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在抗战时期,新桂系为了内固统治、外御强敌,大力进行农业开发。采取的措施主要是调整农村的生产关系,发展农业生产力。农业开发的各项措施取得了一定成效,广西农业经济有所发展,农民的生活水平有所提高,在一定程度上推动了广西农业现代化的进程,为抗战胜利作出了贡献。  相似文献   

Religious educators, in neglecting to account for race in their theories, have ignored the historical legacy of institutional racism. In fact, religious education has demonstrated an inadequate response to race and racism throughout its history. As evidenced by slavery and immigration history in the United States, race must be seen as a sociohistorical and legal construction. Its influence goes beyond the assimilationist ideology taught in early Methodist curricula. The article suggests that the Bible can be a rich multicultural curriculum resource because of its positive treatment of Africans.  相似文献   

It was suggested that fluency, defined as number of responses, may misleadingly influence both high Intercorrelations sometimes reported among measures of creativity and low correlations sometimes reported between measures of creativity and intelligence. Subjects were 93 Saturday art school students between the ages of 9 and 15 years. Intercorrelations among five “creativity” scores derived from a slightly modified version of Torrance's Figure Completion Test and between these scores and Henmon-Nelson Intelligence were compared using both raw creativity scores and creativity scores corrected for the effect of fluency. Uncorrected creativity scores intercorrelated high among themselves (mean r= .45) and low with intelligence (mean r= .09), while corrected creativity scores showed low intercorrelations among themselves (mean r= .08) and with intelligence (mean r= .13). These findings are interpreted as confirming the influence of fluency upon high intercorrelations among so-called measures of creativity and as failing to support the suggestion that fluency may also influence low correlations among creativity and intelligence measures.  相似文献   

中国资本市场的发展与立法研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
经济学与法学是密不可分的。在中国资本市场这个新兴的市场产生和发展过程中,它的制度建设、风险防范、发展战略、监管体系等无不与立法和司法相关联。现行的《证券法》和《证券投资基金法》就充分体现了经济学家、法学家和相关学者的互动、互补的合作创造关系。  相似文献   

作者通过对宜州树木盆景资源调查及野外实地考察、市场调查问卷分析 ,以及对宜州树木盆景经营状况、经济开发等问题进行分析探讨 ,从而提出宜州树木盆景资源开发利用的对策以及应注意的若干问题。  相似文献   

西北贫困地区农村基础教育发展现状调查与政策建议   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
农村基础教育对农村社会经济发展具有重要意义,是社会主义新农村建设的基础,也是新农村建设的重要内容。本研究采用问卷调查和个案研究等方法,调查了西北地区6个国家级贫困县农村基础教育发展的基本情况。结果表明,西北贫困地区农村在普及义务教育、实现“两基”等方面取得了显著成绩,但学生入学率特别是女童入学率还比较低,辍学率比较高,师生比在不同类型学校中存在差异,学校办学条件也存在着差异。研究者就如何更好地实施西部贫困地区“两基”攻坚计划、加快西北贫困地区农村基础教育发展提出了具体的政策建议。  相似文献   

教师教学专业知识特征分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
教学是一种个体化程度很高的、情境性、经验性极强的活动,它的内在特征往往显现在具体的课堂教学情境中,反映出鲜明的实践性;教学作为一种特殊的化传递活动时,它的某些专业知识是通过内隐学习方式获得的,其专业品质的提高依靠于通过经验的积累而产生的缄默知识。这种缄默性特征使得教学专业知识在一定程度上不能以语言的方式来加以传递和陈述。  相似文献   

A student's score on the final examination in a classroom learning situation does not necessarily represent the amount learned during the course. Various measures of gain have been advanced to measure the amount learned, but all have subsequently been found inadequate. It is hypothesized that the relationship between test scores and knowledge is curvilinear. A rationale is presented for the curvilinear nature of the posited relationship and for the fit of the model to classroom learning. From hypothetical data conforming to the model expressed in a mathematical formula, it was shown that it is possible for the final examination to be the best indicant of amount learned, even though individuals are not equal in proficiency at the beginning of the learning task. Based upon several considerations it was concluded that, at present, the best indicant of amount learned in many classroom situations is the final examination.  相似文献   

我国期刊业发展现状研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国期刊业总的经营绩效不高,期刊各项指标明显低于图书和报纸,尽管现存的经营模式有许多种,但大多数经营模式都是在特定的体制下形成的,不具有市场化特性,与欧美发达国家相比我国期刊在层次上和发展水平上都存在差距。  相似文献   

教育中的民主概念:一种批判性考察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
促进教育的民主化被看做是现代教育变革的一项重要任务。教育民主化包涵着非常丰富的内容,既包括教育机会的扩大和均等,也包括教育组织、活动和关系本身的民主化。在教育民主化理念的支配下,民主成为适用于并支配学校事务的一项基本价值原则。然而,人们仔细审视民主概念在教育场域中的应用情况,也发现存在不少值得严肃讨论的具体问题。这些具体问题指向一个更为基本的问题:学校是一个可以被民主化的场所吗?本文提出,由于学校组织的教育性特征,诞生于政治领域中的民主原则并不能完全无条件地适用于教育场域;在教育事务的处理上,民主原则的应用应该考虑与教育性原则以及传统、权威、道德、自主性等诸多影响因素相协调,从而建构更为良好的教育关系或教育秩序,防止现代社会以一种单一的民主逻辑来改造学校,防止现代教育陷入民主的迷思。这可以看做是对我国教育学界一直以来所倡导的教育民主化理论的一个补充或修正。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine the state of the art in curriculum development in U.S. community/junior colleges. Responding to a questionnaire of 33 items, 184 academic affairs officers expressed their perception of community/junior college curriculum development including (1) goals and objectives, (2) content, (3) learning experiences, (4) learner characteristics, and (5) planning and evaluation. Several areas are identified as needing attention that provide direction for improved curriculum development.  相似文献   

LITERATUREREVIEWANDRESEARCHBACKGROUNDTheearliestresearchoninternationalcitiesdatesbackto 1 91 5whenP .Gaidys,theforerun nerofBritishurbanandregionalplanning ,initi atedtheideaoftheinternationalcity .In 1 966,PeterHall,theBritishscholarredefinedthecon ceptofthein…  相似文献   

大力开展残疾儿童少年随班就读是普及残疾儿童义务教育的需要。它既符合国情,是发展残疾儿童少年义务教育的主要形式,也符合国际上残疾儿童少年教育发展的大趋势。“七五”中期至“八五”期间,北京市在开展盲、低视力、聋和重听以及轻度弱智儿童随班就读方面进行了较为广泛的实验。这次对随班就读工作的全面调查和分析,为贯彻北京市特殊教育“九五”发展规划中提出的“巩固、发展、完善、提高”一方针,使北京市残疾儿童随班就读工作发展到一个新的水平,提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

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