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伴随互联网信息组织活动发展的三个阶段:分类导航、关键词重组信息和多元化网络应用集成,门户网站、搜索引擎和开放平台先后成为三代互联网的主打产品。在新的网络环境下,图书馆应顺应时代潮流开发开放平台以展现自身的优势资源。开放平台以OpenAPI为技术支撑,实现三大基本职能:(1)以内容为纽带,整合图书馆、数据厂商和互联网上的文献资源。(2)以用户为纽带,联通图书馆各个系统的服务功能。(3)以用户关系为纽带,收集散落于图书馆内部、图书馆之间、区域内乃至更广领域的信息碎片。该文对互联网现有的OpenAPI进行梳理并分类,运用SOA理念设计图书馆开放平台的系统架构,实现了基于OPAC的文献信息集成平台,基于OAuth的用户借阅管理平台和联合目录、文献传递与Google地图的Mashup增值应用。  相似文献   

2007年以来,开放平台产品逐步占领互联网市场,新兴的文献资源开放服务通过开放应用编程接口(OpenAPI)相互融合,逐渐形成由搜索引擎、书评网、网络书店、公共借书网及公共社交网构成的文献资源生态圈。在新的形势下,图书馆应该主动融入互联网文献资源生态圈。南京大学图书馆开发的个性化图书馆BOOK+,全面贯彻面向用户需求的核心理念,不仅在系统设计前进行用户访谈和问卷调查,而且让用户的意见始终贯穿项目实施的全过程,项目完成后仍然继续收集用户的反馈意见。文章详细介绍了BOOK+项目的创意源起、实施过程、三轮用户需求分析、系统架构、页面设计、创新功能及社会效益。希望通过该项目的实施积累经验,为图书馆服务的全面转型做出尝试。  相似文献   

网络环境下文献信息的发现与获取—互联网上访图书馆   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过对搜索引擎和55个图书馆站点的访问,对如何快捷有效地发现和获取互联网上的文献信息资源进行分析研究。  相似文献   

图书馆实体信息资源组织的两大发展路径   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着搜索引擎的日益学术化,网书馆非但没有对互联网信息资源进行有效的书目控制,而且其实体信息资源的组织也有被搜索引擎资源组织所替代的趋势.针对搜索引擎资源组织的优缺点,提出图书馆实体信息资源的两大发展路径--章节化组织和FRBR化组织.前者可以解决网络阅读"短、平、快"的问题,后者则可解决检全率尤其是检准率的问题.  相似文献   

互联网资源服务蓬勃发展的时代背景下,为了增加用户的忠诚度,图书馆一方面应该深入了解用户需求,找出自身服务与用户需求的差距;另一方面也需借鉴互联网的成功案例,改进和完善图书馆的资源组织方式。本文着眼于用户体验,展开了一次针对OPAC检索满意度、开架找书体验度和网络交互功能用户偏好的问卷调查。数据分析引入"用户年均读书量"这一新的分类指标,根据用户阅读量进行统计分析,将真正热爱读书、高频使用图书馆的用户需求突显出来。调查结果表明,自动化系统固有的面向流程的系统设计阻碍了图书馆业务随用户需求而变,导致用户在使用图书馆时遇到困难与不便。为了拉近与用户的距离,图书馆可以借鉴互联网成熟应用的"面向用户的开放平台"思想,重新架构内部业务系统,为系统运行机制和流程管理的改革做出尝试。  相似文献   

框计算是百度公司最新提出的一种基于互联网的需求交互模式,与云计算相比,它代表了一种新的数据处理方式,以自己独特的优势在互联网领域崭露头角,为知识发现提供了一种新的开放平台。框计算传递了一种新的理念,为图书馆构建共享平台、提升核心竞争力提供了更有效的技术支持,可以更好地优化、整合图书馆资源,开拓图书馆信息服务的空间,为服务创新打下良好的基础。参考文献11。  相似文献   

文章调查了图书馆界利用微博开展读者服务的现状,分析了图书馆利用微博开放平台开展社会网络服务的可行性,并以腾讯微博开放平台为例提出了以图书馆为中心、以地理区域为中心和以文献资源为中心三种社会网络服务整合模式。  相似文献   

