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道德认同作为当今重要的社会心理现象已普遍引起多学科的关注。文章认为当代道德认同存在自我认同与社会认同的危机。自我认同危机主要表现在自我深层的危机,是主我对客我的危机;社会认同危机主要表现为道德失范的危机,是主我对他者的危机。文章对当代青少年道德认同的双重危机扭转作了思考,旨在为当前的思想教育工作提供理论上的指导。  相似文献   

从女性主义和科学史领域的发展背景出发,初步探讨了西方女性主义科学史研究的理论基础,认为坚持性别的社会建构和科学的社会建构是女性主义科学史研究的两大理论前提,它们表达了女性主义将性别与科学关联起来的深层内涵,性别与科学的相互建构构成了女性主义科学史研究的编史基础和研究内容.  相似文献   

采用大学生自我同一性状态量表对861名民办高校学生进行调查,结果表明:(1)民办高校学生的自我同一性在总的自我同一性和意识形态领域中不存在显著的性别差异;(2)民办高校学生的自我同一性发展在总的自我同一性、意识形态领域和人际关系领域呈现相似的年级特点,即扩散型同一性、延缓型同一性和成就型同一性不存在显著的年级差异,排他型同一性存在显著的年级差异且三年级得分显著高于二年级得分;(3)民办高校学生的自我同一性在总的同一性和意识形态领域不存在显著的城乡差异。  相似文献   

金陵女子大学独特的教师群体及其矛盾的性别观念形成了一种独特的女性文化教育环境和精英教育的培养目标,在这种教育环境的影响下,金陵女子大学的女学生亦产生了迥异于其他高校学生的性别身份认同和思维方式,从而在民族主义运动和婚恋等个人生活方式的选择上出现了不同的行为取向.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the case of The Heritage Academy (THA), a predominantly white charter school in rural North Carolina. Through a critical race analysis, this article suggests that predominantly white charter schools like THA benefit from colorblind educational policies in a whitestream and white supremacist society. Specifically, this case study focuses on how white community activism around the creation of THA strengthened a community school identity discourse founded on the principles of whiteness as property. Because of the privilege of whiteness, predominantly white and middle‐class charter schools like THA may have greater access to economic and symbolic resources that ensure their success. This article raises questions about the use of school choice rhetoric as a raceless metaphor in the charter school movement that may result in race‐based inequality, separation and segregation.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore what happens to young people labelled as having attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) after they have been excluded from mainstream class and placed in a special class. More specifically, we focus on how a specific disability identity is locally accomplished and ascribed to a girl placed in an ADHD class containing only boys. Data are drawn from the communication books that regularly passed between the parents and teachers, and from ethnographic work in a special class for children aged 7–12 years diagnosed with ADHD, during a period of one school year. We draw on ethnomethodology, especially membership categorisation analysis, when investigating unfolding trajectories of shifting identifications during a school year. The detailed analysis reveals that the girl is accomplished as capable of managing her life in school at the beginning of the year, but by the end is constructed as disabled and identified as a typical ADHD girl in very subtle ways in the teacher's communication with the parents. Furthermore, our analysis highlights how the process of exclusion and social identification of the girl as a typical ADHD girl is mutually constructed and achieved across classroom activities in everyday schooling contexts.  相似文献   

This paper examines from a Social Realist perspective a set of issues in the sociology of education regarding the problem of knowledge. It focuses upon the issue of relativism associated with the constructionist approach that since the time of the New Sociology of Education in the 1970s has constituted in different forms the dominant perspective in the field. It identifies features shared between constructionism and the ‘positivist’ approach with which it contrasts itself. It is argued that these two positions have more in common than is often recognized and draws upon Critical Realism as an alternative to both. Social Realism explores the sociological implications of Critical Realism for education.  相似文献   

公共领域和私人领域的二元划分,作为哈贝马斯的理想图景,发挥其重要的理论建构作用,在学界引起广泛影响,同时也引起了持久的争论,并且受到多方的质疑和挑战。其中,女性主义对公共领域概念进行了颠覆性的改造。女性主义对此问题的关注,主要集中在女性与社会关系、女性的社会地位等方面,以社会性别的分析视角反思单一的总括性公共领域构想,女性作为弱势群体的作用长期被忽略了。公共领域既是形成话语意见的场所,也是形成社会身份的场所。由于在历史发展过程中,女性始终处于一种无语的状态,女性的话题一直被遮蔽在权力关系之外,即使自由主义时期,家务劳动的价值没有得到确认和展开。性别偏置的问题没有得到根本性改观,基于公共领域意志所形成的性别规范和性别制度必然呈现男权主义的特征。因此,公私二元的理论修正,对于性别平等这一价值和原则而言,是重要的理论支点。  相似文献   

