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改革开放以来,我国图书出版业迎来了万物复苏的春天。但从上世纪90年代下半期起,相对于基数巨大的需求市场,图书出版业却出现了滞胀现象。图书产业作为一种文化产业有其独特的性质与机制,同时作为大众传媒也负有不可推托的社会责任。图书选题策划是图书出版策划整个过程的源头,因此有关图书选题策划的分析对于出版业的现状研究有非常重要的意义。本文基于社会文化和传播的功能,从文化本体、文化结构和文化价值三个维度,试析了文化与传播因素对于图书选题策划的影响力。  相似文献   

近年来,新疆人民出版社加强了图书选题的策划,以极大的综合实力来策划出版各类图书,使新疆版精品图书呈上升趋势。尤其是在2006年的第十六届全国书市上,新疆人民出版社取得了团购图书排行第二名的成绩,这也标志新疆出版业迈上了新台阶。新疆出版业取得的辉煌成绩,引起了国内外图书市场的重视,国际版权贸易近几年来也有迅速的发  相似文献   

图书选题策划是一件具有挑战性的创意工作,文章通过多个典型事例,探讨了图书选题创新策划的多个途径:根据时代热点和读者需求策划图书选题;策划集工具性、文献性、学术性于一体的图书选题;策划填补空白的图书选题;策划引起社会共鸣的图书选题.这些创新策划途径的实施给出版编辑人员提供了借鉴,有利于提升图书出版的品质,促进图书出版业的科学发展.  相似文献   

彭琳  毕克成 《出版科学》2018,26(4):28-31
在当今出版业竞争白热化的现状下,大众图书选题策划能力成为衡量出版社选题策划水平的重要指标.本文综合前人研究对大众图书的概念进行重新界定,阐释大众图书的时代属性:大众性、现实性、时效性、周期性、商业性与趋同性并存,指出大众图书选题策划应抓住事件、潮流文化及自身优势三个契机,以提高有效性.  相似文献   

互联网时代,图书出版业要乘势而起、借势而为,将互联网、大数据等等应用到图书选题策划中,将传统出版业与互联网有机结合,更加方便、高效地完成选题策划。  相似文献   

图书选题策划不仅要求编辑对市场需求反应灵敏,更需准确把握读者的消费心理。面对当下我国文化消费心理现状,图书编辑在选题策划的心理考量环节应树立图书出版的民族文化使命,减少对社会文化心理的不良影响,正确引导和调控社会文化心理。  相似文献   

选题的创新与策划是出版业发展的核心。惟有策划出好的选题创意,才能进一步转化为好的图书产品。尤其是在当下出版行业出现品种泛滥、选题重复等弊病的情形下,从源头上提高选题创新与策划的能力,提高选题质量,才是祛除出版之弊,实现出版业良性发展的根本措施。  相似文献   

出版离不开选题策划.无论是在计划经济体制下还是在市场经济体制下,无论是文化事业单位还是文化产业部门,图书选题都是需要策划的.但在每一历史时期,在每一种体制之下,选题策划有着不同的内容,或有不同的侧重点.进入新世纪以后,特别是党的十六大以后,出版业产业运作的特点和特色越来越明显和突出,但还是在事业和产业的双重变奏中转型和过渡.随着出版社的转制,除人民出版社以外,其他出版社都要企业化.出版社实行企业化,就必须在产业化方面有所发展.在这样的条件下,我们的图书选题策划,就得考虑文化产业的背景,就得注意出版产业自身的特性.由于文化产业具有文化的经济性和经济的文化性的特点,所以图书除了自身的文化具有经济性以外,其策划本身也有一定的文化内涵,因此也具有经济性的特点.  相似文献   

在社会主义文化市场日益繁荣的今天,选题策划在出版业中占有越来越突出的位置。从某种意义上说,选题策划就是出版业赖以生存的基础。而在选题这一系统工程中,信息的获取和再生则更是重中之重,是选题策划的先决条件和必要准备。发达国家有关资料表明,信息业已同物质、...  相似文献   

为了规划好2003年的图书出版,华中师范大学出版社召开了两个重要的策划会:一个是明年的年度选题策划会;一个是市场营销研讨会。今年的选题策划会在两个方面进行了改革:一方面,加强编辑的选题创新意识、图书成本意识和市场营销意识。创新是出版的灵魂,出版业的创新首先是图书选题的创新。图书成本控制是出版管理的核心内容之一。在追求经济效益方面,出版  相似文献   

依据新疆出版业和本地人才需求现状,提出编辑出版类专业应用型人才培养目标。在兼具一般应用型人才素质基础上,提出具有先进意识、技能扎实的应用型人才作为新疆编辑出版教育培养人才的特色。结合人才培养目标,探讨课程体系与当地文化结合,实践有特色的人才培养模式。  相似文献   