基于OPAC系统检索功能的图书馆资源整合研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
步入数字图书馆时代,电子资源的日益增多与电子文献无法充分被利用的矛盾日益突出,运用计算机技术和新一代搜索引擎技术是解决该矛盾的重要手段。文章结合图书馆资源的现状,运用网络搜索引擎、可视化搜索引擎、音频搜索引擎、个性化搜索引擎等各类搜索引擎的新科技特点和新服务理念,将图书馆的电子资源尽可能地整合在OPAC系统的检索功能里,成为解决该矛盾的一个新思路,为更加简便、直观地利用图书馆资源指明了新方向。  相似文献   

文章以一个中等规模的互联网信息查询行为调查得到的数据为基础,探讨了北京地区高校毕业生在完成学位论文期间的信息查询行为,尤其是他们的互联网信息查询行为和对互联网信息资源的态度.调查结果显示电子形式的信息已经成为高校毕业生查询信息的首选;互联网和图书馆是毕业生最常用的两种获取信息的途径;毕业生用于互联网信息查询的时间几乎占到了总的信息查询时间的一半;大部分学生认为互联网上的信息和资料是比较可靠的;毕业生在学位论文中引用互联网上的资料时最关注资料的时效性;学生们对搜索引擎已经有了一定的忠诚度并对搜索引擎的总体评价是比较满意的.  相似文献   

文章参照互联网开放平台架构,结合图书馆实际工作,以SOA为内核提出适用于图书馆发展的系统架构——面向用户的架构UOA,并基于UOA对图书馆采访、编目、流通业务进行创新设计.  相似文献   

Public libraries in Kenya were established with the aim of providing information services to the general public. The Kenya National Library Service (KNLS) is responsible for providing services through its library network across the country. In the past, to combat illiteracy, the library launched various initiatives, including mobile services and community libraries. The public libraries are in a transition period of moving from paper library services to incorporate modern digital technologies for information access. This article addresses the progress from predigital to the present, examining difficulties and challenges faced in adopting new technologies in the modern information age.  相似文献   

In a period of fiscal constraint, when assumptions about the library as place are being challenged, administrators question the contribution of every expense to student success. Libraries have been successful in migrating resources and services to a digital environment accessible beyond the library. What is the role of the library as place when users do not need to visit the building to utilize library services and resources? We argue that the college library building's core role is as a space for collaborative learning and community interaction that cannot be jettisoned in the new normal.  相似文献   

“十三五”期间,宁夏回族自治区图书馆坚持正确的办馆理念,在党建、空间综合服务改造、读者服务、资源建设及人才队伍建设等方面均取得了满意的成绩。“十四五”时期,秉持打造高质量图书馆理念,在智慧图书馆建设、资源建设、省级图书馆功能拓展、研究与协作及人才培养等方面再上台阶,取得实绩。  相似文献   

University libraries are going through a period of enormous transformation and have been for some time. This study considers ten years of both incremental and transformational change at the University of Limerick (UL) Library in Ireland. In the last decade library services, staffing, collections, and spaces underwent great changes, in line with international trends. Retrospective analysis of LibQUAL?+?survey data from 2007 to 2016 was conducted to explore how users responded to these changes and to their gradually transforming library. This study outlines the many changes that occurred in the library over the course of ten years and found that satisfaction levels steadily increased in tandem through a systematic step-by-step approach to driving continuous improvement and managing change. The data tells a compelling story of a library where staffing, services, collections, and spaces transformed and where readers’ perceptions of the quality of library services significantly improved.  相似文献   

