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在全球化视野中考察,汉语教学要强化母语教学意识,在众多学科教学中突出汉语特性;人本思想还有待进一步确立;要转变汉语教师角色,从领导者、执行者、监督者、教书匠转向引导者、创建者、组织者和教学专家;还要革新汉语教学行为,做好了解与生成,注重倾听与讨论,更新评价与激励机制。  相似文献   

用科学发展观统领新时期地学教育,就必须实施创造教育,就必须建立一支富有创造能力的高素质创造型教师队伍,就必须培养大批创造型人才。实施创造教育必须采取强有力的措施。首先,要树立创造型人才观;其次,要全方位进行教育体制改革;第三,要强化创造型教师的培养和培训;第四,要努力营造创造性的校园环境,实施创造型的学校管理;第五,实施创造型教育的关键是要有创造型的校长。  相似文献   

生命中不能承受之重-论中国古代知识分子的仕宦情结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
出仕还是隐逸,对于中国古代知识分子来说是两种不同的生存选择,由于受儒家“学而优则仕”思想的影响,使出仕成为古代知识分子唯一的选择,而隐逸也是为了救仕,从而消弱了学子们生存的目的性。  相似文献   

苏轼曾历仕宋仁宗、宋英宗、宋神宗、宋哲宗、宋徽宗五朝,前后达四十四年。这期间可谓宦海沉浮,历经磨难。作为二十五进论之一,《贾谊论》很好地体现了他的政治思想,即政治家要实行改革,在条件尚未成熟时,应该有所妥协,不能指望毕其功于一役;就个人而言,在遭受挫折之后,应当正确对待,不能一蹶不振。也就是说从政治的角度讲,苏轼在《贾谊论》中体现了丰富的人才思想,即要"忍、待";要"善处穷时";要"全其用",需有良好的外部环境。  相似文献   

我们培养出的学生要适应社会需求,在实施教育的过程中要给每个学生自我表现的机会;要发现每个学生的闪光点.要教给学生以正确的态度对待失败.培养学生良好的性格.做一个生活中的强者。  相似文献   

随着专科学校规模不断扩大,尤其是升格为本科院校后,将开设大量新实验项目,承担更多科研项目,实验队伍亟需扩充.因此,建立一个统一的管理机构是必要的.建立校级实验室管理中心,定岗定编,明确职责,分工协作,将对实验室统筹安排、合理布局,对实验物资统一调配,实现实验室协调稳定发展有着重要意义.  相似文献   

Cronbach made the point that for validity arguments to be convincing to diverse stakeholders, they need to be based on assumptions that are credible to these stakeholders. The interpretations and uses of high-stakes test scores rely on a number of policy assumptions about what should be taught in schools, and more specifically, about the content standards and performance standards that should be applied to students and schools. For example, a high-school graduation test can be developed as a measure of readiness for the world of work, for college, or for citizenship and the activities of daily life. The assumptions built into the assessment need to be subjected to scrutiny and criticism if a strong case is to be made for the validity of the proposed interpretation and use.  相似文献   

根据河南省科技发展过程中的经验和教训,在新的发展时期,必须坚持"科教兴省"的战略思想,努力发展高新技术。在高新技术领域,必须坚持"有所为有所不为"的原则,加大重点投入,力争在某几个领域实现重大突破,培养出我省经济新的增长点。通过自主创新保持原有的竞争优势,培育新的竞争优势,保证我省在成为经济大省的同时成为科技大省。  相似文献   

This review summarizes and builds on a seminar about assessment of student learning in higher education. Assessment can be looked upon as simply something that has to be done at the end of a course. During the course of discussions at the seminar the participants became more aware of how assessment can have an impact on learning. This means that assessment can be used as a means to improve learning. This realization is not a new one, but it is highlighted here in a more coherent and concise way than usual. Many alternative methods of assessment are possible. Some instructional design rules will be presented here for designing assessment sessions in such a way that learning can be improved. When designing an assessment method, one can be guided by the following considerations. The content of assessment should be chosen in accordance with the learning outcomes one hopes to achieve. The organization of assessment can be designed in such a way that the desired learning process is promoted. The outcome of assessment can provide feedback to many of the stakeholders: to the students on their learning process; to the faculty on its outcomes; and to the teacher by pointing out the following steps to be taken in improving assessment, learning and teaching.  相似文献   

实施素质教育 ,要加强学习 ,提高对素质教育的认识 ;要建立一支高素质的教师队伍 ;要创设素质教育的良好氛围 ;要狠抓课堂教法研究与改革 ;要彻底实行因材施教 ;要为培养学生综合素质与能力搭设多种大舞台  相似文献   

大学德育与大学生诚信品德的培养   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:9  
对大学生诚信品德的培养事关国家、民族的未来。高校德育工作,应重视对大学生诚信品德养成的关注和研究,并在其中发挥独特的功能。对大学诚信品德的培养应坚持正面教育,大力倡导“诚信为本”;应构建大学生信用机制,从制度上落实讲“诚信”;同时,应创建优良的诚信环境。  相似文献   

