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School was over and I was both m entally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of m y 1 to get hom e. Sitting at the front m ade m e 2 out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies. Jane,the driver tried to break the 3 atm osphere by striking the m atch of 4 . I tried to m ind m y m anners and 5 listened, but usually I was too busy thinking of m y day.O n this day, 6 ,her conver- sation was w orth listening to. “M y father’s sick,” she said to no one in 7 .I c…  相似文献   

A Lift Accident     
The clock had just struck eleven when I first became aware of a noise coming from the lift. I opened the door of our flat and listened: someone was beating against the door of the lift and calling out at the same time.“W hats wrong?”I shouted.“The door is stuck,I can t get out,”theanswer cam e back.The voice,w hich sounded like that of a girl,cam efrom several floors below.M y wife had now joined m e and she w ent off directly in search oftheooldennight porter.A fter I told the girl tha…  相似文献   

An underground heat storage system in a double-film-covered greenhouse and an adjacent greenhouse without the heat storage system were designed on the basis of plant physiology to reduce the energy consumption in greenhouses. The results indicated that the floor temperature was respectively 5.2℃, 4.6℃ and 2.0 ℃ higher than that of the soil in the adjacent reference greenhouse after heat storage in a clear, cloudy and overcast sky in winter. Results showed that the temperature and humidity were feasible for plant growth in the heat saving greenhouse.  相似文献   

1.W hich m onth do soldiers hate?2.H ow m any feet are there in a yard?3.W hy is an em pty purse always thesam e?4.W hat book has the m ost stirring(动人的,搅拌的)chapters?5.W hat kind of dog doesn’t bite orbark?6.W hat is the sm allest room in theworld?7.W hat kind of water should peopledrink in order to be healthy?8.H ow do we know the o-cean is friendly?9.W hich can m ove faster,heat or cold?10.W hy is the library thehighest building?K eys:1.M arch(三月;行军).2.It depends on how m any …  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here's the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I'm s…  相似文献   

从 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1.Tom s m other kept telling him that he should w ork harder,butdidn t help.A .he B .w hich C .she D .it2.There is a photo on the w all. a photo ofLeiFeng.A .It B .Its C .Its D .H e s3.D o you consider w ise to tellhim the truth?A .that B .this C .w hich D .it4.I lost m y pen.Im looking for .A .one B .that C .it D .this5.I glanced atm y watch. was earlier than I thought.A .There B .This C .That D .It6. is im portant for u…  相似文献   

M r.Sm ith liked to be exact. O ne day when he was w alking in thestreet a m an cam e over and asked him E xcuse m e but w here‘s the , : “ ,nearest bookshop ?” The nearest bookshop Y ou have to cross a bridge and then turn “ ?to the right. ” A nd is the bridge long “ ?” Thirty m eters. “ ” The m an thanked him and went towards the bridge. Suddenly heheard som eone running after him . Stop M r.Sm ith w as shouting. I‘m sorry. I just rem em bered ...  相似文献   

Q:W hat do people do in a clock factory?A:They m ake faces all day.他们是在做鬼脸吗?(make face有做鬼脸的意思,但这里是“制造钟面”的意思哦!)Q:W hat’s the difference betw een a m onkey and a flea?A:A m onkey can have fleas,but a flea can’t have m onkeys.猴子和跳蚤的不同之处是猴子身上可以长跳蚤,而跳蚤身上却不能长猴子。这个答案你能接受吗?Q:W hich is the strongest creature in the w orld?A:The snail.It carries its house on its back.蜗牛的速度“惊人”,但其力气更惊人,如果你不服,你可以整天背着房…  相似文献   

1.SPEAKER HRH the Princess Royal A partnership w hich dates back to thefounding C ongress of1894of w hich m ygreat-grandfather K ing G eorge V w as anH onorary M em ber.A n interest and enthusiasm w hich con-tinues today.A nd I’m delighted to havebeen asked to convey to you a special m es-sage from H er M ajesty T he Q ueen.H er m essage reads“I have been im pressedby the w ay everyone hasunited behind London’sbid.”A s a country w eshare a passion for sportand w e also share a de…  相似文献   

Chinese New Year     
Background Inform ationC hinese N ew Y ear, also know n as the Spring Festival, starts at the beginningof spring.It occurs som ew here betw een January 30and February 20.Each C hineseyear is represented by a repeated cycle of 12anim als,the rat,ox,tiger,hare orrabbit,dragon,snake,horse,ram ,m onkey,rooster,dog,and pig.C hinese N ewY ear is C hina’s biggest holiday.Its origin is ancient, but m any believe the w ord N ian, w hich m eans “year”,w as the nam e of a beast that preyed on pe…  相似文献   

O ne day,the teacher inquired Peter:“H ow m uch is four m inusfour?”Peter was tongue-tied.The teacher got angry and said,“W hat a fool!Y ou see,if I putfour coins in your pocket,but there is a hole in your pocket and all ofthem leak out,now w hat is leftin your pocket?”“The hole,”replied Peter.What Is Left in Your Pocket?!湖北@罗成勇…  相似文献   

O ne day, a poor farm er took a bag of w heat to tow n. H e didn’tknow w hatto do w hen the bag felloffhis horse. The bag w as too heavyfor him to lift.H e hoped thatsom eone w ould com e and help him . B efore long a m an cam e over.Butthe farm er’s heartsank w hen hesaw the m an,w ho w as the great m an in tow n.The farm er w as afraid toask for help. A s soon as he cam e up to the farm er, the great m an got off hishorse and said,“Y ou need m y help,don’tyou? L etm e help you. ”…  相似文献   