刘玉军 《出版科学》2008,16(3):28-31
引进版图书的选题开发既要服务于出版产业发展的需要,又要服务于文化建设的需要。本文尝试从问题的角度入手探讨引进版图书选题的开发模式,以解决长期困扰出版社的引进什么、怎样引进、如何使引进版图书既产生社会效益又产生经济效益的问题。  相似文献   

This report provides a brief summary for trends in 2011 China publishing industry in general and the book publishing sector specifically. A general industry review and analysis includes the number of titles, list prices and units as a 5?year overview. The report for 2011 concludes with a summary for two main trends that have emerged over the recent years.  相似文献   

The conversations surrounding ‘diversity’ in the Anglo-American book publishing industry have increased in recent years, and often centre around the lack of representation of publishing professionals, authors, and characters of colour. This paper contextualises these discussions within British YA, a market that has grown in popularity since 2006. Through an analysis of the corpus of all Young Adult fiction titles published, in the UK, during the 2006–2016 period, this paper will investigate what percentage of the titles were created by authors of colour; to determine whether this number has risen over the years, and to pinpoint any patterns and anomalies that emerge over the time period.  相似文献   

徽州刻书历史悠久,经宋元时期的发展,明清时期的徽州刻书闻名全国,不断发展壮大而成为全国刻书业的领军,涌现出大批优秀成果。秦宗财博士所著《明清文化传播与商业互动研究:以徽州出版与徽商为中心》,在传播学视角下考证了明清徽州出版的特点与影响,揭示了明清文化传播与商业经济互动的内在机制,既是一部研究价值高的徽学著述,又是一部优秀的研究文化传播之著作。  相似文献   

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, the concept of book self-publishing for fiction and nonfiction began to loom large in the North American publishing universe. As traditional mainstream publishers consolidated and were often loathe to take chances on unknown writers whose books might not turn immediate profits, some authors found that fewer and fewer publishing venues were open to them. As a result, new self-publishers—collectively called “author services” or print-on-demand (POD) publishers—appeared alongside subsidy (or vanity) publishers. Against the background of an increasing corporatization of mainstream publishing, book self-publishing can theoretically be situated as one of the last bastions of independent publishing. This article examines how academic and public libraries dealt with the book self-publishing phenomena during 1960–2004. To what extent did libraries collect fiction and nonfiction published by self-publishing houses? Can any patterns be discerned in their collecting choices? Did libraries choose to collect more titles from “author services” publishers than subsidy publishers?  相似文献   

In the planned economy model, publishers brought out the titles for which they had been given permission in a pre-determined number of copies. Vendors were obliged to take over the publishing output and attempted to sell it. If they did not succeed, or had a loss, the state compensated them. The transformation of the Hungarian publishing industry and booktrade to a market economy model means a change-over to exclusively commercial relations, in which all the players in the market need to have their own capital or be credit-worthy. The increase in turnover, characteristic for the 1980's, stopped in 1988, the reason being the decrease in the real income of the population. The number of periodicals published was also reduced. The proportion of political periodicals has tripled, with a decline in those of a scholarly nature. In book publishing the number of new titles has somewhat increased in the 90s, with print runs showing a downward trend.  相似文献   

A panel which included a librarian, publisher and e-book providers presented issues confronting the growth of e-books in the academic library marketplace. The e-book market projections are a small part of the higher education book market. Frontlist titles are demanded by libraries with suppliers eager to supply such titles. However, publishers are feeling their way through various rights and contract issues as well as business models as they determine which frontlist titles to provide in electronic form. The instability of business partners has contributed to publisher delays in releasing titles as e-books. No one, (librarians, suppliers, publishers) is throwing in the towel on e-books but the position this format takes in the publishing industry and therefore in library collections in the near future is unsettled.  相似文献   

In this article, the author analyzes the state of Russian University publishing in 2009, with a focus on the top 20 higher education publishers. By examining national statistics such as the total number of Russian book and pamphlet titles produced in 2009, along with their print runs and other pertinent information, the author concludes that a record number of titles were produced by Russian institutions of higher learning for that year. Nevertheless, print runs declined throughout 2009, indicating a downward production trend in Russia and the world at large.  相似文献   

As the world becomes increasingly international and new markets open up for business, questions arise for small, niche publishers: what makes a book sell well internationally? Can niche titles sell well abroad? And, more importantly: How can I find and publish a book that will be a global success? To answer these questions in this article, Scottish publishing companies will be used as examples to illustrate the ways in which even region-specific niche publishers can successfully sell and market abroad.  相似文献   

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