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BackgroundInstitutional rearing is associated with increased risk for reactive attachment disorder (RAD) and disinhibited social engagement disorder (DSED). Disorders of attachment involve disturbances in children’s primary caregiving relationships, and are likely to disturb multiple domains of social functioning.ObjectiveTo examine associations between signs of RAD and DSED and social functioning in early adolescence.Participants and settingOur participants were 110 children with a history of institutional rearing and 50 community comparison adolescents from the Bucharest Early Intervention Project, based in Bucharest, Romania. Participants were assessed at age 12 years (M age in years = 12.80, SD = 0.71).MethodSigns of RAD and DSED were obtained through caregiver report. Reports of social functioning were provided by caregivers and teachers. General and specific domains of social functioning were identified using bi-factor modeling. A general social functioning factor and four specific factors were revealed: peer conflict, caregiver views as victim, teacher views as victim, and social competence.ResultsSigns of RAD predicted poorer general social functioning (β=-0.36, p < .01, 95% confidence interval [CI] [-.33, -.09]) and poorer social competence (β=-0.38, p < .01, 95% CI[-0.05, -.01]) above and beyond time spent in institutional care and placement disruptions. Signs of DSED (β=-0.38, p < .001, 95% CI[-0.49, -.16]) along with placement disruptions (β=-0.22, p < .05, 95% CI[-.29, -.01]) predicted poorer general social functioning above and beyond time spent in institutional care. Signs of DSED predicted higher scores on caregiver views as victim (β = 0.29, p < .05, 95% CI[0.02, 0.14]) and lower scores on social competence (β=-0.29, p < .01, 95% CI[-.06, -.01]) above and beyond time spent in institutional care and placement disruptions.ConclusionsAttachment disorder signs in early adolescence are problematic for social functioning, although the manifestation of these social difficulties differs based on whether RAD or DSED signs are present.  相似文献   

星源甲道张氏延光公泾邑后里派二十六世、二十七世所载同宗承继占拟血亲承继的61%和70%,昭穆相当和先亲后疏原则也得到了较好的实施,说明在清代徽州的拟血亲承继中,宗法原则仍然占据主导地位。而异姓承继也日益普遍与合法化,它逐渐蚕食和瓦解森严保守的徽州宗族社会,这种蚕食和瓦解速度相对比较缓慢。  相似文献   

Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) are a growing group served under special education services in many western societies. This article describes the history and current state of the services, as well as the assessment procedure. Our conclusion is that the status of students with ADHD in Finnish basic education (Grades 1 to 9) is still unclear. Based on the comparison of the prevalence and the population served in special education we can assume that this group is probably underserved in the Finnish school system. We also present findings from two recent studies among families with ADHD children in Finland. Family viewpoint can contribute to our knowledge and understanding about the diversity of the symptoms’ manifestation as well as the extent and completeness of the possible outcomes of the disorder. In the context of schooling, studying these families’ viewpoints can be of additional use in evaluating the present state of school practices in relation to institutional enactments established in educational acts. Future challenges about meeting the variety of pupils’ needs according to inclusive pedagogy are discussed.  相似文献   

不安全依恋的形成给儿童的健康发展及成人后形成良好的社会关系等各方面带来了许多不利的影响,并且因和各种心理疾病的形成有重要关联日益受到心理学界的关注。该研究从不安全依恋的定义、类型及测量方法、影响因素及对应的解决策略等方面对其进行了详细的论述。  相似文献   

The link between formal education and the formation of national attachment is widely acknowledged. Yet, research on teachers’ national attachment is still relatively rare. Based on a comparative analysis of survey data obtained from 281 Berlin and London state secondary school head teachers, this paper proposes a multivariate model in which notions of national identity, levels of national pride and levels of supranational attachment represent predictors of national attachment. The respective statistical analyses reveal striking cross‐national similarities in terms of the individual and joint explanatory impact of these predictors. Other findings concern correlations between different notions of Britishness/Germanness and levels of national attachment, the relationship between national and supranational attachment, and associations between national pride and national attachment.  相似文献   

六朝世族门第之长盛不衰 ,与其家风、家学有关。会稽贺氏兴自汉代 ,历经六朝绵延至隋唐 ,数百年间代有才人 ,成为江东著姓 .贺氏门风尚忠义、倡孝友 ;在学术上则世传礼学  相似文献   

以四所中学初一至高三六个年级的学生为被试,用问卷调查的方式,探讨青少年依恋的发展特点,结果发现:不论是家庭依恋还是朋友依恋在青少年群体中依然可以分为四个类型;青少年依恋风格分布的稳定性与文化和个体自身特征及其发展规律紧密相联;家庭依恋与朋友依恋两种不同的依恋关系在风格上存在着迁移性,但异变因素仍然存在;初三年级(大约16岁)是青少年阶段依恋发展的一个特殊时期.  相似文献   

The Personal Learning Environment (PLE) has been presented in a number of guises over a period of 10 years as an intervention which seeks the reorganisation of educational technology through shifting the “locus of control” of technology towards the learner. In the intervening period to the present, a number of initiatives have attempted to create or instil the dispositions of technologically empowered personal learning, to varying levels of success, but none of which have been conclusive. At the same time, developments in education and learning technology have indicated some deficiencies in the models and rationale that was used to justify the PLE. In this paper, the cybernetic model of the PLE presented through the Joint Information Services Committee PLE project is re-inspected in the light of (a) evidence from implementation; (b) changes in technology infrastructure. A refined model is presented, enriching the cybernetic argument about the control of personal tools with Bowlby's related cybernetic model of attachment. The refined model is situated against the impact of the fast-emerging real-time web, and the approach justified with reference to a computer simulation of the dynamics of the new model.  相似文献   

