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The majority of studies reporting gains in college students’ critical thinking due to instructional process variables measured critical thinking with subject-specific questions rather than general or decontextualized questions. However, it is uncertain whether these gains were attributable to the use of subject-specific questions or to other distinctive aspects of these studies (e.g., methodological). The present study provides a direct, controlled comparison between general and subject-specific test questions in the context of a laboratory-based true experiment assessing the effect of higher order review questions on gains in critical thinking. A stronger effect was found when the tests of critical thinking contained questions that were subject-specific (e.g., introductory psychology) rather than questions that focused on general topics.  相似文献   

The critical thinking debate: how general are general thinking skills?   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
This paper takes up the issue of whether the skill of critical thinking in university education is best thought of as a broad universal generic skill or rather as only a loose category taking in a variety of modes of thought. Through the linguistic analysis of some sample texts, I argue that the discourse of general thinking programs should not be thought of as a generalist discourse at all, but in fact a quite specific one. The implications both for the teaching and testing of critical thinking are considered in the light of this position.  相似文献   

National stakeholders are becoming increasingly concerned about the inability of college graduates to think critically. Research shows that, while both faculty and students deem critical thinking essential, only a small fraction of graduates can demonstrate the thinking skills necessary for academic and professional success. Many faculty are considering nontraditional teaching methods that incorporate undergraduate research because they more closely align with the process of doing investigative science. This study compared a research-focused teaching method called community-based inquiry (CBI) with traditional lecture/laboratory in general education biology to discover which method would elicit greater gains in critical thinking. Results showed significant critical-thinking gains in the CBI group but decreases in a traditional group and a mixed CBI/traditional group. Prior critical-thinking skill, instructor, and ethnicity also significantly influenced critical-thinking gains, with nearly all ethnicities in the CBI group outperforming peers in both the mixed and traditional groups. Females, who showed decreased critical thinking in traditional courses relative to males, outperformed their male counterparts in CBI courses. Through the results of this study, it is hoped that faculty who value both research and critical thinking will consider using the CBI method.  相似文献   

The main objective of this article is to provide a framework, based on a critical appraisal of the philosophy of science, that could help science educators to choose between domain-specific and domain-general strategies for enhancing the thinking skills of their students. Recent literature has emphasized that one of the most pervasive features of scientific practice is that of gathering evidence by making observations and conducting experiments. Research suggests that children do manifest, in a rudimentary form, the scientific thinking skills of raising causal questions, generating hypotheses and conducting experiments in order to test hypotheses, and that these skills increase progressively with age. It is concluded that we should not in the science classroom, emphasize only domain-specific knowledge. Absence of a single scientific method provides the occasion to shift from one method to another, thus facilitating competing frameworks of understanding. Evidence is provided to show that emphasizing domain specific (content) over domain general knowledge is consistent with a Kuhnian perspective of normal science. On the other hand, adopting the Lakatosian perspective would enable the students to understand that scientific progress goes through a process of conflicting frameworks, based on processes that require elaboration of rival hypotheses and their evaluation. It is concluded that the content-process dichotomy is misleading as the two approaches to teaching science would rather complement each other.  相似文献   

“读后感”是属于义论文范畴的一种重要文体,写作难度大于一般性议论文,也是初中学生较难把握和写好的。笔者通过多年的教学实践探索,总结出写作“读后感”的三字思维途径,即“读”,“思”和“联”,它对于中学生写好“读后感”具有积极的指导意义。  相似文献   

The article reports on parts of an empirical longitudinal study. Students of engineering, business administration, medicine and psychology have been interviewed at the beginning and at the end of their education. The focus in the present article is on the students of business administration. Two of the questions in the interview asked for the student’s conceptions about the most prominent contemporary economic problem and the cause of famine in the underdeveloped countries. The results show that the students of business administration to a large extent seem to change form an initially held political, distributionoriented perspective on the two questions to a more depoliticized efficiency perspective. This change means, in the case of the more general question about the most prominent economic problem that the initial emphasis on the uneven distribution of economic resources either in an international or in a national perspective in many cases was replaced by a stress on a more efficient utilization of resources or the necessity of more incentives for individual or collective initiatives. This tendency is not found among the students of medicine. In the second question the initially fragmented reasons for famine in terms of the relationship between developed and underdeveloped countries decreased in frequency leading to a stress on unfavorable conditions for food production or the new Maltusian notion of the different rates of population growth and increase in food production.  相似文献   

