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1.Behave yourself!请自重!请注意你的行为!For example:—Tom,dont talk and laugh loudly with your desk-mate when the teacheris speaking in class.Its not polite.You are not a child any more.Please behaveyourself.—Im sorry,Miss Wang.I wont do it again.2.Music to my ears爱听的话,好听的话,听起来就像音乐一样动听  相似文献   

1.Behave yourself!请自重!请注意你的行为! For example: ——Tom,don't talk and laugh loudly with your desk-mate when the teacher is speaking in class.It's not polite.You are not a child any more.Please behave yourself. ——I'm sorry,Miss Wang.1 won't do it again. 2.Music to my ears爱听的话,好听的话,听起来就像音乐一样动听 For example: He said he would write to me soon.But I have waited for three weeks without any words from him.When the postman told me that I had got his letter,it was music to my ears.  相似文献   

1.Listen to yourself.如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。试着把你说的话录下来并和母语为英语人士所说的对比一下,能够非常有效地发现发音问题。2.Slow down!很多英语学习者常说语速太快容易使他们养成坏习惯。  相似文献   

Count me in.算上我。It'B up to you.由你决定。It sounds great!听起来很不错。Control yourself!克制一下!The snswer is zero.白忙了。What’s your trouble?  相似文献   

祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝告等意思的,有肯定和否定之分。肯定式要求接受指令的对象采取某种行动,保持某种状态。而否定式则命令、劝说接受指令的对象不要采取某种行动,停止某项活动,结束某种状态。从这个含义出发。笔者认为,祈使句的否定形式大体可归纳为下列八种类型。Ⅰ、最常用的表达方式是:Do not(Don't) 动词,例如:Do not(Don't) work in the rain.别冒雨干活。DOn't be anxious,listen to me.别急,听我说嘛。Don't trouble to come over yourself.你不必费神亲自过来。Don't touch it!别碰!Ⅱ、Never十动词,其语气比do not更为强烈,例如:  相似文献   

1. You are not born winners or losers; being what kind of person depends on yourself. 你不是天生的赢家,也不是天生的失败者,你成为什么样的人取决于你自己。——如人饮水.冷暖自知哦!  相似文献   

)//幻‘ Love yourself too muCh, And you’11 be seen asl)a big一head. Don,t love yourself enough, And you’11 be seen asZ)introverted. Do you love yourself“iust right,,, Whatever that may be? Are you eonfident but not full of yourself, Not3)Plagued with4)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.听下面各段对话一遍,然后根据所听内容回答问题并在问题的最佳答案的标号上画圈。1.Mill's raining again!Does it often rain in the country in summer?W:Oh.no.It rains a lot here in fall,but not somuch in spring.2.M:Let me introduce my friend Tom to you.W:Nice to meet you.Tom.My name is Kate.3.M:Help yourself to some coffee, Rose.W:Thanks,Paul.But I prefer tea.4.W:What about going shopping,Peter?M:I'd love to,but I'm busy.  相似文献   

开头的话什么叫“DIY”?就是“自己做”(Do it yourself)!想不想学几招写黑板报的本事?怎么样?来吧!  相似文献   

David joined the army when he was eighteen. And for several months he was taught how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practicing their shooting and all of them did well except David. At last the officer said, "David! You are quite hopeless! Do not waste your bullets. Go behind that wall and shoot yourself."  相似文献   

听老师的话, 教室内外都飞满阳光; 听老师的话, 天天都蹦出好多梦想: 听老师的话哟, 身心健康天天向_上! 听老师的话, 常常得到妈妈的夸奖; 听老师的话, 歌唱跳舞都非常漂亮; 听老师的话哟, 朵朵奇葩向阳开放! 啊,老师的话, 字字温馨句句滚烫: 啊,老师的话, 是爱的瀑布日夜流淌  相似文献   

1.You are not quite yourself today.你今天好像不对头。当你发觉对方身体或情绪不对头时,可用此句,这里的人称可以换成第一、第三人称。例如: A:What’s wrong with you?You are not quite yourself today.B:I’m feeling terrible.2.It’s on me.我请客。在西方社会,外出就餐、朋友聚会等费用往往是AA制(go dutch),这点大家心  相似文献   

