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The paper analysed the trend and pattern ofgender enrolment in Nigerian Universitiesbetween 1989 and 1997. It critically examinedthe gender disparity in university enrolmentgenerally, as well as among some selecteddisciplines and the country's geo-politicalzones. The analysis revealed that gap existedbetween female and male in the universityenrolment with lower female enrolment in allaspects of the Universities. Specificallythere was a wide gap in the sciences andscience-based disciplines and also between theNorthern and Southern zones with higher femaleenrolment in the south than the north. Thepaper made useful suggestions to narrow thegender gap in the university enrolment in thenearest future, which included sustainedenlightenment programmes, fine-tuning labourlaws and accommodating female under the``educationally disadvantaged' admission policybeing enjoyed by some citizens of thecountry.  相似文献   

The issue of central concern in this article is the analysis of the desirable level of university expansion in Nigeria under a situation made challenging by the rapidly growing number of potential entrants. To identify the scope of expansion for the future, past trends are examined against a background of recent proliferation, by different levels of government, in order to cope with the demand for more places by the overwhelming majority of applicants who are consistently turned down every year. From this perspective, finance is considered as the ultimate and critical determinant of the level of growth of the entire Nigerian university system, notwithstanding the high degree of motivation as revealed by the annual surge of applicants in search of places.  相似文献   

In 1989 the Nigerian Government issued a major sports policy document, ostensibly representing an unprecedented initiative to maximise the effectiveness of national sports agencies. This policy anticipates a key role for the higher education sector in sports programme reform. The purpose of this paper is to assess the extent to which the Nigerian university sector has adjusted its sports ethos in line with the national sports policy objectives and to review the implications of the current trends for involvement of higher education in sports policy making arenas in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Guidance and counselling services, which were introduced to Nigeria in 1959, have recently undergone rapid growth. While the approaches of the formalized guidance services have been largely Western, traditional means of approaching an individual's problems have always existed within Nigerian communities. This article identifies areas of traditional counselling that might be used alongside those of the Western system. The special areas examined were those of mural guidance, vocational counselling, marriage counselling and emotional counselling. Findings include the following:
  1. Every adult in the society who possesses relevant experience in any problem area is capable of playing the role of a counsellor at least for that particular problem.
  2. An individual who is considered in need of guidance is invited into counselling.
  3. The early knowledge that work is essential for every adult provides individuals with appropriate skills of choosing satisfying vocations.
  4. Individuals proposing marriage undergo counselling.
  5. Divination offers a reassuring approach to counselling situation.

This study provides insight into the profile of women scientists and technologists in Nigeria. The sample comprised two subgroups of women: young women undergraduates who were pursuing careers in the sciences and humanities (N= 2600); and career women in the field of science and technology (N= 209). Overall, the profile of the woman scientists which emerged from the findings sugests that she is of a certain social background: mother with high education, father in science‐based occupation and attendance at single‐sex schools. Her personal attributes include a positive attitude towards science, high rating of self‐ability, and low concern with the reward of a career in the field; as well as certain behaviour patterns involving regular participation in academic activities in science.  相似文献   

This study evaluates past trends in cost management in university education as a way of finding solutions to the continued financial constraints facing Nigerian universities. Taking the University of Benin as a case study, this article shows that between the 1988‐1989 and the 1992‐1993 academic years, this university was grossly underfunded, despite increasing recurrent expenditure, consistent rapid growth in student enrollments, and inadequate academic staff. As of the 1992‐1993 academic year, the federal government was providing 94.5 percent of the total financial revenue of the university. The balance of 5.5 percent was raised from internal sources by the university. Since one fundamental problem of educational cost management in this university appears to be the inadequacy of funding, the study advocates the adoption of cost-recovery policies by introducing user fees and student loan schemes to soften the impact of these fees.  相似文献   

Universities the world over exist to respond to the conditions of their environments. Thus universities in a multi-ethnic Nigeria are not only for the production of high level manpower but also for fostering national consciousness, cultural integration and unity as well as for producing in the students appropriate values and attitudes for psychologically healthy citizenry. The University of Ilorin, Nigeria, in its organizational structure and services recognizes its obligation for the facilitation of human development in its fullest capacity. The application of student counselling for the development of this whole person is viewed from the perspective of primary prevention. That is, student counselling is considered developmental rather than therapeutic and is aimed at assisting students to learn the techniques and skills involved in problem-solving and long-term planning. To this end, the University of Ilorin addresses itself to the dimensions of learning such as personal and interpersonal development, citizenship and leadership skills training apart from academic development. Services provided include admission, housing, advisement/counselling, health, social relations, sports, leisure-time activities and financial aids. Various units and committees of the university share in the responsibilities for rendering these services through provision of facilities and various informal learning opportunities for the production of psychologically matured citizenry for the Nigerian nation.  相似文献   

电视文学的代表电视散文停播了,主要原因有:收视率低,难以参与电视节目的竞争;缺乏学理依据,创作上缺乏合理规范的理论指导;题材选择、创作风格的单一带来的审美疲劳、古典高雅情结与大众娱乐意趣产生的疏离、电子画面对文学语言的消解等一系列电视散文自身的问题使电视散文走向式微并最终被淘汰成为必然。  相似文献   

美国多校园大学及对我国多校区办学的启示   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王彦才 《教育科学》2006,22(1):85-87
在美国,多校园大学自20世纪60年代起就是公立高等教育的一种主导模式,美国多校园大学的形成及发展有其自身特点,在发展过程中也面临着一些挑战和困难,对其进行研究对我国多校区大学的有效管理和成功运行具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Prestige hierarchies, common to all organizations, are considered for positions at a university. Davis and Moore (1945) have called such stratification in any social system a universal necessity. Using procedures developed to measure prestige of occupations in national surveys, the attribution of prestige attached to university positions was determined. One hundred and eight positions were scaled, and the scale's validity and underlying scaling criteria were evaluated. It appears that university prestige is a microcosm of national prestige, and seems to have a similar socioeconomic base.  相似文献   

In Turkey, students are more and more willing to participate in the global free movement of students and of high-skilled labour after their graduation. This is why they request international accreditation from universities. Therefore, accreditation is one of the parameters that play an important role in students' university selection. On the other hand, Turkey is aiming to be a European Union member. This imposes institutional legal and civil arrangements and harmonization. Also, the general trend of globalization dictates requirements from university graduates that are answered in best business practice in which accreditation is a major component. In this paper, accreditation efforts to achieve international recognition for Turkish universities are discussed. For this purpose information on higher education is given. Attempts for accreditation on licensure through FEANI is explained. Accreditation on department programmes by ABET (USA) and by an engineering institution (UK) are discussed and their similarities are pinpointed. Also, a Turkish, British and World Bank quality assessment pilot project for education and research is discussed.  相似文献   

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