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The previous paper by Professors Hutton and Doolittle uses a rather controversial methodology for evaluating electromyography signals. Of course one of the purposes of “Research Notes” is to publish approaches that are non-traditional. However, I felt it was important to identify questions that might be raised about Hutton and Doolittle's methodology. Thus, I requested the following short response by Professor Yates and then a response by Hutton and Doolittle. I invite additional responses to either Hutton or Doolittle and Yates.

Jerry R. Thomas

Editor-in-Chief  相似文献   


In an effort to devise a simple but effective test to indicate the overall volleyball playing ability of high school boys, a thorough review of published tests was made. From this review, it was determined that there were four important aspects of a wall-volley test. Preliminary studies investigated each of these aspects and, as a result, a test similar to Brady's test was devised.

Data regarding the finalized form of the test were gathered by administering it to three classes of grade 10 and 11 boys (total N=71). The test for validity produced a correlation coefficient of .767. The reliability test yielded a coefficient of .817.

It was concluded that the test gave evidence of being worthy of further experimentation and use in its present form.  相似文献   

浅谈篮球进攻中的抢攻战术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随 着世界篮球运动的不断发展 ,规则、速度、对抗以及快攻战术都有了很大的提高 ,但同时防守快攻的战术也得到了发展 ,这就需要一种新的技战术适应当前的篮球运动。抢攻是 70年代后初步发展起来的战术类型 ,它和快攻是进攻过程中具有阶段性特征的两种不同的战术类型。抢攻又叫衔接段进攻 ,即介于快攻和阵地战之间的一种抢时间、追着打的进攻战术。其核心虽未能实现人数或位置上的优势 ,但趁对方立足未稳进行攻击。抢攻是在快攻受阻后短暂时间内进行的 ,要求战术简单实用并具有突然性 ,多运用二三人简单配合。它是快攻的延续 ,“抢攻”增强进…  相似文献   

青年奥运会诞生溯源、特征区分和发展预期   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
青年奥运会是现代奥林匹克运动最新设立的一项赛会,它的诞生有其深刻的理论、实践和修正方面的原因;溯其来源,欧洲奥林匹克青年节只是青奥会之形,澳大利亚奥林匹克青年节最具青奥会之神,而世界青少年运动会最像青奥会之体.青奥会独具的焦点对准全球青年、竞技融合文化教育、宣传借助青年大使、申办走出欧美富国及成功取决是否快乐的5大特征,与奥运会在参赛年龄、报名资格、比赛项目、赛事时间和规模、大会仪式和颁奖方面的本质区分,决定了青奥会的个性和发展初期较低的预期.南京要在青年奥运文化和教育、场馆设施和交通保障、青奥会创新和奥林匹克理想回归等方面作出艰苦努力,为青奥会健康发展奠定基础.  相似文献   

分析影响乒乓球运动员进行落点预测判断正确率的因素,探讨高水平、一般水平运动员和新手间在乒乓球落点预测判断上产生差异的因素,实验结果表明乒乓球及早、正确的预测判断能力可能和击球落点理解有较大关系。乒乓球落点方向判断能力上为运动员的选材提供了一些有益的参考,为乒乓球运动员的训练提供一些依据。  相似文献   

从心理学认知角度,将被试按运动等级分为专家组和新手组,运用高速摄像等方法,研究乒乓球运动员在不同时间和空间阻断条件下接发球落点及旋转判断的反应时及准确性.结果表明:2组运动员不同时间阻断对发球旋转性质判断的准确性和反应时均有显著性差异;对发球落点判断的准确性和反应时专家组优于新手组;2组运动员不同空间阻断对发球旋转性质及落点判断均有显著性差异;在落点和旋转判断上,球拍阻断部位低于躯干阻断部位,躯干阻断部位低于头部阻断部位.优秀运动员能够在短时间内综合更多有效信息对发球旋转和落点作出有效判断,此能力可作为考察能否成为优秀运动员的重要指标.  相似文献   

