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Educational researchers are increasingly using design as a means of advancing their understanding. Historically design in educational research has served as a way to implement theories for testing. The emerging design research paradigm treats design as a strategy for developing and refining theories. In this article, I discuss the lessons that can be learned from design. Starting from a model that characterizes designs in terms of problem analyses, design solutions, and design processes, I describe 3 types of theories that can be developed through design research: domain theories, design frameworks, and design methodologies. I present examples from a design research program investigating software supports for reflective inquiry. I argue for design research as form of educational research because (a) design offers opportunities to learn unique lessons, (b) design research yields practical lessons that can be directly applied, and (c) design research engages researchers in the direct improvement of educational practice.  相似文献   

Educational design research yields design knowledge, often in the form of design principles or guidelines that provide the rationale or ‘know-why’ for the design of educational interventions. As such, design principles can be utilized by designers in contexts other than the research context in which they were generated. Although research has shown that quality support is important for design success, less is known about processes that promote utilization of design principles as the rationale for instructional design. In this study we therefore explored an intervention for promoting the utilization of a set of research-based design principles in educational practice. This intervention aimed to promote utilization through enhancing perceived usefulness of the design principles by design teams in various contexts. The set of design principles that was utilized by the design teams in this study underpins the design of so-called hybrid learning configurations that are situated at the interface between school and workplace. The intervention was developed from the perspective of boundary crossing theory and was conducted with four different design teams. It was evaluated by way of a questionnaire and a dialogue with members of the design teams. This boundary crossing intervention appeared to bring about the desired outcomes. Most of the design team members considered the set of design principles useful in several different ways and they expected that utilization of the principles would lead to an improved learning configuration.  相似文献   

Rapid prototyping: An alternative instructional design strategy   总被引:1,自引:15,他引:1  
There is a design methodology calledrapid prototyping which has been used successfully in software engineering. Given the similarities between software design and instructional design, we argue that rapid prototyping is a viable model for instructional design, especially for computer-based instruction. Additionally, we argue that recent theories of design offer plausible explanations for the apparent success of rapid prototyping in software design. Such theories also support the notion that rapid prototyping is appropriate for instructional design. We offer guidelines for the use of rapid prototyping and list possible tradeoffs in its application.  相似文献   

The notion of design thinking is becoming more concrete nowadays, as design researchers and practitioners study the thinking processes involved in design and employ the concept of design thinking to foster better solutions to complex and ill‐defined problems. The goal of the present research is to develop a cognitive activity‐based design methodology for novice visual communication designers, which will be achieved by mapping the findings from a comparative analysis of novice and expert visual communication designers' thinking processes onto the prospective methodology. Under the proposed methodology, activity modes take place in a chronological flow under specific guidelines involving various forms of design cognition. The guidelines correlate to design phases from problem structuring to detailed design and to the cognitive processes of divergent and convergent thinking. The methodology gives open‐ended instruction to novices endeavouring to proceed with the design process, solve complex design problems and make better design decisions. This research has value for its unique approach to methodology development. Furthermore, the proposed methodology provides guidance for more effective cognitive activities during the design process and holds potential for implementation in design education due to its focus on the needs of novice designers.  相似文献   

服装工艺教学必须改变传统的教学模式,提供给学生多练习、多实践的机会,使学生能真正把握服装设计的本质。从服装工艺与实用服装设计结合、与时尚服装设计结合、与少数民族服饰设计结合的多视角出发,设计"一体化"的教学模式,在将服装的款式设计、结构设计、工艺设计等各项技能融于一体方面进行有益的尝试。  相似文献   

近期,我们就继续教育语境下现代远程教育专业及课程建设话题,采访了北京师范大学远程教育研究中心主任、首都学习型社会研究院执行院长陈丽教授。陈教授认为:继续教育领域是远程教育机构的主战场。面向成人继续教育的现代远程教育系统应该显著区别于传统远程教育系统;专业和课程中应采用创新的方法,满足学生的特殊需要;现代远程教育应努力给学生带来全新的学习体验,这应该是现代远程教育专业及课程建设的基本思路。教学设计是远程教育课程建设最关键的环节,教学设计的重点在学习者分析、课程资源分析、学习目标设计、学习内容设计、学习活动设计、媒体组合方案设计、学习评价方案设计、学习支持服务设计等八个方面,其中,学习活动是支持远程教育自主学习的支架,尤为重要。经陈教授同意,现将访谈内容整理如下。  相似文献   

