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陈卉 《阅读》2006,(2):37-37
One day,Miss Kate asked her students to write a composition(作文)entitied(命题):If I Am a President.All the students began to write except(除了)Tom.Miss Kate was surprised,then she came to Tom.  相似文献   

Beanty Li 《阅读》2006,(5):47-47,44
Fry Fish(煎鱼) Iwanted to fry some fish for myself and my two guests.I had three fish but the frying pan (煎锅)only holds(容纳) two at a time.It takes 30 seconds to fry one side of a fish.  相似文献   

蒲悠琦 《阅读》2006,(7):91-91
There are a lot of different subjects in our school. If you want me to choose(选择) one as my favorite subject, I'd like to take English as my favorite. When I was a little girl, an English song played on the radio attracted(吸引) me a lot. Surprisingly(令人惊奇地), I began to like English after that. I enjoy English and I read much about English every day. Though sometimes it is a little difficult, I love it.  相似文献   

允儿 《阅读》2014,(43):46-46
一、生活小常识。(选出相应的电话号码并将其序号填入空格中)(A.110 B.119 C.120 D.114)1.Your grandmother is very ill,which number do you need?2.You see a thief(小偷)on the way home,you want to ask the policeman for help.You can eall.3.The house you live in is on fire(着火).You are going to call  相似文献   

杨文华  安培 《阅读》2008,(10):34-37
He to d There was a triangle block on the tramp^(1). wanted to work, but he didn't know what to. So he was always sad.  相似文献   

毛琳 《阅读》2006,(7):68-68
The Master Carpenter( 木匠) Lu Ban was supposed to be an excellent carpenter in ancient times. It is said that he once carved (雕刻) a beautiful wooden phoenix (凤凰) that was so lifelike (活生生的) that it had actually flewin the sky for three days. Thus it was considered a complete foolish action to show off (炫耀) one's skill with an ax(斧子) in front of Lu Ban.  相似文献   

Research on Strategies to Explore Education Oriented towards Staff of Modern Enterprises --Development Transforming from E-Learning to U-Learning
ZHU Qiang (College of Vocational and Adult Education, Qufu Normal University, Qufu 273165, Shangdong, China)
Abstract: Modem information technology has been continuously innovating and bringing about great changes to educa- tion, for instance, ubiquitous learning is now becoming the most prevailing model of electronic learning (E-learning). Modem enterprises are therefore facing challenge to adopt optimum strategies to explore their staff training. This paper proposes that emphases shall be laid on the following aspects: (1) the training contents shall highly correlate with the employees' positional responsibilities; (2) their learning resources shall be open and generative; and (3) the training process shall be human-based and self-adoptive.  相似文献   

刘芳羽 《阅读》2014,(9):44-44
Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. Let me show you how to make moon cakes.Firstly, I prepare(准备)some sugar, milk, oil and flour. I mix (混合)the materials(材料).Then I steam(蒸)it for about twenty minutes.  相似文献   

高怡 《阅读》2006,(3):45-45
No one knows how this holiday began but it was thought (认为)to have begun in France. The story goes like this: the French originally (最初)celebrated (庆祝)the New Year on March 25th and the celebrations lasted (持续)until April 1st. Later King Charles IX changed the New Year's Day to January 1st. But some village people didn't know the change. They still ( 仍然 )celebrated the New Year on April 1st. So people laughed at them as April Fools.  相似文献   

张安祺  朱仁红 《阅读》2008,(5):44-44
I will be thirteen years old when 2008 Olympic being held in Beijing. I have many dreams about it. I want to be a translator to work for foreign athletes(运动员); I want to be a guider to show Beijing to foreign visitors; I also want to be an athlete to win honor for China. I want to be...  相似文献   

A Clever Mouse     
高怡 《阅读》2006,(7):67-67
One day Mike saw a mouse running across her kitchen floor. He was very. afraid of mouse, so he rail out of the house, get into a bus and went to the shops. There he bought a mousetrap(捕鼠夹). The shopkeeper (商店老板 ) said to him, "Put some cheese on it and you will soon catch that mouse."  相似文献   

Who Is She?     
梁意扬 《阅读》2010,(7):73-73
Last Saturday,Guanying journalists (记者) went to Liyang(溧阳)by bus.
“Tweet!Tweet!”I could hear a bird singing happily.Then,there was a boy coming.  相似文献   

Language is the most significant tool for human beings to communicate with each other. Listening and speaking are the frequent phenomena that occur in daily life. Paul Ranking, An American linguist, investigates that the actual situation of language application lies in: Listening (45%), speaking (30%), reading ( 18% ), writing (9%). Listening together with speaking occupies 75% of the total percentage. Therefore, listening is a basic skill for language learners to grasp. However, the writer notices that after 6 years' learning in high school, many students have developed good abilities in reading and writing but are frustrated with listening and speaking.  相似文献   

<正>What’s the story about?故事简介The Crood family live in a cave (洞穴)in the prehistoric era(史前时代).Grug is a strict father.He never lets his family members leave the cave.But his daughter Eep wants to see the outside world.One day,an earthquake (地震)comes and destroys (毁灭)the cave.  相似文献   

文苑 《阅读》2006,(5):42-43
Nancy is in her friend Yang Ling's house. They are in the kitchen, making something to eat(做点吃的). They only want a quick snack(快餐) and a cup of tea, but there aren't any clean cups or plates, so Yang Ling does the washing- up (洗餐具). Nancy pours ( 倒 ) herself a glass of juice from the jug. Yang Ling is making tea(沏茶).  相似文献   

安慰  陈莉莉 《阅读》2008,(1):68-68
On Children's Day,I Went to the Nanjing Underwater World(海底世界)With my father.  相似文献   

丹丹 《阅读》2024,(Z4):14-19
<正>阅读提示:天气越来越冷了,人们纷纷穿上厚厚的衣服,戴上厚厚的帽子。奶奶坐在温暖的阳光下,一刻不停歇地忙碌着,家人和她说话,她都没空回答。奶奶在忙什么呢?Let’s read the story.The sun shined warmly(温暖地温暖地).My grandma sat on our yard(庭院庭院).She began to knit(编织编织).  相似文献   

月亮 《阅读》2023,(85):30-33
<正>Miguel is a 12-year-old boy. He and his family live in a small village in Mexico(墨西哥). Music is Miguel’s favorite in the world.But his family hates it. Every time they hear the boy say,“I want to be a musician(音乐家),”they get really angry.  相似文献   

陈佳慧 《阅读》2014,(10):44-44
I often buy some bottles of water. After drinking, I like to collect the bottle caps(瓶盖). These bottle caps are useful. What can we do?We can make some bottle cap pictures. Let me show you.I prepare seven yellow caps andtwo red caps. Then, I put some double-side tapes (双面胶)on them.Finally, I design a picture on the paper。  相似文献   

<正>Potatoes are nutritious. They are rich in(富含) vitamin B and vitamin C. A potato’s vitamin C is as rich as(和……一样丰富)10 apples.Potatoes are easy to grow. They don’t need much water. We can grow them in hot or cold places.  相似文献   

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