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麴信陵。是唐代的小小望江县令。但由于其“有仁政,爱民如子,尤恤茕独”的亮节高品、功绩德行。人民为之建墓、立祠、筑庙、树碑.呈现出“村翁岁岁跻朋酒”、“百里香焚泣叟童”的动人景象。本广搜献资料,泛览物珍稀。对麴信陵的籍贯功名仕途、深得民心的为官德政功绩、以及千余年来人民对他的纪念与颂扬,一一予以梳理.得出:这是“我们应当给以总结,承继”的“一份珍贵的遗产”。它对于净化今天的社会空间,激励执政为民官风。大有裨益。  相似文献   

电影《信陵路》抢滩登陆,于5月中旬正式开机 在电视剧《信陵君》剧本紧锣密鼓创作过程中,另一部电影故事片《信陵路》脱颖而出,捷足先登。 电影《信陵路》是在电视剧《信陵君》剧本创作过程中由灵感铸造的、来源于生活的艺术作品,是诚信的人们固守诚信、用血泪打造电视剧《信陵君》的缩影。 信凌路上的信陵人,万众一心,力推佳作。《信陵路》以其鲜明的个性、独特的视角,折射出"诚信"蕴涵的社会价值和道德伦理。 宇宙影视经过与当地政府的友好协商,决定将电影《信陵路》于2005年5月中旬在"信陵君"的故地棗宁陵县境内,正式开机。  相似文献   

司马迁一生几易官职,其二十壮游是以低级史官的身份奉命搜求史料、史迹而去的.此后,他以荫任方式仕为郎中,陪侍君侧达十五六年之久,渐得武帝的赏识与信任.在父亡三年后,他又顺利的继任为太史令.天汉二年(公元前99年)突遭"李陵之祸",惨受腐刑后,武帝惜其才,又任其为更加尊贵的中书令.这构成了司马迁一生迁官的全部经历.  相似文献   

敦煌遗书S.2838《维摩诘经》的题记研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
S.2838《维摩诘经》是敦煌发现的一卷高昌王国写经.本文首先考释了题记中所说的"清信女"为高昌公主,"父王"为高昌王麴文泰,"太妃"为麴文泰之母张太妃,"王妃"为麴文泰之妻张氏.接着论述了麴氏王族、高昌张氏家族与敦煌张氏家族的关系.最后肯定此卷写经是高昌公主和丈夫至敦煌探亲和拜佛时施入敦煌某寺的.  相似文献   

叶嘉莹先生的<唐宋词十七讲>(北京大学出版社)是语文教师常备的古诗词鉴赏参考书,该书对唐宋词人及代表作分析透彻,确为经典著作.笔者阅读此书,读及迦陵先生分析温庭筠<菩萨蛮>(水精帘里颇黎枕),认为先生对"藕丝秋色浅,人胜参差剪"句中"人胜"的说法不妥.  相似文献   

<屈原列传>(节选)(人教版新课标高中语文·必修4)中有这样一个句子:"信而见疑,忠而被谤,能无怨乎?"该句中的"谤"字,<教师教学用书>和其他很多资料都理解为"诽谤、诋毁";一些辞书也不例外,如<古代汉语词典>(商务印书馆国际有限公司):"谤:释[2](动)诋毁,诽谤.司马迁<史记·屈原贾生列传>:‘信而见疑,忠而被谤.'"事实上,这里的"谤"字应该释为"批评、指责".  相似文献   

江华官话"崽"字的使用分两类,一类是作实词,表示"小孩、儿子"之意;另一类是作词缀,表示小称.拿江华官话与长沙话(新派)的"崽"字作比较,无论是从使用范围看,还是从虚化程度看,江华官话都比长沙话要大要深.江华官话"崽"字的虚化既有词义引申中的联想的原因,又有语言的补偿功能的作用.  相似文献   

<正>【释义】虽然年纪很大了,但志气和身体更壮。【语出】《后汉书·马援传》:"丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮。"【人物】东汉名将马援,扶风茂陵(今陕西省兴平市窦马村)人。从小就胸怀大志,他打算到边疆去发展畜牧业。马援长大以后,当了扶风郡的督邮。有一次,郡太守派他押犯人去长安。半路上,他觉得犯人怪可怜的,不忍心把他送去受刑,就把他放了,为此丢了官,逃亡到北朝郡搞起畜牧业和农业生产  相似文献   

通过吐鲁番出土文书对麴氏高昌王国时期的三斛信田赋数额问题及计赋方法作了进一步的探讨。  相似文献   

王敏 《文教资料》2008,(28):259-261
河南境内中原官话中的特殊副词"情",其语法意义与普通话中的"情"不一样,主要有三种:(1)表示"显然";(2)表示"假设";(3)表示"尽情".本文对这三种意义进行溯源,并且根据虚化理论从历时角度分析它们的发展关系.  相似文献   

Contract research,the university,and the academic   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With the decline in the funding of university research activities from traditional sources, many universities are instigating contract research programs as a means of funding research. This article examines some of the implications of university-based contract research, drawing largely on the author's own experiences. The problems which are examined include the moral and ethical implications, the legal aspects, problems over ownership of research results, the implications for staff rights, the status of contract researchers, the implications for publication, problems of authority, responsibility and social justice, and the conflicts between teaching and research. The article concludes with eleven points for successful university-based contract research.  相似文献   

Legal status collective bargaining between faculty associations and university administrations has affected university governance and, on the whole, has done so positively by democratizing most of the procedures used to determine the terms and conditions of faculty employment. To the extent that matters hitherto within the mandates of academic senates have been removed to the collective bargaining regime, senates have been somewhat weakened. The greatest danger to democracy on the campus probably lies in the bureaucratization of faculty associations, thus leaving them open to the partial paralysis of creeping legalism.  相似文献   

This article is concerned with ethical aspects of the relations between language minorities using signed languages (called the Deaf-World) and the larger societies that engulf them. The article aims to show that such minorities have the properties of ethnic groups, and that an unsuitable construction of the Deaf-World as a disability group has led to programs of the majority that discourage Deaf children from acquiring the language and culture of the Deaf-World and that aim to reduce the number of Deaf births-programs that are unethical from an ethnic group perspective. Four reasons not to construe the Deaf-World as a disability group are advanced: Deaf people themselves do not believe they have a disability; the disability construction brings with it needless medical and surgical risks for the Deaf child; it also endangers the future of the Deaf-World; finally, the disability construction brings bad solutions to real problems because it is predicated on a misunderstanding.  相似文献   

Sharon Bailin 《Interchange》1992,23(1-2):63-69
This paper examines recent claims that the bodies of knowledge, the standards, and the methods of rational inquiry promulgated by the university are undemocratic, representing a hegemony of Western, middle-class, male culture. It argues that such a view is based on a social construction view of knowledge and points out several problems with this view. It further argues that democracy is not simply a matter of consensus but presupposes rational debate and such rationality is embedded in our cultural traditions of knowledge and inquiry. These traditions are not simply monolithic and static, but are arenas of controversy and debate, and their critical modes of inquiry provide the possibility for evolution and for critique of the traditions themselves. Thus even the criticisms brought forth by the critics of the traditions have grown out of and presuppose the very traditions which they seek to undermine. There is a strong case for investigating the social influences on what has been excluded from the canons of the culture, for reclaiming valuable works which have been neglected, and for critically examining the methodologies of the disciplines. Nonetheless the rejection of rational modes of inquiry seriously undermines the possibility for democracy.  相似文献   

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