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“情态动词 完成不定式”这一结构是中学英语课本中一个基本知识点,而且在历年高考试题中是每年必考的热点.因此.掌握其含义和用法对同学们都十分必要.下面,笔者结合历年的高考试题,对这一基本结构作些粗浅的分析.1.“must 完成不定式”:表示对过去发生的事情进行肯定的推测、猜测,意为“一定、肯定、必定”.例1.Where is my pen?Iit.(MET 88,35)A.might loseB.would have lostC.should have lostD.must have lost例2.I don’t hear the noise.Iasleep.(MET 89,21)A.must be B. must have beenC.should be D.should havebeen(答案为B)2.“might 完成不定式”:表示对过去某事未曾实施而产生的责备、抱怨,意为“…本应该…而不曾…”.例3.He you more help,eventhough he was very busy.(MET90,25)A.might have givenB.might giveC.may have givenD. may give  相似文献   

The great American writer Jack London was often in great need ofmoney when he began to write his books.He worked very hard then,butit did not help him. Once he promised a New York magazine to write a story for it,but hewas busy at that time and could not keep his promise.The leader of the  相似文献   

关系代词that和which的错用 1.误:I have read all the books which you lent me.正:I have read all the books that you lent me.析:定语从句的先行词被all,some,any,no,little,few,much,very等修饰时,关系代词要用that. 2.误:This is the last lesson which Mr Green taught us.正:This is the last lesson that Mr Green taught us.  相似文献   

1.One day,your doctor tells you that you have an in-curable disease and may not have more than twelve months to live.(Unit 1)【考点】may常用来表示对现在或将来情况的可能性进行推测,意为"或许;可能"。  相似文献   

大师 《英语辅导》2017,(10):26-27
Choose a theme park you might want to go to.Choose your parks carefully.You don't want to be bored at an amusement park.If you're happy at a theme park,you will have the best time ever.You may want to ask your friends'opinion and facts about the park. Print out a direction map for the theme park.The benefit of getting a map is that if it shows a busy 1)route,you can find another route to go to,so you can get there earlier.  相似文献   

Many office personnel are so accustomed to working overtime that it has become a habit. But have you ever asked yourself why?Is it because your colleagues except you are all working overtime, despite the fact that you arrive at work earlier, not loafing on the job, even bringing your documents home to complete; only to have your boss still think that everyone is very busy but you! So you join in the overtime bunch to avoid being the subject of your colleagues' gossip, and at the same time, earn some overtime wages.  相似文献   

Some people say it is a very easy thing to get up on a cold morning.You have only,they tell you,to take the resolution1;and the thing is done.This may be very true;just as a boy at school has only to take a flogging2,and the thing is over.But we have not at all made up our minds3 upon it;and we find it a very pleasant4 exercise to discuss5 the matter,candidly6,before we get up.This at least7 is not idling8, though it may be lying9.It affords10 an excellent answer to those,who ask how lying in…  相似文献   

In a country where people ale busy,punctuality is very important.When wecome late for an appointment,we arekeeping another person waiting.Thatperson may have other things to do.Hemay have planned his day so that he cando them after he sees  相似文献   

1. He has made a very good impression on his boss and he is soon promoted to a higher position. A. finally B. accordingly C. eventually D. yet 2. Thank you much. Without your help, I couldnAt have done so well. A. even so B. ever so C. as yet D. so far 3. This is the school in which the scientist studied 50 years ago. A. actual B. genuine C. real D. original 4. Are you this evening? IAd like you to help me with my English. A. adaptable B. acceptable C. advisable D. available 5. The re…  相似文献   

1._she said at the meeting may be trUe. A .What B.Tlle faet that C.Whieh D.How 2一Did Mr. Smith treat you well?一Yes,hewas kind he tl℃ated mel议ea衍end. A .50 B.very C.too D.as 3一1 rang you at about ten,but there Was noanswer.一Oh,that was Probably_1 was out. A .that B.when C.why D.what 4._,I’11 ehange my mind. A .What you’11 say B.Will you say what C .Say what you will D.What will you say 5 .Why don’t you bring_to his attentionthat you are too busy to do it? A .this B.that C…  相似文献   

1.这本词典对你学英语有帮助。误:This dictionary will help you learnEnglish. 正:This dictionary will help you to learnEnglish. 析:help后作宾语/宾语补足语的不定式,带不带to均可。如:I help John(to)study Chineseand he helps me(to)study English.但是,非生物名词作主语时,一般要带上to。  相似文献   

12.[误]He’s more taller than I.[正]He’s much taller than I.[析]修饰比较级的程度状语有:any,even,much,a little,far,a lot,still等。more构成比较级,不能修饰比较级。另外,very修饰原级形容词(副词),也不能修饰比较级。13.[误]Try the fourth time.[正]Try a fourth ti  相似文献   

Paul 《海外英语》2005,(3):38-39
1.Negative clauses with more than one meaning.Be careful when you use a negative in a pair of linked clauses.You might say something you didn't intend.[Eg]He didn't come because he wanted to see us.This could mean that we were somewhere elseand he wanted to see us there,therefore he didn'tcome here. Or it could mean that he came,but not tosee us (and this might be offensive, depending on con-  相似文献   

Awe. Mystery. Grandeur. Fascination. Fear. Unreachability, unknowability. Ancient, ancient, ancient, and even more ancient. If you have ever been to Stonehenge, you may have felt  相似文献   

In our lives, we may make many kinds of friends. But do you know who is your very close and trusted friend? Maybe you do not know, but s/he always comes to help you when you are in trouble. S/He will do the utmost[最大能力] to help you and will never tell you. The coming of the dark always makes me feel  相似文献   

秦川 《中学生英语》2002,(18):21-21,32
Do you know how to study better and makeyour study more effective(有效的)?We all knowthat Chinese students usually study very hard forlong 1 .This is very good,but it doesn’t 2 a lot,for an effective student must have  相似文献   

宋晓思 《海外英语》2013,(2X):189-189
e.e. Cummings’Poetry’s theme is the cycle of life, and"black against white"could be indicating life death versus life. It shows that even though a leaf falling may be an indication of death, falling of leaves is an integral part of the whole life cycle of the tree. !blac may seem like a simple mess of words, but in reality is much more complex than that.  相似文献   

1.The WTO cannot live up to its name_______ it does not include a country that is home to one fifth of mankind.(NMET2000) A.as long as B.while C.if D.even though 2.She found her calculator______she lost it. (2000 上海) A.where B.when C.in which D.that 3.The man will have to wait all day______the doctor works faster.(NMET2001春招) A.if B.unless C.whether D.that 4.-Did you remember tO give Marry the money you owed her?  相似文献   

1.There was a heavy rain last night.It   last night.2 .The boys didn't talk any more when he camein.The boys  when he came in.3.After that we couldn't see the old man anymore.After that we could   see theold man.4 .My uncle learned English all by himself.My uncle   English.5.I often help him to wash clothes onSundays.I often help him the on Sunday.6.Would you like to give him a message?Would you like to a messagehim?7.He telephoned me half an hour ago.He me half an hour ago.8.Maybe y…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项填空。 1. ——Have you seen ____ English dictionary on the table? ——Yes, and it is ____ useful one. A. an; a B. the; an C. an; an D. a; a 2. ——I7m really glad to have you all here. ____. ——Thank you for your nice food, Mrs. Hunt. A. Take it easy B. Please don7t worry C. Please help yourself D. Please help yourselves 3. He said they would have ____ bridge ____. A. another; built B. other; built C. the other; build D. other; building 4. This storybook is ____. I wrote ____ …  相似文献   

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