This study explores academic libraries’ potential uses of the mobile application Yik Yak, with particular focus on patrons’ anonymous feedback about library services and spaces. Over a 232-day period, the authors observed the Yik Yak feed for their university and recorded all yaks related to the library. A content analysis of the 249 library-related yaks found six distinct purposes that these library-related yaks served, from the perspective of the patron, which are of interest to the library: asking questions about library services; reporting problems with library spaces; reprimanding violations of and encouraging adherence to library policies; sharing compliments about library services; demons-trating need for improved library services; and discussing and offering feedback about library programs. This study reveals several opportunities for academic libraries to engage with Yik Yak in order to serve their patrons better, including providing virtual reference services, monitoring problems within the building, developing proactive approaches to policy enforce-ment, gathering honest and continuous feedback about the library's strengths, and identifying opportunities to improve and expand services. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]目前图书馆行业的管理与服务创新均以数字化、智慧化为主,但在这些业务快速发展的同时,切不可忽略图书馆基础服务的发展。[方法/过程]在广泛调研的基础上,结合信息技术的发展趋势对当前公共图书馆、学术图书馆基础服务的梳理,认为当前图书馆基础服务存在数字资源下载的方式不统一、纸电分别服务、基础服务缺乏必要的绩效评价机制、智能设备相对“弱智能”等问题。[结果/结论]提出“十四五”期间图书馆基础服务创新发展建议,为各图书馆“十四五”规划的制订提供思路,促进未来五年图书馆事业的进步。  相似文献   

论图书馆实时解答服务的特点及发展趋势   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
随着信息技术的广泛应用,虚拟参考咨询服务成为当前图书馆服务的重要方式,如E-mail服务、BBS讨论组、实时解答服务等深受用户喜爱,发展迅速。其中实时解答服务成为当前图书馆参考咨询服务发展的主要方向。实时解答服务具有实时性、交互性、能动性、人工智能性等特点。实时咨询软件的研究与发展利用将成为图书馆网上参考咨询服务的主要发展趋势。参考文献9。  相似文献   

公共图书馆的设置与体系建设研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
尽管我国在"十五"未期初步实现了县县有图书馆的目标,但事实上大部分人口仍处在公共图书馆服务的覆盖范围之外.在"提供普遍均等公共文化服务"以"保障人民群众基本文化权益"的方针政策下,覆盖全民的公共图书馆服务体系建设已成为构建和谐社会的重要内容.然而,覆盖全民的公共图书馆服务体系建设和运行又将对公共财政的支付能力和图书馆职业的服务能力带来巨大挑战.正在形成中的<公共图书馆法>就是要在这样的背景下为公共图书馆服务体系选择合理的建设体制.本研究在对国内外公共图书馆服务体系经验的总结归纳、对五个案例地区总分馆的成本核算、对五个样本省份构建全覆盖公共图书馆服务体系要素分析的基础上,提炼发现,提出建议,为<公共图书馆法>合理选择新时期的公共图书馆服务体系建设体制提供依据.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To provide evidence on the effectiveness of publicity with the aim of encouraging general practitioners (GPs) in Cornwall to make better use of the Cornwall Health Library Service (CHLS). In the light of the findings, a second objective was formulated to determine which resources they used to look for health information. METHODS: A cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) measured the effect of two types of publicity, comparing emails with visiting GP practices. After the trial period, a questionnaire was sent to all 332 GPs to ascertain the resources they accessed for their information and any barriers to their use of the CHLS. RESULTS: The GP's use of the library services was lower than the level needed for a conclusive statistical analysis; however, visiting practices was associated with an apparent increase in library use and warrants further investigation. The questionnaire showed that GPs make good use of databases and colleagues. CONCLUSION: The RCT confirmed the low uptake of library services anticipated, but was inconclusive in demonstrating the most effective form of publicity. The questionnaire suggested that a substantial number of GPs are interested in the library services and has provided an insight into the way that GPs look for information in Cornwall.  相似文献   

The University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library provides reference and instructional services to support research, curricular, and clinical programs of the University at Buffalo. With funding from an NN/LM MAR Technology Improvement Award, the University at Buffalo Health Sciences Library (UBHSL) purchased iPads to develop embedded reference and educational services. Usage statistics were collected over a ten-month period to measure the frequency of iPad use for mobile services. While this experiment demonstrates that the iPad can be used to meet the library user's needs outside of the physical library space, this article will also offer advice for others who are considering implementing their own program.  相似文献   

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