Product design is the convergence point for engineering and design thinking and practices. Until recently, product design has been taught either as a component of mechanical engineering or as a subject within design schools but increasingly there is global recognition of the need for greater synergies between industrial design and engineering training. Product design engineering (PDE) is a new interdisciplinary programme combining the strengths of the industrial design and engineering. This paper examines the emergence of PDE in an environment of critique of conventional engineering education and exemplifies the current spread of programmes endorsing a hybrid programme of design and engineering skills. The paper exemplifies PDE with the analysis of the programme offered at Swinburne University of Technology (Australia), showing how the teaching of ‘designerly’ thinking to engineers produces a new graduate particularly suited to the current and future environment of produce design practice. The paper concludes with reflections on the significance of this innovative curriculum model for the field of product design and for engineering design in general.  相似文献   

文章应用生态学的原理和方法,分析了学习资源设计的生态学实质,给出了学习资源生态设计的概念;通过分析学习资源生态设计的影响因素,提出了学习资源生态设计的原则;基于生态评价的特点,提出了学习资源生态设计的评价要素。  相似文献   

过程设备设计是过程装备与控制工程专业最核心的专业课之一,实践性教学环节为设备课程设计。在课程设计中,出现学生对专业基础知识掌握不牢固,缺乏工程设计意识的现象。分析这一现象产生的原因,并给出相应的改进措施。  相似文献   

为积极应对人口老龄化国家战略,提升当前适老化产品的设计与研发水平,进一步满足老年用户日益迫切的适老化产品需求,从老年用户的心理与生理特征视角切入研究,根据ERG理论“生存需求、关系需求和成长需求”,对老年人生理和心理需求进行解构,推导出适老化产品设计过程中“功能简化、感知强化、安全稳定、外观融合”四个设计属性,并结合“通用设计、无障碍设计、无意识设计和情感化设计”适老化设计方法对不同类型的适老化产品提出相应的设计策略,为后续相关适老化设计研究提供理论及策略参考。  相似文献   

汉字这种汉民族历史文化的栽体,是现代字体设计的一个取之不尽的源泉。随着时代的发展,汉字不只是交流信息的语言符号,更被作为有着巨大生命力和感采力的设计元素,广泛地运用于标志设计、版面设计、海报设计等领域。铸就出现代视觉传达设计的一道亮丽的风景线。如何利用汉字的构造特点,巧妙蛄合现代设计理念,创造出既具民族特色,又简洁生动的汉字设计文化,是我们正面临的严峻课题。  相似文献   

This study investigates 201 Singaporean teachers’ perceptions of their technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), lesson design practices, and design dispositions through a survey instrument. Investigation of these constructs reveal important variables influencing teachers’ perceptions of TPACK which have not yet been explored. The confirmatory factor analysis and reliability analysis confirm the validity and reliability of the instrument. The structural equation model shows that the teachers’ perceptions of design dispositions (orientations towards design) and lesson design practices (approaches used for lesson design) have direct relationships with the teachers’ perceptions of TPACK. The results of this study show that to enhance teachers’ TPACK perceptions, teacher educators need to help teachers develop lesson design practices that support ideation and iteration. They also need to develop teachers’ design dispositions that are amenable to exploring and resolving conflicting lesson design ideas. Going beyond TPACK, understandings of teachers’ lesson design practices and design dispositions are important for teacher educators to better design professional development for integration of information and communications technology.  相似文献   

服装造型有立体造型,平面造型,立体平面相结合三种方法。服装造型(结构设计)是款式造型的生命。结构造型设计是服装款式设计的重要表现形式。我国的服装造型(结构设计)处于薄弱现状。我们应将结构造型设计训练纳入款式设计教学中;应加重结构造型设计课的识时量,大力培养学生独立的服装结构造型能力。  相似文献   

随着计算机技术以及工业设计技术的不断发展,传统的手工绘图式的设计方式已经严重影响到工业设计的效果,关于计算机辅助的工业设计系统的研究逐渐受到专家学者们的关注。本文从CAD工业设计技术为出发点详细阐述了计算机辅助工业设计技术的应用特点,最后根据较为成熟的层次法和结构法设计出计算机辅助工业设计系统,并针对具体的组成部分进行详细的分析比较。  相似文献   

