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实习中加强对学生的素质教育,是职业学校培养、提高学生德育水平的重要途径之一。在实习中,要通过德育素质意识的提升,强化劳动观念和爱岗敬业的精神,培养学生的团队协作精神和环保意识,使学生成为具有良好道德素质和操作技能,适应现代社会要求的新一代技术工人。  相似文献   

物理化学实验是一门综合性较强的实验课程,是理论与实践联系密切的学科.通过改革教学内容,丰富教学手段,进一步完善了课程体系,满足了学生学习先进技术、先进知识的需要,有效提高了学生的学习积极性、主动性.通过学生实验时进行随机分组,提高了学生的团队协作意识.加强课程考核力度,培养了学生严谨的科学态度.开放实验室,鼓励学生进行创新性实验,培养了学生的创新精神和创新能力.  相似文献   

基于项目驱动的团队协作式教学模式,在实施过程中以项目为主线、团队为主体、教师为引导、学生角色为执行单元,强调学生的主动参与、角色适应和团队协作,突出学生在团队中的角色区别,在实战中注重发挥学生的特长,培养他们的创新意识、应用能力与团队协作精神。本文以《功能性食品》课程为载体,对该教学模式进行深入的探讨和分析。  相似文献   

王世杰 《考试周刊》2013,(80):55-56
学习活动不仅有学生个体的自主学习活动.还有学生个体之间的互助协作活动.合作能力的有效培养,能够为团队协作意识、互助合作能力和集体主义精神的培养打下坚实的基础.作者根据新课改能力培养目标要求。结合教学实践体会,围绕平面向量章节教学中高中生合作能力培养这一主题.从多个方面进行了阐述.  相似文献   

培养大学生协作精神是大学教育的组成部分,更是当前倡导的素质教育的一个重要部分,积极探索大学生团队协作精神的培养途径,具有重要的现实意义。通过剖析大学生团队协作精神现状及大学生团队意识、协作精神欠缺的原因.提出从培养大学生合作能力、积极推进素质拓展培训、倡导大学生社会实践活动、培养协作型教师等五方面培养大学生团队精神与协作能力的对策。  相似文献   

丁红云 《甘肃教育》2005,(11):63-63
合唱是一门集体声乐艺术.是一种多声部旋律纵横交织发展的高层次艺术形式.它产生于群体也依赖于群体,是真正体现团队协作精神与集体主义的音乐艺术。今天。在合唱教学中让学生充分领略高雅艺术的魅力.提高艺术修养,陶冶情操,净化心灵,进而倡导团队意识、协作精神,这对提高学生的综合素质和全面发展有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

随着计算机支持协作学习(Computer Supported Collaborative Learning,CSCL)在教学中的引入,大大提高了研究生的团队协作意识和教学质量。但是在研究生团队协作中仍然存在着一些问题。本文针对研究生教育中的学生团队协作所存在的问题,立足于高校研究生创新教学和团队能力培养,采用国际信息化教育中流行的协作工程(Collaboration Engineering)学中的建导式协作(Facilitated Collaboration)方法设计了相关的团队协作流程模式,并采用了设计研究与案例研究的混合研究方法,旨在为研究生团队提供一种更高效的协作方法,从而提高团队协作的效率,培养学生能力,并提升学生团队协作学习的积极性和创新性。  相似文献   

高职食品理化分析课程开展开放性综合实验教学的实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了进一步培养高职学生的实际应用能力,在食品理化分析课程教学中,我们开展了开放性综合实验并对学生进行无记名问卷调查。调查结果显示.绝大多数学生均认为综合实验对提高专业技能、培养独立工作能力、提高分析问题和解决问题能力、提高自主学习意识和能力、增强团队协作意识等方面有很大帮助,很有开展的必要。  相似文献   

寇丽 《教师》2010,(2):62-63
化学是一门以实验为基础的自然科学,其中的有机化学又是一门实践性很强的学科。在全社会大力倡导素质教育的今天,有机化学实验教学也应该体现学生的主体性,培养学生的基本劳动技能、创新意识,增强他们的协作精神和团队意识,提升学生的审美情趣和思想品德水平.全方位地提高学生素质。  相似文献   

