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In the past decade there has been a dramatic growth in UK student numbers. Widening participation policies are encouraging students from non‐traditional backgrounds to enter higher education. Southampton Institute has found that many non‐traditional students have had little preparation for academic life. These students often have unrealistic expectations of higher education, expectations that sometimes are at odds with a successful transition from secondary to higher education. In addition higher education institutions are often unaware of the way that higher education is perceived by non‐traditional students. This situation cannot remain unchecked and requires some form of discourse. In this paper, a framework used to model a reflective discourse between stakeholders (student, institution) is introduced, and a case study demonstrating the behaviour of an automated negotiation mechanism is presented.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the use of written communication as a tool to promote the participation of Asian students. It is suggested that teachers can unlock active participation through the use of written communication. To support this stance, the paper reviews existing work, and discusses empirical evidence collected from a large student survey carried out in Singapore and an example of the successful technique implemented by the author in Australia.  相似文献   

This study investigated student perceptions of control, trust, and intimacy as dimensions of teacher‐student relationships, and. the correlation between these relational variables and reports of learning. Control, trust, and intimacy are viewed as core dimensions of interpersonal relationships, and it is hypothesized that students who engage in out of class communication have relationships that are more interpersonal in nature than students who do not engage in out of class communication with teachers. This hypothesis was supported. Additionally, students who perceived their teachers as exhibiting higher levels of shared control, trust, and intimacy reported greater learning.  相似文献   

This research examined some characteristics of the learning habits of students with special needs and those without them in programmes of short‐term vocational education in five areas: motivation, learning and learning techniques, emotional, social and the area of self‐evaluation. The research sample consisted of 140 students from different secondary schools. The Questionnaire on the Learning Habits of Adolescents was used for the purpose of the study. The differences between the means from individual learning habit scales, between the students with special needs or without them, were discovered by one‐way analysis of variance. Basic findings of empirical research emphasise that there exist statistically significant differences between the students with special needs and the students without special needs in four areas of learning habits. Among the findings causing concern in connection with learning habits, we would like to underscore the fact that students with special needs are perceived as less efficient at and less competent in coping with learning and work tasks. These students are not familiar with effective methods and strategies for successful learning, which leads to the feelings of frustration and helplessness in case of failure. In order to cultivate an effective and supportive educational environment for students with special needs, short‐term vocational schools should develop learning/teaching models that provide a potentially powerful alternative to traditionally directed teaching approaches.  相似文献   


Students with ADHD struggle in higher education as a result of various functioning and participation problems. However, there are remaining gaps in the literature. First, it remains unclear how often and during which teaching and evaluation methods problems arise. Second, we do not yet know which reasonable accommodations are most effective to deal with the functioning. And third, we do not know which accommodations are most effective to address participation problems of students with ADHD in higher education. This study addresses these three gaps in literature. In total, 86 students with ADHD, 42 student counsellors and 86 students without a disability participated in a survey-based study. The results show that students with ADHD most frequently experience problems with sustaining and focusing attention and it is demonstrated that most problems arise during classical teaching or evaluation methods. Finally, the perception of the effectiveness of reasonable accommodations is strongly dependent on which problems students experience in higher education. These findings suggest that it is important to consider both personal and environmental characteristics when selecting and implementing reasonable accommodations.  相似文献   

Encouragement is not only important in communication but also in teaching. This paper will analyse the importance of encouragement in middle school English class, offering some suggestions on how to improve English classroom teaching.  相似文献   

Models of behavior and achievement in small group and individual settings are presented. These models arc based on intensive analyses of observations of groups and individuals at work. For each setting the varieties of behavior observed, social‐psychological mechanisms hypothesized to influence observed behavior, and factors hypothesized to relate behavior to learning are described. A synthesis of the models suggests that neither the group nor the individual setting is best for all persons; the benefits of a particular setting depend upon the experiences of the learner within that setting.  相似文献   

A follow‐up study was conducted on ex‐students of a residential special school for children with emotional and behavioural difficulties in New Zealand. Previous research on post‐school outcomes for students with emotional and behavioural difficulties has found low levels on quality of life indicators such as education, employment and community adjustment. Twenty‐nine ex‐students and/or their parents or caregivers were located and interviewed 10–14 years after they had left residential school. Interviews focused on their educational achievement, employment record and community adjustment. Findings indicated low levels of achievement in terms of educational qualifications and employment records, high rates of involvement with the criminal justice system and low levels of community adjustment. Implications of the study findings suggest that key factors in improving student outcomes are establishing effective procedures for transition, providing ongoing support for ex‐students, and better special needs training for teachers in mainstream schools.  相似文献   


