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成就动机(Achievement Motivation)指个人追求成就的内在动力。近些年,我国研究者在成就动机的实证与调查研究方面做了一些工作。有关成绩反馈对不同成就动机取向的学生后继成绩的影响研究发现,在我国文化背景下,从总体上,追求成功者的后继成绩高于避免失败者的;成就动机取向与目标类型在学生后继成绩上存在交互作用,这种交互作用只表现在目标差异的成绩反馈条件下,在目标协调的条件下无此现象。[1]陈俊等发现,重点中学学生的成就动机总分及追求成功动机的得分均显著高于普通中学学生,但避免失败的动机分数却明显低于普通中学学生。[2]周爱…  相似文献   

Collaborating closely with a 10th-grade science teacher, we designed a Web-based learning environment (Web-LE) to improve student motivation to learn science. Factors believed to enhance intrinsic motivation (challenge, control, curiosity, and fantasy) were integrated into the instructional design of the Web-based learning tool. The Web-LE was implemented in the teacher’s 10th-grade classroom as a three-day student-centered learning activity. Data collection methods included individual student interviews, teacher interviews, motivation questionnaires, and observations. This study revealed multiple forms of evidence that the Web-LE and the associated learning activity improved student motivation. This study illustrates the benefits of educational researchers working closely with teachers using design-based research methods to successfully solve instructional problems and identify reusable design principles. Design principles for the integration of intrinsic motivation factors into the development of similar Web-LEs are presented as well as directions far future research.  相似文献   

通过对初中学生进行学业成就动机测验,经过因素分析得出影响初中生学习行为动机的三个主要因素:行为取向、心理倾向、价值取向。  相似文献   

中学生成就目标的确立与否、确立的成就目标的类型以及对所设定目标的评价性反应这三个因素都会对中学生的成就动机产生影响。成就目标定向对教育的启示,主要表现为教师应该帮助学生设定个性化的成就且标,以更好地激发中学生的成就动机。  相似文献   


A secondary analysis of the High School and Beyond (HSB) data was performed in order to retest the private-school superiority hypothesis and to examine determinants of high school achievement. This analysis attempted to explain the fixed and alterable conditions which influence the achievement of 26,279 sophomores in reading, writing, mathematics, science, and civics. Multiple regression and partial correlations indicated that those variables beyond the control of educators (i.e., amount of homework completed, television viewing, parental involvement with education) explained much of the achievement variation. However, variables under school control, such as quantity and appropriateness of academic instruction, were found to explain significant and educationally meaningful amounts of achievement variance. With background variables controlled, private schools did not outperform public schools.  相似文献   

Cooperative Learning Theory has been introduced to schools in China since the early 1990s. With the implementation of English course standard, more and more English teachers adopt this teaching method into practice. This thesis tries to find out the problems during the process of cooperative learning.Then outline some suggestions,hoping that they can provide a practical guideline for the effective implementation of cooperative learning in senior high school English class teaching.  相似文献   

This paper presents the effects of a cognitive acceleration program in mathematics classes on Tongan students’ achievements, motivation and self-regulation. Cognitive Acceleration in Mathematics Education (CAME) is a program developed at King’s College and implemented worldwide with the aim of improving students’ thinking skills, mathematics performance and attitudes. The first author adapted the program materials to Tongan educational context and provided support to participating teachers for 8 months. This study employed a quasi-experimental design with 219 Year 8 students as the experimental group and 119 Year 8 students as the comparison group. There were a significant differences in the mean scores between the pre-test and post-test of the three instruments that were employed in the study, indicating that learning mathematics under the CAME program had a positive effect on levels of students’ self-regulation, motivation and mathematics achievement. Students also reported changes to the ways they learn mathematics.  相似文献   

This article reports on the influence of learning strategy instruction on student teachers’ physics achievement, attitude towards physics, and achievement motivation. A pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental design with matching control group was used in the study. Two groups of student teachers (n = 75) who were enrolled in an introductory physics course participated in the study. In the experimental group, questioning, summarizing, and graphic organizers were taught. The control group did not receive any presentation on strategy learning. Data were collected via the pre- and post-administration of the Physics Course Achievement Test, the Scale of Attitudes towards Physics, and the Achievement Motivation Scale. Univariate and multivariate analyses of variance on the data revealed no significant differences in the attitude and achievement motivation between the strategy and control groups. However, the strategy group students were observed to have a tendency of more positive attitude and motivation than the control group students. Results also showed that explicit learning strategy instruction was more effective than traditional instruction in improving physics achievement of the participating students. The implications of these results for physics education are discussed.  相似文献   

一些学者对初中生数学成就动机与自我调节学习及学业成就之间的关系进行了相关研究,但研究多有片面之处,因此,对这3个方面进行整合的实证研究是十分必要的.成就动机是取得成功或实现一个渴望的目标的倾向性或内部动因.数学自我效能感与数学学业成就存在显著正相关,对数学学业成就有显著的回归效应.自我调节学习行为对数学学业成就存在显著的回归效应.认知策略的使用与自我调节学习行为的关系是十分显著的.数学成就动机的各个方面都和自我调节学习存在一定关系.  相似文献   


This study investigated the effects of student-teams using mastery learning strategies (STML) on mathematics achievement of fifth-grade children (N = 134). The experiment used a 2 x 2 (Student Teams x Mastery Learning) factorial design. Results showed higher achievement gains for pupils exposed to STML than for those exposed through more traditional instruction. The data further indicated that learning in small groups promoted only computational skills whereas mastery learning strategies improved both computation and comprehension. In addition, the benefits of the methods for high-, medium-, and low-ability students were examined and discussed.  相似文献   

