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竞技本质非“游戏论”——就本质主义立场与军献兄商榷   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在当今两种主要哲学观中,本质主义寻求着事物的共性和普遍性,反本质主义认为本质是一个幻影。本质主义立场寻找着竞技确定的本质,而反本质主义以语言游戏为据认为游戏无本质。在文化语境中游戏存在着一个泛化的乱象,其自身的不确定性使得游戏本质难以寻找与琢磨,因此,无法成为规定其他事物的实体概念。原始游戏和文化游戏的区别,又使得游戏概念复杂和易变,虽然在表现形式上游戏与竞技存在着联系,但在本质上却不是同一事物。在本质主义视域中,身体性、乐趣和竞争也寻找不到游戏和竞技的同一性,它们缺乏共同的本质。作为一个泛化的"游戏"概念,无法成为规定"竞技"本质的内核,竞技本质不在游戏之中,因此,"竞技本质游戏论"不成立。竞技是生存技能的传习、演练和展示,是一种改造自然的技艺,最后认为:竞技是身体性运动竞争的技艺。  相似文献   

马克思主义与现象学(包括解释学)之间的会通,不仅表现在诸如现象学的彻底主义与马克思主义的批判主义这间,生活世界的理论与实践一元论之间,先验自我与主体主义之间,解释学的历史意识与社会存在的历史性之间的平行与相似,还表现在,如何通过作为元哲学的先验现象学为马克思主义作一价值论上的坚实论证并且将现象学的先验还原与社会历史运动结合起来以演变为一种历史的还原,主体间性的一致通过阶级斗争和社会革命来达到等等,凡此又为建立一种辩证的现象学提供可能。  相似文献   

基于后现代性语境中科技主义与竞技体育的竞技手段的不同融入方式、消费主义带来的对竞技手段与人的不同态度,将竞技手段划分为消费主义主导的利益外驱型、科技主义主导的人体机械型、人道主义主导的人文关怀型3类竞技手段,并围绕运动员在竞技体育中表现的价值对分类手段的应用展开论述。认为:人文关怀型竞技手段代表后现代性浪潮中竞技体育持久、健康发展的希望与未来。  相似文献   

探讨后人类主义的思想内涵,认为:后人类主义主张应用科技手段克服身体的有限性,强化并完善人类身体的整体功能;通过对身体观的考察,思考不同身体观对待科技改造身体的态度。由于竞技体育追求卓越、追求极限的特征,后人类主义所倡导的科技观在竞技体育领域有所实践,并使得竞技体育领域出现科技崇拜的现象。通过对竞技观的深入思考,认为现代竞技体育为消解技术理性的霸权,保持竞技体育的文化特性和价值底蕴,应加强“自律”,加强“自觉”,增强“反思”能力,确定并设置严格的技术界限。  相似文献   

现代语境下对传统武术中“传统”的解读与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在现代语境下对传统武术中传统的解读,首先要从对传统的界定开始.从宏观的角度或者从历史的角度来看,传统属于一个静态体系,而从发展的辩证的角度来看,传统又属于一个动态体系.因为传统不是一成不变的,而是不断地发生着转变,时代在发展,过去的传统会自我更新,自我发展成新的传统从而得到继承和延续.传统主义者对传统武术要保持一种科学的态度,不能固守,只能求变,只有变才能活,才能发展,同时要注意摈弃那些具有封建意识形态的思想内容,只有这样传统武术才能得到发展.而反传统主义者则首先要清楚,现代化并不是要全盘西化,如果刻意来改变自己的传统去取悦于西方强势文化,结果只会适得其反.  相似文献   

两种哲学观与体育定义法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文分别从“本质主义”和“反本质主义”这两种哲学观的角度对体育定义的问题进行 了研究。通过对“本质主义”的体育观进行批判性的分析,指出此种体育定义方法所存在的问题,并 在此基础上提出了“反本质主义”的体育观,提出对体育的定义应进行“解释学”的“对话”。  相似文献   

界定学习的方式以及认为学习发生的方式,对促进人的认知和行为的变化有重要的启示。从行为主义、认知主义和建构主义探究中小学学生身心发展的特点和规律,来理解和认清快乐体育真正追求克服困难、战胜自我所获得的成功体验,以便在新的体育课程改革中让学生体验情绪愉悦、充分的身体活动,以及在“学中乐,乐中学”的快乐情感过程。  相似文献   