The aim of the present study was to examine and describe educational leaders’ mindset types related to schooling of students with ADHD in five municipalities with ADHD special education classes and in five pair-matched municipalities without such classes. Selection of the ten municipalities was based on the results from a nationwide survey (response rate 76%) aimed at investigating how Swedish municipalities organise schooling for ADHD students. Interview data was analysed with the use of a theoretical framework presented as a typology table describing mindsets more or less in line with either the neuropsychiatric paradigm or inclusion. The perceived neuropsychiatric influence on ADHD students’ schooling seemed to affect educational leaders’ decision making, leading to different schooling for ADHD students in different municipalities. The findings, presented as municipality profiles, are discussed in relation to the notion of inclusive education and alternative educational paths leading either towards inclusion or exclusion.  相似文献   

The article explores the need to eat as a biological and social practice among children in a preschool in Norway. The children in this preschool are aged from one to two years of age, and some of them have just started there. Different events from mealtimes relate to Derrida's concept of touch and Grosz's notion of bodies in‐place and out‐of‐place. How food touches the children and the practitioners is further discussed through a consideration of body/place relations, which are both material and reflect pedagogical discourses. Its overall context is not only touching the food in a concrete sense, but also food as touch seen as a philosophical concept. Analyzing touching relations around the table including movements in materiality, bodies and discourses of eating may empower the youngest children in a preschool setting.  相似文献   

This study compares the learning and study strategies of the students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of Cukurova University taking traditional on‐campus courses and those at the Open Learning Faculty of Anadolu University following an open learning programme. The evaluation was based on the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory (LASSI), developed by Claire E. Weinstein (1987), together with a separate questionnaire to elaborate the findings.

Findings reveal that students of both groups have considerably lower scores, especially in the affective domain, in relation to the other college students answering the same items in previous evaluations. However no important difference has been found between the groups belonging to the traditional and open learning systems evaluated in this study.  相似文献   

Student‐directed learning strategies involve teaching students to modify and regulate their own behaviour. Teaching students to self‐regulate behaviour has been identified as one means of promoting self‐determination, and promoting and enhancing self‐determination has become a valued outcome internationally. In addition, however, student‐directed learning strategies could prove important for including students with disabilities in general education classrooms by reducing the student's dependency upon others in the classroom setting. Four students with intellectual disability were supported to select an educational goal on which they wanted to work and were taught to self‐monitor their progress toward that goal in general education classrooms. Their progress toward the goal was evaluated through data collection activities and by using the Goal Attainment Scaling process. In general, students achieved their self‐selected goals. The potential contribution of student‐directed learning strategies to inclusion and promoting self‐determination are discussed.  相似文献   

A characteristic shared by the majority of adult students is that they are undertaking part‐time study. For these adult learners one of the major difficulties is how to find time for their study. This paper reports the coping mechanisms that part‐time adult students adopt to meet the additional demands that study puts on their existing commitments to work, family and social lives. Data were collected from 53 part‐time students in eight universities in Hong Kong through semi‐structured interviews. A model featuring three coping mechanisms (sacrifice, support and negotiation of arrangements) within four domains (self, work, family and social life) was used for the analysis. Whether or not these coping mechanisms are operationalized to a sufficient extent can have a significant impact upon the students' progress with their courses. The analytical grid provides a framework for counselling and advising adult learners. Part‐time adult students can also use the model to evaluate their own situations and determine which coping mechanisms will work for them to deal with time management issues.  相似文献   

It is important that trainee teachers in the faculties of education should develop their critical thinking skills so that they can meet the expectations and needs of their profession. This study aimed at investigating the relationship between critical thinking skills and in‐class questioning behaviours of English Language Teaching (ELT) students at the Faculty of Education at Mugla University. The authors attempted to find out answers to the following questions: ‘What kinds of questions do students in lower and higher critical thinking groups ask?’ and ‘Is there a difference between the questions of students with higher and lower critical thinking scores?’ Three data collection instruments were used: Ennis‐Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test; a reading passage; and a structured interview. The findings obtained suggest that the questions asked by the students of the higher critical thinking score group are not questions that clarify unclear points, but questions asked out of curiosity, to remove the uncertainties, and to lead people to think profoundly. Moreover, these students ask questions to find alternatives, to think the reverse and to head for new ideas. The students in the higher score group experienced thinking processes more intensively than the lower score group.  相似文献   

The main research question that underpinned this study was whether there is a link between staff perceptions of school climate and staff attitudes towards the inclusion of students with recognized learning disabilities. This investigation was conducted with reference to the notion of ‘changing’ or ‘moving’ cultures. The study relied on the perceptions of headteachers, counsellors and teachers in five secondary schools in the Tel‐Aviv area, Israel. The method of enquiry applied was the survey approach via a questionnaire to all staff at these schools and the interpretative approach via a smaller number of in‐depth interviews with a subset of these staff members. The analysis and conclusion indicated that although most schools now demonstrate ‘moving’ cultures and a collaborative climate, attitudes towards students with learning disabilities are ambivalent. The paper ends with suggestions for further research to enhance connectivity between of management culture and special educational needs.  相似文献   

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