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The Artist Teacher as Reflective Practitioner   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this article it is argued that in order to be an effective artist teacher it is helpful to be a reflective practitioner. Initially a working definition of the artist teacher is formulated and the artist teacher scheme that has developed in England over recent years is discussed regarding its importance in offering both accredited and non‐accredited personal and professional development for artist teachers. Potential problems with adopting this dual practice or identity are then highlighted and reflective practice is evoked as a means by which such problems can be tackled, with particular reference to the theories of Schön.  相似文献   

杨丽华 《海外英语》2012,(7):279-281
Reflection is considered crucial and widely used in educational setting to help teachers to question their teaching practice and promote their professional development.Be a reflective practitioner is very important both for inservice and preservice teachers.Through reflecting on routine teaching practices,teachers can identify the strengths and weaknesses of each session and make improvements upon the inadequacies so that to promote and enhance professional development and practice.In this article,a reflective teacher presents her developing process as a reflective practitioner which is encouraging and inspiring to provide other practitioners in the similar context with a different perspective and reference.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the connection between qualitative research methods in education and teacher reflective practices as they relate to Valli’s (Reflective teacher education: cases and critiques. State University of New York Press, Albany, 1992; Peabody J Educ 72(1): 67–88, 1997) model of reflection. Using the authors’ own experiences in performing and guiding educational research, and existing research in the field of teacher education pertaining to reflective practitioners, explicit connections are made between the two paradigms. These connections illustrate the importance of integrating authentic research experiences into the teacher education curriculum outside the context of methods courses, much like models established in the sciences.  相似文献   

Drawing on Zeichner's levels of reflection (Liston and Zeichner 1996 Liston, D. and Zeichner, K. 1996. Reflective teaching: An introduction, Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc..  [Google Scholar]), this study uses a fine-grain analysis of portfolio entries to describe the reflective practice of a cohort of preservice secondary education teachers as they student teach, participate in a student teaching seminar, and prepare the Vermont Licensure Portfolio. The paper raises questions about the tension between satisfying state mandates while facilitating critical reflection among preservice teachers and recommends a broader curriculum for teacher education programs to further develop preservice teachers' critical reflection.  相似文献   

以听课评估教师的传统作法已逐显其弊端,本文提出应以“自我反思实践”为指导,促使教师贯彻学生参与,活动方式和信息输出三项最大化原则,从而达到提高教学质量,完善教师评估体系的目的。  相似文献   


This article is an attempt to answer some of the criticisms of the notion of reflective practice in teacher education. It is argued that in a democratic society personal autonomy is an important ideal of education, including teacher education, and that therefore the notion of reflective practice should have a central place. The relationship between autonomy and the reflective self is clarified with reference to different models of the self. In the light of this, the purpose of teacher education for autonomy is defined in terms of the nature of the committed as well as the reflective aspects of the self. The argument is further illustrated and elaborated by examining Schb'n's attempt to reintellec‐tualize professional practice through an analysis of the reflective practitioner as artist. In addition to facilitating self‐analysis and reflection, teacher education should raise awareness of the need to produce and reproduce the milieu of democratic reform. In conclusion, the role of the disciplines is reviewed as a resource for pursuing the goal of autonomy in teacher education.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,唐纳德·舍恩提出了"反思型执业者"这一概念,对美国专业学位教育产生了深远影响.基于舍恩于1987年出版的<反思型执业者的教育>一书,本文在剖析当时美国专业学位教育困局的基础上,介绍了"反思性实践"及其在学习过程中的重要性,以及设置"反思性实践课"的必要性和重要性.  相似文献   

