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OECD国家终身学习政策与实践分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
本文阐述了OECD及OECD国家的终身学习理念,介绍了20世纪90年代以来OECD国家终身学习发展现状和相应的终身学习政策,并对各自的终身学习政策与实践进行了评价。  相似文献   

随着终身学习理念的发展,成人终身学习的重要性更加凸现,进而推动了世界上众多国家促进成人终身学习政策的调整与变革。其变化集中体现在:(1)保障成人终身学习的权利;(2)保证成人终身学习的公平;(3)提高成人终身学习的能力;(4)营造良好的成人终身学习环境。  相似文献   

2022年6月,联合国教科文组织终身学习研究所发布《让终身学习成为现实》报告,梳理全球各国治理经验,指明终身学习政策制定方略与实施思路。研究基于全球视野,致力于分析国际行动方案并提出:在终身学习政策制定方面,需要综合考量现实背景、国家愿景、咨询协商、治理安排与监测评估等要素。在政策实施方面,延伸供给方式,释放学习路径的转型活力;建立结果性保障,规范终身学习的认证方式;用好过程性工具,发挥信息技术的支持作用。基于此,我国构建以人民为中心的终身学习政策体系要回应人民关切,完善终身学习顶层设计;强化机构联系,保障灵活的学习途径;加快信息化建设,形成完善的数字支持;建设学习型城市,打造可持续终身学习生态。  相似文献   

1997年以后英国终身学习的政策及实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国②是成人教育的发源地之一,英国的终身学习也因此有着得天独厚的发展优势.然而,从官方层面来讲,英国终身学习的大发展是在1997年以后.通过出台一系列教育政策,英国政府试图建立一种终身学习文化,构建学习化社会.本文通过阐释英国1997年以后践行的终身学习政策及其实践,挖掘英国教育政策中终身学习的真正内涵,分析英国终身学习政策和实践所存在的问题.  相似文献   

从第七届国际成人教育大会到2022教育变革峰会,终身学习始终是贯穿于其中的一条主线,在培养全球公民、保护生态环境、反社会排斥、弥补数字鸿沟方面发挥着重要的作用,成为面对不确定时代教育危机和实现可持续发展的逻辑起点。而要让终身学习真正成为现实,在政策实践过程中,需要考虑国家和地方的独特背景、打造终身学习全面的共同愿景、吸引更多利益相关方参与其中、建立终身学习治理体系、推动跨部门合作,使终身学习在财政上具有可行性,通过数据的捕获、检测和分析开展循证决策。近年来,我国终身学习政策的话语与实践与国际理念相一致,在应对人类共同面临的教育危机、开展教育变革方面有着自己本土化的表达和实践。分析和反思第七届国际成人教育大会和2022教育变革峰会对终身学习的关注,有助于从全球视野、国家和地方背景、历史和现实的维度思考我国终身学习发展的政策方向。  相似文献   

林可  王默  焦帆 《开放教育研究》2023,(5):14-25+73
联合国教科文组织终身学习研究所2022年6月面向全球发布了《让终身学习成为现实的手册》,以回应各国在倡导终身学习、发展终身教育过程中的理念误区、政策难题与实践局限,并旗帜鲜明地提出将“终身学习”作为实现“可持续发展目标”的关键途径和有效举措,以应对当今人类社会面临的六大挑战。本文从理念迭代、政策强化和实施指南三方面评述该手册的主要内容,强调终身学习的三种模式、两类政策和一个核心实践载体,并为我国实现终身学习“乌托邦”的美好愿景提出建议:第一,深入理解丰富完整的学习范式,重申终身学习的必要性;第二,出台综合协同型政策法规,保障终身学习的可能性;第三,制定国家战略和行动框架,依托学习型城市建设,增强终身学习的可行性。  相似文献   

产业大学是英国本世纪初出现的全民终身学习的新型教育组织.本文从先行研究与政策保障、组织定位与战略目标、运作模式与营销策略、系统网络与支持服务、质量保证与品牌形象等五个角度,分析了英国产业大学十年来的运作实践,并从四个方面论述了它对我国创建开放大学所具有的重要启示.  相似文献   

2000年以来欧盟终身学习政策述评   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2000年以来,欧盟出台了一系列终身学习政策。这些政策的形成与欧洲严重的失业问题、人口老龄化与移民问题及知识经济的挑战是密切相关的。欧盟为解决这些问题,把终身教育政策的重点放在了敦促成员国确立终身学习战略、提倡加强终身指导、呼吁重视老年人和移民教育、推动对非正规与非正式学习的评价与认证等几个方面。由于欧盟终身学习政策本身的约束力还不够强等原因,目前各成员国实现这些政策理念的成效还有待继续观察,但欧盟所发出的推动终身学习的信号是非常明显的。  相似文献   