本文分析2011年韩亚货机失事、2014年韩国“岁月”号沉船事故,发现“权威主义”思维模式是导致事故的重要原因。“权威主义”是韩国典型的思维方式,强调下对上的绝对服从,从而束缚了个人的主观能动性和创造性。以日常生活、学校教育、社会工作三方面为例分析其在韩国当代生活中的表现,可看出“权威主义”已深深植入韩国人血液中,成为韩国人的潜意识,因此成为导致两起事故发生的重要因素。  相似文献   

古代奥林匹克运动的精神现象学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文认为是体育孕育了伟大的希腊艺术,而古希腊人的特殊审美心理的文化背景正是雄弘的希腊体育,古希腊人认为最美的东西不外是人的强健的肉体,作为雕塑艺术展现的是人的强健的肉体,而表现的则是一种民族精神,从而确定了人是万物尺度的价值体系。希腊体育的形态学特征在于表现了各种自然这力进行斗争,在斗争中显示自我力量。在我们大干“四化”、建设伟大的社会主义祖国的今天,为攀登体育的世界高峰所需要弘扬的正是这种人的力量。  相似文献   

迪卡娅·凯泽斯塔提乌把奥林匹克主义看作一种被顾拜旦、卡尔.蒂姆、奥林匹克学院等"代理人"不断阐释与建构的元叙事哲学。在评述其博士论文并对奥林匹克主义进行历史哲学审视的基础上认为,立足批判现实主义的立场,以现代性、文化帝国主义、全球化理论为视角,运用质性研究范式,方可深刻阐释倡导普世伦理的奥林匹克主义与地缘政治、社会文化、经济博弈中的哲学议题。并指出多元文化主义是奥林匹克主义未来走向的必由之路。  相似文献   

In considering the ways in which New Zealand's mediocre performance on the international cricket stage was interpreted, this article provides a significant critique of the emphasis on a nexus between rugby and emergent nationalism that has dominated New Zealand historiography. After consideration of New Zealand's enduring ties to Britain and cleavage in formal relations with Australia, cricketing and otherwise, during the inter-war period, this article examines expectations for and reactions to New Zealand's cricketing contacts with England during the period of its first five tours ‘home' 1927–58. Here the supposedly pervasive rhetoric in which sporting success is equated to national success is countered by one emphasising deferential loyalty to the British Empire and amateur sporting idealism. At the same time, the sometimes patronising response from English critics made much of the significant differences between humble New Zealand cricketers and their more aggressive Australian counterparts.  相似文献   


This paper argues that the 1914 England Women’s hockey tour of Australia and New Zealand has an ambiguous place within wider progress narratives of women’s sport. It created some important sporting precedents, being the first time Australian and New Zealand women’s teams had taken the field. The media reception of the tour was mixed. While the social pages and some of match commentary focused on the appearance of the players, the majority presented the tour as a worthy sporting spectacle. Indeed in the final match the New Zealand team was billed as the ‘All Blacks’, the name normally associated with national men’s teams. Moreover, the symbolic importance of the tour was enhanced by the fact that the tourists were accorded the same rites and rituals accorded men’s touring teams to New Zealand: parliamentary and civic receptions; playing in the leading sporting venues and being linked to imperial bonding.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to prompt professional debate about the future of physical education and, specifically, the form that curricula should take in rapidly changing times and societies. Arguments focus upon a reorientation and restructuring of the subject to address educational needs and interests relevant to the 21st century. The current revision of the National Curriculum for Physical Education in England and Wales is used as a basis from which to present a case for a distinctly new orientation to be reflected in the design of PE curricula, units of work and lessons. The work of Bernstein and Young is utilised in deconstructing long-established practices and outlining their potential reconstruction in ways that are informed by, and express, a 'critical pedagogy for social justice' [Fernandez-Balboa (1997) Critical Post Modernism in Human Movement, Physical Education and Sport (New York, State University of New York Press)]. A curriculum framework privileging learning achieved in and via activity contexts, as compared to learning of activities, is presented. The developments that are proposed are identified as highly challenging but arguably long overdue in physical education, and as matters of relevance to international professional communities, not only those in England and Wales.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、数理统计法与逻辑分析法,以2006世界杯三站比赛成绩为依据,对当前赛艇项目的世界竞争格局形势进行分析,旨在为中国赛艇的2008奥运周期备战提供借鉴。研究结果表明,当前赛艇项目世界竞争格局呈现出以下特点:(1)以德国为代表的传统强队实力犹存;(2)以英国、澳大利亚、新西兰为代表的英联邦国家成绩惊人;(3)以中国、美国为代表的非欧国家新生力量进步迅速。  相似文献   


