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合作性行动研究是解决教师发展问题的有效途径,强调的是参与研究的教师由个人化、孤岛式研究走向群体合作研究。针对大学生在英语听力方面出现的问题,运用合作性行动研究的理论,探讨了一些有效方法,认为通过采取增加合适听力材料的语言输入、纠正发音等手段,可有效改进大学英语听力教学、提高大学生英语听力水平。同时大学英语教师通过合作行动,在一定程度上实现了教师自身的共同发展。  相似文献   

This study examined the development of effective teaching skills in teacher candidates in the context of early field experiences directly tied to a pedagogical course. Evidence from faculty instructors, mentor teachers, and teacher candidates suggests secondary education candidates were able to develop effective teaching skills related to instructional strategies, classroom management, and curriculum design during an early field experience. Teacher candidates developed these skills as they shifted their identities from candidates-as-students to candidates-as-teachers.  相似文献   

The author defines instruction, classroom management, student socialization, and disciplinary intervention as functions commonly performed by teachers, and suggests guidelines for educating teachers in the latter three functions. A knowledge base reflecting established scientific findings exists to inform teacher education concerning classroom management. No such knowledge base exists concerning student socialization and disciplinary intervention, but principles reflecting a consensus of expert opinion can be identified. The author argues for sustained focus on a single integrated approach, taught as an action system that includes attention not only to propositional knowledge (concerning principles of effective management) but also to procedural knowledge (of how to implement these principles) and conditional knowledge (of when and why to implement them). Other recommended elements include conceptual change teaching designed to confront and correct inappropriate attitudes or beliefs that students may bring with them; emphasizing the basics by concentrating on the most commonly occurring classroom teaching situations; and developing skills as much as possible through the apprenticeship approach (modeling, coaching, scaffolding/fading) but supplementing this as needed with didactic instruction in basic concepts and skills, structured classroom observation and student teaching experiences, and use of case materials and simulation exercises as substitutes for field experiences that cannot be included in the program.  相似文献   

教师专业能力的发展是个连续统一体。职前教师教育作为教师教育的起步阶段,扮演着重要的角色。然而综观职前教师的培养过程,皆缺乏有效培养课堂教学临床能力的机制。随着教育技术在教育教学中的广泛应用,视频技术和网络技术的发展为教育类课程的教学提供了新的视野。为此,我们试图设计通用于教育类课程、培养师范生教学能力的视频案例资源。并基于混合学习的理念,建构了一种基于视频案例资源、集课堂案例教学和网络案例学习于一体的教学模式。  相似文献   

This paper discusses the neglect of the study of pedagogy in teacher education. Transmission modes of imparting theory are criticized as is the undue elevation of atheoretical practical teaching in the preparation of teachers. The study of pedagogy as a central focus for teacher education is proposed with an emphasis on the practical application of theoretical notions in general teaching skills. The effective application of these skills to practice is suggested as the crucial element in the study of pedagogy. Attention is drawn to the need for pedagogical theory for various academic subjects, and for the need for systematic training of supervisors of practical teaching. Examples of the approach discussed are referred to.  相似文献   

This study examined effects of teacher characteristics (gender, teacher education and certification, class management skills and job satisfaction) and teaching styles on indicators of good classroom practice in mathematics classes in secondary education by means of multilevel analysis. The study reveals that the presence of effective classroom practices can be explained by a learner-centered teaching style and by good class management skills. Furthermore, it was found that teachers with a high level of job satisfaction give more instructional support to their classes, especially to classes from a low-ability range, than teachers with a low level of job satisfaction.  相似文献   


The author demonstrated that a reflective disposition toward teaching was related to effective teaching especially in the domains of instructional behavior, classroom organization, and teacher expectation. Data used to test the hypothesis were composed of reflective disposition scores earned by teacher candidates (N = 55) and effective teaching scores given teacher candidates by their field instructors. Reflective disposition consisted of 6 components: the composite of reflective disposition and the composite of effective teaching, reflection on what teachers should know and be able to do, reflection on teaching, reflection on learning, reflection on the relationship between learning and teaching, and reflection on what it would be like to be a teacher in the classroom. Effective teaching consisted of 5 components: the composite of effective teaching, classroom management, instructional behavior, classroom organization, and teacher expectations.  相似文献   

通过分析高等师范学校学生应具备的各项师范技能及目前师范技能培养过程中存在的问题,根据笔者所在学校的师范技能训练实践总结,结合专业特点,提出从课程体系完善,师范技能实践教学体系的构建,加强高师教师队伍的建设,加强师范技能软硬件建设等四个方面做好生物科学专业师范生的师范技能培养工作,使高等师范院校生物专业毕业生具有扎实的师范技能,胜任以后中学生物的教学工作.  相似文献   