以不同等级网球选手为研究对象,记录被试在多拍回合中判断击球线路和落点时的视觉搜索特征。结果显示:不同水平网球选手的视觉搜索策略存在差异,在判断线路和落点的过程中,对手下肢运动趋势是高水平网球选手关注的重点区域;且高水平网球选手对关键兴趣区域的总注视持续时间最长,注视点较稳定,视觉搜索策略能随任务目标的不同快速变化。视觉搜索特征显示,高水平选手是通过提取一系列可利用的预期信息源、强化对关键信息的精细加工、忽略无关信息,减少了内部反应的延迟和加工信息的总量,以此达到了最优化的决策策略。  相似文献   


The developmental nature of reaction time (RT) and anticipation timing (AT) performance, as well as the relationship between them, was investigated using 15 male and 15 female subjects at each of five age levels—7, 9, 11, 13, and 20 yrs. Each subject was given 40 trials for both RT and AT performance with task order counterbalanced. Results indicated that as age increased RT decreased, with males having more rapid RT than females. The two younger age groups differed from the three older groups on AT performance. RT was significantly correlated with AT (|CE| measure) for the 7, 9, and 11 yr old males but not in any other age by gender condition. Apparently neither young males nor young females have a good motor plan in memory to control AT performance. However, the more rapid RT (and thus better response initiation) of the males allows better AT performance at the younger ages. Beginning about 10–11 yrs of age, better motor plans are developed in children's memory system, leading to less reliance on rapid RT for good AT performance, and thus the correlation between RT and AT performance is not present.  相似文献   

张怡  周成林 《体育科学》2012,32(12):24-34,49
以网球比赛相持阶段为背景,将43名被试分为专家组、二级组、新手组,运用时间阻断技术记录被试在不同时机判断击球线路的行为特征及事件相关电位.结果显示:专家网球运动员在对手击球前80 ms表现出明显的反应速度优势,在各时间点预判准确率均明显高于新手;在实验材料呈现早期,顶枕区诱发出明显的P1成分,且专家组波幅最小;专家和二级运动员的N1波幅小于新手;专家组N200潜伏期最长;新手组P300潜伏期最长;各组被试大脑左半球800~1 900ms的晚期慢波的平均波幅均高于右半球;在500~700ms,800~1000ms,1 400~3 000ms时窗内,专家组和新手组在各脑区诱发LNC和LPP的平均波幅均有显著差异;在对方触球前80 ms做出预判时,专家组诱发的N250成分峰值最大,新手组N250潜伏期最长.这一结果说明,专家网球运动员能在信息量呈现尚不完整时把握有利时机,决策反应既快又准;专家运动员在对刺激任务的感知阶段投入的脑资源少,而将更多的认知资源分配于对刺激材料的类比、加工阶段,使之能够快速提取、整合信息,及时调整策略,做出决策,表现出明显的认知优势.  相似文献   

运用眼动记录和事件相关电位(ERP)技术,以43名不同等级网球选手为研究对象,采用等概率Go/Nogo任务,记录被试判断抽球技术动作时 的行为特征,并通过记录ERP成分揭示不同等级网球选手抑制控制能力的差异。结果显示:在判断抽球技术的过程中,“持拍手臂及球拍”以及运动 员移动的躯体信息是专家网球选手关注的重点区域,且在ERP成分上出现了明显的Nogo-N2效应,但组间无显著性差异,表明选手在对刺激任务的 监控过程中均投入了较多的认知资源。可见,专家网球选手对抽球技术判断速度快、准确率高的优势主要是由视觉搜索模式的差异造成的。这种 对重点信息精细加工的视觉搜索策略,减少了预测过程中信息加工的总量和内部反应延迟,是影响选手判断技术动作速度和准确性的关键因素。  相似文献   