While constructivism has made a considerable mark concerning learning in many areas of school learning, much less is evident relating to the education and professional development of teachers. This paper not only deals with the implementation and evaluation of such a constructivist course, but extends the argument towards the induction of teachers into “critical constructivism” through their own action research projects. Data is drawn from a single case study which illuminates the induction process and illustrates the changes taking place in the professional life and the reflective practice of one teacher as she deals with scientific concepts with two classes of 11–15 and 18–25 year olds. The Brazilian setting for the course lends resonance to its international significance.  相似文献   

This article describes the Biology Critical Thinking (BCT) project in which carefully designed activities for developing specific critical thinking skills are incorporated into the biology curriculum. The objectives were to find out whether the BCT project contributes to the development of critical thinking skills in various biological and nonbiological topics and how it affects students' biological knowledge and classroom learning environment. The study consisted of 678 seventh graders who were assigned randomly into two groups that studied the same seventh-grade biology textbook. Only one group, the experimental, completed the BCT activities. The results indicate that the students in the experimental group improved their critical thinking skills compared to their own initial level and compared to their counterparts in the control group. Improved critical thinking skills were observed in a new biological context and nonbiological everyday topics, suggesting generalization of thinking skills across domains. The experimental students scored significantly higher than the control on a knowledge test, suggesting that “knowledge of facts” as one educational goal and “learning to think” as another, need not conflict, but rather can interact with each other. Finally, the results show that BCT involvement decreased the frequency of teacher-centered teaching and enhanced student-centered, more active learning.  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between environment‐based education and high school students' critical thinking skills and disposition toward critical thinking. Four hundred four 9th and 12th grade students from 11 Florida high schools participated in the study. A Pretest‐Posttest Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (9th grade) and a Posttest Only Nonequivalent Comparison Group Design (12th grade) were used. Interviews of students and teachers were used in the classic sense of triangulation. Data collection took place over the 2001–2002 school year. When controlling for pretest score, grade point average (GPA), gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs had a positive effect on 9th grade students' critical thinking skills (p=.002). When controlling for GPA, gender, and ethnicity, environment‐based programs had a positive effect on 12th grade students' critical thinking skills (p < .001) and disposition toward critical thinking (p < .001). The results of this study support the use of environment‐based education for improving critical thinking and can be used to guide future implementation.  相似文献   

This paper argues that general skills and the varieties of subject‐specific discourse are both important for teaching, learning and practising critical thinking. The former is important because it outlines the principles of good reasoning simpliciter (what constitutes sound reasoning patterns, invalid inferences, and so on). The latter is important because it outlines how the general principles are used and deployed in the service of ‘academic tribes’. Because critical thinking skills are—in part, at least—general skills, they can be applied to all disciplines and subject‐matter indiscriminately. General skills can help us assess reasoning independently of the vagaries of the linguistic discourse we express arguments in. The paper looks at the debate between the ‘specifists’—those who stress the importance of critical thinking understood as a subject‐specific discourse—and the ‘generalists’—those that stress the importance of critical thinking understood independently of disciplinary context. The paper suggests that the ‘debate’ between the specifists and the generalists amounts to a fallacy of the false alternative, and presents a combinatory‐‘infusion’ approach to critical thinking.  相似文献   

European Journal of Psychology of Education - The purpose of this study was to test the relationships between critical thinking, prior topic knowledge and beliefs, and multiple-document...  相似文献   

This article compares the test results of two different performance-based assessments of critical thinking: a constructed-response task from the Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA) and a multiple-choice questionnaire (MCQ). These tests ostensibly measure the same critical thinking skills, such as analysing, interpreting and evaluating information and problem solving. The study utilised a mixed-method approach to explore the differences in students’ (n = 330) test scores. The results showed that the correspondence between the CLA and the MCQ was fully comparable in 45.5% of the students’ test performances. Ten percent of the students had completely opposite test results. Explanations for the inconsistent results are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

