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Two instructional approaches that have been of interest in promoting sport have been the Sport Education Model (SEM) and the Traditional Style (TS) of teaching physical education. The purpose of this study was to investigate how SEM and TS would affect skill development, knowledge, and game performance for volleyball at the secondary level. A 2 × 3 (group × time) research design was utilized on 47 secondary students testing volleyball skills, knowledge, and game performance. Participants were placed in either the SEM or the TS via stratified randomization, and then were tested pre, mid, and post intervention through the 20-lesson volleyball unit. The 2 × 3 repeated measures Analysis of Variances (ANOVAs) with Bonferroni correction revealed no significant difference between models for skills and knowledge, but there was for game performance for group [F(1, 45) = 10.27, p < .008, η2 = .19], time [F(2, 90) = 8.62, p < .008, η2 = .16], and group × time interaction [F(2, 90) = 8.43, p < .008, η2 = .16]. If the goal of the physical education program is to promote quality game play, the SEM may be more effective than the TS.  相似文献   

两种方法评价武术运动员身体成分的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
通过人工测量法 (使用皮脂厚度计和皮尺 )和生物电阻抗法 (BioelectricalImpedanceAssessment,BIA) ,对北京体育大学的 71名国家武术运动员的体脂百分比和腰臀围之比进行了测量与评估。结果表明 :对男武术运动员 ,两种方法测量和评价结果非常一致 ,具有很高的相关性和可信度 ;但对女武术运动员 ,BIA方法比人工测量法结果普遍偏高 ,二者存在显著性差异  相似文献   

人体体成份检测方法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
侯少华  侯曼 《体育科研》2004,25(6):35-39
通过文献法对国内外现有的人体体成份检测方法发展状况进行概述,显示:人们对人体组成成份的研究随着近年来检测仪器和设备的迅速发展而进一步深入,测量结果也越来越精确。  相似文献   

本文从体育哲学的角度对体育中的“人天关系”和“身心关系”两对范畴作了历史和现状的理论分析。在人天关系中,包含着人与神、人与自然以及人与规律三个具有逻辑联系的方面,这三方面与体育发展都有密切的联系。在身心关系中,文章从身心的各自存在形态、地位和相互作用方面进行了分析说明,并且着重从体育对精神的积极作用方面进行了论述。  相似文献   

Historians of sport now increasingly accept that visual inquiry offers another dimension to social and cultural research into sport and its history. It is complex and its boundaries are rapidly evolving. This overview offers a justification for placing more emphasis on visual approaches and an introduction to the study and interpretation of visual culture in relation to the history of sport. It stresses the importance of adopting a critical approach and the need to be reflective about that critique. An ever-widening range of visual data are now being explored; so, this paper begins with a brief survey of sources that potentially offer rich returns, from film and photographs to posters and paintings or standards and statues. It next provides a critical assessment at an introductory level of some of the more important methodologies now emerging to help interpret these. This can be no more than a personal choice, given their sheer variety and interdisciplinary nature, and the reality that many historians of sport adopt a mixture of methods and approaches. Approaches covered include content analysis, iconography and iconology, semiology, psychoanalysis, discourse analysis, and reception and audience studies. Examples of recent studies of visual studies are used to illustrate the discussion.  相似文献   


The purposes of the present study were to evaluate transfer of movement education training to new skill performance and to evaluate skill improvement as a result of movement education and traditional training. The subjects were 47 first grade students who were in one of two classes. Each physical education class received one 30-minute class and one 20-minute class per week for 20 weeks. Subjects were taught movement principles either by a movement education approach or by a traditional approach. Johnson's Throw and Catch Test (1962) and a batting test for distance were used as pretests. These same tests were repeated as post tests in addition to two other tests which measured performance on striking and kicking distance and accuracy. Teaching approach groups were not significantly different on the latter two tests which measured the transfer of training effect. Traditional learning was better than movement education in developing throwing, catching, and batting performance. These results suggest that when one's objective is to teach a specific skill within a relatively short time period, a command style with demonstration is better than movement education.  相似文献   