口腔技师是口腔修复体的制作者。口腔技师职业素养的高低,工作的好坏,对修复体的制作有直接的影响,是决定修复体成败的关键因素之一。职业院校肩负着培育新时代口腔技师的重要职责,为了提升职业技能型人才的培养质量,湖北职业技术学院教学团队依据企业岗位特点,结合全口义齿的生产过程,以工匠精神为主线,有目的地设计实训内容,使学生在技能操作中真切体会到工匠精神的内涵,培养学生形成爱岗敬业、无私奉献、精益求精、团结协作为核心的“工匠精神”,全面提升学生的职业能力和综合素养。  相似文献   

Teamwork assessment creates a more comprehensive educational experience by broadening the diversity of skills that students develop. Developing teamwork skills is particularly important due to a recognised skills gap among science graduates. This study investigated student perceptions of developing teamwork skills during their undergraduate science degrees. A mixed methods approach was used, which included the analysis of both quantitative and qualitative online survey data. The key findings showed that, although students understood the importance of developing teamwork skills for their future, a substantial proportion did not feel sufficiently prepared with these skills by their science degree. To develop teamwork skills, more students valued working in teams during laboratory sessions, team sports and informal study groups than non-laboratory based formal teamwork assessment. In support of previous teamwork studies across disciplines, the most cited factors contributing to poor teamwork experiences were difficulties scheduling meetings and unequal contribution among team members. This study indicates pedagogical improvements that may enhance the teamwork experience of students during assessments.  相似文献   

Numerous reports over recent years emphasise the importance of teamwork training in undergraduate programs in environment education at tertiary level. This paper describes a project undertaken by a team of final year undergraduate environment students from four faculties at RMIT University in Australia working on a multi‐disciplinary environment project in Vietnam. The students clearly gained confidence in teamwork and working as professionals. Importantly, they identified some of the key issues associated with teamwork, and with professional activities. While they had not yet entered professional work, the students demonstrated that they had learnt skills that would be of direct importance to them in the professional conduct of a multi‐disciplinary project. The project also demonstrated that multi‐disciplinary teamwork fits well into environmental projects, and importantly that the experiences are recognised by students as being valuable preparation for their environmental professions.  相似文献   

Frequently undergraduate project work involves students working in groups. Such groupworking is often problematic owing to poor groupworking skills on the part of the students involved, yet ‘teamwork’ is one of those generic skills highly prized by employers. This study describes a pilot project to involve employers in the development of groupworking skills in undergraduate students, with the aims of increasing student awareness of group dynamics and processes and of promoting more effective groupworking. Students worked in small groups over a period of six to eight weeks on a problem associated with the module being studied. Employers observed students working in their groups and provided feedback to the students on their groupworking skills. The reactions (extremely positive) of students, staff and employers are presented. The procedures and methods used in the pilot are described and evaluated.  相似文献   

Teamwork skills such as conflict resolution and communication strategies are challenging to teach. The use of stories may help develop these complex skills. Although engagement is generally seen as a key component of learning environments, what constitutes engagement has not been fully explored. The purpose of this study was to examine how graduate instructional design students engage with and learn from stories in an online environment. This WisdomTools Scenario (Scenario) was designed specifically to facilitate the development of teamwork skills. Students followed the experiences of two fictitious student teams and discussed what happened asynchronously with small dialogue groups. Through a qualitative case study analysis, four themes emerged which captured how students engaged with and learned from this environment. First, engagement was evident through students’ emotional reactions to the characters. Second, this engagement was affected by perceived credibility and relevance of the scenes. Third, students often reflected on their prior experiences and demonstrated an increased awareness of teamwork issues. Fourth, students reported various degrees of application of what they learned to their team practice. Implications for the design of story-based learning environments are explored.  相似文献   

This study reports on science student perceptions of their skills (scientific knowledge, oral communication, scientific writing, quantitative skills, teamwork and ethical thinking) as they approach graduation. The focus is on which teaching activities and assessment tasks over the whole programme of study students thought utilised each of the six nominated skills. In this quantitative study involving two Australian research-intensive universities, the teaching activities identified by students as developing the broadest number of skills were laboratory classes and tutorials. Lectures were only effective for developing scientific knowledge and, to a limited extent, ethical thinking. Assessment tasks that students perceived to utilise the broadest range of skills were assignments and oral presentations. The findings of this study document the students’ perspective about their gains in skill sets, and the teaching activities and assessment tasks that require them to use and thus develop these skills. The findings provide an opportunity to evaluate the constructive alignment of skills development, teaching activities and assessment tasks from a student’s perspective. Further research is required to actually measure the skills that students gain over their whole programme of study.  相似文献   