中国运动训练学研究的回顾与展望   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
在广泛查阅文献和思辨的基础上,回顾与总结了中国运动训练学的体系形成、研究现状与特点,重点讨论了运动训练学理论研究中业已形成的“中国流”。认为项群训练理论、运动员科学选材、优势项目制胜规律、竞技能力理论与模型及训练理论和实践的同步发展是中国运动训练学在引进、吸收和借鉴国外训练理论基础上的新创造、新发展和新提高,是中国特色的训练学理论研究的精华,也是中国训练学对世界训练学的重要贡献。  相似文献   

运动情境中运动员预期反应的认知加工   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
运动员的预期反应是在部分信息的基础上做出的判断。预期反应会提高对外界刺激的加工速度,对于运动员比赛中的动作行为有重要意义。综述了运动员预期反应中的信息加工特点的有关研究,分析了高水平运动员的视觉选择注意,以及预期反应的年龄特点和情景意识,并分析了运动员预期反应研究的主要方法。  相似文献   

The effect of subject gender and knowledge of results (KR) on receptor anticipation (Poulton, 1957) was investigated. Twenty trials were given in which subjects (N = 80) attempted to time a preferred-hand button press response coincident with the lighting of the last of a series of runway lights illuminating in a pattern of apparent motion of 9 mph. Half of the subjects received quantitative KR after each trial and half performed without KR. Each group contained 20 males and 20 females. Mean absolute error, mean algebraic error, and variable error were calculated for each subject on the block of trials 2 to 5 and on the three subsequent 5-trial blocks. The dependent measures were then analyzed by means of separate 2 × 2 × 4 (Gender × KR × Blocks) ANOVAs with repeated measures on the last factor. The results indicated that the receptor anticipation of males was more accurate and less variable than that of females, and KR did not influence the accuracy of anticipations but was associated with higher intravariability. Sociocultural and physiological explanations for sex differences in receptor anticipation are discussed.  相似文献   


We previously estimated the timing when ball game defenders detect relevant information through visual input for reacting to an attacker's running direction after a cutting manoeuvre, called cue timing. The purpose of this study was to investigate what specific information is relevant for defenders, and how defenders process this information to decide on their opponents' running direction. In this study, we hypothesised that defenders extract information regarding the position and velocity of the attackers' centre of mass (CoM) and the contact foot. We used a model which simulates the future trajectory of the opponent's CoM based upon an inverted pendulum movement. The hypothesis was tested by comparing observed defender's cue timing, model-estimated cue timing using the inverted pendulum model (IPM cue timing) and cue timing using only the current CoM position (CoM cue timing). The IPM cue timing was defined as the time when the simulated pendulum falls leftward or rightward given the initial values for position and velocity of the CoM and the contact foot at the time. The model-estimated IPM cue timing and the empirically observed defender's cue timing were comparable in median value and were significantly correlated, whereas the CoM cue timing was significantly more delayed than the IPM and the defender's cue timings. Based on these results, we discuss the possibility that defenders may be able to anticipate the future direction of an attacker by forwardly simulating inverted pendulum movement.  相似文献   

本研究采用内隐形注意朝向任务,借助眼动追踪考察,注意灵活性在情绪与排球运动员预判关系中的影响作用.结果表明,情绪性质可以影响高水平排球运动员的预判表现,相比于悲伤组,愉悦组运动员的预判成绩更高.注意灵活性在情绪对预判的影响中发挥着调节作用,体现为高注意灵活性组的排球运动员,愉悦和悲伤情绪状态下的预判成绩无显著差异,而对于低注意灵活性组的运动员,愉悦状态下的预判成绩显著高于悲伤情绪状态.  相似文献   

运动领域中知觉预测研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
知觉预测是运动员利用部分信息或先行信息预测未来事件的信息加工过程.从信息加工的视角,全面综述知觉预测与信息利用、视觉搜索策略、再认和回忆、知识表征的相关成果,以及知觉预测能力发展与训练的研究现状,详细介绍知觉预测的研究范式、方法及理论假说.在此基础上剖析知觉预测研究的不足及未来发展趋势,为该领域的深入研究提供理论依据.  相似文献   