意大利传统的家庭组织形式是父权威封建家族式的联合家庭,其基础是完整的祖传家产;城市、工商业的发展。经济结构的变化,使家庭结构向“核心化”方向发展;同时.经济上相对独立、有血缘关系的不同的核心家庭之间又聚合了强大的向心力。  相似文献   

In this article, we take a concrete case study as a starting point for a reflection on preventive family support. More specifically, we conducted fieldwork in the setting of a waiting room of a childcare consultation office for parents with young children. The writings of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben allowed us to come to an alternative understanding of both the room as such and the behaviors of adults and children in this room. This article can be read as the result of an experiment with fieldwork in philosophy of education: an attempt to enrich Agamben’s philosophical account of biopolitics with an everyday example as well as an attempt to reread what actually happens in the case we have studied from an Agambenian perspective.  相似文献   

广州珠江电厂励磁系统主备励切换时无功功率常常会出现大幅波动,处理不当甚至还可能引起跳机事故的发生。根据三相桥式全控整流电路原理分析了珠江电厂主、备励切换时无功功率大幅波动的原因,并且提出了相应解决的方法。  相似文献   

家庭教育工作是精神明建设的基础工程,提倡科学的家庭教育观念,帮助家长提高思想道德素质和科学化素质,掌握先进的教育方法,优化家庭教育环境。  相似文献   

基于REVIT族的图形辅助编译功能,可实现参数化驱动图形的建模;通过嵌套族的关联驱动,特别适合于复杂的组合构件族的开发。通过创建刚接柱脚组合构件的嵌套族,阐述了REVIT族在参数的驱动、关联和传递方面的应用优势,探索复杂组合构件的BIM设计方法及其参数控制技巧,为BIM标准化构件信息资讯平台的建立提供必要的探索。  相似文献   

This systematic review and synthesis of qualitative research explored contextual factors relevant to non-pharmacological interventions for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in schools. We conducted meta-ethnography to synthesise 34 studies, using theories of stigma to further develop the synthesis. Studies suggested that the classroom context requiring pupils to sit still, be quiet and concentrate could trigger symptoms of ADHD, and that symptoms could then be exacerbated through informal/formal labelling and stigma, damaged self-perceptions and resulting poor relationships with staff and pupils. Influences of the school context on symptoms of ADHD were often invisible to teachers and pupils, with most attributions made to the individual pupil and/or the pupil’s family. We theorise that this ‘invisibility’ is at least partly an artefact of stigma, and that the potential for stigma for ADHD to seem ‘natural and right’ in the context of schools needs to be taken into account when planning any intervention.  相似文献   

针对轧钢机运行时存在功率因数低,谐波含量比较大的特点,依据现场测得的数据,制定了无功补偿和治理谐波的方案,并简述了设备运行的基本原理。设备投入运行后,从现场测试数据表明,电网运行参数较设备运行前得到较大改善,满足供电部门的要求。  相似文献   

本文介绍了无功补偿技术的现状,分析了各种无功补偿装置的特点,并从性能上与SVG系统作了比较,最后指出利用静止无功补偿装置实现动态无功功率补偿的研究是电力系统一种新的无功补偿方法。  相似文献   


An association between attachment and academic performance appears to be consistently found in children; however, reports on such an association in adolescents are contradictory. This study aimed to determine whether the attachment dimensions of anxiety or avoidance significantly correlate with a student’s academic performance at university. Moreover, since individual differences in attachment index distinct self-regulatory capacities, this study aimed to determine whether any correlation exists between a student’s attachment dimensions and measures of self-regulated learning. Attachment dimensions were determined by the Experiences in Close Relationships-Revised questionnaire, while self-regulated learning was determined by the Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, in a sample of university students (n = 185). Neither attachment dimensions correlated significantly with measures of academic performance. However, attachment dimensions did significantly correlate with measures of self-regulated learning in this study.  相似文献   

唐代家产继承方式述略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国古代的家产继承方式发展到唐代,形成了一套比较固定的习惯方式和可行的律令规定,并逐渐定型化和体系化。唐代家产继承的各种具体方式和程序,都是围绕如何更有效地保证各种状况的家庭的门户延续而设计的,这也是认识我国古代家产继承方式的一条主线。  相似文献   

近年来随着老龄化弊端逐渐显现,生育政策的调整呼声也越来越高。本研究将梳理学界各方关于人口老龄化背景下生育政策调整的现存问题和争议,希望对于当前生育政策制订与调整做一些有益思考和探索。  相似文献   

A recent focus on attachment and trauma awareness (ATA) in schools has led to whole-school training programmes and evaluations. The outcomes have been positive; however, the dominant focus of research is on the implementation of whole-school ATA in mainstream settings. This project adopted a case study to explore how the training and approaches had been implemented in a school community, including a special school and pupil referral units. Data were collected from three semi-structured interviews with staff in varying roles, and the views of 11 pupils were obtained via a classroom activity as supplementary data. Thematic analysis highlighted five key themes which directly answered the three research questions, namely: strategies and approaches used; pupil outcomes; facilitators to implementation; barriers to implementation; and training and improvements. It is hoped that this study will help further professional understanding and implementation of ATA in non-mainstream settings. The implications and limitations of the study are discussed.  相似文献   

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