Read and Learn     
一Can I bonuw y(Jur dictiollary? 我能借用你的字典吗?一Sure. /Certainly. /A1l ri g】1t. / C0 ahead./Ye吼why not? 当然可以。/可以。/行。/是的,为什么不行? f B1一Doll’t touch t11e i r()n!一Whv not?怎么了?别碰那个熨斗一It’s hot!You’U burn yourself. 太烫了。你会烫着的。^ i i t * ^ .^Read and Learn  相似文献   

I have been a fan of Michelle since I first saw her skate in 1993. However, she became my favorite skater when I saw her compete in the 1994 Nationals. She is not my favorite only because of her outstanding athletic and artistic ability, but for the person that she is, which is shown in one of her favorite quotes: "Work hard, be yourself, have fun! "  相似文献   

O fickle moon!Here is a natural illusion which you can test for yourself on a dear night. Look at the size of a full moon when it is just over the horizon. Then check it again when it is high in the sky. When it is lower, it seems to be about one and a half times as big as when it is higher. Interestingly, this is not an illusion that shows up in photographs.  相似文献   

1.It is not enough to be industrious,so are the ants.What are youindustrious for?——H.D.Thoreau光勤劳是不够的,蚂蚁也是勤劳的。要看你为什么而勤劳。——梭罗2.You have to believe in yourself.That1s the secret of success.——Charles Chaplin人必须相信自己,这是成功的秘诀。——卓别林(河北孙伟供稿)名人名言!河北@孙伟~~  相似文献   

·Potluck Party.一种聚餐方式,主人准备场地和餐具,参加的人必须带一道菜或准备饮料。·Pull over!把车子开到旁边。·Drop me a line!写封信给我。·Give me a ring.=Callme!来个电话吧!·For here or to go?食堂或外卖。·What's up?=What'shappening?=What's new?见面时随口问候的话“最近在忙什么?有什么新鲜事吗?”一般的回答是“Nothing much!”或“Noth-ing new!”·Cut it out!=Knock itout!=Stop it!少来这一套!同学之间开玩笑的话。·Don't give me a hardtime!别跟我过不去好不好!·Get yourself togeth-er!振作点行不行…  相似文献   

On Shooting     
Peter joined the army when he was eighteen. And for several months his officer taught him how to be a good soldier. He did quite well in everything except shooting. One day he and his friends were practising their shooting and all of them were doing quite well except Peter. After he had shot at the target nine times and had not hit it once, the officer was very angry and said, "You're quite hopeless, Peter! Don't waste your last bullet(子弹) too! Go behind that wall and shoot yourself with i…  相似文献   

冰洋 《今日中学生》2016,(31):28-29
1.你自己能修吗?——恐怕不行. 误:Can you repair it yourself?——I'm not afraid. 正:Can you repair it yourself?——I'm afraid not. 分析:I'm not afraid意为“我不怕”;I'm afraid not.意为“恐怕不行”“恐怕不会”“恐怕不是”等(表示委婉的否定). 2.他担心会吵醒婴儿. 误:He is afraid to wake the baby. 正:He is afraid of waking the baby. 分析:要表示“不敢做某事”或“害怕做某事”,用以下两类结构均可以:be afraid of doing sth/be afraid to do sth,如 "我不敢跳”,I'm afraid to jump/of jumping两种表达均可.但若要表示担心可能会发生某事,则要用 be afraid of doing sth.  相似文献   

A stands for“Action”.A代表“行动”。!Actions speak louder than words.行动胜于言语。B stands for“Books”.B代表“书籍”。!Books are the stepping stones to human progress.书籍是人类进步的阶梯。C stands for“Confidence”.C代表“自信”。!Confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success.自信是走向成功的第一步。D stands for“diligence”.D代表“勤奋”。!Diligence leads to success.成功离不开勤奋。E stands for“Eat”.E代表“吃饭”。!Eat to live,but not live to eat.人吃饭是为了活…  相似文献   

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