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随着“文化强国,体育强国”的口号喊起,足以显示国家对体育运动的重视。时值中国建国七十周年的激动时刻,中国女排也成为了大家关注的重点,就在2019年9月29日女排以11胜0负的战绩夺得了女排世界杯的冠军。对于“女排精神”郎平说:女排精神不是赢得冠军,而是有时候知道不会赢,也竭尽全力。这句话就引发了在运动竞赛过程中,竞赛的挑战性和运动员技能水平对运动员的运动表现有什么影响。本研究运用文献资料法、问卷调查法、数理统计法等对50名足球社团的学生进行研究。结果表明:运动竞赛的高挑战性和运动员的高技能水平更有利于运动员运动表现的发挥。  相似文献   

对乒乓球运动员竞赛状态焦虑及焦虑方向的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
运用文献资料法、专家访谈法、问卷调查法和数理统计法等方法,对60名优秀乒乓球运动员及普通大学生乒乓球运动员竞赛状态焦虑及焦虑方向进行对比研究。研究结果表明:优秀乒乓球运动员与普通大学生乒乓球运动员在认知焦虑和躯体焦虑的强度分数上无差异;但与普通大学生乒乓球运动员相比,优秀乒乓球运动员认为这两种焦虑对其运动成绩的取得具有促进作用;两组运动员的自信心无差异。  相似文献   

运用文献资料、逻辑分析等方法,对践行竞技体育的教育功能与社会主义核心价值观之间的关系进行研究,认为:竞技体育的教育功能与个人价值观的构建、社会价值观的践行、民族价值观的发展有着不可分的联系。从个人、社会、民族价值观的视角,挖掘竞技体育教育功能,对公众社会主义核心价值观的形成与实践有着重要的作用和深远意义。  相似文献   

This study provided initial validity evidence for multidimensional measures of coaching competency derived from the Coaching Competency Scale (CCS). Data were collected from intercollegiate men's (n = 8) and women's (n = 13) soccer and women's ice hockey teams (n = 11). The total number of athletes was 585. Within teams, a multidimensional internal model was retained in which motivation, game strategy, technique, and character building comprised the dimensions of coaching competency. Some redundancy among the dimensions was observed. Internal reliabilities ranged from very good to excellent. Practical recommendations for the CCS are given in the Discussion section.  相似文献   

文章通过对河南省实验中学等6所中学总计600名学生的问卷调查发现:学生的性别、胖瘦、身高、人际关系、异性关注度、运动经历、教师期待等因素都对中学生动作技能的学习有着重要的影响。结果显示:女生在学习动作技能中身高、胖瘦、运动经历方面影响较大;男生在动作技能学习中的人际关系、异性关注度方面影响较大,而教师的期待无论是男生还是女生都有很大影响;在中学生动作技能的学习中,中学生的心理对其学习技能的影响也不可忽视。  相似文献   

残疾人运动员的特质焦虑与竞赛状态焦虑研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
漆昌柱  金梅 《体育科学》2005,25(3):16-18
采用特质焦虑测验(TAI)和竞赛状态焦虑测验(CSAI-2)对73名残疾人运动员的焦虑测试分析表明:1)绝大多数残疾人运动员为中等强度的特质焦虑水平。残疾人运动员的认知焦虑与一般运动员相比没有显著性差异;残疾人运动员的躯体焦虑较一般运动员高,但比一般运动员更为自信;2)残疾人运动员的特质焦虑存在着性别差异,但竞赛状态焦虑没有性别差异;两者都不存在残疾类别差异和残疾类别与性别的交互作用影响;3)残疾人运动员在一般情景中的特质焦虑与他们的竞赛状态焦虑是相互独立的。  相似文献   

旨在用金泰尔技能分类法对网球技能进行分类研究,找出网球专项技能的特征即网球运动中调节条件是变化的同时存在尝试间变化,动作具有操纵性且运动过程中身体是移动的;并在金泰尔分类法视角下探讨网球专项训练的策略,平时训练多加强基本功训练,更注重运动员临场的心理承受能力训练,最终为网球教练员、运动员和业余爱好者提供训练的参考。  相似文献   

黄剑 《湖北体育科技》2009,28(4):428-429,432
立足网球运动在我国的发展现状,对现有网球练习辅助器材利用情况进行分析与评价,并从网球运动技术特点出发,研发出了发条式网球发球机,以此满足网球初学者的需要,从而促进网球运动在我国的开展。  相似文献   

