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A There are three brothers,the eldest says:"I have four nephews (侄儿) and one niece (侄女)." The second says:"I have four nephews too,but I have two nieces." The third says:"I have four nephews as well (也),but I have three nieces." Do you know how many sons and daughters each of them has? B Mr.Wang buys a new pair of socks,however,there is a hole on each sock.But Mr.Wang is+n't angry at all.Why?  相似文献   

An employer was very anxious to find the most intelligent of the three men who had applied for a job. So he told them: "Here are five conical hats. Three are white and two are black. I shall ask you to stand in 3 corners of the room facing the wall, and I shall place a hat on each of your heads. When you turn round, you will be able to see the other's hats but not your own. The first one to tell me the colour of his own hat will get the job." He then placed a white hat on each man's head. When the three men turned to face each other there was a long silence. Then, suddenly, one of the candidates (候选人) said, "Mine is white." How did he work out that he had a white hat on his headv  相似文献   

I,You and She     
On the first day at school, Peter learns three words: I, You and She. The teacher says:"I, I am your teacher."She points to a girl."She, She is your classmate. You, You are my student."  相似文献   

A little sheep is eager to have beautiful shoes.He looks like a gentleman On his birthday,his father gave him a pair of shoes. "I have four feet, but there is only one pair of shoes," the little sheep says.  相似文献   

A man gets into a train and sits beside a woman.Soon they begin talking to each other.He says toher,"Do you have a family?"Yes,I have one son."the woman answers."Oh, really?" says the man,"Does he smoke?"  相似文献   

A mother and her young son get into a bus in a small city and sit down. The bus conductor comes to them for their money. The mother says, "I want one ticket(票) to the zoo," and gives him one yuan. The conductor looks at the small boy for a few seconds and then says to him, "How old are you, young man?" The mother begins to speak, but the conductor stops her. The boy says: "I'm four at home, and two in the buses." At last the mother has to take fifty fen out of her pocket and gives it to the conductor.  相似文献   

1.The otter often shows off his abilities,"I have seven a-bilities.I can pretend to be dead;I can swim;I can…"水獭整天夸耀自己:"我有七种本领。我会装死、我会游泳、我会……"2.The rabbit always says,"Unfortunately,Ihave only oneability."小白兔总说:"可惜,我只有一种本领。"3.One day,due to carelessness,the otter drops  相似文献   

[英文原文] I don' t like her Bob goes to a new school. One day,he comes back,"Bob,do you like your new teacher?" his mother asks. "I don’ t like her,Mother.Because first she says that three and three is six,and then she says that two and four is six too."Bob says. [汉语翻译] 我不喜欢她 鲍勃去了一所新学校. 一天,他回到家,妈妈问他:"你喜欢你的新老师吗?" "不,我不喜欢她,妈妈.因为她先说3加3等于6,然后她又说2加4等于6."鲍勃说.  相似文献   

1.Two baseball pitchers[投手] promised each other.If one of them died first,he would come back as a ghost to tell the other if there was baseball in heaven. Then one of them died and came back as a ghost and said,"I have some good news and some bad news." The other person said,"Tell me." So the ghost said,"The good news is that there is baseball in heaven,but the bad news is that you are pitching tomorrow."  相似文献   

During our marriage,my wife and I have always exchanged not just one kiss,but three kisses when we departed company. It has brought snickers and chuckles from others, usually our daughters. What is the significance of the three kisses? The three kisses are not to say good-bye,but are a reminder of the completeness and meaning of our marriage union.  相似文献   

"Sam," says his father, "put on your cap and let us go for a walk."Sam is happy. He likes to go out with his father. He puts on his cap and coat and says, "Father, I am ready." Sam and his father go out into the street. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog begins to bark. Sam is afraid of the dog. He wants to run home. His father says, "Don't be afraid, Sam. Don't you know the proverb:'A barking dog does not biterb?"Does The Dog Know﹖…  相似文献   

