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As a trend of thought in literature and art,aestheticism rose suddenly at the end of the 19th century and withered away soon.It was just like a flash in the world of literature and art.One of the initiators,Oscar Wilde,has been noticed with great attention by the critics.Wilde earnestly practiced the aestheticism he advocated.Some of his acts were cast aside by the moral in his time,which at last led to his death in a strange land.  相似文献   

1) Originally from Beijing,Chen was born in 1980 and is one of the first photography majors acceptedto the Central 2)Academy of Fine Arts注1,China's most famous art academy.While still in college,she began shooting for Vision注2,the country's leading art magazine.Made to look like works of art,her changed images were looked at in both good and bad ways.  相似文献   

Christmas was close at hand, in all his bluff(直率的)and hearty honesty; it was the season of hospitality, merriment and open-heartedness; the old year was preparing, like an ancient philosopher, to call his friends around him, and amidst the sound of feasting and revelry(狂欢) to pass gently and calmly away. Gay(快乐的) and merry was the time, and gay and merry were at least four of the numerous hearts that were gladdened by its coming.  相似文献   

James Feni more Cooper,an early Americanwriter,once said,“The Americans are almost igno-rant of the art of music.”If that was once true,youwould never know it today.Most Americans—eventhose without a musical bone in their bodies—havea favorite style of music.Many people enjoy clas-sical and folk music from around the world.Butother popular music styles in America were“madein the U.S.A.”Country and western music lies close to theheart of many Americans.This style originatedamong cou…  相似文献   

There was a man who loved fine art. He loved it so much that he lived for it. It had become his whole life, and had literally engulfed him. He would work really hard to save up some money, just so he could buy another piece of fine art. He would buy Rembrandt's, Picasso's and many others' works of fine art.The man had been widowed some years before but he had a son. As he raised his son, he included him in his hobby of collecting art. As his son grew, he also became a great art collector. His dad was very proud of him.Collecting fine art was something that they both loved to do and it brought them very close together.Some years passed by and their country suddenly engulfed in a war. The son, like so many other young men, enlisted and went off to serve his country. He had been gone for some time, and then it happened.  相似文献   

The combined use of dry cooling (DC) system and dedicated ventilation (DV) system to decouple cool-ing and dehumidification process for energy efficiency was proposed for subtropical climates like Hong Kong. In this study, the energy performance and condensation risk of the use of DCDV system were examined by analyzing its ap-plication in a typical office building in Hong Kong. Through hour-by-hour simulation using actual equipment per-formance data and realistic building and system characteristics, it was found that with the use of DCDV system, the annual energy consumption could be reduced by 54%in comparison with the conventional system (constant air vol-ume with reheat system). In respect of condensation risk, it was found that the annual frequency of occurrence of con-densation on DC coil was 35 h. Additional simulations were conducted to examine the influence of different parame-ters on the condensation risk of DCDV system. Measures to ensure condensate-free on DC coil were also discussed.  相似文献   

吴婧  祁素萍 《海外英语》2012,(18):275-276
English study is becoming more and more important.However,art students have weak English level on average.Thus,it’ s a problem for students and teachers to improve the quality of English study.In this article,it analyses the reason for the weak English level and the responding strategy.What’ s more,it encourages students to study actively and advocates teach ing based on art knowledge.  相似文献   

Local data analysis for eliminating end restraint of triaxial specimen   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A data processing method was proposed for eliminating the end restraint in triaxial tests of soil. A digital image processing method was used to calculate the local deformations and local stresses for any region on the surface of triaxial soil specimens. The principle and implementation of this digital image processing method were introduced as well as the calculation method for local mechanical properties of soil specimens. Comparisons were made between the test results calculated by the data from both the entire specimen and local regions, and it was found that the deformations were more uniform in the middle region compared with the entire specimen. In order to quantify the nonuniform characteristic of deformation, the non-uniformity coefficients of strain were defined and calculated. Traditional and end-lubricated triaxial tests were conducted under the same condition to investigate the effects of using local region data for deformation calculation on eliminating the end restraint of specimens. After the statistical analysis of all test results, it was concluded that for the tested soil specimen with the size of 39.1 mm × 80 ram, the utilization of the middle 35 mm region of traditional specimens in data processing had a better effect on eliminating end restraint compared with end lubrication. Furthermore, the local data analysis in this paper was validated through the comparisons with the test results from other researchers.  相似文献   

Christmas was coming. Mr Smith had no money to buy any presents for his children. His wife was ill and he spent a lot of money on her medicine. And the harvest was bad and all his family were going to be hungry the next spring. He was quite worried about it."We had only a cock,"said Mrs Smith one day. "You'd better take it to the town. Sell it there and buy some cakes and sweets for our children."  相似文献   