Purpose: This study aimed to investigate the relationship between fundamental movement skills (FMS) and markers of health among a cohort of Irish primary school children. Methods: Participants (N = 296, mean age: 7.99 ± 2.02 years) were senior infant (n = 149, mean age: 6.02 ± 0.39 years) and 4th class (n = 147, mean age: 9.97 ± 0.40 years) students from three primary schools in Cork, Ireland. FMS proficiency (TGMD-2) and markers of health (BMI percentile, waist circumference percentile, blood pressure percentiles, resting heart rate, cardiorespiratory fitness, objectively measured physical activity; PA) measurements were recorded. Correlation and hierarchical stepwise multiple linear regression analyses were conducted to investigate the relationship between FMS and markers of health. Results: A small, positive relationship was found between FMS (Gross Motor Quotient; GMQ) and cardiorespiratory fitness with small negative correlations between GMQ and 550 m time SDS among 6-year-olds (r(129) = ?.286, p < .05) and 10-year-olds (r(132) = ?.340, p < .05). A moderate, positive correlation was found between GMQ and light PA (r(71) = .400, p < .05). Small positive correlations were revealed between GMQ and moderate PA (r(71) = .259, p < .05) and between GMQ and total PA (r(71) = .355, p < .05). After adjusting for age, sex, the interaction effect of age and sex, and school attended, FMS explained 15.9% and 24.8% of the variance in 550 m time SDS among 6- and 10-year-olds, respectively, and 6% and 6.5% of the variance in light PA and moderate PA, respectively. After adjusting for age and sex, FMS explained 11.6% of the variance in total PA. Conclusion: A wide range of FMS is important for children’s cardiorespiratory fitness and PA.  相似文献   

网球技能学习中类比学习与外显学习协同效应的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用实验法,探讨大学生网球初学者在学习正手击球时类比学习与外显学习的协同效应.受试被随机分为外显学习组、类比学习组、类比与外显学习结合组,以击球准确性、动作评分和动作知识知晓数量为指标,对3组受试进行评价.结果显示:在保持测试中,外显与类比学习结合组的击球准确性和动作评分好于类比学习组和外显学习组;在迁移测试中,外显与类比学习结合组和类比学习组的击球准确性和动作评分好于外显学习组;在知晓动作知识的评价中,类比与外显学习结合组习得的动作知识数量多于类比学习组和外显学习组,而外显学习组多于类比学习组.  相似文献   

Ordinary sports clubs and their annual sports have been largely ignored by historians of sport, whose focus has been largely on more mega-events and on larger clubs, and on the twentieth century rather than earlier periods. This paper provides a rare case study of a local athletic sports meeting, in late Victorian and early Edwardian north-east England, using club records, newspaper, census and other record-linkage material, and setting it in its local and national context. By doing so it shows how it is possible to shed light on its organisation and club membership; the age, status and home locations of competitors, and the linkages with other athletic and cycling clubs in the area. More importantly it also explores the vexed question of the ways in which amateurism functioned in areas less influenced by the middle classes of the metropolis and elite clubs, which have hitherto dominated discussion.  相似文献   

探讨不同状态焦虑水平下特质焦虑运动员对情绪信息的注意偏向.被试为高/低特质焦虑运动员各30名(两个实验各15名),以正性情绪词、负性情绪词和中性词为刺激材料.通过诱发程序,在实验1中诱发低状态焦虑情绪,在实验2中诱发高状态焦虑情绪,然后进行点探测反应时实验.结果表明,在低状态焦虑水平下,高/低特质焦虑运动员对正性情绪词和负性情绪词的同侧位置反应时与异侧位置反应时均无显著性差异;在高状态焦虑水平下,高特质焦虑运动员的负性情绪词的同侧位置反应时短于异侧位置反应时,对负性情绪词警觉,低特质焦虑运动员负性情绪词的同侧位置反应时长于异侧位置反应时,对负性情绪词回避.在状态焦虑与特质焦虑交互作用下,特质焦虑运动员对负性情绪信息存在注意偏向.  相似文献   

浅谈少儿(趣味)田径运动对田径运动文化的传承作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了更好地在全世界发展田径运动,2000年国际田联和德国田联共同推出了"少儿(趣味)田径"这一田径运动的新形式,目前在欧美等发达国家的教育机构中已被广泛采用,成为当前最权威、最科学、最系统的少儿体育教育活动方案。我国于2008年开始进行试点逐步在全国小学推广这一田径运动新形式。全国首期开展此运动的是省市重点学校并已经达到近百所。本文将简要介绍少儿(趣味)田径项目并简要论述其对我国田径运动文化的传承起到的作用。  相似文献   

韩方廷  谭明义 《体育学刊》2005,12(3):123-125
回顾了中国乒乓球40多年来在国际乒坛拼搏经历,评价了中国为推动乒乓球竞技运动的发展做出的贡献。分析认为:中国乒乓球队的思想素质好、勇于创新技战术、内行的领导核心、“举国体制”以及国家领导人的关怀和鼓励等是中国乒乓球长盛不衰的重要因素。  相似文献   

Background: Motor skill (MS) competence is an important contributing factor for healthy development.