浅谈提高初中生物课堂小组合作学习有效性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"学会合作"是21世纪人才所必备的基本素质.合作学习已经成为一种常用的课堂教学方法.合作学习有其自身的价值与优势,通过学习者之间积极的相互依靠关系和学习个体间的促进性相互作用,使学习者在成就努力、积极的人际关系和心理调节等方面有着积极明显的变化.  相似文献   

Although autonomy-supportive teaching has been linked with increased student performance, this contention has not yet been explored in an experimental study. This article presents a small, pre/post control group experimental study evaluating the effect of procedural and cognitive autonomy-supportive teaching on student learning and motivation during a 7th-grade reform-based science lesson on motion. In a 2 × 2 factorial design, the 4 treatment conditions featured high and low levels of procedural and cognitive autonomy support. As hypothesized, there was no effect of procedural autonomy support. However, to the authors’ surprise—and in contrast with their hypotheses—students in the low cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions learned significantly more, perceived significantly more choice, and rated instruction as more positive than did students in the high cognitive autonomy-supportive conditions. Results are framed in the context of achieving reform in science teaching.  相似文献   

环境和动机是影响学生科学创造力的重要因素.为深入研究班级环境和学习动机对科学创造力的影响,以广东省两所高中的中学生为调查样本,采用班级环境量表、学习动机量表和科学创造力测验进行测量.通过相关性分析发现,班级环境中的竞争维度和学习动机中的声誉获取维度均与科学创造力呈现显著负相关.通过构建竞争、声誉获取与科学创造力三者的结构方程模型发现,竞争和声誉获取均可负向预测科学创造力,且声誉获取在竞争与科学创造力之间存在部分中介效应.这为促进中学生发展科学创造力提供了启示:教师应为学生营造适度的竞争氛围,注重学生科学创造活动的过程评价,同时在班级中广泛开展合作学习.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of informal cooperative learning and the affiliation motive on achievement, attitude, and student interactions. Participants classified as high or low need for affiliation used either an informal cooperative learning strategy or an individual strategy while receiving information, examples, practice and feedback from an instructional television lesson. Results indicated that participants who used the individual strategy acquired significantly more knowledge from the lesson and indicated significantly more continuing motivation for working alone than those who used the informal cooperative strategy. Instructional strategy did not influence performance on the application portion of the test. Results also revealed that high affiliation participants expressed significantly more continuing motivation than low affiliation participants for working with another person. Low affiliation participants expressed significantly more continuing motivation than high affiliation participants for working alone. Finally, results indicated that high affiliation dyads exhibited significantly more on-task group behaviors (taking turns, sharing materials, group discussion of content) and significantly more off-task behaviors than low affiliation dyads. Copyright 2000 Academic Press.  相似文献   

目标设置理论对学生学习动机激发的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目标设置理论是近年来研究最多、影响最大的一种激励理论,在管理学领域得到了广泛应用,该理论作为一种激励理论也可引入教育领域用来激发学生动机和指导学生的学习。目标设置在对学习动机激发方面有着前提指导的作用,教师与学生在对学习绩效目标的设置上各担负着不同的重要责任。  相似文献   

目的探讨不同班级环境下初中生的成就动机水平。方法选取320名初中学生,采用《我的班级》问卷以及成就动机量表进行调查。结果1.班级环境各维度以及成就动机在不同年级上有显著差异;2.班级环境各维度分别与成就动机、追求成功动机以及避免失败动机有不同程度相关;3.班级环境各维度对成就动机、追求成功动机以及避免失败动机有不同预测作用。结论班级环境和成就动机在年级上有明显变化,班级环境能对初中生成就动机水平有预测作用。  相似文献   

魏易 《教育与经济》2021,37(1):74-82,96
教师专业发展是提高学校教育质量和学生学业成就的关键因素。关于教师专业发展的实证研究主要关注的是专业发展活动对教师本身的影响,较少有研究关注专业发展活动对学生带来的影响。本研究基于2016~2019年北京市高中阶段4万多名学生的标准化考试成绩和近2000名教师的问卷调查数据,采用增值模型分析教师对学生学业成绩的增值影响,并进一步聚焦教师参与区级和校本教研活动对学生学业成绩的影响。分析结果显示,教师参与区级教研活动的程度对学生成绩有显著的正向影响,其中聚焦于学科课程内容的教研活动对学生成绩的增值作用尤其显著。此外,教师参与校本教研活动的程度对学生成绩有显著的正向影响,其中教师之间的非正式交流的积极作用不容忽视。  相似文献   

新课改下的课堂教学强调要打造高效课堂,其中更好地发挥学生在课堂教学中的主体地位成为我们很多教师在探讨的问题。据此,如何高效地开展活动,发挥学生在学习中的主体地位成为我们教师一直在课堂教学中尝试的内容,小组合作学习就是其中非常普遍的一种模式。  相似文献   

从高一到高三学生的数学价值认可、数学自我效能感、表现目标、学习目标、内部归因都极其显著地下降;同普通班相比,优秀班学生的学习更倾向于学习目标,并且更加注重对所学数学内容的理解;理科学生在数学学习成就动机诸维度的得分要显著高于文科的学生;班主任不是数学老师班级的学生对数学价值的认可、数学成就内部归因都极其显著地高于班主任为数学老师班级的学生;男生对数学价值的认可和内化要明显高于女生,同时男生的数学自我效能感极其显著地高于女生.在私立中学的数学教学中要落实人本主义的教学理念,培养积极健康的数学学习心理,拓宽中学生的关联性知识和策略性知识.  相似文献   

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