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我们以往对数学素质教育的研究偏重于学优生,而忽视了基本知识学习都困难的资源生--他们是教育可持续发展,乃至整个社会可持续发展的重要"资源".下移数学教学活动重心,努力提高资源生的数学学科素质便成了数学教育亟待解决的问题.  相似文献   

同是研究心与物之关系的“心物感应论”和“摹仿说”,由于东西方化区域、化传统的不同,因而其差异性仍然是明显的:中国古代美学中的“心物感应论”更强调审美的主体和心物交感的对应性,而西方古典美学中的“摹仿说”,则侧重于审美的客体和心物的对立性、冲突性。  相似文献   

通过对一个小学二年级数学后进生的跟踪研究 ,发现引起该生数学学习困难的主要原因是智力因素 ,研究最后表明数学后进生是可以转化的。  相似文献   

Educational applications (apps) are ubiquitous within children's learning environments and emerging evidence has demonstrated their efficacy. However, it remains unclear what the active ingredients (ie, mechanisms), or combination of ingredients, of successful maths apps are. The current study developed a new, open-access, three-step framework for assessing the educational value of maths apps, comprised of type of app, mathematical content and app design features. When applied to a selection of available maths apps previously evaluated with children in the first 3 years of school (the final sample included 23 apps), results showed that practice-based apps were the most common app type tested (n = 15). Basic number skills, such as number representation and relationships, were the most common area of mathematics targeted by apps (n = 21). A follow-up qualitative comparative analysis showed observed learning outcomes with maths apps were enhanced when apps combined the following: a scaffolded and personalised learning journey (programmatic levelling) and explanations of why answers were right or wrong (explanatory feedback), as well as praise, such as ‘Great job!’ (motivational feedback). This novel evidence stresses the significance of feedback and levelling design features that teaching practitioners and other stakeholders should consider when deciding which apps to use with young children. Directions for future research are discussed.

Practitioner notes

What is already known about this topic
  • Educational apps have been shown to support maths attainment in the first 3 years of school.
  • Several existing frameworks have attempted to assess the educational value of some of these maths apps.
  • Emerging experimental evidence also demonstrates the benefits of specific app design features, including feedback and levelling.
What this paper adds
  • Practice-based maths apps are the most common type of app previously evaluated with young children.
  • These evaluated maths apps have mostly focused on basic number skills.
  • The combination of explanatory and motivational feedback, with programmatic levelling (either dynamic or static), was a necessary condition for enhancing learning outcomes with maths apps.
Implications for practice and policy
  • The inclusion of feedback and levelling in maths apps should be considered by app developers when designing apps, and by educational practitioners and parents when deciding which apps to use with their children.
  • Further consideration is also needed for the development of educational apps that include a broad range of maths skills.

威克利夫《圣经》是英语语言文化史上第一部完整的英文圣经,它是在威克利夫积极倡导下完成的,分为前期译本和后期译本。两个译本的译者有所不同,更为重要的是翻译原则和译法存在较大差异。后期译本以句子和意思为基础,主要采用意译,更加浅显易懂,倍受英格兰百姓喜爱,传播更广。  相似文献   

Educators have long debated the usefulness (or otherwise) of final examinations; a debate that has typically revolved around the relative merits of closed-book exams, open-book exams, take-home exams or their substitution by some other assessment format (eg, project work). This paper adds a new dimension to the debate by considering how the final examination assessment instrument might be enhanced through harnessing the power of technology, more specifically, how the learner experience of the final examination might be made more authentic and, in the process, more constructively aligned with stated learning outcomes. The authors report on the latest findings of an ongoing research project evaluating the effectiveness of 'open-book, open-web' (OBOW) examinations delivered by an online university, vis-à-vis a closed-book, invigilated alternative. Earlier research had indicated that the OBOW model receives the strong endorsement of students in a number of respects, most particularly the quality of the learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Efforts to prevent and curb school bullying have resulted in a proliferation of anti‐school‐bullying programmes, many based on intuitive appeal rather than systematic evidence. This article presents a comparative analysis of two Norwegian programmes whose developers have demonstrated the effectiveness of their interventions: the Olweus Programme and the Zero Programme. By probing the key components of these programmes, the article provides schools with information about two prominent anti‐school‐bullying programmes that, to varying degrees, and mainly based on quantitative evaluations, have been found to work. In weighing up the potential of lesson drawing (both nationally and cross‐nationally), schools will attach significance to the probability of positive effects, to issues concerning intensity of implementation, and to the prospect of adapting programme content to school culture and school‐specific problems. It is important too that schools keep up to date with current research in the field, including studies that offer qualitative insights.  相似文献   

