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本文阐述了内部动机和外部动机的决定因素及其对运动员训练的影响,并提出运动员动机的干预方案,最后对运动员自主、积极训练方面的研究提出展望。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present investigation was to determine the effect of different types of competition and success/failure on intrinsic motivation of males and females performing on a motor task. Subjects were randomly assigned to one of the following competition conditions: (a) face-to-face competition, (b) competition against a standard of excellence, or (c) a noncompetitive condition (control). In addition, subjects received either success or failure feedback while performing on the pursuit rotor. Results indicated that subjects receiving success exhibited more intrinsic motivation than subjects receiving failure. Subjects also displayed more intrinsic motivation during competition than when not in competition. In addition, the Sex × Competition interaction indicated that males exhibited more intrinsic motivation when competing than when not competing, whereas females displayed no differences between these conditions. Results are discussed in light of previous research by Deci (1975) and Deaux (1977) and future direction is offered.  相似文献   

目标定向对大学生体育锻炼内在动机的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
以470名大学生为被试,考察目标定向对大学牛体育锻炼内在动机的影响.结果表明,任务定向、自我定向、能力感、自主感和归属感直接影响体育锻炼内在动机.此外,任务定向通过自主感和归属感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应,自我定向通过能力感变量对内在动机产生间接调节效应.  相似文献   


This study was a test of Deci and Ryan's (1985) cognitive evaluation theory in a fitness testing situation. More specifically, it was a test of Proposition 2 of that theory, which posits that external events that increase or decrease perceived competence will increase or decrease intrinsic motivation. Seventh and eighth grade schoolchildren (N = 105) volunteered for an experiment that was ostensibly to collect data on a new youth fitness test (the Illinois Agility Run). After two untimed practice runs, a specially adapted version of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI) was administered as a pretest of intrinsic motivation. Two weeks later when subjects ran again, they were apparently electronically timed. In reality, the subjects were given bogus feedback. Subjects in a positive feedback condition were told their scores were above the 80th percentile, while those in a negative feedback condition were told their scores were below the 20th percentile. Those in a control condition received no feedback. The IMI was again administered to the subjects after their runs. Multivariate and subsequent univariate tests were significant for all four subscale dependent variables (perceived interest-enjoyment, competence, effort, and pressure-tension). Positive feedback enhanced all aspects of intrinsic motivation, whereas negative feedback decreased them. In a further test of cognitive evaluation theory, path analysis results supported the prediction that perceived competence would mediate changes in the other IMI subscales. Taken together, these results clearly support cognitive evaluation theory and also may have important implications regarding motivation for those who administer youth fitness tests.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to examine (a) the effects of three curricular activities on students' situational motivation (intrinsic motivation [IM], identified regulation [IR], external regulation, and amotivation [AM]) and physical activity (PA) levels, and (b) the predictive strength of situational motivation to PA levels. Four hundred twelve students in grades 7–9 participated in three activities (cardiovascular fitness, ultimate football, and Dance Dance Revolution [DDR]) in physical education. ActiGraph GT1M accelerometers were used to measure students' PA levels for three classes for each activity. Students also completed a Situational Motivation Scale (Guay, Vallerand, & Blanchard, 2000) at the end of each class. Multivariate analysis of variance revealed that students spent significantly higher percentages of time in moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA) in fitness and football classes than they did in DDR class. Students reported higher IM and IR toward fitness than DDR. They also scored higher in IR toward fitness than football. In contrast, students displayed significantly lower AM toward fitness than football and DDR. Hierarchical Linear Modeling revealed that IM was the only positive predictor for time in MVPA (p = .02), whereas AM was the negative predictor (p < .01). The findings are discussed in regard to the implications for educational practice.  相似文献   

观察使用计算机追踪任务探讨任务性质、观察学习和身体练习比例对运动技能学习的影响。72名受试划分为开放性任务学习组和封闭性任务学习组,然后再根据观察学习+身体练习比例将受试随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组、以及75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3 d的计算机追踪任务学习。第3 d学习结束后,对所有受试进行即刻测试2、4 h后保持测试和迁移测试。结果显示:对于封闭性任务技能学习而言,50%观察学习+50%身体练习的比例所获得的学习效果好于25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例和75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;对于开放性任务技能学习而言,25%观察学习+75%身体练习的比例所获得的学习效果好于75%观察学习+25%身体练习的比例;使用相同比例条件下,封闭性任务技能的学习效果好于开放性任务技能。  相似文献   