Increasingly, national stakeholders express concern that U.S. college graduates cannot adequately solve problems and think critically. As a set of cognitive abilities, critical thinking skills provide students with tangible academic, personal, and professional benefits that may ultimately address these concerns. As an instructional method, writing has long been perceived as a way to improve critical thinking. In the current study, the researchers compared critical thinking performance of students who experienced a laboratory writing treatment with those who experienced traditional quiz-based laboratory in a general education biology course. The effects of writing were determined within the context of multiple covariables. Results indicated that the writing group significantly improved critical thinking skills whereas the nonwriting group did not. Specifically, analysis and inference skills increased significantly in the writing group but not the nonwriting group. Writing students also showed greater gains in evaluation skills; however, these were not significant. In addition to writing, prior critical thinking skill and instructor significantly affected critical thinking performance, whereas other covariables such as gender, ethnicity, and age were not significant. With improved critical thinking skill, general education biology students will be better prepared to solve problems as engaged and productive citizens.  相似文献   

Education and Information Technologies - The present study investigates a comparison of the recursive and non-recursive models of attitude towards problem-based learning, disposition to critical...  相似文献   

Argument–counterargument integration (Nussbaum, 2008) refers to the process of evaluating, refuting, and synthesizing arguments on two sides of an issue when creating justification for an overall conclusion. This study compared the cognitive load of two critical thinking strategies related to argument–counterargument integration: (a) constructing design claims that minimize disadvantages of an alternative, and (b) weighing refutations (which weaken an argument by arguing that there are more important values at stake). College students (N = 285) first completed the Need for Cognition (NFC) scale and were then presented with materials summarizing arguments and counterarguments on the topic of grading class participation. Participants completed a small, integrative essay justifying a stand on the issue, and completed the Mental Effort Rating Scale (Paas, 1992). Participants who generated complex weighing refutations reported more mental effort than those constructing complex design claims (and the control group), with a stronger relationship with those high in NFC. The need to coordinate disparate elements in working memory may explain the higher load associated with constructing weighing refutations. Students may need more (and different types of) scaffolding in using this strategy than when constructing a design claim, which is a more sequential process.  相似文献   

This comment on L. Simonneaux and J. Simonneaux paper focuses on the role of identities in dealing with socio-scientific issues. We argue that there are two types of identities (social representations) influencing the students’ positions: On the one hand their social representations of the bears’ and wolves’ identities as belonging to particular countries (Slovenia versus France for bears, France and Italy for wolves), in other words, as having national identities; on the other hand representations of their own identities as belonging to the field of agricultural practitioners, and so sharing this socio-professional identity with shepherds and breeders, as opposed to ecologists. We discuss how these representations of identities influenced students’ reasoning and argumentation, blocking in some cases the evaluation of evidence. Implications for developing critical thinking and for dealing with SSI in the classrooms are outlined.
María Pilar Jiménez-AleixandreEmail:

Ramón López-Facal   is part-time lecturer on modern history in the University of Santiago de Compostela, sharing this affiliation with teaching high school History. In 1999 he completed one of the first doctoral dissertations in History Education in Spain, an examination of the teaching of the concept of nation through the analysis of textbooks from the XVIII to the XX centuries, and the analysis of students’ discourse about the concept of nation, and their representations of national identities. His research focuses on the school construction of national and post-national identities. He is the author of chapters about the “hidden” nation in S. Pérez-Garzón (Ed.) La Gestión de la Memoria: La Historia al Servicio del Poder (The Management of Memory: History in the Service of Power; Crítica 2000), and about the construction of critical identities in A. Legardez & L. Simonneaux L’école à l’épreuve de l’Actualité: Enseigner les Questions Vives (ESF 2006). María Pilar Jiménez-Aleixandre   is professor of science education in the University of Santiago de Compostela. After teaching high-school biology, implementing innovative curricula, and working in the Spanish Ministry of Education in the design of in-service teacher education, she was part of the first batch of Spanish researchers completing doctoral dissertations in science education around 1990 and building a community around this field in Spain. Her research explored conceptual change in evolution and then moved to argumentation in science classrooms, with particular attention to two contexts, problem-solving in the laboratory, and environmental and socio-scientific issues. She has served in the executive committee of ESERA and currently serves on the editorial boards of Science Education and Journal of Research in Science Teaching. Her recent work includes editing with S. Erduran Argumentation in Science Education: Perspectives from Classroom-based Research (Springer, 2008).  相似文献   

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