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张宏轩 《文教资料》2006,(1):186-187
《周易·序卦》认为,“盈天地之间者唯万物”,而万物的产生和发展总要经历一定的时间和占有一定的空间,因此时间和空间是运动着的物质的存在形式。正如列宁所说:“世界上除了运动着的物质,什么也没有,而运动着的物质只有在空间和时间之内才能运动。”时间和空间构成宇宙,古人谓  相似文献   

研究选取4家国家公务员单位的工作人员为被试,采用艾森克人格问卷(EPQ)和BM职业倦怠量表并结合针对个别被试的深度访谈,调查了国家公务员的职业倦怠现状并探讨其与被试人格特征之间的关系.研究表明:(1)国家公务员的职业倦怠状况中存在显著的性别差异和工龄差异;(2)职业倦怠与内-外倾的人格特质之间存在着显著的负相关,而在神经质或情绪稳定性的人格特质和潜在的精神特质的人格特征上存在着显著的正相关;(3)情绪管理训练及性格塑造有助于改善国家公务员的职业倦怠状况.  相似文献   

对考试质量进行“四度”分析,是人们普遍采用的一种考试质量分析方法。作者通过阐析“四度”分析方法及其理论基石——真分数假设,指出由于真分数假设仅能建立起真分数与人的心理特质之间一种粗略的正向关系,本身存在着严重依赖特定被试组和特定试题组的缺陷,作为真分数假设一种逻辑性展开及统计特性应用的“四度”分析方法,也因此存在着严重依赖特定被试组和特定试题组的局限性,强调人们只有在常模参照考试中才能正确有效地使用它。  相似文献   

体验认知认为在概念思维过程中,人们的感觉运动经验发挥着重要作用,概念思维是由具体的感知觉运动信息的表征所构成。实验表明被试在对表示温度的词语(冷、热)进行的时距判断过程中,被试倾向于高估表示“热”的词语呈现时间和低估表示“冷”的词语呈现时间。这表明被试可能通过对相同或类似的环境和活动状态所进行的心理模拟,导致内部时钟频率的变化,从而产生了主客观时距的估计偏差。因此体验认知对时间知觉过程确实产生影响。  相似文献   

为进一步加强各族女大学生的思想品德与恋爱观教育。作者采用问卷调查法,调查分析了汉维蒙三组女大学生的恋爱观。调查结果表明,三组被试中多数认同“爱情和事业同样重要”,极少数认同“爱情比事业更重要”;多数被试认为,恋爱对学习产生的影响难以预料。对不同民族大学生之间谈恋爱的现象。持否定态度的维吾尔族被试多于汉族与蒙古族被试;多数被试恋爱的主要动机是“丰富个人的精神生活”,而不是“建立婚姻家庭”。  相似文献   

英汉语在“时间是空间”、“时间流逝是运动”、“时间是金钱”、“时间是实体”等主要时间概念隐喻及相应的语言表达形式中虽有很多相同之处,但也存在着差异。这些差异来源于英汉不同的认知和社会文化背景。  相似文献   

人们常说:“舞蹈是动的表演艺术,动是舞蹈的第一要素。”这话从宏观说是无可非议的。舞者在台上的全部活动可以说是在一定空间和时间里利用人体本身所进行的各种“运动”。从这个意义上说。舞蹈演员同杂技演员以及武术、体操运动员是存在着“同一性的”,都在千方百计地让自己的形体动得自由,动得自如,动得绝妙,都把“动”作为“第一要素”。正是这种“动的要素”使得他们在表现外形上有不少相似之处,也正是这种“动的要素”使得他们在某种特定的时间和空间里产生借鉴和被借鉴的可能。  相似文献   

具有信息加工系统的人在阅读句子时出现了一系列眼动行为之后便获得了新的信息,从而构成了课文意义的心理表征。目前解释眼动行为的模型主要有最简控制模型、视觉控制模型和认知控制理论。跳读、词汇加工、视敏度、注意和强化学习都是影响眼动的主要因素。本文述评了这些模型及相关因素。  相似文献   

