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For some years now, the history of modern mathematics and the history of modern science have developed independently. A step toward a reunification that would benefit both disciplines could come about through a revived appreciation of mathematical practice. Detailed studies of what mathematicians actually do, whether local or broadly based, have often led in recent work to examinations of the social, cultural, and national contexts, and more can be done. Another recent approach toward a historical understanding of the abstractness of modern mathematics has been to see it as a species of modernism, and this thesis will be tested by the raft of works on the history of modern applied mathematics currently under way.  相似文献   

History of science has developed into a methodologically diverse discipline, adding greatly to our understanding of the interplay between science, society, and culture. Along the way, one original impetus for the then newly emerging discipline--what George Sarton called the perspective "from the point of view of the scientist"--dropped out of fashion. This essay shows, by means of several examples, that reclaiming this interaction between science and history of science yields interesting perspectives and new insights for both science and history of science. The authors consequently suggest that historians of science also adopt this perspective as part of their methodological repertoire.  相似文献   

Anderson K 《Endeavour》2006,30(4):150-155
The Census of Marine Life is an international and inter-disciplinary collaboration that seeks to map ocean life of the past, present and future. From the Arctic to the abyssal zones, it is producing a stream of newsworthy science, literally pushing the study of biodiversity to new depths. This fascinating and far-reaching endeavour offers a rich set of insights that can illuminate our changing ideas about the oceans. But one section of the Census deserves special attention--the History of Marine Animal Populations. It provides a unique focus for debates about collaboration and big science, about historical methods and about the study of current science by historians of science.  相似文献   

Up until the 1950s, the history of mathematics was an integral part of the history of science. To George Sarton and his contemporaries, mathematics was the rational skeleton that organized science and held it together, and its history was a fundamental component of the broader history of science. But when historians began focusing on the cultural roots of science rather than its rational structure, the study of mathematics was marginalized and ultimately excluded from the history of science. The alienation between the two fields is detrimental to both, and in recent years there has been a sustained effort to reestablish meaningful communication between the two. This time, however, mathematics is seen not as the static skeleton of science but, instead, as a dynamic and historically evolving field in its own right-just like science itself. The new approach allows for a culturally sensitive study of mathematics, as well as a new and fruitful relationship between the history of science and the history of mathematics. The essays in this Focus section offer a sampling of the new approaches, opening the way to a rapprochement between fields that have gone their separate ways but should by rights be closely interconnected.  相似文献   

This essay opens up the question of what difference the history of science makes. What is the value of the history of science, beyond its role as an academic pursuit that we historians of science know and love? It introduces the set of essays that follow as explorations that grew out of a seminar on this topic and that arise from the authors' particular concerns both that historians of science do not work hard enough to make their work of value and that others do not know of the potential. That seminar, at the Marine Biological Laboratory, was funded for nineteen years by the Dibner Institute and last year by Brent Dibner. It will continue and carry such discussions forward in new ways as the Arizona State University-Marine Biological Laboratory History of Biology Seminar Series. This set of focused essays seeks to invite lively discussion and response.  相似文献   

The purpose of this work was to determine if public communication of science and technology (PCST) has any influence on people's decision to become dedicated to scientific research. For this reason, a national survey involving 852 researchers from all disciplines was conducted in Argentina. The results showed that the factors affecting scientific vocation are many, and that, regardless of differences in gender, age or discipline, the greatest influence on the decision to go into scientific research is exerted by teachers. The analysis also demonstrated that different manifestations of PCST (science books, press articles, audiovisual material, and activities such as visits to science museums) play a significant role in awakening the vocation for science. From these results it may be stated that PCST--in addition to its function of informing and forming citizens--exerts a significant influence in fostering scientific vocation.  相似文献   

This article examines the relationship between the general public's understanding of science and the attitude towards public funding of scientific research. It applies a multivariate and discriminant analysis (Wilks' Lambda), in addition to a more commonly used bivariate analysis (Cramer's V), to data compiled from the Third National Survey on the Social Perception of Science and Technology in Spain (FECYT, 2006). The general conclusion is that the multivariate analysis produces information complementary to the bivariate analysis, and that the variables commonly applied in public perception studies have limited predictive value with respect to the attitude towards public funding of scientific research.  相似文献   