STUDENT teachers have used a website to expose the trivial and sub-standard training they are receiving at their col leges. The whistleblowers complain that they are being lectured on "pop psychology"and have become experts in "cutting out and glueing" instead of being taught how to give lessons or control pupils. One claims:"If I hear anything more about 'global education' I am going to scream." Another comments: "I know all about how to incorporate Chinese students, every theory on the causes of bullying that there is and even how to teach Spanish. I'm not saying some of this stuff isn't going to be usful but I'll be with a year one class [five-year-olds] initially. I haven't learnt a thing about teaching children to read or add up, nothing about the national curriculum."  相似文献   

A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. I grew up in a tiny Baltimore row house in a faraway mountain area.My parents(1)the necessities of life but they couldn’t give much more.If I asked my father for a pair of jeans,he would say,"If you want them,make the money and buy them yourself."He wasn’t being mean;he just couldn’t(2)  相似文献   

Directions:Read the following passage.The passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage. Healthy knees aren’t the main consideration in choosing high heels,but new research says chunky heels are just as bad for the knees as spindly stilettos(细高跟鞋)."It takes a long time to feel the effects of knee osteoarthritis(骨关节炎)—and once you do it,it is too late,"said Dr.Casey Kerrigan,leading researcher of the study and associate professor at Harvard  相似文献   

1.What can you see if I jump into water?2.Why is a river rich(富的;有钱的)?3.Four girls have a basket with four apples in it.H ow can you di-vide the apples so that each girl gets a whole apple and one still rem ainsin the basket?4.W hat kind of dog can never bite(咬)and bark(吠)?5.M y nam e is Jack.M y father and m oth-er have six children.H alf are boys and halfare girls.H ow m any brothers and sisters do Ihave?6.H ow can you drink a glass ofwaterfrom the bottom(底部)?7.W hy do fish live…  相似文献   

Fred hurries home from school. He's hungry. And he has a lot ofhomework. He wants to visit Tom and play football, too. He doesn'thave much time. "Hello, Fred," says Mrs. Martin. "How was school today ?" "Fine. But I have a lot of homework." Fred goes to the kitchen. Mrs. Martin is sitting at the table. She'sdrinking a cup of coffee. "I'm hungry," says Fred. "Well, there isn't much milk. But there's some fruit."  相似文献   

A Directions:For each blank in the following passage there are four words or p.hrases marked A,B,C,and D.Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context. There was a very special teacher who made a far-reaching difference in my life. Fall,1959,the first day of class at Bethesda Chevy Chase High School was about to begin."Who,"I asked a senior,"is Mrs McNamara,my 10th grade English teacher?"He just(1)and said something about my being in(2).Soon,I understood what he meant.Mrs McNamara had a pattern of activity that she repeated again and again.We would have a literature reading  相似文献   

Spider is a new student. He goes to the Animal School. Rabbit, Monkey, Piggy and Bird say hello to him. Rabbit says: "I’m No. One." Monkey says: "I’m No. Two." Piggy says: "I’m No. Three." Bird says: "I’m No. Four." "Fall in, children." Mr. Bear says. Spider stands in the first place, "Now, I’m No. One." They laugh.  相似文献   

Top Joke in UKA woman gets on a bus with her baby. The bus driver says: "That's the ugliest baby that I've ever seen. Ugh!" The woman goes to the rear of the bus and sits down, fuming. She says to a man next to her: "The driver just insulted me! "The man says: "You go right up there and tell him off - go ahead, I'll hold your monkey for you."  相似文献   

正Molly is a little bee.She gathers a lot of honey.One day,Aunt Lucy comes to her home.Her mother takes out the honey and Aunt Lucy eats a lot."How nice the honey is!"Aunt Lucy says.After she leaves,Molly is a little unhappy.Her mother asks,"What’s the matter with you,my dear?"Molly says,"Aunt Lucy ate a lot of honey.I don’t have enough honey for winter now."Molly’s mother smiles and says,"Don’t worry.We can gather honey tomorrow.Aunt Lucy is very happy to eat your honey.  相似文献   

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