《大纲》从总体性视野出发,阐明“现实的个人”不仅是社会性、历史性的存在,而且是空间性的存在.人的发展的三大社会历史形态就是不断打破空间界限,由“地域性的存在”向“世界历史性存在”转变的空间化过程.这种空间性变迁背后闪烁的是资本的魅影.马克思用“时间消灭空间”等经典命题对资本关系展开了空间批判,并且在资本的“创造性破坏”逻辑以及“流动性”与“自我固定化”的空间性矛盾中,看到了解放的希望.在后金融危机时代,“空间”被更多地赋予了自主性力量,如何正确地处理好时间与空间、生产辩证法与空间辩证法、历史解放与空间解放之间的关系,如何建构一种以历史唯物主义为基础的空间理论,对于回应西方激进左翼的理论诉求、诠释当下资本主义的生存境遇和增强马克思主义对现实问题的解释力都有着积极的意义.  相似文献   

借用一些表空间概念的词语来表达时间概念是人类语言的一个普遍特征。“下来”“起来”“下去”在凸显空间位移的过程中,也伴随着时间的变化。但由于各自趋向意义存在一定的差异,这就导致了各自在表时间意义上也存在着一定的差异。概念意义上的不平行性象似性地反映出句法形式上的不平行性。在这一点上,最让我们感兴趣的是“下来”、“起来”和“下去”在表示时间意义时,如果其前面的动词为及物动词,三者在句法形式上呈现出来的差异性。其实,这三者之间的这种差异性早就被语法研究者注意过。卢英顺(2000)在讨论现代汉语“延续体”的有关问题时,就曾指出:“‘下去体助’或‘下来体助’前的动词如果是及物的话,那么这个及物动词后面的语义成分(如受事等,即静态句中的宾语)一定出现在该动词的前面,而不能出现在动词和‘下去体助’或‘下来体助’之间,也不能出现在‘下’和‘去’或‘来’之间。这点和表示‘开始’的‘起来’相比,有所不同。‘起来’前动词后的语义成分可以在‘起’和‘来’之间出现,但如果出现在‘动词’和‘起来’之间则难以接受。”此外,郭春贵(2003)也认为“如果宾语是有定施事的,则把它当成主语使用。”本节拟在前人研究的基础上,从认知的角度,就形成这种差异性的原因谈些个人粗浅的看法。  相似文献   

优先注视法(preferential looking,PL)是定量测定婴幼儿视力的主要方法.基于PL原理的儿童视力检查系统软件应用计算机数据库技术、图像处理技术和多媒体技术,能够自动生成测试图案,智能判断并形成视力检查结果,为临床儿童视力的检查以及检查数据的管理提供了极大便利.  相似文献   

In this study silent reading by adults ranging in age from 35 to 90 years was investigated. The texts to be read were printed in black on white paper with character sizes varying from 1–9 mm x-height (visual angle 0.19° to 1.67°). In order to separate age effects from visual-acuity effects, subjects with different levels of visual acuity (0.1–2.5 decimal acuity) participated in the experiment. Silent reading rate was employed as the dependent variable. Visual acuity affected reading rate most, followed by letter size. In normal-acuity subjects the variance in reading rates decreased as a function of age. Reading rates initially increased rapidly with increasing letter size, but after reaching an optimum gradually declined again as letters became larger. For the different acuity classes there appeared to be clearly optimal letter sizes, varying from 1.9 for the highest acuity group to 6 mm for the lowest acuity group at the 33 cm reading distance employed. However, the optimal reading rates of visually impaired subjects found in this study remained below those of individuals with normal acuity. This suggests that visual impairment is a more general neural phenomenon rather than merely a deficient optical image. The obtained reading-rate data could be accurately described by a theoretical model encompassing a decoding process and an integration process. It appeared that the model predictions were entirely determined by the smallest letter size at which reading is just possible with a specified visual acuity. It is concluded that both decoding and integration are dependent on visual acuity and that, in the absence of specific visual defects, ageing effects in reading can be completely explained by gradual lowering of visual acuity having its origin in central mechanisms.  相似文献   