本研究通过实验的方法对乒乓球运动员在接发球过程中对发球前对手的信息判断的准确性进行了研究.研究对象北京体育大学乒乓球专业学生40名,分为两组,熟练组(参加过职业赛事)20名((M=20.30岁,SD=2.11),欠熟练组(未参加过职业赛事)20名(M=21.35岁,SD=1.14),并通过专门的软件对他们判断成绩做出评估.实验一的目的是检验两组运动员在接发球时,通过对方发球前的动作信息对来球的落点进行判断.结果表明运动员在主要停顿时间判断方面的结果差异显著(F(3,114)=1.771,p=0.157);而不同技术水平对停顿时间方面的结果差异不显著(F(3,114)=1.771,p=0.157);还表明,熟练组和欠熟练组在落点判断的准确性方面差异不具有显著性(F(1,38)=1.495,p=0.229).另外,随着判断时间的延长,实验对象对球落点判断的错误率下降.实验二的目的是测试两组运动员接发球时对对方发球旋转的特性判断,结果表明,他们做出判断反应的主要停顿时间段结果具有显著性差异(F(3,114)=3.525,p=0.017);而技术水平对停顿时间的差异不具显著性(F(3,114)=1.003,p=0.394);熟练组的乒乓球运动员在判断来发球的旋转方面要明显优于欠熟练组运动员(F(1,38)=1776.158,p<0.005);然而,测试实验对象组内比较说明只有在球--拍接触的时间段内,对球旋转性判断的错误率才大大降低.研究结果表明,乒乓球运动员在接发球时,依靠对手发球前的一些动作信息来预判断球的落点,这与平常多数人认为的只有在发球方的球--拍接触瞬间的动作信息才能作为判断来球落点与旋转的观点是不同的.另一方面,熟练程度高的乒乓球运动员能够更有效的借助对方的一些信息来判断球的旋转,而不是球的落点.最后,对熟练水平相对较低的运动员而言,高水平的乒乓球运动员在对方发球的旋转与对应动作时间信息的关系方面有足够的知识储备,因而,能够在最大程度上根据来球的旋转特点选择相应的接发球动作.  相似文献   

通过对2000~2001赛季自由式滑雪空中技巧8次世界比赛女子夺冠情况的统计分析认为,在明年冬奥会决战中,成功完成7.30以上动作者最有希望夺金;高质量完成6.70水平动作者尚有夺金希望,倘若其中有一跳稍有闪失即与金无缘;除"黑马"之外,澳大利亚的C.J、中国的徐囡囡、加拿大的队.V、瑞士的L.B及白俄罗斯的T.A将是明年冬奥会夺金的热门人物.  相似文献   

The time of occurrence and spatial location of the advance cues used to anticipate the direction and force of an opponent's stroke in squash were examined using a film task. This task, designed to stimulate the normal perceptual display of the defensive player, consisted of two discrete parts, each containing 160 individual stroke sequences (trials). In the first part of the film task, the display was occluded at different time intervals throughout the development of the opponent's stroke and the 16 expert and 20 novice subjects had to predict both the direction (down-wall or cross-court) and force (drive or drop shot) of the opponent's stroke. In the second part of the film task, visibility to selected advance cues was occluded by placing opaque mats on the film surface. Across all of the film task conditions experts were superior to novices in predicting the event outcome from the information available, highlighting the important contribution anticipatory skills make to expert performance in this sport. Analysis of lateral (direction) error showed that the most critical time periods for extracting information about stroke direction are the periods between 160-80 ms prior to racket-ball contact and the period of extended ball flight arising at least 80 ms after contact. Whereas both groups were attuned to this ball flight information, only the experts were capable of picking up information from the early part of the opponent's actions. This early information appeared to be provided by the opposing player's arm action. Similar time periods were found to be also important for the prediction of stroke depth, but in this case both experts and novices were similar in their cue dependence.  相似文献   

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