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在历史演进过程中,领导者扮演各种各样的角色。角色扮演成败决定着领导者的成败和领导活动的成败,进而决定组织的兴衰。时代在进步,领导角色也与时俱进,这要求领导者不断地学习和革新,以适应领导角色的需求。“角色”,本是戏剧中的名词,指演员扮演的剧中人物。后来,这个名词被其他社会科学所借用。“社会角色”是指与人们的某种地位、身份相一致的一整套权利、义务的规范与行为模式,它是人们对特定身份人的行为期望,构成社会群体或组织的基础。领导者也是如此,在组织或群体中,领导者处于显著位置,人们期望领导者能明晰自己的权…  相似文献   

小组合作学习中的领导力对小组中的人和事产生着积极的影响,体现在小组成员有较高的参与主动性,并能带动其他成员参与合作的过程中。每个学生都是潜在的领导者,都可以扮演领导者角色。具有领导力的学生,在小组合作学习中会扮演领导的角色。培养学生的领导力,增强学生的信心和责任感,可以提升小组合作学习的实效。  相似文献   

根据美国州基础教育首席官员理事会所建立的学校领导者资格认证标准,当今的美国中小学校长至少在扮演着以下几种角色: 学习愿景的创造者。校长是通过提出、表达、执行、保持整个学校团体共享和支持的学习愿景来促使学生成功的领导者。  相似文献   

试论领导意识及其在高校管理中的作用★东北师范大学杨中华,刘淑兰★关键词:领导意识,意义,提高,发展一、领导意识在高校管理中的特殊意义领导意识、领导的角色结构和角色意识是现代社会对一切组织中的领导者提出的普遍要求在人们头脑中的反映,是一切领导者,自然也...  相似文献   

作为一种全新的管理理论,学习型组织对现阶段日渐暴露出来的管理缺憾进行了全面的反思,建立了一种更适合于知识经济和信息时代的新型管理模式。由于其全新的视角和对组织成员学习力的高度重视,学习型组织的创建使传统组织中的领导模式面临巨大的挑战。本文针对学习型组织领导者面临的挑战,从四个方面探讨了学习型组织领导者的领导风格,并分析了领导者的设计师、教练、仆人三种新的角色。  相似文献   

领导者的自我管理主要是对自身心理的修养和提高,这与领导者的认知、情感、意志和个性方面的心理因素有着紧密的关系,与其自身心理修养息息相关。高校领导者要提高自身修养,关键是自身要有正确的“自我意识”,人贵有自知之明,唯有具备自知之明的领导者才能正确运用自己德才学识的影响力,因为自知之明可以有效地将人的知和行统一起来。高校领导者理想的自我管理心理活动包括自我角色的正确认知、评价、调控和呈现等四个方面。一、高校领导者自我角色的认识高校领导者在高校中扮演管理者、引导者、领袖人物的“角色”,其言行必须符合正…  相似文献   

教师角色是指处在教育系统中的教师所表现出来的由其特殊地位决定的符合社会对教师期望的行为模式。教师扮演着家长代理人、知识传授者、榜样、集体领导者等八种主要角色。  相似文献   

目前有关中小学校长评价指标体系的研究成果存在诸多缺陷。校长兼具教育者、领导者和管理者三个主要角色,每一种角色都有相对应的工作行为。可采用因素分析法,根据评价指标体系设计的原则,对校长的职业角色和工作行为的逻辑结构逐级分解、筛选和修正,建构中小学校长评价指标体系。  相似文献   

领导者是组织中的主要角色,领导者素质的高低决定着领导工作和活动成效的大小。现代的管理对象,一般都是关系复杂、情况多变的系统,这就对领导者的素质提出了更高的要求。要求现代领导者应具备思想道德素质、科学文化素质、心理素质和组织决断能力。  相似文献   

