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The previous paper by Professors Hutton and Doolittle uses a rather controversial methodology for evaluating electromyography signals. Of course one of the purposes of “Research Notes” is to publish approaches that are non-traditional. However, I felt it was important to identify questions that might be raised about Hutton and Doolittle's methodology. Thus, I requested the following short response by Professor Yates and then a response by Hutton and Doolittle. I invite additional responses to either Hutton or Doolittle and Yates.

Jerry R. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief  相似文献   


Six tests were developed for the purpose of measuring selected basic skills in ice hockey. The test-retest method indicated four tests as reliable. Validity coefficients for each of the four tests when compared to subjective ranking in each skill ranged from .75 to .96. Intercorrelations were computed among the tests. The puck carry test correlated with the other three tests and was determined the best single-item for measuring overall ability. It was concluded that an ice hockey test battery should include at least three of the tests.  相似文献   

根据速滑运动项目的特点设计了一种专门用于该项目训练的指挥仪。此仪器采用无线电通讯方式,以发射不同频率的载波来区分被指挥对象,解决了在速滑运动训练中教练员对运动员实施单独指挥的手段问题。  相似文献   

上肢速度素质反应测定器,通过计时电路电磁制动及棒体下落控制等原理,使测定时的操作方法简便,数据更精确,从而替代传统“尼尔森”简陋测试方法。  相似文献   

在调试速滑记圈器自动功能的过程中,由于没有速滑计时控制器的相关信号,因此需要模拟速滑计时控制器的切光、清表、秒时间等信号才能进行调试。研制模拟速滑计时控制器的信号发生器及其软件程序,是课题研究阶段的重点,研究解决了对速滑记圈器主控制板的调试需要。  相似文献   

以我国各省少年训练队以及业余体校共316名男子运动员为研究对象,探讨了快肌百分比与有关身体素质指标和生理指标的相关程度,运用多元回归方程构建速度项目运动员选材的数学模型。  相似文献   

速度感是竞走运动员运动知觉和时间知觉等感知觉系统良好协调能力的一种表现。本研究设计了7项实验内容对影响速度感的多方面因素进行了单项或组合测验。结果证明,速度感是后天训练的结果。在此基础上,笔者建立了竞走运动员速度感的心理结构,并将速度感训练划分了3个主要阶段。本研究旨在为竞走运动员速度感训练提供参考依据。  相似文献   

运用心理测量与评定法,对我国130名优秀短道速滑运动员心理控制指标构成因素进行探讨,结果表明,短道速滑运动员心理控制能力指标是由反应准确性、状态调控能力、信息加工状态能力、直觉反应能力、预判能力等5个方面构成;优秀运动员的心理控制水平与运动成绩提高是相关的,优秀运动员心理控制能力结构与所掌握的技战及运用效果是一致的;所建立短道速滑运动员心理控制能力结构指标是合理的;研制短道速滑运动员心理控制能力的综合评定标准具有简捷、合理、实效的特点。  相似文献   

采用文献资料法等研究高校体育教学中课内外一体化模式的有效构建。主要结论:通过构建高校体育教学课内外一体化模式,可以引导大学生科学利用业余时间,结合个人体质、体育学业考核与体育兴趣发展等实际,开展灵活、科学与兴趣的体育项目学习和训练活动,在强健大学生体质的基础上还能培养大学生良好的终身体育意识与发展体育特长,同时也能为大学生未来健康生活、职业发展奠定扎实的身体基础。  相似文献   

以教育部制订的《全国普通高等学校体育课程教学指导纲要》精神为指导,建立了一套体现新课程理念要求的高校速度滑冰课成绩评价体系,通过2个教学周期的实验,认为高校速度滑冰课成绩评价指标具有合理性和可行性,并为高校体育教师评价学生成绩提供了具体的操作方法,旨在为高校新课程改革提供参考。  相似文献   

社区体育与世博会互动框架的建构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
赵文杰 《体育科研》2009,30(3):20-23-59
采用查阅文献资料、专家访谈、社会调查等研究方法,对社区体育与世博会互动的必要性、可行性进行分析,并构建了社区体育与世博会互动的基本框架,并就推进社区体育与世博会互动提出相关对策建议  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、行动研究法、访谈法等研究方法,对课内外一体化体育俱乐部教学模式进行了理论分析,对其理论基础、操作程序、教学目标及内容、教学过程、教学方法和评价方法等结构体系进行了研究,并对其优点和适用条件进行了分析,指出课内外一体化体育俱乐部教学模式适应我国学校体育教学改革的要求,在一定的条件下可以在我国高中或以上级学校推广。  相似文献   

本文应用《运动解剖学音像教学演示片》对传统教学方法进行了改革尝试,经过三轮试讲,效果良好,均有高度显著性差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

All those who compete in the sport of rowing have used the land rowing machine, Ergometer (commonly called the ‘erg’), manufactured by Concept II (Morrisville, Vermont, USA). Ergon is the Greek word for work, hence the Ergometer measures work. Rowers are commonly ranked according to their ‘erg score.’ The fault in this ranking is that the land Ergometer cannot account for many of the important technical aspects associated with rowing on the water. The goals of this project were to (1) develop a system for on-the-water measurement of work during rowing and then (2) demonstrate the potential of such a system to quantify performance and improve rowing technique. To achieve these goals, force was measured using strain gauges glued to the shaft of the rowing oar and angular displacement was measured using a potentiometer. The force and displacement measurements were sent to a microcontroller, which calculated the total work done in a particular stroke, as well as other parameters, and displayed the values to the rower. The parameters were used to evaluate the performance of three collegiate rowers on the water. The data were also used to plot force profiles, which were reviewed with each rower and the coach to illustrate the rowers’ habits and facilitate improving technique. One rower was ‘tutored’ with the device through five on-the-water practices, after which his force profiles and parameter values demonstrated significant improvement. The device not only provided a standard to which all rowers were compared on the water, but also supplied the rowers with important information on technical aspects of their strokes and pacing themselves.  相似文献   

发展竞技速度滑冰是中国体育强国战略之需,也是北京冬奥实力展现之愿。采用文献资料、专家调查、数理统计等研究方法,以项目竞争力评价指标体系为对象,在分析国内外速滑竞争力表现与成因的基础上,设计评价模型,构建评价指标体系,并对指标体系进行认证。结果显示我国竞技速度滑冰竞争力评价模型包含三个表现要素和十二个形成要素;评价指标体系由3个一级指标、13个二级指标的识别体系和3个一级指标、12个二级指标、43个三级指标的诊断体系组成;现阶段我国速滑竞争力已在逐步优化,但尚未形成与他国抗衡的稳定力量,科技攻关、体制建设及后备人才储备方面建设不足,有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济条件的变化与体育事业的不断发展,职业体育俱乐部作为现代体育的基本组织形式,亟需提升自身企业社会责任履责水平以应对日益复杂的外部环境.内部控制制度能够通过自我控制、调整、规划的一系列方法帮助俱乐部实现经营目标、改善经营管理、提高经营效益,无疑将成为重要的治理手段.本文采用文献资料查阅、案例分析等研究方法,...  相似文献   

针时1999年起开始执行的体育院校本科专业目录,认为民族传统体育专业口径过宽,应设置适当的专业方向。就此,论述了民族传统体育专业方向设置的依据、设置的原则,以及设置的专业方向,即武术专业方向、养生专业方向、民间体育专业方向。  相似文献   

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