The inability to touch products is a fundamental shortcoming in online shopping because humans typically use the sense of touch to evaluate the utilitarian product functionality and to obtain hedonic sensory enjoyment, which the instrumental and autotelic need for touch capture. This study of 900 consumers looks at the interplay between need for touch and imagination to study how imagination compensates for the lack of touch when consumers shop in a 360-virtual store. The study finds that while telepresence of a 360-virtual store improves consumer attitudes toward virtual shopping, the need for hedonic sensory enjoyment – autotelic need for touch – significantly reduces this effect. Further, imagination can compensate for the need for touch; yet this finding holds only for the instrumental need for touch, not for the autotelic need for touch. Consequently, we conclude that imagination can compensate for the utilitarian need to touch products in a 360-virtual store.  相似文献   

While constantly revealing the laws of the objective world and of mankind itself, science, and technology, whose development is based on the former, have greatly advanced the productive forces of society and brought about  相似文献   

Since the mid 1960s, researchers in computer science have famously referred to chess as the 'drosophila' of artificial intelligence (AI). What they seem to mean by this is that chess, like the common fruit fly, is an accessible, familiar, and relatively simple experimental technology that nonetheless can be used productively to produce valid knowledge about other, more complex systems. But for historians of science and technology, the analogy between chess and drosophila assumes a larger significance. As Robert Kohler has ably described, the decision to adopt drosophila as the organism of choice for genetics research had far-reaching implications for the development of 20th century biology. In a similar manner, the decision to focus on chess as the measure of both human and computer intelligence had important and unintended consequences for AL research. This paper explores the emergence of chess as an experimental technology, its significance in the developing research practices of the AI community, and the unique ways in which the decision to focus on chess shaped the program of AI research in the decade of the 1970s. More broadly, it attempts to open up the virtual black box of computer software--and of computer games in particular--to the scrutiny of historical and sociological analysis.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from quantitative analyses of UK press and print media coverage of evolutionary psychology during the 1990s. It argues that evolutionary psychology presents an interesting case for studies of science in the media in several different ways. First, press coverage of evolutionary psychology was found to be closely linked with the publications of popular books on the subject. Secondly, when compared to coverage of other subjects, a higher proportion of academics and authors wrote about evolutionary psychology in the press, contributing to the development of a scientific controversy in the public domain. Finally, it was found that evolutionary psychology coverage appeared in different areas of the daily press, and was rarely written about by specialist science journalists. The possible reason for these features are then explored, including the boom in popular science publishing during the 1990s, evolutionary psychology's status as a new subject of study and discussion, and the nature of the subject its as theoretically based and with a human, "everyday" subject matter.  相似文献   

Traditionally Friedewald formula has been used to calculate low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) concentration though now direct homogenous methods for its measurement are also available. Clinical guidelines recommend the use of calculated LDL-C to guide therapy because the evidence base for cholesterol management is derived almost exclusively from trials that use calculated LDL, with direct measurement of LDL-C being reserved for those patients who are non fasting or with significant hypertriglyceridemia. In this study our aim was to compare calculated and direct LDL and their variation at different cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Fasting lipid profile estimation was done on 503 outpatients in a tertiary hospital. Both direct and calculated LDL were then compared. Mean fasting direct LDL was found to be higher than calculated LDL in 87.1 % of subjects by 8.64 ± 8.35 mg/dl. This difference was seen a all levels of cholesterol and triglyceride. Using 130 mg/dl LDL cholesterol as cut off fewer subjects were classified as high risk by calculated LDL than direct LDL. In conclusion, direct LDL is higher than calculated LDL. Compared with direct measurement, the Friedewald calculation underestimates the risk for ischemic heart disease.  相似文献   

Gamification is increasingly used as an essential part of today’s services, software and systems to engage and motivate users, as well as to spark further behaviors. A core assumption is that gamification should be able to increase the ability of a system or a service to satisfy intrinsic needs, and thereby the autotelicy of use as well as consequent change in beneficial behaviors. However, beyond these optimistic expectations, there is a dearth of empirical evidence on how different gamification features satisfy different dimensions intrinsic needs. Therefore, in this study we investigate the relationships between the user (N = 824) interactions with gamification features (immersion, achievement and social -related features) and intrinsic need satisfaction (autonomy, competence and relatedness needs) in Xiaomi and Huawei online gamified communities that represent two large technology product-related online brand communities in China through a survey-based study. The results indicate that immersion-related gamification features were only positively associated with autonomy need satisfaction. Achievement-related features were not only positively associated with all kinds of need satisfaction, but also the strongest predictor of both autonomy and competence need satisfaction. Social-related gamification features, were positively associated with autonomy, competence and relatedness need satisfaction. The results imply that gamification can have a substantially positive effect on intrinsic need satisfaction for services users.  相似文献   

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