The main aim of the study reported in this paper was to identify Italian high school students' ( n =599) beliefs about maths and mathematical problem solving by exploring the use of a 36-item (six scales) self-report questionnaire. The study was also aimed at analysing possible significant differences in beliefs related to grade (five years of school) and gender, as well as the relationship between beliefs and achievement in maths. Moreover, it explored the reasons underlying mature and nai¨ve beliefs about the different dimensions measured by the questionnaire. Results show a substantial replication of the instrument with the exception of one scale (importance of word problems) which was not reliable. A MANOVA revealed differences for three scales (ability to solve time consuming problems; problems which cannot solved by routine procedures; the usefulness of mathematics) related to grade and a difference for one scale related to gender (importance of understanding maths). It also emerged that the four scales mentioned predicted achievement in maths to different extents. Data regarding the reasons underlying students' beliefs show how their convictions are adaptive or maladaptive to learning. Finally, educational implications are drawn.  相似文献   

邓小平在1978年中央工作会议上所作的<解放思想,实事求是,团结一致向前看>的讲话和1992年的南方谈话,是我国改革开放和社会主义现代化建设进程中解放思想的两篇"宣言书".两篇宣言书的相同之处主要表现在:它们都诞生在中国向何处去的重大历史关头;它们都面临着对前进道路的抉择;它们都是解放思想、实事求是的典范.而它们的不同之处不仅表现在形式不同,还表现在所针对的对象不同,历史作用不同.  相似文献   

美国是较早进行性教育的国家之一,其多样的模式和丰富的经验使其受到各国研究者的关注。文章通过对美国两大主要青少年性教育模式的发展历程和现状、价值体系、教育目标、课程内容四大方面的比较研究,以期为我国青少年性教育提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目前社会考试项目是多家办、多家推,其价值取向并非与社会和人们的预期相一致。在分析社会考试特征和价值取向基础上,以科学发展观为指导,以服务构建和谐社会为目的,探讨了促进社会考试活动和谐有序发展的问题。  相似文献   

一、问题提出数学是研究现实世界的空间形式和数量关系的科学。幼儿数学,是指幼儿所学习的最初步的数学知识,包括:数量、形状、空间、测量、模式等方面的内容。教师是幼儿能力发展的重要影响源和主要教育者,直接影响幼儿数学认知能力的发展。教师是否能够准确地判断、评价幼儿数学能力的发展水平,直接制约着教师对幼儿的态度、期望,影响教师的教育行为,包括呈现问题的方式、教育时使用的策略以及教师能在什么程度上回答幼儿的问题或做出什么样的反应,(C.Aubrey,1997)也就是说教师对幼儿能力发展水平的评价是教师采取各种教…  相似文献   

在一元微积分中,牛顿-莱布尼兹公式是最重要的公式,它建立了微分学与积分学之间的联系.在多元微积分中,也有类似的公式.通过研究场论中三个基本公式的关系,可统一处理多元函数中的相关内容.  相似文献   

This article presents an overall exploratory comparison of two specific pre-service teacher preparation programmes at two research-intensive institutions of higher education in the USA and Romania. The main conclusions suggest that US and Romanian teacher candidates differ very little in their ratings of their respective programmes in terms of learning in the programme, preparation for general teaching and twenty-first century skills. The largest differences were recorded for the university supervisor and cooperating teacher constructs, which the US teacher candidates rated considerably higher than their Romanian peers, namely in the quality and extent of applied field and clinical experiences, which merit further exploration.  相似文献   

《项脊轩志》是明代散文的代表作之一。在译者主体性理论的关照下,比较杨宪益和戴乃迭先生的合译本与刘士聪先生的译本,深感两者从题目的翻译、意境的传达到语言魅力的再现三个方面均有巨大差异。但是两者都忠实于原文的意义和文化内涵,而各自又发挥了译者主体的作用,均称得上是难得的翻译佳品。  相似文献   

The notion of moral attention allows the recognition of fundamental aspects of ethical life ignored or neglected by mainstream ethical theories. It is central to the theories of several notable female ethicists and many of them identify the French philosopher Simone Weil as the source of the contemporary use of this concept which invites questioning of crucial categories in the domain of ethics and moral education, such as the importance of the will as well as the definition of the moral sphere itself. The meanings given to the notion of moral attention are examined in the work of three ethicists: Iris Murdoch, Nel Noddings and Joan Tronto with the object of bringing out points of agreement and disagreement between their respective conceptions of this subject. The way they have addressed the complex problem of educating for moral attention is analyzed and important implications for moral education are discussed.  相似文献   

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