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科学管理与院校研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
院校研究代表了管理决策的科学部分,是提高高校科学管理水平的一个有效途径。作为一种特定的研究范式和工作模式,系统收集数据,科学分析数据,为学校管理提供决策支持,是院校研究的三个基本特征。在我国发展院校研究,必须树立科学发展观,在高校中大力倡导科学管理;依靠国家和社会的力量,建立具有统一统计口径的数据库,实现数据资源共享;加快院校研究人员的培养,促使大多数高教研究所(室)转变功能,将院校研究作为主要的工作任务。  相似文献   

当下国内一些教学研究型及其以上层次的综合性大学绝大部分已在实行校院两级管理,二级学院的自治权正在快速跃升。二级学院实体性增强后引致的权责失衡、学院权力的官僚化、利益化、经验化等问题已初露端倪。二级学院权力的规范化是校院二级管理模式达到其理想状态的关键,二级学院权力运行的规范化离不开学院内部民主管理后的自我约束,更离不开自上而下的监督与激励。  相似文献   

Changing roles of institutional research in strategic management   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
A college driven by a broad vision cannot effectively realize its desired future within a rigid, formal, and centralized decision process, because such processes prohibit the institution from competing effectively in a rapidly changing environment. This paper examines both the theoretical models and a case study of phased evolution of planning process—from short-term static process to vision-driven strategic management phase—and suggests a parallel progression in institutional research has shifted its focus from attention to data, to issue-driven analysis, to framework-guided synthesis. Institutional researchers are urged to reconceptualize their framework and meteorologies in order to more effectively support strategic management.  相似文献   

Teaching and research lie at the heart of higher education. The interaction between teaching and research has therefore attracted the attention of both researchers and policymakers. Much has been written about this relationship, looking in particular at the perceived mutual benefits between teaching and research. This paper presents some findings from a research project which, using a comparative approach, aimed to examine the nature of the teaching:research nexus and, in particular, to consider the response of institutional management. Based on the observations collected through the project, a new model is proposed for institutional management of the teaching:research nexus. This model is based on a range of contextual factors, classified as ideological or environmental, and two contrasting approaches to institutional management of the relationship between teaching and research, active and passive. This model offers a new approach to understanding the operation of the teaching:research nexus within institutions of higher education.  相似文献   

创业教育之于高校人才培养质量的提高具有重要的战略意义,科学实效的创业教育需要高校整合多方资源才能达成目标。其中,创业校友是高校进行创业教育不可多得的宝贵资源。故,本文试图阐明创业校友在高校创业教育中的作用,指出高校发挥创业校友作用的基本原则,并据此找出高校在创业教育中发挥校友作用的可行路径以资借鉴。  相似文献   

A survey of 167 institutions engaged in the regional reaccreditation process between 1987 and 1992 revealed that the presence of institutional research activities was positively related to the institution carrying out a systematic assessment of institutional effectiveness. Institutional research activity was more predictive of assessment efforts than was the type of governance (public or private), the level of degree offered, or enrollment size. An alarmingly low proportion of institutions had begun to define outcomes at the time of the survey—a first step in the development of assessment procedures. Even fewer had identified ways of measuring outcomes. Budgets and staff expertise were felt to be adequate for current responsibilities but insufficient to assume responsibility for assessing institutional effectiveness. Institutional research activity is urgently needed in order to support the data collection efforts required by institutional assessment mandates. Whether these activities are conducted by institutional researchers or are dispersed across the campus, they provide the underpinnings for assessment.  相似文献   

高职院校科研工作由于基础差、能力弱、水平低,如何通过加强科研管理来促进科研工作的开展显得尤为重要。高职院校自身的特点,从引导好科研方向和科研定位、加强服务意识与科研管理团队建设、建立科研平台等方面加强科研管理工作。  相似文献   

管理落后是制约我国高等学校当前改革与发展的一个重要因素,而造成我国高等学校管理水平落后的一个重要原因是管理中的院校研究缺失。因此,让院校研究走进院校管理是提高我国高等学校管理水平的理性选择。这需要管理者进一步提高对院校研究重要性的认识,加强高校管理队伍的专业化建设,继续深化高等教育管理体制改革,进一步扩大高等学校的办学自主权。  相似文献   

院校研究源于美国。院校研究的基本特征是:具有针对性、科学性、多面性、定量性、个案性、可用性。我国高职院校研究的现状不容乐观,只有充分认识研究意义、准确定位研究宗旨、切实加强机构建设、设法保证工作条件、高度重视对外交流、认真解决实际应用,才能使院校研究推动高职教育的持续发展。  相似文献   

随着我国高等教育领域改革的日益深入以及信息化技术的迅速发展,实现高校教学管理工作的信息化、科学化和现代化已成为必然趋势。为了有效地适应这一全新的社会发展形势,本文对我国高等院校构建信息化教学管理体系的重要意义及作用进行阐述,对其相关的发展途径进行探讨,旨在于为提高高校教学管理的整体水平,推动高校教学改革的发展提供必要的借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

