the beginning and end of an educational psychology course was used as the main research procedure. It was found that there was an increase in the share of students that see learning and teaching from a cognitive-constructivist perspective and a decrease in the share that see learning and teaching from a behaviourist perspective by the end of the course. In addition, the study revealed that the coherence in the nature of the metaphors describing learning and teaching increased by the end of the course. However, there was practically no increase in the number of essays describing learning from a socio-constructivist perspective, a fact that points to a need to pay more attention to the manifestations of learning in different communities of students, that is, to a relevant knowledge that teachers need in their everyday work.  相似文献   

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