听觉障碍学生与正常学生视觉识别敏度的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:5,他引:2  
为了探讨听觉障碍学生和正常学生在视觉图形识别敏度上的差异,我们采用Dr.Hirsch.B.Helmut编制黑白与彩色测试卡设计了二维隐匿图形视觉搜索实验,结果表明:(1)学校、性别与正斜像之间的交互作用显著;不同学校男生对正斜像识别反应时呈现出不同的变化趋势,特别是聋校男生识别斜像的反应时明显低于普校男生;聋校中不同性别学生对正斜像识别反应时呈现不同变化趋势。(2)听障学生的视觉图像识别的敏度优于正常学生,说明了听障学生存在明显的视觉补偿作用。(3)视觉识别敏度不具有明显的性别差异。(4)听障学生和正常学生的心理旋转能力不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

探讨国产干涉条纹视力计对预测白内障术后视力的准确性及其影响因素。方法:收集105例(105眼)白内障患者,年龄为69.89±10.04岁(30~92岁),术前分别用德国Heine视网膜视力计和国产干涉条纹视力计检测患者的术后预测视力,与术后1月最佳矫正视力比较,进行统计学分析。国产干涉条纹视力计和德国Heine视网膜视力计测量的预测视力分别为0.13±0.04和0.17±0.11,术后1月的最佳矫正视力为0.07±0.03,三者之间两两比较,有显著性差异(P<0.05),国产干涉条纹视力计与术后最佳矫正视力之间的差异较小。国产干涉条纹视力计预测视力符合率为66.67%(两者之间相差≤2行)。晶状体重度混浊和合并眼部疾病如青光眼、黄斑前膜、糖尿病性眼底病变等是其影响因素。国产干涉条纹视力计能有效预测白内障术后视力,但在重度白内障和合并眼底其他疾病的患者应结合相关临床检查做综合性评估。  相似文献   


College freshmen enrolled in a rapid reading course were assigned to one of two groups on the basis of visual acuity. These groups were further divided on the basis of their pretest reading speed. Reading speed and comprehension measures were taken before, after, and periodically throughout the course. Results indicated that the increase in reading speed of the myopic group was significantly greater than that of the emmetropic group and that the group reading initially faster improved at a more rapid rate than did the slower group. Comprehension decreased during the course with the fast readers maintaining better comprehension. By the final measure, reading speed was more related to visual acuity than to the individual’s initial reading speed. The results were interpreted as supporting the contention that myopes are more visually oriented.  相似文献   

The development of auditory temporal acuity during infancy was examined in 3-, 6-, and 12-month-old infants and in adults using the gap detection paradigm. Listeners detected a series of gaps, or silent intervals, or variable duration in a broadband noise. In order to vary the acoustic frequencies available to the listener, a high-pass noise was used to mask frequencies above specified cutoffs. High-pass maskers with cutoffs of 500, 2,000, and 8,000 Hz were used. The minimum detectable gap was determined using the Observer-based Psychoacoustic Procedure. The thresholds of 3- and 6-month-olds were considerably poorer than those of the adults, although the effect of masker condition was about the same for these 3 groups. The thresholds of 12-month-olds were significantly worse than the adults when the stimulus was unmasked or when the masker cutoff frequency was 2,000 or 8,000 Hz. When the masker cutoff frequency was 500 Hz, 12-month-olds fell into 2 groups: some had gap thresholds that were about the same as 3- and 6-month-olds, while some had gap thresholds that approached those of adults. In a second experiment, a larger group of 12-month-olds were tested with a 500-Hz masker cutoff. Average performance of 12-month-olds was about the same as that of 3- and 6-month-olds in Experiment 1. Some infants attained thresholds close to those of adults. Thus, gap detection thresholds are quite poor in infants, although the similarity of the effect of frequency on performance in infants and adults suggests that the mechanisms governing temporal resolution in infants operate qualitatively like those in adults.  相似文献   

Visual theorems     
It is argued for a mathematical education which interprets the word theorem in a sense that is wide enough to include the visual aspects of mathematical intuition and reasoning.  相似文献   

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