随着终身学习理念与实践的推进,终身学习文化由萌芽逐渐走向发展,虽然取得一定成绩,但仍有不尽如人意之处。根据对已有关于终身学习文化研究的认知与思考,试图界定何谓终身学习文化,并从践行三大理念、传承文化基因、丰富成人精神、推动终身学习以及成人教育及其科学研究等方面阐释终身学习文化的重要性与必要性。在此基础上,为进一步丰富和繁荣终身学习文化,尝试从汲取终身学习文化的营养、营造终身学习文化的氛围、开拓终身学习文化的场所以及举办终身学习文化的活动等领域对终身学习文化的培育路径提出若干建议与思考。  相似文献   

构建终身教育体系,推进终身学习已成为世界各国教育和培训政策的原则和目标。澳大利亚和新西兰作为世界上推进终身学习的领先国家,因为有比较相似的历史文化背景、经济发展水平和地理、种族状况,在实施终身教育的方式和策略基础方面存在着一些共同点;在发展各类学习组织和机构,满足个人和社会发展对学习的多样化需求,建立学习成就和资格认证框架,构建各类教育特别是职业教育培训与高等教育相互衔接和沟通的机制,实施终身学习政策,消除学习障碍等方面,有许多经验值得我们深入了解和研究。  相似文献   

This paper analyses how the impact of international student achievement studies and the recent economic crisis in Europe are influencing the development of educational policy transfer and borrowing, from East to West. This is contrasted with education reform movements in East Asia, which have long legacies of borrowing from so-called ‘progressive’ discourses in the West. England and Hong Kong are used as case studies. Since 2010, England’s coalition government has prioritised its determination to look to jurisdictions like Hong Kong to inspire and justify reforms that emphasise traditional didactic approaches to teaching and learning. In contrast, Hong Kong’s reforms have sought to implement practices related to less pressured, more student-centred lifelong learning, without losing sight of strengths derived from its Confucian heritage culture. Conclusions highlight factors that underpin English interest in Hong Kong education policy, values and practice and point to the need for further attention to be given to these multidirectional and often contradictory processes by researchers concerned with the study of policy transfer.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Lifelong learning is recognized as an important tool to reduce social exclusion, but out of the many investigations into the provision of lifelong learning in Europe none has yet sought to examine the specific situation of mental health care service users. This study examines the provision of lifelong learning for this disadvantaged group; it identifies current policies and explores the access to, and nature of, lifelong learning practices for mental health care service users in eight European countries. Data have been collected through a literature and policy review and through questionnaires completed by mental health practitioners in the eight countries. The study found broad compliance amongst the eight countries with the Lisbon policy goals on lifelong learning, but evidence of specific lifelong learning provision for mental health care service users is patchy and sporadic. The study identified the main benefits of, and the barriers to, the participation in lifelong learning for mental health care service users from the viewpoint of mental health professionals and practitioners. The implications for practice were described, and suggestions for actions were made for improving the lifelong learning provision for the target group.  相似文献   

This paper provides a critical analysis of the EU’s Memorandum on lifelong learning in light of the evolution of the concepts of lifelong education and lifelong learning from the late sixties onward. It also analyses this document in light of the forces of globalisation that impinge on educational policy‐making in Europe as well as the all‐pervasive neo‐liberal ideology. The paper moves from theory to practice to provide critical considerations concerning certain ‘on the ground’ projects being presented as ‘best practice’ in EU documents. It brings out the neo‐liberal tenets that underlie much of the thinking and rationale for these projects, and indicates, in the process, how much of the old UNESCO discourse of lifelong education has been distorted to accommodate capitalism’s contemporary needs. An alternative conception of lifelong learning is called for.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the relationship between international agendas for lifelong learning and financial aid for low income countries, especially those on the African continent. It argues that there are subtle differences in terminology written by policymakers respectively in Europe and South Africa for lifelong learning but that international development agendas reinscribe lifelong learning for countries in receipt of development aid. Taking a postcolonial perspective the paper provides a textual analysis of case examples from policy documents in two African countries to demonstrate how international aid priorities negatively affect government choices and policies for lifelong learning, in spite of more regional analyses of the role of education and lifelong learning for the continent's development needs. It argues that the inclusion of indigenous worldviews from the south have potential to enhance a global agenda for the social purpose element of lifelong learning.  相似文献   