良好的人际关系,是高校人事干部进行人事管理活动的关键。在上下级、同事和干群交往中需遵循设身处地,为人着想;严于律已,宽以待人;谦虚诚实,为人表率;作风正派,办事公道等原则。而人际关系的协调与改善,则要求人事干部要正视自己;要热情服务;要当好参谋;要加强团结;要以邻为友。  相似文献   

A case is described of a patient who has a compelling and persistent desire to become deaf. She often kept cotton wool moistened with oil in her ears and was learning sign language. Living without sound appeared to be a severe form of avoidance behavior from hyperacusis and misophonia. She had a borderline personality disorder that was associated with a poor sense of self. Her desire to be deaf may be one aspect of gaining an identity for herself and to compensate for feeling like an alien and gaining acceptance in the Deaf community. Will a compelling desire for deafness ever become a recognized mental disorder one day for which hearing patients may be offered elective deafness after a period of assessment and living like a deaf person? Those working in the field of deafness should be aware that individuals may occasionally be seeking elective deafness or self-inflicting deafness to obtain a hearing aid.  相似文献   

参与是学校管理的重要方式,它是一把双刃剑。作为学校管理者要努力提高学校参与管理的有效性,消除参与管理的低效与无效现象。为此学校管理者在实施参与管理的过程中要采取以下措施:对决策问题进行界定,决定是否需要参与,多大程度的参与;要营造参与的氛围;建立信息共享机制;提高会议效率;综合运用多种参与形式;引导社区参与。  相似文献   

阿毛姑娘的悲剧是其成长过程中清新、合理的欲望受到外在现实的挤压和内在情感煎熬的无处排解的生命悲剧,是身为女奴而要成长为女人的悲剧。阿毛的悲剧启示读者:当欲望不能满足的外在客观条件无法改变时,或许可以尝试另一种缓解欲望的途径,给予欲望者一种人文关怀:即了解欲望者的精神本质,体贴欲望者的生命情绪。  相似文献   

内蒙古在西部开发中应当建立统一、开放、竞争的劳动力市场。要加强立法,依法保障劳动为资源合理配置;严肃执法,保障劳动力市场的良性运作;协调劳动关系,依法保护人的合法权益。而完善的劳动力市场必须依靠法律的保障和政策的灵活调整。要吸引、使用人才,在劳动力市场的立法中应把人才的使用作重点设计,要重视智力投资;实行以企业为主的原则,使企业尽快形成各负其责、协调运转、有效制衡的公司法人治理机构;加大对用人单位制定的内部规则合法性的审查,以充分保护当事人的合法权益,创造良好的用人环境。  相似文献   

随着教育现代化进程的加快,坚持特色办学理念、走特色办学之路已是学校发展的必然趋势。办学特色不仅仅是一些特色活动、特色项目,而是一所学校文化底蕴、文化特质的集中表现,是从学校的实际出发,经过长期的办学实践,把办学特色渗透到办学过程、办学活动之中,从而形成的独特的、稳定的、优质的办学风格。在特色建设的过程中,必须准确定位,在契合学生发展需求的前提下,处理好特色建设与内涵发展的关系,同时,把握策略,形成特色共识,找准特色生长点,享受过程重于注重结果。  相似文献   


In a world climate which is increasingly closing down as far as alternative political and social options are concerned, Cyprus as a small semi-occupied country with great European aspirations is facing a number of very serious dilemmas and teachers are faced with an extremely difficult task. The citizens they are preparing have to be passionate enough to claim a Greek-Cypriot identity; have to be tolerant and accommodating enough to live and work with Turkish-Cypriots in a re-united country, which is the main political goal of the Republic of Cyprus; have to be open-minded enough to look to a European future; and have to be ready and able to function in a globalized context. How can such a citizen be 'formulated' when there appear to be immense contradictions between what is required for each goal? What are the priorities and how are they defined? This article will attempt to address these complex issues and arrive at some conclusions regarding teacher education for a very complex new world  相似文献   

According to this study personality traits appear to be rather stable during the seminary years. Wherever this may be the case, a seminary or training program may enable the person to accept himself and to channel certain energies in a productive direction. When undesirable and unproductive patterns for the ministry remain, if such can be identified, the individual may be directed to other more appropriate professions or occupations.

If certain traits and patterns can be changed, as seems possible through clinical training procedures, a powerful environment, characterized by constancy, pervasiveness and consistency, would need to be developed.  相似文献   

语文学习是实现学生可持续发展的重要途径。在语文教育中,要引导学生做个有素养的人,奠定可持续发展的基础;做个有责任心的人,确定持续发展的方向;做个有爱心的人,确定持续发展的核心内容;做个会学习的人,掌握持续发展的技术;做个敢于创新的人,开发持续发展的潜能。  相似文献   

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