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通过详细介绍由美国著名跨文化研究学者MiltonJ.Bennett教授提出的跨文化敏感度发展模型,本文旨在说明此模型对深圳外籍教师跨文化适应状况调查的关联性。在此基础上,本文根据此模型的理论框架设计出定量的问卷以及定性的深度采访,用于调查深圳外籍教师的跨文化适应状况以及探索具体的帮助外籍教师适应深圳文化和生活的措施。  相似文献   

对来华留学生的中华文化认同教育是提升国家文化软实力的重要途径之一.基于浙江省五所高校的来华留学生调查问卷数据分析,目前高校留学生对中华文化的认同总体趋于积极正向,且汉语水平对留学生中华文化认同的影响较显著.针对来华留学生中华文化认同的现状,应在树立文化平等意识的基础上,通过加强语言与文化教学的融合、优化对外汉语教学策略...  相似文献   

在高职教育蓬勃发展的今天,各种专业技能的培养备受重视,为各工科专业课教师提供了一个充分施展才能的空间;但另一方面,工科类高职院校的中文类课程被大量删减,许多中文教师面临元课可上或课时严重不足的境地。工科类高职学院真的不需要中文类课程吗?中文教师在工科类高职院校真的元事可做吗?今天,单一的技能型人才已不适应时代的要求,而人才要素中的人性因素却不断在上升,态度、价值、道德、情感、文化、精神等逐渐成为个人、机构、社会乃至国家成败的关键因素。这恰恰是高职中文教师走出困境的突破口。  相似文献   

语言和文化密不可分的特性决定了文化教育在英语教学中的重要意义。当前的高职英语教学侧重于学生的语言技能培养,忽视文化的教育。西方文化被呈碎片化,中国文化则几乎完全缺席。教学双方都要增强英语教学中的文化意识,教师在课堂教学中适当介绍中西文化知识,鼓励学生在课外进一步深化中西文化知识,培养文化包容性,提高学生的跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

Immigration is an integral phenomenon of our globalising world. The increasing flow of people creates new challenges for educational institutions and workplaces. The purpose of this article is to address challenges that vocational teachers face with diversity at colleges and workplaces. Two research questions are addressed: how do teachers prepare immigrant students for working life? What challenges related to intercultural competence do teachers preparing immigrant students for working life face? The theoretical background lies in cultural–historical activity theory, developmental work research and in the concept of intercultural competence. The change laboratory method used in study is a formative intervention method evolved within developmental work research. The data comprised two change laboratories organised at the same vocational college in 2001 and 2011. The results showed that teachers’ work with multicultural students and groups can be developed by following five perspectives: preparation, reflection, contribution, guidance and responding. Intercultural competence is constructed contextually and is intertwined with activities such as teaching, facilitating students’ learning and cooperating with workplaces. The participants of the change laboratories experienced it as a good instrument for their intercultural work. Based on the results, some implications are suggested.  相似文献   

我院外语系共有13个班级计409名学生.2002-2003学年度第一学期各班级的英语口语全部由外教任教,第二学期全部由中国教师(简称"中教",下同)任教.外教和中教口语教学的情况如何呢?笔者为此进行了调查,发现外教和中教在口语教学中各有优劣势,而其优劣势有很强的互补性,由此得出结论:专业学生的口语应由中外教师合作任教,即合作教师任教.  相似文献   

郭红 《海外英语》2012,(7):59-61,70
Nowadays,more and more foreign teachers have come to or been invited to China,joining in the English education cause,especially in colleges and universities.Using the methods of questionnaires and interviews,this paper conducts a survey of three foreign teachers and one hundred Chinese English majors at Qufu Normal University,aiming to explore their different perceptions and attitudes towards varied aspects of cross-cultural communication in native EFL classes.The quantitative and qualitative data obtained from the survey were both processed and analyzed from such categories as "teaching contents","teaching attitude","teaching methods","classroom interaction" and "cultural background".The findings suggested that intercultural communication plays a significant role in the process of English language teaching and learning at college native EFL classes.  相似文献   

教师在英语教学中起着至关重要的作用。中国政府和教育部近些年来都选派英语教师赴国外学习,使他们有良好的机会提高自身的英语口语能力;同时,这也是他们提高跨文化交际意识、融入目的语国家文化环境的宝贵机会。英语教师的跨文化意识与交际能力的提高对于提高学生的跨文化交际意识与能力有着深远的影响。  相似文献   

从师源出发,探析影响高职院校教师专业发展的主要因素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国的外语教学投入大,效果差。究其原因,教师质量不过关是根本。研究表明,加强教师的专业发展是保证教师队伍质量的有效途径。高职院校的蓬勃发展对教师从数量到质量上都提出了严格要求:本文立足于高职院校外语教师的师源分析,从教师知识结构和个人认识层面入手,力图找到影响外语教师专业发展的主要因素,从而对教师的可持续发展起到一定的推动作用。  相似文献   

With the rapid expansion of Confucius Institutes globally, the Hanban launched a Volunteer Chinese Teachers (VCT) Program with the purpose of selecting a large number of college graduates and graduate students from Chinese universities to fill vacancies for overseas Chinese teachers. In spite of the multitude of students participating in the program, there has been a paucity of research attention on them. How do these students, most of whom have never been abroad before, manage their life in their host country and negotiate their new role as a VCT in an overseas Confucius Institute? What are their intercultural experiences as they venture into a new country to serve as a native teacher of Chinese? Based on in-depth interviews with a dozen VCTs teaching in linguistically and culturally different contexts, this study seeks to examine the dynamics of interculturality, identity and power relations involved in their overseas language teaching.  相似文献   