浅谈在学生英语自主学习中教师角色的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教师与学生的关系在英语学习中体现了教学的重心所在。在英语自主学习中,教师的角色和地位引起教学观念,教学方法的改变,学生在英语自主学习中已成为学习的主要角色,但教师在学生自主学习过程中的地位和角色并没有下降,相反,教师的主要角色还有所增强。教师将通过教学方法的改进和增加对学生在策略上的指导来达到自己权威角色的树立,教师增强自我角色的定位,有益于学生的自主学习。尤其是现代化教学手段的使用,使得教师主要角色的地位得到进一步加强。  相似文献   

This article develops the idea that there is something of a gap in theory and practice regarding the relationship between whole-school targets and individual targets. I suggest that subject, year or key stage leaders have an important mediating and cohering role to play. I argue that all of the work in schools concerning the use of targets for school improvement, for performance management and for individual pupils' progress, rests on effective assessment for learning. Significant research is referred to in support of six main propositions, and guidance is offered on how they might be implemented.  相似文献   

Previous research indicates that supportive school leadership is a key condition of collaborative teacher learning. The purpose of this study was to develop a typology of how school leaders foster collaborative teacher learning. We adopted an integrative perspective on leadership by examining both learning-centred leadership and distributed leadership practices that are supportive of collaborative teacher learning. Data were gathered by means of interviews with ten school leaders and a questionnaire that was completed by 39 teachers from six secondary schools in the Netherlands. The aim of the interviews was to identify to what extent school leaders applied learning-centred leadership and distributed leadership practices. The questionnaire measured teachers' perceptions of the role of school leaders in teacher learning. As an outcome of this study, we constructed a typology that provides insights into how school leaders foster collaborative teacher learning. Four types of school leaders were distinguished: (a) integrators of teacher learning, (b) facilitators of teacher learning, (c) managers of teacher learning, and (d) managers of daily school practice. Our findings suggest that integration of learning-centred leadership and distributed leadership practices can help school leaders to support collaborative teacher learning.  相似文献   

This study explores reflective experience during transformative, group-based learning among university leaders following a natural disaster such as a typhoon in two Philippine universities. Natural disasters are recurrent phenomena in many parts of the world, but the literature largely ignores their impact on lifelong human learning, for instance regarding preparing the university setting for future natural disasters. The study used interviews and document analysis, drawing on a body of interrelated works in transformative learning theory, critical educational theory and conceptions about group processes and reflective practice to understand university leaders’ lifelong learning from natural disasters as experiential, transformative, reflective and group oriented. The findings document that university leaders’ reflective, transformative learning depends on individuals’ experience of natural disasters as disorienting dilemmas, and that reflection is facilitated by decisive group dynamics rather than only personal reflection. Facilitating a learning space for transformative, reflective learning in university settings might assist university leaders to enhance disaster risk preparedness, for instance through local policy change.  相似文献   

This article examines and critiques the leadership capacity of department leaders in a high school and attempts to gain a deeper understanding of how department leaders perceive their role as teacher leaders, making a distinction between what an individual department leader does in his or her position and teacher leadership as a form of continuous learning and innovation through collaboration. How do department leaders practice leadership to improve student learning? The author provides an investigation and analysis of the current level of leadership capacity exhibited by department leaders in a high school. A close look at the role and function of department leaders in this high school reveals an absence of the teacher leadership necessary to promote the broad-based leadership capacity that results in improved student achievement.  相似文献   

学习观强调的是一种学习的态度和观念。改革开放以来,党的主要领导人根据时代和实践的要求,提出了独具特色的学习观,主要包括:邓小平的学习观、江泽民的学习观、胡锦涛的学习观和习近平的学习观。对改革开放以来党的四代主要领导人学习观的深入研究,促进了“学习型政党”的建设,对中国特色社会主义建设和实现“中国梦”具有深远的现实意义和实践价值。  相似文献   