科学的社会性别平等教育对和谐社会的建设至关重要。师范院校因其示范性、人文性、延续性的特点,在加强大学生性别平等教育方面责无旁贷。要从培养学生正确的社会性别意识着手,把科学的性别平等意识纳入课程、教育内容和教学方法改革中,对师范生进行全方位的性别教育,努力做好性别平等工作,推进社会正常、有序、和谐发展。  相似文献   

During the past ten years in the UK there has been a considerable increase in the number of teaching assistants (TAs) appointed to work alongside teachers in schools. A significant number of these colleagues are appointed to support pupils with special educational needs (SEN), including those with social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD). This paper reports on the ways in which the role of the teaching assistant in supporting pupils with SEBD has been developed in schools for pupils aged 7–11 years in one English Local Education Authority (LEA). It suggests that there are several models of support emerging and that the role of the teaching assistant is perceived as crucial to the effective inclusion of pupils with SEBD in mainstream classrooms.  相似文献   

张知国 《海外英语》2012,(13):265-266
This paper concentrates on social variation to explain how it works in English language and attempt to introduce it to the advanced Chinese learners.  相似文献   

社会职业类别语境下高职生职业认同感缺乏现状探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高职生职业认同感缺乏主要表现在心理和行为不自信、升本、择业拒绝基层岗位等方面,主要受传统观念、社会思潮、社会发展进程和中国家庭结构等因素影响。增强高职生职业认同感可通过提升高职教育吸引力、构建完备的职业教育体系、完善支持职业教育发展的社会协调机制、增加高职教育社会美誉度来实现。  相似文献   

文章在阐释性别平等内涵的基础上,分析了我国社会转型期性别不平等问题凸显的表现及成因,并提出了遏制性别关系逆转,推进性别平等进程的具体对策。  相似文献   

与众多语言一样,俄语中的性别歧视现象久已存在,在称呼语中的表现尤为突出称呼语中的性别歧视不仅能够凸显交际双方的性别角色和社会地位,而且可以直接反映俄罗斯民族的社会规约、历史沉积、文化理念、价值观念、思维方式和民族习性。文章在梳理与整合俄语称呼语中各种性别歧视语料的基础上,指出了社会对于男女两性的不同期望与心理认同.并对性别歧视产生的原因作了简要的分析。  相似文献   

文章从社会性别这一视角切入传统家庭伦理,审视传统家庭伦理中的性别偏见源流,为实现家庭伦理的社会性别公平,构建新的家庭伦理和妇女解放提供理论依据和方法论。  相似文献   

文章试图在多学科的视角中透视广告中隐含的性别观念,用社会性别的理论和方法对广告中社会性别意识的显现方式加以梳理,努力揭示其内在的文化根源与社会影响,找寻广告中社会性别意识的实质,并将这一现象放在动态的文化系统及传媒全球化的状况下加以审视,提出相应的建议和对策.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to examine how different physical activity domains are represented on the official social media sites of Spanish universities, through a content analysis of the photographs. Our results show that the representation of different physical activity domains is not balanced. While the analysed images do promote a message of gender equality in sedentary and leisure time physical activity behaviour, pictures illustrating active commuting and disabled groups were under-represented. We conclude that Internet-based physical activity promotion in university settings must to be guided by the principles of ‘health-promoting universities’ in the sense of promoting a comprehensive view on healthy behaviours in every action carried out with the university community, and in particular including diversity as a norm rather than the exception. Professionals should be aware of their responsibility in the design of the built online environment and their influence on the welfare of the university community.  相似文献   

社会总是以类型化的眼光看待女性角色和女性形象。当今大众传媒重点建构的女性形象可归纳为贤妻良母、女强人和受难者等三种社会类型。构成社会性别的文化标识对个体的生活和社会机制的运作都有着直接的影响,尤其是对生活在多媒体的社会语境中的现代人而言,媒介所塑造的性别刻板形象、所反映的性别陈规和性别歧视都深深地影响着人柄的社会认知。  相似文献   

通过问卷和访谈对藏族学生的藏、汉音乐文化认同状况进行了实地调查,分析内地环境下藏族学生对本民族文化和汉族文化认同状况,藏族学生对藏汉音乐文化在认知、情感和行为上的表现。结果显示,藏族学生对本民族音乐文化认同和中华民族音乐文化认同的状况都是积极认同,且藏族大学生对本民族的音乐文化认同高于对汉民族的音乐文化认同。  相似文献   

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