A special instrument in the form of a health opinionnaire was constructed, evaluated, and administered for the purpose of determining the prevalence of certain harmful health misconceptions among freshman prospective elementary school teachers attending state teachers colleges in New England and the extent to which that population was aware of the harmfulness of these misconceptions. Analysis indicated that the participating trainees subscribed to many harmful health misconceptions and that those who were aware of the misconceptions were also aware of their harmfulness. Analysis of variance indicated that those who had health and biology or biology subscribed to fewer misconceptions to a highly significant degree.  相似文献   

The Beijing olympics prompted educationalists to develop new curriculum resources. These resources focus on the socio-cultural elements of the games, olympism and olympic values, the moral and ethical aspects of sport and select geographical, historical and social dimensions of traditional and contemporary Chinese culture. Typically produced as glossy brochures, such resources helped to disseminate olympic knowledge. However, analyses and evaluations of these resources are rare. Drawing on Showcase China—Beijing 2008, an online resource published by New Zealand's Ministry of Education and previous olympic education resources published in New Zealand, I encourage scholars to question the comfortable and comforting rhetoric in olympic educational resources that increasingly penetrate physical education curricula. In so doing, I offer an alternative perspective and strategies for teachers to deal with these resources in ways I believe will improve their work and help their students to better understand their worlds.  相似文献   

Greg Ryan 《国际体育史杂志》2016,33(17):2123-2138

This paper focuses generally on the history of women’s cricket during the earlier twentieth century, primarily on the 1934–35 England women’s cricket tour of Australia and New Zealand, and more so on the New Zealand dimension. The tour occurred at a critical time for women’s team sport in both countries in that from the 1920s consistent local and then national competitions brought continuity to previously fragmented activities. Hence the tour provides a useful barometer for a wide range of attitudes to sporting participation by women and reveals contrasts between Britain and Australasia. At the same time, there are specific attitudes to the playing of cricket by women that need to be explored. Here there are some obvious differences between accounts in dedicated women’s cricket sources and the specialist women’s press, both of which sought to encourage the game on its own terms, and those in sources with a broader scope and male-dominated editorship which were more inclined to trivialize and disparage women’s cricket and to judge it against the men’s game.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料研究方法和逻辑分析法,对少儿时期运动技能培养过程中应遵循的客观规律进行研究。目前,学术界一般认为儿童在少年时期运动技能能力的培养只遵循运动技能的形成规律,忽视了人类动作发展的规律,笔者认为运动技能的培养过程在遵循运动技能规律的同时,还必须遵循人类动作的发展规律。  相似文献   

Homo Ludens, man at play, is surely as significant a figure as man at war or at work. In human activity the invention of the ball may be said to rank with the invention of the wheel. Imagine America without baseball, Europe without soccer, England without cricket, the Italians without bocci, China without Ping-Pong, and tennis for no one.  相似文献   

In the light of the republication of my original article on ‘Football hooliganism in England before 1914’ in the volume Sports History: Critical Concepts, edited by Wray Vamplew and published by Routledge in 2014, I offer here a belated reply to the counter-critique of my arguments given by Patrick Murphy, Eric Dunning and Joseph Maguire in their article in the International Journal of the History of Sport in 1998. I regard this debate as still relevant to the academic discussion of the history of association football, particularly the concern about the social and historical origins of football hooliganism within an English context, despite the topic being rather less fashionable than it once was. I believe that my original article, and this reply to Murphy, Dunning and Maguire, make a contribution to the ongoing debate within sports history over the relevance of using particular forms of sociological theory (in this case, Norbert Elias' concept of a ‘civilising process’ operating in European history from the middle ages) to explain historical phenomenon. This paradigm, it is argued, distorts the historical interpretation of sport by the use of such a priori sociological arguments.  相似文献   

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