It is commonly understood that teachers in secondary school should develop throughout their career in order to stay as an essential factor in student learning. Schools can offer opportunities to link teachers’ professional learning to their school practice with a positive impact on teachers’ motivation to learn and the effectiveness of their learning. In this field study, teachers, school leaders, policy-makers, educational consultants and educational scholars were asked for their perceptions of conditions for teacher learning in school and of interventions in school to enhance teacher professional learning. These conditions and interventions were understood as affordances in schools that enable and support teacher professional learning. The main affordance in school these stakeholders mentioned was an open, but critical way in which teachers share their practices, collaborate and reflect upon their teaching practice. Collaborative practices seem to stimulate many interventions of teacher professional learning in school. Two implications of this finding are discussed. First, we suggest that the maximum teaching time should be reduced, team teaching should be more implemented or classes should be scheduled in such a way that teachers can meet. Second, distributed leadership approaches match with our findings about the role of school leaders in teacher professional learning.  相似文献   

This exploratory case study, arising from a longitudinal project into the establishment of a new secondary school in New Zealand, examines reflective practice through critical friend roles among staff. The paper describes, through the lens of Bourdieu's logic of practice, the implementation of a critical friendship approach linked to the school leaders’ vision and aim regarding learning within open classroom spaces as part of a modern learning environment. Reflective practice involves critiquing, rethinking and reframing existing professional practices, often through a critical friendship approach among school staff within a fostered collaborative and open culture. The researchers interviewed six participants (four leaders and two teachers), observed how the teaching and learning took place in the new open classroom spaces, and reviewed blog posts and the school's website. Findings reveal that critical friendship, as a way to develop staff cohesion, is fostered and supported by the school leaders’ vision and actions, while the physical geography of the new classroom spaces, and the redesign of learning, also make this easier to enact. Staff cohesion, trust and openness to peer scrutiny are hallmark of this emerging school culture. These emerging findings provide some insights into how one new school culture develops cohesion with its stated vision and mission.  相似文献   

This paper explores the practice of action learning (AL) facilitation in supporting AL set members to address their ‘messy’ problems through a self-reflexive approach using the concept of ‘living theory’ [Whitehead, J., and J. McNiff. 2006. Action Research Living Theory. London: Sage]. The facilitation practice is investigated through personal observations and explanations of learning and action through shift in identity, thinking and approach of AL members in resolving complex problems raised during the AL sessions. The paper demonstrates how AL can be applied as a methodology for supporting leaders to address complex organisational problems through inquiry, critical reflection and advocacy to gain new insights as well as new practice. The findings highlight that key theoretical principles in AL such as critical reflection and problem-solving can be applied to support managers and leaders to analyse and solve complex organisational problems. The paper also contributes to the current literature on AL through the application of the living theory approach as a discipline for critical inquiry, self-reflection and evaluation.  相似文献   

结合无机化学实验的探究式教学实践,分析了教师在探究式教学中所处的地位及应起的作用,论述了教师由知识的传授者转换为学生探究式学习的组织者、引导者、合作者的深刻意义以及由此所取得的教学成果.  相似文献   

Multi-academy trusts (MATs) are now a common feature of the English educational landscape. Yet numerous high-profile failures indicate that they present substantial challenges in terms of leadership and governance. One of the areas that most exercises school leaders and boards is the setting of strategic direction for the MAT. This includes elements such as its expansion. This article draws on 30 interviews with school leaders and trustees from 6 MATs and 10 interviews with national leaders of governance in looking to respond to the research question: What are the principal drivers for strategic expansion in MATs? The article begins by contextualising the research in light of recent policy, then moves to consider why theory on strategy as narrative was chosen in preference to other strategic approaches, and how it was employed to analyse data. The article concludes that within this sample there are a number of drivers for MAT expansion and that these fall under six principal categories: opportunities, values, pressures, feelings, risks and resources. It also concludes that resources and business viability play a substantial part in decisions to expand, and that strategy appears to be an iterative learning process. As such, it contributes to theory on the governance of multi-level organisations and to practice in terms of the Department for Education's focus on MAT growth.  相似文献   

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