Purpose: The goal was to test the effectiveness of primary school physical education (PE) on MS and physical fitness (PF) development.

Methods: Three classes (n?=?60, aged 9.0?±?0.9) were randomly assigned to three diverse conditions during a school year: two PE lessons/week (PE-2), three PE lessons/week (PE-3), and no PE lessons control group (CG). BMI, skinfolds, PF (9-min run/walk, sit-up, modified pull-ups), gymnastics, soccer, handball, basketball and track-and-field skills were evaluated. Effect sizes (d) were reported as magnitude of change.

Results: Skinfolds significantly increased only in CG (d?=?1.21). PF composite z-scores improved in PE-3 (d?=?0.61), but decreased in PE-2 (d?=?0.57), and had no changes in CG. Statistically significant improvement was verified in gymnastics and handball skills in both experimental groups (gymnastic: d?=?2.95 and d?=?2.61 for PE-3 and PE-2, respectively; handball: d?=?1.87 and d?=?0.57 for PE-3 and PE-2, respectively), and no changes were seen in CG. In soccer, there were improvements only in the PE-3 (d?=?0.55), and in basketball only in PE-2 (d?=?0.46). There were no changes in any group for track-and-field skills.

Conclusions: PE programs can effectively promote PF and MS development.  相似文献   

采用实验对比法,探讨探针测试法评价乒乓球初学者技能水平的可行性,并比较了探针法与板击球法用于评价时的有效性。结果显示,探针法可用于评价乒乓球初学者的技能水平,且比板击球测试法更有效。  相似文献   

本文对新材料、新工艺所研制出来的新型体育器材在高水平国际性的比赛中,在创造世界纪录中所起的重要作用作一综述.要创造世界纪录,不仅要有优秀的运动员和教练员,科学的训练方法和行进的运动场地.体育器材也是关键的内容之一.尤其在高水平的比赛中,成绩差距仅丝毫之别.但应用新材料,新工艺所生产的新型器材就会在改写世界纪录或夺取冠军起到极其重要的作用.  相似文献   

通过对我国田径竞赛制度改革前后7年最高运动成绩和其代表人物的研究,分析赛制改革以来,我国田径最高运动水平的走向和赛制改革对田径最高运动水平的影响,为我国田径运动的发展和改革提供理论和实践的依据。  相似文献   


This exploratory study determined if the responses of male varsity basketball players to six factors influencing cohesion were a function of level of competitive intensity and/or the importance of the players to their team. Players on intact teams from five levels of competition – elementary school, junior high school, senior high school, small college and large college–responded to a cohesion questionnaire at the end of the season. Coaches designated five players with the most game playing time as “starters” and five players with the least game playing time as “reserves.” A team factor score for Team Performance Satisfaction, Self Performance Satisfaction, Task Cohesion, Affiliation Cohesion, Desire for Recognition and Value of Membership was calculated. Each team factor score served as the dependent variable in a 2 (player status) × 5 (level of competition) analysis ofcovariance design, with teams nested in the second factor. The won-loss record served as the covariate. Results indicated that “starters” were more satisfied with their own performance, were more task conscious, had a greater affiliation desire, and valued their membership on the team to a greater degree than the “reserves.” The elementary and junior high school team members were significantly more satisfied with the team's performance, were more satisfied with their own self performance, were more affiliation conscious, and valued their team membership to a greater degree than did college team members. The interaction between player status and level of competition was not significant for any of the factor scores.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、心理量表测量法,对参加第11届全国运动会武术套路比赛的87名运动员进行了竞赛状态焦虑调查分析。结果表明:武术套路运动员竞赛状态焦虑水平均与性别、运动等级、运动年限有关;文化程度因素、竞赛项目与竞赛状态无显著性差异;武术套路运动员成绩更多地受到认知状态焦虑的影响,呈现显著性差异中度相关,状态自信心与运动成绩表现出显著性差异。  相似文献   

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