为丰富学生实习和第二课堂内容,加强学生单片机实践操作能力,本着引导学生研究式学习专业课程的思路,文章设计了一种单片机实习电路板,并简介了电路板的设计方案、电路原理图设计、PCB设计、软件设计等内容。  相似文献   

Design guidelines for traditional cultural artefacts play an important role in Culturally Inspired Design (CID) activities and design education. In this paper, a comparative study was performed to assess the impact of present-day design guidelines for traditional Chinese cultural artefacts on novice designers in a CID process. In all, 42 novice designers enrolled in a cultural product design course participated in this study, under two different design conditions: an unaided condition and a guideline-aided condition. Each condition includes three stages: identification stage, translation stage and implementation stage. In the unaided condition, each participant was asked to finish an investigative report on traditional cultural artefacts without any guidance and then carry out a detailed cultural product design. These results were then compared with those of the participants in the guideline-aided condition, who received a design guideline for traditional cultural artefacts. The results were assessed by expert raters against six design metrics: breadth, depth, quantity, variety, novelty and quality. They revealed that the design guideline for traditional cultural artefacts in a CID process promoted the analysis of cultural features and increased the novelty and quality of design outcomes but resulted in decreased variety. We propose that the design guideline for traditional cultural artefacts may be useful as part of the design process and as a pedagogical tool in cultural creative design, but the best moment at which to introduce the design guideline should be further examined.  相似文献   

本文先论述在商业展示设计中倡导绿色设计的必然性。然后,分别从强调设计生命周期、强调选用绿色材料、强调可拆卸性设计、强调可回收性设计四个方面,总结商业展示设计中绿色设计的方法。  相似文献   

The field of fashion design relies on the originality of fashion designers and information on design trends, and design education also focuses on the creative ideas of designers; in this field, design through co‐design is a very limited area. However, with the proliferation of participatory culture, the need to diversify fashion design education methods has also emerged. The purpose of this study is to present an educational framework and an instructional strategy for co‐design based on the changing role of the designer and to obtain educational insight through the implementation of an actual education prototype. To do this, we developed an educational prototype and implemented it with six undergraduate students. Through this study, the participants engaged in the process of design development with the consumer and analysed the instructional insight. As a result, this study redefines the roles and design methods of designers for co‐design and identifies creativity characteristics through the co‐design process. The results of this study can be used as basic data for co‐design education and can contribute to the expansion of fashion design educational methods.  相似文献   

This paper discusses a set of recommendations for the presentation design of “conceptual model” learning objects. A conceptual model is a learning object designed to support conceptual learning. Often, it is interactive and multimodal and allows a learner to examine and interrogate displayed content. Presentation design is concerned primarily with the arrangement of content and screen design features that are optimized for educational purpose. The paper presents the following set of recommendations for presentation design: present information visually, design for interaction, design a holistic scenario, design for a single screen, design for small space, use audio and video only if they are the only option, use color in moderation, avoid unnecessary decorative elements, design with a single font, and use frames to logically divide the screen area. The recommendations were explicated from a study that involved a review of a collection of conceptual models by a team of five independent reviewers. These recommendations should prove useful to designers of educational multimedia resources.  相似文献   


Design thinking has an important role in STEM education. However, there has been limited research on how students engage in various modalities throughout the design process in hands-on design tasks. To promote middle school students’ engineering literacy, it is necessary to examine the use of design modalities during design. Using a case study approach, we examine middle school students’ design stages and modalities during design activities. We also identify the patterns of design processes in the teams with different design outcomes. Drawing on theories in design thinking and embodied interaction, we proposed a framework and devised a video analysis protocol to examine students’ design stages and modalities. Middle school students attending a design workshop engaged in two design activities in teams of 3–4 people. The design sessions were video recorded and analyzed using the video analysis protocol. The teams engaged in the stages of planning, building, and testing, while employing the verbal, the visual, and the physical modalities. The teams that varied in design outcomes exhibited different patterns in the use of multiple modalities during the design stages. This study contributes to research on design thinking by proposing a framework for analyzing middle school students’ multimodal design processes and presenting data visualization methods to identify patterns in design stages and modalities. The findings suggest the necessity to examine students’ use of design modalities in the context of design stages and imply the potential benefits of using multiple modalities during design. The implications for future research and education practices are also discussed.


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