由各种社会历史因素推动的教育的制度变迁与重塑以及博物馆作为一种社会机构的变革与发展,推动着博物馆教育工作者的身份认知、角色定位与实践探索的转变。从博物馆本位的"解说员"到教育本位的"博物馆教育工作者",见证了博物馆教育作为一种专门职业的持续进步。然而,信息化与全球化合流推动的新一轮社会历史变革又对博物馆教育工作者提出了新的要求与挑战,职业准备不足严重制约着博物馆教育工作者的专业化水平。面对新挑战,博物馆教育工作者的专业发展必须把反思性实践作为新的认识论框架,把实践社团作为促进专业发展的基本途径。只有这样,博物馆教育工作者才能成为在实践中认识、在实践中反思、在认识与反思中实践的反思性实践者,有效应对狂飙突进之社会变革中持续变化的博物馆教育。  相似文献   

幼儿教师成为反思性实践者是教师教育发展的趋势,也是我国教师教育改革的重要方向,也是教师队伍专业化的重要保证。随着学习故事引入我国幼教界,其对促进幼儿教师成为反思性实践者的作用日益凸显。要发挥学习故事促进教师成为反思性实践者的作用,必须要从学习故事自身的情境性与真实性、生成性与持续性、交互性与协作性等特质出发,构建学习故事发生的教育场域,开展学习故事的行动研究。  相似文献   

教师培训是中小学教师专业发展的重要外部支持。中小学教师专业发展表现出"实践性"与"反思性"特征,基于教师"反思性实践家"的专业属性,有效教师培训应坚持示范性、情境性、实践性、反思性等原则,提高培训活动质量,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

文化理解型反思性实践者是教师反思性实践与文化理解融合生成的一个概念,它揭示了教师反思实践的文化理解性特征和教师文化理解的实践反思性特征。成为文化理解型反思性实践者,是多元文化时代对教师角色的客观要求。具有多元文化协同共生的文化目的理念,养成对文化偏见或文化前理解的批判反思习惯,具备一定的文化引导转换与文化共同体构建能力,是教师作为文化理解型反思性实践者的基本素养。阐释这一概念有助于重新理解教师的教学实践与角色定位,为教师发展、学生成长和理论研究提供新的视点。  相似文献   

教师发展观不仅影响着教师如何工作,影响着教师对其职业的态度和信念,而且也决定了人们对该职业所需的核心“知能”的认识与理解。舍恩主张的“理论与实践循环互动”的发展观消解了传统教师专业发展中理论与实践的二元对立,他提出的教师即“反思性实践者”有助于使教师从传统的“技术性实践”和“操作主义”的束缚和支配中解脱出来,为教师创造力的释放开辟了广阔的天地。  相似文献   


This paper seeks to describe, explore and elucidate my own and my student colleagues' thoughts and feelings during a British Council funded project involving a working visit to Bulgaria for 12 student teachers of English and geography during the summer of 1998. In particular, I examine the feelings of 'otherness' widely experienced, finding in Shakespearian theatre a suitably apt metaphor. Other intercultural and interdisciplinary dimensions are also noted, drawing on the journals of the party, and I go on to suggest tentative conclusions about the value of the project in developing understanding of diverse cultures and disciplines for students about to embark upon their teaching careers.  相似文献   

马晓薇 《海外英语》2012,(22):122-123,141
随着中国教育事业的发展,教师教育和教师的专业化越来越成为教师及整个教育界关注的问题。该文以反思作为教师专业化和提高自身理论水平的切入点,就反思型教师教育的理论来源、反思型教师应遵循的原则、反思性教学的过程以及反思性教学对自身工作的启示进行了探讨。  相似文献   

教师的教学过程是一种自我反思的过程,教师在教育教学中反思,不仅提高教师的理论水平,而且也提高教师的实践水平.反思被认为是取得实际效果并使教师的教学参与更为主动、专业发展更为积极的一种工具和手段,教学反思是教师专业发展的有效路径.  相似文献   

反思性教学是教师以自己的教学活动为思考对象,对自己的教学行为、决策以及由此产生的结果进行审视和分析,并据此采取相应的对策的过程,它为教师提供了一种新的提高专业能力的途径。  相似文献   

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