通过对两种不同人体环节重量矩测量方法的比较,表明利用一维平衡板测量人体环节的重量矩存在着操作上的困难,而利用二维平衡板替代一维平衡板进行运动环节重量矩的测量,使测量易于控制,以提高测量精度。  相似文献   

查德·舒斯特曼是20世纪西方著名的身体实用主义美学的倡导者,他首次提出身体美学的概念,并提议建立身体美学学科.在舒斯特曼身体实用美学理论中,他构建了一个以审美经验为基础,以体育运动实现为主要手段的实践主义身体美学.文章通过身体转向分析了舒斯特曼身体美学的理论基础及其主要思想,并在此基础上探讨了舒斯特曼身体美学对体育研究的启示意义.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查法、数理统计法,对我国17名优秀男子铁饼运动员的身体素质、专项能力与运动成绩进行了研究。主要结果与结论:1.身体素质、专项能力与铁运动成绩的回归方程是:铁饼成绩=30.297-0.101*抓举 2.125*立定三级跳远+0.423*原地掷饼。2.身体素质、专项能力对铁饼运动成绩的影响程度及权重依次为;专项能力(56.7%),速度力量(40.1%),最大力量(3.1%)。3.身体素质与专项能力定量分析结果显示,运动员躯干肌群的爆发力与专项能力密切相关,这与专家的定性分析结果相符。4.我国男子铁饼运动员专项能力较差,是影响其运动成绩提高的主要问题。导致这一问题的内在原因,除专项技术上的问题外,在身体素质方面,主要表现为运动员躯干肌群的爆发力水平较低。  相似文献   

从身心关系角度,回顾体育运动与身体活动的历史关联,用现象学身体观分析目前人们在理论和实践中对体育活动产生的错误认识。认为:当代思想中对身体的再认识提高了体育的社会地位,但应防止其本质特征的消解;体育的本质在于对生活的意义,而非身体活动本身。  相似文献   

构建有效的运动技术创新体系是运动成绩进步的保证   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出,运动竞赛中,任何一种运动项目,取得好成绩的核心问题是如何运用最先进的运动技术,或说改革已有的运动技术,这就是技术突破问题.运动技术的突破有两种机制,一是依靠自身的创新;二是依靠学习别人的先进技术.运动技术体系是动态的,开放的,不断创新的,这是运动成绩进步的基本保证.  相似文献   

花样滑冰是融技术动作、音乐和表现力于一体的竞技体育项目。通过对近些年关于提高花样滑冰运动员艺术表现力方法的研究分析,从音乐素养、舞蹈技能、自信心的培养以及编排、体能等方面对当前我国花样滑冰运动员艺术表现力的培养途径进行综合评述。旨在有效提高我国花样滑冰运动员的艺术表现力,为不断取得优异运动成绩打下坚实的基础。  相似文献   

通过文献资料法、专家访谈等研究方法,对花样滑冰运动员音乐表现能力的主要内容进行分析与探讨,阐述花样滑冰运动员音乐表现能力的重要性,并对运动员音乐表现能力的培养提出合理有效的方法,以期为花样滑冰教练员和运动员的运动训练提供借鉴和理论参考。  相似文献   

殷姿 《体育科研》2016,(2):31-34
体育表演学是运用人类表演学的理论和方法,对体育有关的文化活动进行研究的一门学科。本文运用文献资料法等方法对体育表演学在中国的发展进行综述,试图对体育表演学在中国的发展有一个相对较为全面的认知,认为:中国关于体育表演学的研究相对比较少,尽管有部分学者致力于体育表演学的研究,也发表了相关研究成果,然而从严格意义上讲,中国尚未形成完整的体育表演学理论体系,没有明确的学科概念,对体育表演学的研究还处于初步探索阶段。  相似文献   

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