赵谦 《海外英语》2011,(5):229+247
Milton,a great English poet,was a whole man,integrated in both his art and his moral.He prepared himself for many years to create some famous religious poems.Samson Agonistes,the last great creation of his old age,was one of them.Samson was an ancient Israeli hero of the Old Testament.Milton and Samson have a lot in common.This thesis is trying to analyze the similarities between the Milton and Samson from three aspects.Namely,they have the same unhappy marriage.Both of them came to know more about life through bitter experiences and were blind in the later part of their lives with strong determinations to destroy their enemies.  相似文献   

作为市州电大,怎样在30多年办学历史积累的基础上,转型、创建、升级为现代市州开放大学?笔者认为,关键在于谋划、实施、推进转变创新。只有精心谋划、积极实施、着力推进转变创新,才能正确引领、有力推动、逐步实现学校事业转型升级。一要推进教育理念转变创新;二要推进发展战略转变创新;三要推进建设思路转变创新;四要推进教学资源转变创新;五要推进教师队伍转变创新;六要推进管理体制转变创新;七要推进运行机制转变创新;八要推进经营方略转变创新;九要推进文化建设转变创新;十要推进办学影响转变创新。  相似文献   

“文化产业化”,通俗地说,就是让文化走向市场,把文化当作产业来经营。更直白地说,就是让本土文化走出去“赚钱”,然后再用赚来的钱发展壮大文化,也即是“文化经济化”。就全国而言,文化产业化将是文化建设的一种发展趋势;而在少数民族地区,特色民俗文化资源颇为丰富,如何将区域民俗文化资源更好的服务地区经济,实现经济效益与社会效益...  相似文献   

Your money! How to make it, spend it, save it, invest it, move it, feed it, build it, love it, leave it, chase it, grow it, manage it and make it work for you!  相似文献   

高职院校内部审计存在的问题及对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着高职院校自身的不断发展壮大,经济活动日益频繁,加强内部审计工作已成为必要。文章分析了高职院校内部审计工作存在的问题,并就加强内部审计工作提出了建议:正确定位内部审计职能和性质;建立健全机构,加强审计力量;拓展内部审计的范围和内容,加大审计监督职能;加强对审计工作的指导。  相似文献   

辩论主义是当事人主义诉讼模式本质的理论概括,它落实到具体的证据制度上,一方面要求明确当事人的举证责任并严格限制法院调查证据的范围,另一方面就是要确立自认制度。作为民事审判改革的重大成果,最高人民法院《关于民事诉讼证据的若干规定》在上述两个方面均体现了辩论主义的要求,无疑具有重大意义,但其中的缺陷也是显而易见的。在未来的民事证据立法中,为体现辩论主义的要求,对其进行完善是十分必要的。  相似文献   

信息资源的组织管理与开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对网络时代异常丰富的档案信息资源如果不进行科学的组织管理与开发,就发挥不了其应有的作用,只能使利用者望而兴叹。特别是近些年来,无论是实体资源还是网上虚拟资源,由于其来源广泛而繁杂,信息垃圾和冗余越来越成为人们利用的障碍,每个利用者在档案信息的汪洋大海中选取所需的信息越来越困难。这时,对档案信息进行一定程度的开发,编制出高质量的二次、三次档案信息,建立具有本馆特色的电子化、数字化的数据库,为传播档案信息和网络运行提供有效的信息资源保障是非常必要的。  相似文献   

施佳 《安康学院学报》2004,16(3):27-29,48
人民陪审制度"可有可无"的立法现状,已为我国近十几年司法实践认同.虽然我国目前对关于是否应保留人民陪审制度存在争论,但由于此项制度具有有利于司法民主,司法公开,司法公正,司法廉洁,及有利于弥补法官知识不足等价值,因此有其存在的合理性和必要性.本文就其现阶段的困难进行了分析,并提出一些完善意见.  相似文献   

教育目的是国家对培养什么样人才的总要求,具有很强的固定性,但实际上存在着“应然”和“实然”的教育目的的对立。在家庭教育、学校教育、社会教育中都不可避免地出现“实然”的教育目的,直接影响“应然”教育目的的实现,但教育目的从“实然”走向“应然”是必然的。  相似文献   

农村中小学实施素质教育的困难与对策   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
王嘉毅 《教育研究》2006,27(11):41-46
素质教育注重全面发展,面向全体学生,关注个体差异,强调终身教育,突出创新精神,对农村教育的发展具有重要意义。在农村中小学实施素质教育,正确认识和全面领会素质教育精神是前提,缩小城乡差距是条件,提高管理水平是关键,积极开展课程与教学改革是契机,提高教师素质是核心,充分利用城市教育资源带动农村教育发展是有效方式,优化教育结构是保障。  相似文献   

加入WTO将给我国金融业带来很多机遇,同时也带来巨大的挑战。商业银行是中国经济改革的产物,目前已成为中国经济和金融活动的重要力量。其要想在未来的竞争中立于不败之地,就必须采取正确的发展战略,进行合理的市场定位。  相似文献   

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