任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用单维简单和两维复杂电脑追踪任务,探讨任务复杂程度对反馈频率适宜值的影响.96名右利手的在校大学生随机分为简单任务和复杂任务组(每组男、女各24名).两组受试者分别在25%相对频率(提供反馈的练习次数占总练习次数的25%,简称反馈频率,下同)、50%反馈频率、75%反馈频率、100%反馈频率条件下,连续两天练习简单或复杂任务,每天练习36次.第2天练习结束后休息10min,2组受试者进行无反馈保持测试.一天后,再进行无反馈的保持测试.结果显示:(1)练习阶段,两组受试者的操作绩效随反馈频率增加呈提高趋势;(2)50%反馈频率利于简单任务的技能学习,75%反馈频率利于复杂任务的技能学习;(3)任务复杂程度与反馈频率适宜值存在交互作用,与简单任务相比,操作复杂任务时,应增加反馈的频率.以上结果提示:当信息加工负荷较小(如操作任务较简单)时,减少反馈频率利于技能学习;而当信息加工负荷较大(操作任务较复杂)时,频繁反馈利于技能学习.  相似文献   


The purpose of the study was to investigate the effect of a 2-min. isometric exercise training program on force and fatigue in a skeletal muscle. The subjects (N=60) were divided into two equal groups, control and experimental. The control group was tested twice, once at the beginning of the experiment and again after 20 days. The subjects in the experimental group were tested before embarked on a 20-day period of isometric training. held the tension for 2 min. in the morning and again in the afternoon. Periodic tests were on the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th days. Large gains of initial strength were recorded on the 5th day. Isometric training continued beyond five days produced no significant gains in initial strength althoughe was a significant increase in isometric endurance. Isometric exercise continued longer than 15 days resulted in a significant decrease in initial strength and isometric endurance.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was twofold: (a) to determine the effect of locus of control (internal-external), success-failure, and trait anxiety (A-trait) on the perception of threat to self following competitive motor performance, as measured by postperformance state anxiety (A-state); and (b) to examine effects of success-failure relative to locus of control, as measured by self-protective answers on a postperformance attribution questionnaire. In addition, postperformance A-state relative to number of internal attributions was investigated. Two groups of subjects (N = 32) satisfying the criteria for internal-external control were subdivided by sex and randomly assigned to success-failure conditions. A-trait and preperformance A-state were assessed by the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) prior to the experimental treatment, and A-state measurement was repeated following the experimental treatment. Multivariate analysis of covariance revealed significant interaction effects of success-failure and locus of control relative to postperformance A-state. Univariate ANOVA revealed that externals were significantly higher on A-trait than internals. Regression analyses showed significant relationships for A-trait and pre- and postperformance A-state, as well as for relationship of postperformance A-state to number of internal attributions.  相似文献   

竞争性体育活动对中小学生体育运动动机的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用实验法,探讨竞争性体育活动对中小学生体育运动动机产生的影响,寻求加强学生体育参与行为的途径。结果表明,竞争性体育活动对于提高小学、初中和高中学生的体育运动动机有非常积极的作用,在小学生中效果更为显著。非竞争性的教学方法在小学和初中阶段对于提高学生体育运动动机没有积极意义。  相似文献   

任务性质、结果反馈时机与运动技能的学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用键盘敲击任务探讨任务性质、结果反馈时机对运动技能学习的影响.将100名右优势手大学生随机分为开放性和封闭性任务组(男女各25名),两组分别在5种KR条件下,练习开放或封闭任务3天,每天练习108次.第3天练习结束后休息10min,进行不提供KR的保持测试10次.24 h后,进行无KR保持测试10次.结果显示:(1)在封闭性运动技能学习中延迟KR更有利,而即刻KR促进开放性运动技能的学习;(2)提供KR的适宜时机受任务性质影响.与开放性技能相比,操作封闭性技能时,提供KR的适宜时机应延迟.  相似文献   

观察和练习比例、任务复杂程度对运动技能学习的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用实验法,探讨不同的观察学习和身体练习比例及任务复杂程度对追踪任务技能学习的影响.将受试分为简单任务学习组和复杂任务学习组,然后再根据比例将受试随机分为25%观察学习+75%身体练习组、50%观察学习+50%身体练习组及75%观察学习+25%身体练习组,进行为期3 d的计算机追踪任务学习.结果显示:对复杂任务学习而言,50%观察学习+50%身体练习比例的学习效果较好;对于简单任务学习而言,3种观察学习和身体练习比例的学习效果相同.  相似文献   

