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This empirical study uses auto-ethnography to describe a higher education pedagogical process that facilitated largely doctoral students in preparing their candidacy proposals through the use of specific adult learning principles. Students' experiences and points of view of such a learning environment were explored, including: (1) how they contributed to their peers' learning; (2) how their peers contributed to their own individual learning; and (3) how the learning environment impacted the process. Key factors identified as pivotal to learning to learn, include creating a learning sanctuary and trusting relationships, engaging in mutual inquiry and the co-construction of meaning, and bridging research theory and practice. These factors enabled students to expand their identities to include a researcher identity and to negotiate deep knowledge at the personal level. Throughout this article, the students' points of view are used to elucidate shared and diverse experiences, in addition to supporting conclusions and recommendations for practice and further study.  相似文献   

Wu Cui 《美中教育评论》2014,(12):880-886
In the process of classroom education, setting questions in class is an important teaching method, which is used in the whole teaching activity and acts as the link between the thoughts of teachers and students. Hence, creating a wisdom class and using according questions to aid the class are of great significance to both students and teachers. In this paper, 40 elementary students from the 9th grade and 10 of their teachers were studied and the result showed that learning requirements facing to the whole class and students' learning beliefs are essential principles, and questions should be set by having an exhaustive understanding of the textbook, giving previous homework, creating a thinking atmosphere, and setting a proper difficulty for the students. The proper time to set questions is when the old knowledge and new knowledge of the student conflict in the awareness of the student, when the teacher wants to spread thought, and when the teacher wants to make a conclusion.  相似文献   

Narrative inquiry is applied to discuss the knowledge generation in teacher and learner learning community,which consists of one English teacher and 27 freshmen in a university in China.It is based on the social constructivism and cooperative learning theories.With the guidance of constructivists’ knowledge conception,it aims to illuminate how knowledge is generated in a learning community.Class observation,interview,and journals were applied to collect data in the research.Analysis of the data enables the researcher to arrive at the argument that learners’ prior personal and students themselves as knowledge resource are vital for knowledge generation.Furthermore,learning community provide a safe context for knowledge generation.  相似文献   

Through a three year qualitative research study, the researcher examed how faculty in higher education are thinking about, constructing and developing interactive learning enviorments, and identified five fundeamentalfoutors to consider in developing effective online learning communities, Which may help to negotiate the new enviorment for students and faculty.  相似文献   

Chinese nursing education levels have developed fast over the past few years. Many nursing educators are devoted to the research of nursing teaching. How to cultivate nursing students' creative thinking is one of the principle researches and has received increasing attention. In the course of nursing teaching, we renewed the teaching design based on the empirical education from nursing basics as follows. The teaching contents are enlarged to make students establish a sense of nursing development and dynamic study. The traditional teacher-centered teaching methods have been replaced by diversified students-centered methods from knowledge to activities. Evaluation of learning effect is developed to be a versatile comprehensive evaluation including students' Self-evaluation in accord with the multimedia teaching, group-evaluation in theoretical and discussion classes, and teachers' all-around evaluation. The new teaching design have embodied students' principal role and enhanced their abilities of creative thinking.  相似文献   

The objectives of the present study were: (a) to identify the teaching beliefs of an ecology teacher when teaching an ecology course; and (b) to determine the influences of these beliefs on students' learning performance. The present study employed a case study research method to conduct a year-long observation, focusing on the teacher's teaching beliefs, research representations, and the students' attitudes and changes in their ecological knowledge. The present study employed both qualitative and quantitative analyses through classroom observations, teacher and student interview questionnaires, a self-administered course comprehension questionnaire, and an ecology course attitude scale among other tools. Findings indicated that the research teacher maintained teaching beliefs that were improvement-oriented and preferred to use an integrated teaching method that was diversified and provided interdisciplinary knowledge. Through the ecology course, the students were able to rectify their misconceptions, learn to view nature from a macro-perspective, and respect life. The results obtained in the present study can be provided to other teachers as a reference and learning direction when teaching ecology courses.  相似文献   

Rather than only learning English grammar and some other language knowledge about English,learning English litera ture is another effective way for students to learn English since they can not only learn the native English by reading some English literature but also get familiar with different cultures and background knowledge of English countries.As an English teacher,the main job in the literature class is to design effective activities for students in order to let them comprehend texts that they read and improve their critical thinking.This paper is tend to discuss some activities,including pre-reading,reading and post-reading ac tivities,which was used in my literature class and how they help the students learn English and improve their critical thinking.  相似文献   

1 Introduction In the teaching process,it is very common that the English grades differ markedly in one class even if the students have the same teacher who teaches them the same English knowledge.It is not all because of their intelligence level.It is due to the students’ non-intellectual factors in a large degree.The learners’ non-intellectual factors refer to the psychological factors such as motivation,will,interest,emotion and habit.This paper mainly focuses on how to cultivate students’ non-intellectual factors to improve the learning quality.  相似文献   