A Joke     
W orking at the post office,Im used to dealing with a m oody public.So w hen one irate custom er storm ed m y desk,I responded in m y calm estvoice,“W hats the trouble?”“I w ent out this m orning,”she began,“and when I cam e hom e Ifound a card saying the m ailm an tried to deliver a package but no onewas hom e.M y husband was in allm orning.H e never heard a thing!”A fter apologizing,I gother parcel.“O h,good,”she gushed.“W e ve been w aiting for this for ages.”“W hat is it?”…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.完形填空M r.H odge w as a1farm er.H e had hundreds ofchickens,and sold eggs and the m eatand gota lotof2them,buthe lived in a very3partofthe country,and he found4his hens(母鸡)laid5in thesum m er.So he decided to putair-conditionings(空调)into his chicken-house6they would lay wellallthrough the year and he could getm ore eggs and in that way earn m ore m oney.The owner ofthecom pany w hich7the air-conditioning cam e to see him,and w hen he saw M r.H odge蒺s house,hethoughtthathe m ightbe a…  相似文献   

O ne day a m an w as w alking along the street. H e carried an old bag in hishands. H e w as w ondering w hy people w ho had so m uch m oney w ere never satis-fied but alw ays w anted m ore . “As to m e ,”he said,“if I only had enough toeat,I should not ask for anything else.”Just at this m om ent Fortune cam e dow n the street. She heard the m an andstopped.“Listen,”she said,“I w ant to help you.H old your bag,and I shall pour di-am onds into it. But every diam ond w hich falls on …  相似文献   

Internal temperature is crucial to plant growth in the greenhouse. We investigated the patterns of constructing and managing greenhouses in Chongqing, and developed an algorithm of heating temperature for closed winter plastic greenhouses under the conditions of no man-made illumination, no ventilation and hot wind machine as the heating equipment, which are the most adopted pattern of greenhouses in Chongqing area. The algorithm includes two functions of temperature outside the greenhouse, which calculate the values of the warming estimation coefficient (WEC) and the gap between temperatures inside and outside the greenhouse with the measured data of outside temperature, and then give the value of internal temperature; the heat rating of heating facilities required by a greenhouse can be determined by this algorithm with given values of floor area and internal temperature, measured outside temperature and calculated WEC. Verification of the algorithm demonstrates a desirable accuracy of estimation. Algorithms of computing heating temperature for greenhouses of different constructing and managing patterns and in different geographic conditions can also be derived in a similar way. This research presents a paradigm for developing a feasible method to fit out greenhouses with appropriate heating facilities, aiming at energy efficient and cost efficient production.  相似文献   

1.O ne day,a tiger fell into a trap.H e cried,“H elp。H elp。”2.A m ouse saw him and said to anelephant,“Let’s help the poor(可怜的tiger.”The elephant said,“H e is going toeat you.”“B ut he needs our help,”saidthe m ouse.3.A snake cam e and said,“I can helhim .” The snake and the elephant helpethe tiger out.4. “Thankyou,m y friends,”said the tiger.“B ut I’m hotand hungrynow.” Suddenlythe tiger ate thesnake.The elephant and the m ouse w ere veryangry.They said,“Y ou’re a…  相似文献   

Investigation of heat sink of endothermic hydrocarbon fuels   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Endothermic hydrocarbon fuels are advanced coolants for high-temperature structures of spacecraft. No data of tested-cooling-ability of endothermic fuels have been broadly discussed in literature. In this work a high-temperature flow calorimeter was designed, and the cooling capacity of six different hydrocarbon fuels were measured. Experimental results showed that these hydrocarbon fuels have capacity for cooling high-temperature structures, and that the cooling capacity of fuel N-l can reach 3.15 MJ/kg, which can nearly satisfy the requirement of thermal management for a Mach 3 cruise aircraft, whose heat sink requirement is about 3.5 MJ/kg. The endothermic velocity of hydrocarbon fuels was also measured by the calorimeter.  相似文献   

Internal temperature is crucial to plant growth in the greenhouse. We investigated the patterns of constructing and managing greenhouses in Chongqing, and developed an algorithm of heating temperature for closed winter plastic greenhouses under the conditions of no man-made illumination, no ventilation and hot wind machine as the heating equipment which are the most adopted pattern of greenhouses in Chongqing area. The algorithm includes two functions of temperature outside the greenhouse, which calculate the values of the warming estimation coefficient (WEC) and the gap between temperatures inside and outside the greenhouse with the measured data of outside temperature, and then give the value of internal temperature; the heat rating of heating facilities required by a greenhouse can be determined by this algorithm with given values of floor area and internal temperature, measured outside temperature and calculated WEC. Verification of the algorithm demonstrates a desirable accuracy of estimation. Algorithms of computing heating temperature for greenhouses of different constructing and managing patterns and in different geographic conditions can also be derived in a similar way. This research presents a paradigm for developing a feasible method to fit out greenhouses with appropriate heating facilities, aiming at energy efficient and cost efficient production.  相似文献   

Ice is the solid form of w ater.O n hot sum m er days you certainlyenjoy iced drinks and ice-cream . In w inter tim e m any peoplelike to skate on frozen lakes.E verybody know s it is dangerousto skate on thin ice.So itis easy tosee w hy the idiom “to skate onthin ice” m eans “to be in a riskysituation”. Y ou’ll be skating onthin ice ifyou take an exam inationw ithoutpreparation. “Break the ice” is anotheridiom . O n a socialoccasion therem ustbe som ebody to break the iceat …  相似文献   

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