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中国修辞学从古至今曾经形成了不同的发展历程。从较深层次的视角审视,中国修辞学每一个发展阶段的转型,都是修辞理念不断转化更替的过程。按照修辞观的不同,中国修辞学可以划分为三个发展阶段。它的每一次研究转型,虽然都具有很多的推动要素,但西方文化及其学术思想的强力催化是其中不可或缺的重要因素。每当中国修辞学的发展遇到困境时,人们往往从与西方文化的交融中受到启迪,汲取其精华和营养,进行大胆的借鉴和探索,便形成中西合璧的结晶,从而引导中国修辞学研究进入了一个"柳暗花明"的发展繁荣时期。  相似文献   

影视作品中的修辞语境的研究是影视辞格研究的重要内容。影视辞格的生成受到诸多因素的制约,其表达效果的实现也是影视表达方式适应具体的修辞语境的结果。论文对影视辞格的修辞语境与影视辞格之间的关系进行探索。  相似文献   

根据马丁和怀特提出的评价理论对电影评论这一文体中的态度资源进行分析发现,按出现频率的高低排列,态度资源依次出现的是鉴赏资源、判断资源、情感资源。这一分布特征反应了影评作者通过运用评价资源巧妙地将其个人观点客观化,从而使其更加令人信服。五篇影评中,作者运用不同的评价资源对电影的不同方面进行评价,但评价重点主要集中在对电影整体的评价以及对导演的评价等五方面。  相似文献   

This article, which is speculative in outlook and emerges from an extended literature review on this subject, takes as its basic premise the notion that the idea of ‘creativity’– whether in relation to literacy, schooling or the economy, is constructed as a series of rhetorical claims. These rhetorics of creativity emerge from the contexts of research, theory, policy and practice. Initially, we distinguish 10 rhetorics, which are described in relation to the philosophical or political traditions from which they spring. The discussion then focuses on four rhetorics – play, technology, politics/democracy and the creative classroom – which have most relevance for understandings of literacies and the way in which these are nurtured, encouraged and expressed in different social settings. This article aims to summarise the rhetorics and their major concerns, while considering how selected ones might apply to an instance of media literacy. Key questions addressed in this article ask whether creativity is more usefully understood as an internal cognitive function or an external cultural phenomenon; whether it is a ubiquitous human activity or a special faculty; whether it is necessarily ‘pro‐social’ or should be dissident; and what the implications of a culturalist social psychological approach to creativity might be for analyses of the media literacy of children and young people.  相似文献   

This article, understanding populism as an essentially undemocratic ideology, argues that the pro-social theatre education approach of ensemble pedagogy can offer a model of educational practice which counters these anti-democratic rhetorics by creating a shared space for the enactment of empathetic discourse. Via an ethnography of the UK Shakespeare Schools Foundation festival project, the notion of the theatre education ensemble ‘family’ as a model of civic caring is offered as an alternative, feminist ‘care perspective’ on civic and political rhetorics, in contrast to the patriarchal ‘justice perspectives’ which facilitate the reductive anti-democratic rhetorics of populism. Thus, this article concludes that ensemble approaches to theatre education, viewed through this feminist pedagogy lens, hold rich potential for developing learners’ capacity to resist populism and act in socially hopeful ways.  相似文献   

电影音乐作为电影中重要的组成部分,它通过潜在的内部情感与音响、剧情、演员演技等相结合使观众对影片中的音乐与音乐所传达的精神内涵有了更深刻的理解。以电影《云水谣》为例,阐述音乐对电影故事情节的渲染,让观众在看这部影片时更深刻的理解不同音乐对剧情发展以及人物的心理活动等等起到的作用。  相似文献   

Drawing on three modes of inquiry—personal narrative, teacher research and historical work on black student protest in higher education—this article describes the writer's experience first as a college student and then as a teacher in a classroom where a student activist shaped the social consciousness of his peers. The politics of the student activist is set in the context of a historical continuum that goes back to the black student protests of the 1950s. A distinct set of black student protest rhetorics is used to locate deep‐rooted political critiques of higher education. These rhetorics are critical for re‐imagining vernacular and discursive possibilities in the academy and encompass very different notions of language and literacy from standard tropes of academic discourse as access.  相似文献   