In this study, we explore the following questions: (a) How do Cyprus universities that educate teachers respond to the challenge of inclusive education? Are the programmes of these institutions designed on the basis of the principles of inclusive education? What are the barriers that prevent student teachers to develop inclusive practices? How universities could help their student teachers to develop inclusive practices? These questions were investigated through qualitative data. In particular, the case study of a higher education institution in Cyprus was developed. The analysis of these data indicates certain factors that act as barriers in the development of inclusive practices by student teachers. These factors are related to the curricula, the notion of inclusion and to the different levels of culture. Developing these factors, we present at the same time particular suggestions for overcoming these barriers.  相似文献   

The overall aim of this study is to deepen our knowledge about the attitudes of teachers at the upper level of the Finland‐Swedish comprehensive school towards the treatment of culture in English foreign language (EFL) teaching. More specifically, the questions are how teachers interpret the concept “culture” in English foreign language teaching, how the cultural objectives are specified and what teachers do to attain these objectives. The study strives to reveal whether or not language teaching today can be described as intercultural in the sense that culture is taught with the aim of promoting intercultural understanding, tolerance and empathy. The empirical data consists of verbatim transcribed interviews with 13 Finland‐Swedish teachers of English at grades 7–9. The findings are presented according to three orientations. Within the cognitive orientation, “culture” is perceived as factual knowledge and the teaching of culture is defined in terms of the transmission of facts. The action‐related orientation sees “culture” as skills of a social and socio‐linguistic nature and the teaching aims at preparing students for future intercultural encounters. Within the affective orientation, “culture” is seen as a bi‐directional perspective. Students are encouraged to look at their own familiar culture from another perspective and learn to empathise with and show respect for otherness in general, not just concerning representatives of English‐speaking countries.  相似文献   

文化冲突是导致少数民族学生英语学习困难的重要因素之一。本文通过分析蒙古族"三语"(蒙古语-汉语-英语)学生在外语教育中面临的本族语文化、主流汉文化和英美文化之间的文化冲突,提出了外语教育中进行文化教育的相应对策,旨在利用文化差异的积极因素来实现外语教育培养跨文化交际能力的目标,提高"三语"学生的跨文化理解能力,从而降低文化冲突的消极作用。  相似文献   

随着世界全球化进程的飞速发展,社会对跨文化交际能力强的人才需求不断增长。培养学生自觉的跨文化意识、提高学生的跨文化交际能力已成为高职高专教育的培养目标之一。电影作为独特的文化载体,自身承载着丰富的语言和文化信息,能带给观看者经久不忘的文化体验。因此,在外语教学过程中,教师将电影纳入外语教学体系,运用文化体验和体验式学习的理论成果,通过有效的教学设计,可以使电影教学成为培养和提高学生跨文化交际能力的有效途径,从而达到外语教学的最终目标。  相似文献   

本首先描述了英语学习策略的理论研究,中国学生的词汇学习策略,中国人的外语学习与教育的关系。更重要的是,它证明了O.Malley分类学习策略可以被用来很好地描述我们中国人的学习策略。建议中国的外语教育应建立在策略指导的基础上。  相似文献   

外语教育中文化教育的重要性毋庸置疑。在以往的大学英语教学过程中,教师强调加强对西方文化背景导入的同时,却往往忽视中国文化的导入,从而造成一些大学生用英语恰当地表达中国的传统文化信息时遇到障碍,使跨文化交际难以顺利实现。文章在回顾文化教学的基础上,论述在新疆高校英语教学中加强中国汉文化导入的必要性和可行性,提出其在教学中的主要方法。  相似文献   

长期以来,在高职英语教学中过分注重语音、语法、词汇等基础知识的传授,而忽视了对学生跨文化交际能力的培养,因而达不到交际的目的。探讨高职英语教学中进行跨文化教育的必要性,归纳总结高职英语教学中进行跨文化教育的具体教学方法,有助于提高高职学生跨文化交际能力。  相似文献   

高职高专对外汉语专业学生的基本素质浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张蕾 《辽宁高职学报》2011,13(10):102-103
目前,由于汉语热的迅猛发展,越来越多的人踊跃加入到对外汉语教师的行列中来。一些高职高专院校也相继开办了对外汉语专业,向社会广泛培养和输送对外汉语教师。对外汉语教师的素质直接影响着对外汉语教学的发展,因而对外汉语教师要具有良好的基本素质,主要包括深厚的中国文化底蕴、雄厚的汉语功底、广博的教育理论知识、扎实的心理学基础、过硬的教师基本功等,以促进对外汉语教学的发展。  相似文献   

Today the quality of teachers is held to be increasingly important yet there continue to be doubts about whether teacher education programs graduate teachers ready to meet the challenges of their initial years of teaching. In some jurisdictions, other agencies (Ministries of Education, school districts, and private providers) are supplementing the work of teacher education through the introduction of new teacher induction programs which have become favoured policy initiatives to enhance new teacher transition, retention and quality. Evidence suggests that induction and mentoring increase teacher retention and ensure more effective socialisation of new teachers into the school culture. In spite of their growing popularity, the degree to which induction programs complement teacher education and/or impact new teacher professional learning remains unclear. In this paper the authors report a secondary analysis of data from an evaluation of the New Teacher Induction Program in Ontario, Canada to consider the implications for the future of teacher education by asking: What are the challenges facing new teachers? In what ways does the induction program support new teacher professional learning? What are the major implications for the future of teacher education?  相似文献   

目前,跨文化交际教学是外语教学研究领域的重要课题。国内外学者已在该领域作了大量的研究。本文把跨文化交际教学与英语专业的重要课程精读相结合,以期文化因素在大学英语教学中能有更好的体现,使精读教学不仅仅局限于语言知识和技能的教学,还可以帮助学生了解文化,提升学生的文化素养。  相似文献   

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