教学是高等职业技术院校的主题工作,教学管理自然就是高等职业技术院校教学工作中不可或缺的重要部分。目前我国高等教学改革正在如火如荼地进行,教务管理对于高等职业技术院校而言,占据着非常重要的地位,属于整个学校工作的中心环节。在高等职业技术院校中,教务管理主要由教务处直接执行,因此,教务管理员就是整个教务管理工作的操作者,在教务管理中发挥着关键性的作用。  相似文献   

This paper assesses the utility and role of institutional purpose statements. If they are as effective as one is led to believe, what intrinsic facts or elements make them so? Is there value in having a purpose statement, or is the value attributed to the exercise of creating and discussing it? If there is such a value, what forms and circumstances create the value? What forms do mission statements usually take? Do different forms have different attributes? In addressing these questions, two methods are employed. One is conventional in that literature documenting the theory and research of others has been carefully reviewed, but from the particular perspectives of form and effectiveness. The other is to examine a series of actual statements of institutional purpose, with particular regard to form, content, and context of planning. To elucidate the context of planning, a series of master plans and mission statements for systems of higher education are also examined. In total, 32 institutional statements and 12 system plans or statements are examined. (The plans that are examined are listed in Appendixes A and B.) The paper observes that mission statements are effective in some situations, but not in all. In some situations they may be disadvantageous. Although planning theorists suggest that mission statements follow an approximately common form, the study of actual statements indicates several different types.  相似文献   

The shaping of institutional research and planning   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
This paper reviews the origins of institutional research and its more recent association with a separately identifiable planning function. It examines in depth the issues involved in institutional research and planning and particularly emphasizes the role of values, politics, and social pressures in regard to the planning function. Planning by single institutions is likely to be more directed to attaining administrative and faculty aspirations than to meeting educational and social needs. As a result, there is considerable doubt that the institutional research and the planning function can be successfully conjoined. To prevent one dominating the other, the best resolution is that of interacting but independent units whose analyses and recommendations are brought into accord with reality (both needs and resources) by the administrations and boards in which responsibility for institutional operations is vested.The paper also points up some of the problems generated for institutional researchers by the poor quality and unjustified claims and recommendations of much of what purports to be scholarly writing or research on higher education.  相似文献   

在不断变化的社会中,大学生承担了越来越多的压力,而我国第一代独生子女大学生们的心理困惑、人格障碍也引起了人们越来越多的关注。"冷漠、自我中心"逐渐成为他们的代名词,作为教育工作者,如何引导他们走向更加健康、阳光的未来,正是本文想要探讨的问题。  相似文献   

鉴于对财务数据安全性和保密性的考虑,高校的财务信息管理系统多数脱离于校园公共网络,而独立运行于财务部门的内部局域网。但随着高校办学体制的日益革新与建设规模的不断扩大,多校区、跨地域以及多部门办学模式已成为普遍现象,从而产生了集中式的办公模式与远程协同办公需求之间的矛盾。文章研究的主要内容是针对这一矛盾,采用实例的方法,探究如何运用新的网络技术(VPN)搭建高校财务信息管理系统的网络运行环境,实现财务信息管理系统远程协同办公的目的,同时满足财务数据安全性的需求。  相似文献   

课程实施管理是高校课程管理的重要环节.而目前对此问题的研究却未得到应有的重视.本文阐述了开展高校课程实施管理研究的理论意义和现实主义,对与本研究相关的一些主要概念进行了界定,并指出了课程实施管理研究的内容.  相似文献   

知识管理视野下教研组长的角色再认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着新课程改革的不断深入,教研组长在教育教学中的作用越来越重要。由于传统的教研组长的角色与实际的教研要求还有差距。因此,立足教研实际,从知识管理的视野重新认识教研组长的角色,目的在于充分发挥教研组长的作用,使其在知识的产生、积累、共享、创新中发挥应有的作用,提高校本教研的研究品质。  相似文献   

高校学生管理工作是高校育人工作的一部分。当前,高校学生具有他们自身的特点,他们对于社会教育的需求也发生了重大改变,传统的学生管理工作方法已经不能够适应当前高校学生管理工作的要求。因此,创新学生管理方式方法势在必行。结合当前高校学生的特点,立足于教育生态学的视野,探索高校学生管理的新途径、新方法。  相似文献   

Discussions of the functions of institutional research are common. However, discussions concerning the structures associated with disciplined inquiry, theresearch part of institutional research, have been rare. This paper compares the process and structure of institutional research with three ways in which science is conceptualized. These comparisons result in the recognition that although institutional research has much in common with science, it is distinct from science. This paper begins the process of identifying the structures and assumptions that form the basis of institutional research.Presented at the Thirty-First Annual Forum of the Association for Institutional Research, San Francisco, May 26–29, 1991  相似文献   

高校科研实验室管理的重点是确保实验人员在实验过程中能够严格遵守实验室的各项规章制度。针对目前高校科研实验室管理人员严重不足、规章制度落实困难的问题,提出过程信息化管理模式,在信息化管理体系的约束下,实现科研实验室"安全、高效、有序"运转。  相似文献   

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