Hong Kong Government policy is to promote Hong Kong as an international education hub for the region. This may be more rhetoric than reality. The article surveys the historical background of Hong Kong in terms of its role as a trading centre, a gateway to China and a meeting place for East and West for which interchange with European languages and cultures has been important. The development of education policy within Hong Kong as far as the European dimension is involved is also reviewed. In addition, the development of global trade in educational services is touched upon which thus far has been heavily Anglo-centric. In terms of Hong Kong itself, an analysis is presented of overseas educational programmes available in Hong Kong from Europe. The extent of European languages and studies provided in the school, university and lifelong learning sectors is surveyed. The work of European consulates in promoting languages and culture through such organisations as the Alliance Française, Goethe Instituta, etc. is another important part of provision. The article makes passing reference to the neighbouring territory of Macau and the importance there of Portuguese.
The article concludes that for European studies and languages, the role of Hong Kong as a trading and financial hub has been a more significant stimulant than the Hong Kong government's policy for Hong Kong to be an international education hub.  相似文献   

终身学习活动能否顺利开展和持续进行,构建一种能够推动社会和个体积极参与终身学习的激励机制十分必要,即促进终身学习的目标激励机制、过程激励机制、结果激励机制。通过这些行之有效的激励机制,形成良好的终身学习舆论环境和完备的法律政策环境,不断推进终身学习进程,最终实现学习型社会的目标。  相似文献   

This is the second of two papers which explore the scope and limitations of lifelong learning as an object of policy. In the first (see Griffin 1999) the evolution of the social democratic perspective was described. According to this perspective, it was suggested, the attempt to render lifelong learning as an object of policy entailed a reductionist concept of learning, so that it stood for little more than the expansion of education and training provision. In the following paper, an alternative perspective on lifelong learning, also emerging from the policy literature, removes it from the possibility of traditional policy analysis, relocating it in culture, civil society and patterns of lifestyle, leisure and consumption. Analytic distinctions between education and learning, function and provision, policy and strategy, and markets and quasi-markets are employed to explore various policy models. It is suggested that this perspective on lifelong learning needs to be understood in relation to policies for welfare reform and the crisis of the welfare state. In effect, it amounts to the integration of education policy into wider policies for welfare reform.  相似文献   

This reflective think-tank contribution begins by comparing advocacy and research as distinct modalities of professional and social action. In practice they frequently elide and merge into one another. While alliance and complementarity between the two modalities is constructive for shaping policy and practice, it poses risks when governments and state apparatus play their own advocates, co-opting research into the endeavour. Established classification and distribution policy logics are ill-attuned to transversal and holistic agendas such as lifelong learning; this leads to competition between interest groups defined by educational sector and level, and it occludes life-course perspectives on learning that have the capacity to resituate understandings of shared interests. Transversal and holistic agendas demand forms and styles of evidence that can encompass these qualities; indicators and benchmarks as currently employed in educational policymaking are under-developed with respect to lifelong learning. The successful example of eco-footprinting could suggest a way forward that is not only evidentially more appropriate, but could also achieve greater impact for the development of lifelong learning policy and practice.  相似文献   

This article examines New Zealand experiences and understandings of lifelong education and lifelong learning over the past 30 years or so. It investigates the place of lifelong education and lifelong learning discourses in shaping public policy in Aotearoa as well as questions about the similarities and differences between the discourse in New Zealand and in Europe and the UK. The aim of the paper is to throw light on the following questions: what effects, if any, have notions of lifelong education or lifelong learning had on public policy discourses on tertiary education and the education of adults? Is there evidence to suggest that notions of either ‘lifelong education’ or ‘lifelong learning’ have provided a vision or sense of purpose or set of guidelines in developing public policies? Have they served to justify or legitimate new initiatives or funding arrangements? And, if so, what is the nature of this influence? Finally, in the light of this discussion the article also examines the question whether notions of ‘lifelong education’ and ‘lifelong learning’ as they have featured in the academic and policy literature are predominantly located in a Euro‐centred discourse and hence how they might be reconstituted to reflect more adequately discourses of learning and education in other parts of the world.  相似文献   

This paper sets out to answer two questions ‘Given the policy settings for lifelong learning for adults in Europe and much of the western world, what are the policy settings and experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand?’ and ‘Will the future of adult lifelong education there be neoliberal or cosmopolitan?’ The article first examines some of the roots of post‐compulsory education policy in Aotearoa New Zealand over the last 30 years. In particular it considers trends in philosophies and practices about educating adults as well as some of the varied policy discourses prevailing over this period. Next it reviews the ever‐changing policy landscape, in particular unresolved tensions between social and economic goals, the acquisition of skills for learning for living and dialogic social purpose learning, and attainment of social cohesion and recognition of diversity. Finally the paper attempts to preview how these tensions may play out in an uncertain future.  相似文献   

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