Teamwork skills are required at work, but teacher efforts in many countries to track achievement within this context have been hindered by lack of assessment tools and input from students. The Teamwork Skills Inventory relies on peer and self-evaluation to establish accountability, identify competencies, and detect learning needs. Twenty-five items state the criteria students refer to in reporting observations about whether individual members of their cooperative learning group attend to teamwork, seek and share information, communicate with teammates, think critically and creatively, and get along with teammates. Ways to prepare students for authentic assessment and to process anonymous feedback from peers are discussed. A field test of 303 high school students and teachers determined validity and reliability. Students were able to recognize team skills as well as deficits of peers, and gender differences in competencies were acknowledged. A portfolio record of team skills enables teachers across subjects to apply united interventions.  相似文献   

Engineering graduates are expected to possess various competencies categorised into hard and soft skills. The hard skills are acquired through specific coursework, but the soft skills are often treated perfunctorily. Global Engineering Teams (GET) is a programme that promotes project-oriented tasks in virtual student teams working in collaboration with industry partners. Teamwork is a major success factor for GET as students always work in groups of varying sizes. A questionnaire-based survey of the 2008 cohort of GET students was conducted to assess teamwork, communication and conflict resolution among group members. The results confirmed that deliverables are readily achieved in teams and communication was open. A challenge of using virtual teams is the availability of high-speed Internet access. The GET programme shows that it is possible to deliver engineering design and manufacturing via industry/university collaboration. The programme also facilitates multidisciplinary teamwork at an international level.  相似文献   

This paper explores ways of enhancing inter-professional skills as part of professional development during university studies. From a socio-psychological viewpoint, inter-professional teamwork can be regarded as an interface between the group and individual levels, where collective commitment, efficiency, shared processes and outcomes, as well as tensions and dilemmas, are brought together. Inter-professional skills, which are already practised in university, may enable professionals to work in inter-professional contexts during their careers. In this case study, the participants (three student-teachers, two social work students and four supervisors) reflected on their shared experience of participating in a shared practicum at a primary school. The data-set comprises two group interviews conducted separately with the students and supervisors following the practicum. The results indicate that it is possible to develop inter-professional competencies during one’s university studies and that this has the potential to promote students’ reflective skills as they reframe their expertise and the expertise in other professions.  相似文献   


In 2014, the Finnish National Board of Education launched a new core curriculum with the aim of meeting the skills and competence requirements of the 21st century. The purpose of this case study was to find out what transversal competencies Finnish eighth graders developed and how they experienced studying in a problem-based transdisciplinary course, which was arranged for the transitional stage between the former and the new curriculum. The qualitative data consisted of questionnaires and interviews. The analysis followed the methods of qualitative content analysis. When asked about their learning, the students commented on not having learnt much, referring to the discipline-based knowledge. Instead, they had learnt skills through teamwork, problem solving, and expression of their views and opinions, an aspect that they did not clearly connect with the things to be learnt at school. Many students felt that they acquired the competencies that they would need later in their lives. The students’ teamwork had a crucial impact on their learning experience. The timeframe for the integrative approach needs careful consideration; the learning process in this course was perceived as being successful because it was long enough. Our study highlights that focusing on students’ views is critical when reforming curriculum.  相似文献   


For higher education graduates to be effective in the workplace, they require strong technical skills and the capability to operate across diverse knowledge landscapes to solve real world problems. At an Australian university, an interdisciplinary, short-term study tour programme was utilised to enhance students’ inexplicit employability skills with a focus on managing complexity while developing agility and creativity. To investigate the effectiveness of such a programme, we examined students’ perceptions of an interdisciplinary teamwork assessment task that was undertaken in an international context via a study tour model. We achieved this by, first, introducing a purposely designed interdisciplinary teamwork assessment task, which focused on students presenting innovative ideas to peers and industry members. Second, we elicited student responses via a case study approach that incorporated mixed methods, utilising several data collection instruments prior to, during, and after students participated in a study tour. The findings suggest that integrating a purposely designed interdisciplinary teamwork assessment task, via a short-term study tour model, uncovered certain inexplicit employability skills, namely managing complexity, developing agility and creativity. We make specific recommendations to support this insight, contributing to the mobility teaching and learning research field.  相似文献   

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