Laboratory work educates students about the "processes of science". But it is suggested that students' learning level is low because of limited application of science processes in their laboratory work. Extraction experiment was chosen as the topic since it allows students to apply many of their basic chemistry knowledge, and it can be readily to gain understanding of scientific proceses required for an investigation. This study has been carried out with 40 students who are in the first year of Science Teaching Division at Trakya University, Faculty of Education. These students were divided into two groups of the experimental group and the control group, each group containing 20 students. The students of the experimental group were given knowledge about basic scientific process skills, and a procedure in detail to follow was given. But the students of the control group was given a standard procedure. The students of both groups were asked about what and why they did while they were performing the laboratory investigation. We observed that the experimental group students used the basic process skills, understood the extraction experiment, and realized what and why they did from this activity better than the control group students. The control group students did not know why they did laboratory work and they tended to focus on completing the task rather than learning from it. We considered that the experience would be helpful for students to improve scientific process skills if the students successfully acquired procedural understanding. Students" scientific processskills will develop as long as they use the skills.  相似文献   

Implementation of information and communication technologies as well as emersion of new user interfaces and web 2.0 technologies changes the way of education system, the way of living and business transactions in general. The way we communicate, operate, produce and live is also changing. In accordance with it, the systems of education change from traditional to modern. The following changes occur: from content delivery to knowledge production, from transfer of knowledge from teachers to students towards encouragement of development and construction of knowledge, from courses and programs changing to the adaptation of the study environment, from the faculty professionalism to the quality of teaching and student learning and the early involvement of students in research work and projects. These occurring changes also affect the students' and professors' mobility. Here, the word "mobility" represents not only the student exchange programs and the easier transitions from one's home university to a foreign one, but also the way professors conduct their classes. With the development of certain software, students' class attendance no longer represents an important factor, as they can now learn from distance using the mentioned software, taking the learning process one step further. In order for above-mentioned changes to occur, the use of e-learning and the development of new tools are almost mandatory. With this in mind, the goal of this paper is to analyze quantitatively the changes that are occurring almost every day that affect the students' learning and the professors' teaching methods.  相似文献   

在《挑战》一文中,姚斯主要强调接受主体的历史性,但同时姚斯也并没有忽视文学的创作以及文学作品本身的历史性,而将文本历史性与社会历史发展、创造主体、接受主体的历史性融合在一起,从而形成其独具特色的理论体系。  相似文献   

当事人陈述具有两种涵义,其一为当事人基于诉讼主体地位向法院所作的陈述,其二为当事人基于证据方法之地位向法院所作的陈述。前者为意的表示,性质上属于观念通知,后者为知的表示,性质上属于事实行为。由于两种当事人陈述涵义、功能及性质有别,故应适用不同的制度予以调整。  相似文献   

从中国现代化社会启蒙的过程和特点,来解读夏天敏的中篇小说《好大一对羊》中的人物形象,揭示出当下云南高寒山区启蒙思想的缺失和失败,直射出文学创作中责任和良知的伟大力量。  相似文献   

关于第一次国共合作失败原因的再思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
关于第一次国共合作失败的原因,几十年来史学界已有定论,即客观上反革命力量大于革命力量,主观上由于以陈独秀为首的中共中央执行了右倾投降主义路线.本文试图从统一战线内部就国共两党的地位、中国共产党对改组后国民党性质的认识以及共产国际对中国革命的指导方针等方面对第一次国共合作失败的主观原因做更为深入的探讨.  相似文献   

清末新政是一场王朝自救运动,历时十年。日本参与并引导了这场改革,期间中日关系相对缓和,日本亚洲主义影响下的对华政策给这一现象带来了答案。  相似文献   

李大钊幼年的不幸和深厚的儒学教育养成了他早期“道德至上、国家至上、民意至上”的民本思想。他用这种思想观察和思考辛亥革命后复杂的社会现实,既反对袁世凯的专制独裁,又对他抱有极大幻想,希望他作一个强有力领导人统一国家以稳定动荡不定的社会现实,表现出拥袁反袁的矛盾心态。随着袁世凯本质的暴露和李大钊对西方思想的研究,他开始用西方民主思想改造发展传统民本思想,将“天赋人权”、个人主义与“民为邦本”、“入世有为”相融合,形成了他独具特色的“民彝”思想。十月革命后,李大钊接受了马克思主义,并用马克思主义的唯物史观和阶级分析的方法系统地改造传统民本思想,揭示了“仁政德治”的虚伪性和落后性,以新型的无产阶级党群关系取代传统的君主民本思想。  相似文献   

海明威是美国小说史上的先锋人物,也是位叙事大师,开创了崭新的叙事技巧,并将其完美地结合在小说的各个环节中,为整个叙事服务.从海明威的巅峰之作<老人与海>中,可以寻找出其聚焦变换的现象,其在整个叙事过程中所起到的作用,也在文本中得到体现.  相似文献   

本文阐述了初中化学“综合启发,评价开拓”教法试验的理论和实践依据.试验优化的标准,运用系统科学原理提出了该教法在初中化学课堂教学中的基本环节和要求,并在教学中予于了实施和总结.  相似文献   

随着人类社会的发展、战争形态的演变,"边疆"内涵在不断变化,"边疆"已经不再局限于传统意义上"领土边界线"的框架性解释,而是不断地延伸到各个领域,出现了信息边疆、经济边疆、文化边疆和利益边疆等内涵的扩展。面对新内涵"边疆"带来的各种冲击,我们必须采取有效的应对策略。  相似文献   

建国以来党群关系的发展经历了曲折的历程,积累了丰富的经验.认真总结执政党密切联系群众的历史,对新形势下密切党群关系、保持党的先进性、提高党的执政能力、巩固党的执政地位、完成党的执政使命,具有重要的理论和现实意义.  相似文献   

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