多媒体辅助教学与民族院校大学英语教师的角色转换   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
多媒体辅助外语教学的运用使大学英语教师面临着巨大的机遇和挑战。本文探讨了民族院校大学英语教师应如何在先进教学手段的配合下,更有效地开展课堂教学活动,以发挥更加积极的作用。认为教师在课堂上不仅仅是知识的传授者,更应该当好策划者、组织者和督促指导者等不同的角色。  相似文献   

职前教师教育中视频案例教学的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在职前教师教育中采用视频案例教学是发展师范生教学技能和提高教师专业能力的一个新方法。本文在梳理教师教育中视频案例教学重要概念的基础上,考察了国内外教师教育中视频案例教学研究的现状,最后作者提出了应用于职前教师教育中的视频案例学习环境创设框架,它包括有机联系的六个要素:案例与资源、活动、工具、支架、共同体和评价。  相似文献   

加涅的学习理论所关注的重点是将学习理论的研究结果应用于教育实践.运用加涅的学习理论,在高等数学教与学的过程中得到一些启示:要充分考虑学习情景的创设和学生学习态度的培养,要突出学生主体地位,发挥教师主导作用,加强培养学生的数学自学能力、应用能力和创新能力.  相似文献   

文章从作者的博客教学实践谈起,从实践和理论两个视角阐述了教师博客在大学英语教学中的辅助作用,以及教师博客在大学英语教学中对转变教学理念、改进师生关系、加强教师的教学反思等方面所发挥的良好作用。  相似文献   

培养高质量的大学生关键在于要有高素质、高品位、高水平的教师。吃造教材,深入浅出,保证教学质量;教学内容充实、新颖,提高教学质量;恰当运用讲课技巧,提高学生学习兴趣;注重言行举止的规范性,为人师表;严格要求学生,关心爱护学生,教书与育人相结合,才能站好三尺讲台,树立教师潇洒的形象。  相似文献   

经多年教学实践,总结出教学过程应注意的三个方面,即,按最佳教师的模式完善自己、注意讲课技巧、处理好教科书,教案和教学内容间的关系。在教学实践中收到良好效果、  相似文献   

In this article, two teacher educators reflect on their experiences teaching a diversity course for preservice middle-school teachers. The first author is an African American male teacher educator, and the second author is a White female teacher educator. While the authors bring distinct experiences, backgrounds, and epistemologies to this work, both seek to prepare preservice teachers with the skills and dispositions needed to meet the needs of culturally diverse students. Including their narratives in their own words, the authors share their experiences teaching this course and make recommendations for those doing this work in their respective spaces.  相似文献   

中小学校长培训的目的是提高广大中小学教师在教学管理实践中有效应用教学管理的能力和水平。因此,评价校长培训的效果,在强调参加培训校长人数、合格率等指标的同时,更应该关注校长参加培训后,在教育教学中应用所学知识的绩效。促进校长教育管理能力培训迁移,应当从完善制度,增强培训内容的针对性,加强培训的可持续性,加强培训基地建设等方面着手。  相似文献   

许磊 《辽宁高职学报》2010,12(12):83-84,97
教师素质是教师完成教育教学任务所必备的素养,是教师履行岗位职责的能力。教师素质与能力的提升是提高高职教育教学质量的关键。因此,高职院校应围绕如何培养一支师德高尚、业务精湛、知识渊博、充满活力、勇于开拓创新的高素质教师队伍的问题,积极开展继续教育,树立终身学习的理念,积极探索培养高职院校教师素质与能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

对小学教师有效教学反思的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对教师的教学反思研究已经成为国内外教育领域中的一个热点。而大部分的研究不但缺乏对深层的教师教学反思价值的探讨.还对教学反思的理解存在着很大的误区。笔者从哲学、心理学和社会学的视角对教学反思进行了考察,论证教师进行教学反恩的合理性和必要性,并在此基础上对有关问题进行了探讨;还在个案研究和现实考察的基础上.对制约教师反思的因素进行分析,提出切合教师日常生活的有效教学反思策略,并从动态过程角度对“有效教学反思”进行了解析.提出了“有效”的标准、“有效”与“效率”的关系以及促进教师成长的有效反思策略。  相似文献   

职业学校要发展,重在培养一支“双师型”的青年教师队伍。从普遍性讲,通过改进思想政治工作,加强对青年教师的师德建设,夯实课堂教学基本功,使之具备教学理论、教学方法、教学手段、教学技能和教学语言等基本素质;从特殊性讲,要侧重动手操作技能的培养和实践经验的积累,培养名副其实的“双师型”教师。同时,建立教师发展性评价体系,激励青年教师的成长。  相似文献   

多元智能理论对职前英语教师的培养有重大意义。职前教师应注重互动交流,明晰"学生发展为中心"的教学理念,夯实专业基础,构建多层次的知识体系,接触教学实践,掌握课堂技能,运用多元化的评价方式,不断自我学习。多元智能理论为职前教师培养提供了新视角。  相似文献   

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