2004年全国女子举重锦标赛成败率技术统计分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以参加2004年全国女子举重锦标赛各省市代表队参赛选手为研究对象,运用观察统计法所获得各种数据,进行统计分析处理。并根据运动员试举成功率较低情况,对其原因进行分析和探讨,为举重训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法、访谈法及观察法等对2008年全国蹦床锦标赛男、女共117名运动员参加的个人网上项目的得失分相关影响因素进行调查和分析,研究结果表明:比赛规则、运动员的基本技术和动作质量、运动员的成套动作难度和编排及运动员的心理素质是影响男、女个人网上项目得失分的主要相关影响因素。  相似文献   

Purpose: The purpose of this work is focused on the study of the effect that feedback has on competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, vitality, and performance in a throwing task. Method: Thirty-five college students (26 men and 9 women), without previous experience in the task, participated in this study. The students were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions (positive, negative, and lack of feedback). Results: The results of this study point out that only those who received positive feedback before the handball throwing task, in contrast to those who received negative feedback or did not receive any feedback, showed increased levels of competence valuation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.30), perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.77), and autonomous motivation (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.48). This group also presented higher levels of perceived competence (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.84) and subjective vitality (p < .001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.80) than the group who received negative feedback after the throwing task. Those who received positive feedback also showed a higher throwing speed at the end of task than those who received negative feedback (p < 0.001, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.71) or than those who did not receive any feedback (p < .05, Cliff’s delta effect size = ?.56). Conclusions: Competence valuation, perceived competence, autonomous motivation, subjective vitality, and throwing speed were favorably influenced by positive feedback. These results have important implications for the training style applied by coaches.  相似文献   


Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of competition and instructional sets on the speed and accuracy of a dart-throwing task. In both experiments individuals competed against another subject on one day, and performed under noncompetitive conditions on a second day. The five distinct instructional sets varied from extreme emphasis on speed to extreme emphasis on accuracy. Multivariate analyses of variance revealed main effects for instructional sets on speed and accuracy in both experiments. Strong tradeoffs occurred with speed slowing and accuracy improving as the instructional emphasis changed from speed to accuracy. A competition by instructional sets interaction in Experiment 2 indicated that competition facilitated speed when speed was important, but when instructions emphasized accuracy, speed was slower in competition than in noncompetition. Accuracy was not affected by competition.  相似文献   

录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:探讨录像示范和现场示范对运动技能观察学习的影响.办法:48名受试随机分为练习组、现场示范观察组、录像示范观察组和控制组.采用计算机追踪任务,以RMSE为评价指标,对4组受试分别进行10 min后保持测试、24 h后保持测试和迁移测试.结果显示:在所有测试中,录像示范观察组和现场示范组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异;在10 min后保持测试和24 h后保持测试中,练习组受试操作绩效显著好于其他组受试,现场示范观察组和录像示范观察组受试操作绩效显著好于控制组;在迁移测试中,练习组、录像示范观察组、现场示范观察组受试操作绩效没有显著性差异,但都显著好于控制组.  相似文献   


The present study investigated the extent to which movement time (MT) and practice influenced subjects' use of feedback to make corrections in the spatial-temporal movement pattern of coincident timing responses. Subjects performed 400 coincident timing responses of either 250,500, or 1,000 milliseconds. Schmidt's (1972) index of preprograming (IP) was used to estimate the level of feedback involvement in controlling the movement while the spatial-temporal pattern of the response was characterized by fluctuations in the speed of the movement to the barrier. The analysis of the IP and the spatial-temporal pattern of the responses suggest that MT and not practice limits the extent to which a response is preprogramed, with rapid performance more likely to be preprogramed than slower performance. Indeed, in the 1,000-millisecond response, the movement pattern appeared to be adjusted in the terminal phase (i.e., near the barrier) by accelerating or decelerating the rate of movement.  相似文献   

运动终板的分型及运动训练对运动终板的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动终板在骨骼肌纤维上的分配是骨骼肌神经支配的表现形式,运动终板的形态结构和机能状态直接影响到肌肉的功能。它既是神经系统引起肌肉收缩的关键部位,也是肌肉疲劳的潜在衰竭点。通常,骨骼肌纤维形态改变的同时伴有运动终板形态结构的变化。因此,在运动训练条件下对运动终板的形态学研究,为加快骨骼肌纤维的收缩效率和提高运动员的成绩提供良好的理论依据。  相似文献   

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