新中国建国至上个世纪80年代中期,我国电影文学本体研究的理论史学及评价:(一)电影文学本体研究的三个时代是从“基础说”至“文学说”到“文学价值说”;(二)以异域理论研究为参照,对比同期中国研究现状,认为电影文学是受制于“技术与艺术合力”的新文体,其独特的电影思维在创作中以“外形式”的“框架”影响着电影文学的创作。  相似文献   


This contribution explores “shuttling rhetorics” to help explain why the story of the National Woman's Party (NWP) framed many suffrage centennial celebrations. Drawing parallels between the tactics of the NWP and the Greenham Common Peace Camp of the 1980s and 1990s, this essay puts forth shuttling rhetorics as a way to trace movement as a mode of resistance. As an analytic, shuttling rhetorics allow critics to unsettle traditional understandings of protest rhetorical situations and understand how (mostly white) protestors’ expectations of violence and survival expose their inherent dependence on body privilege.  相似文献   

广告英语常用修辞手法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在新产品新服务层出不穷的今天,广告已成了人们日常生活中十分重要的一部分,广告英语也逐渐发展成为一种风格独具的实用文体,其独特魅力的一个主要体现就是它的修辞。文章介绍了广告英语中常用的修辞手法,并且从传统修辞学和语用学的角度简要分析了其特性和语用特征。  相似文献   

英汉双关语之比较及其在文学中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
双关是英、汉语都存在的修辞格之一。英、汉语的双关语均可分为词义双关和谐音双关。双关是文学的创作规则和文体特征。具有双关特性的文学之所以受到欢迎,有着深刻的心理原因。  相似文献   

分析了《大学英语泛读》教材中几种常见的辞格及其功用;认为在英语教学中适当讲授一些修辞知识,对提高学生的英语理解、表达能力和水平很有意义。  相似文献   

结合自己的教学体会,用《大学英语精读》教材中的例句探讨了头韵、押韵。辅音韵、拟声、换称、对照、及叙、重复、跳脱、倒装、暗引、仿拟、移就、异叙、反诘等15种辞格的要旨及其在特定语境里的修辞作用。  相似文献   

This essay uses the controversial “Ashley Treatment” to argue that normative body rhetorics have become untethered from and more influential than traditional medical perspectives in determinations about surgical intervention. While disagreeing greatly over the ethics of the “Treatment,” both its supporters and critics construct rhetorics of a “healthy” body against which pre- and post-Treatment bodies can be evaluated. These rhetorics demonstrate how “health” and “illness” can be defined more through social ideology than medical certainty, resulting in fluid notions of what it means to have a “normal” body and how surgical techniques should be employed to achieve normality.  相似文献   

荡漾在电影与戏剧之间--《红灯记》系列作品的逻辑演进   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本对《红灯记》题材从电影、戏剧到钢琴伴唱电影的逻辑演进予以了历史回顾,并对其作为电影的结构性缺陷、作为戏剧的本体性开拓以及作为歌剧电影的历史地位树立,进行了比较研究,从一个个案对电影与戏剧的相互传播与影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

20世纪20年代,借助着民族电影业蓬勃崛起之势,更得益于电影这一媒介的社会影响力日益扩大,国人自办的电影刊物获得了迅速发展.20年代最具代表性的电影刊物便是“电影特刊”.本文探寻电影特刊的特性及其演变轨迹,同时对学术研究中如何开掘与使用电影特刊的相关问题加以探讨,以期为早期中国电影史的研究拓展新的路径.  相似文献   

人类的和谐共处和矛盾冲突的必然性、偶然性是2007年奥斯卡最佳影片《通天塔》的主题。在上帝创造了世界之后,整个地球只有一种语言和少量词汇。地球上的人类决定建造一座可以直达天堂的高塔。但上帝并不乐见于此。他决定将所有这些人划分成不同的种族,居住在不同的地方,讲的是不同的语言,因而使他们无法互相容易地沟通交流。在电影中,一次灾难情况的出现引出了不同种族、不同语言以及不同文化背景的个体之间的千丝万缕的联系并体现了人类的区别性和同一性。这部影片的和谐与冲突的主题也随之变得突出。语言作为人类的普遍沟通方式,也是影片用来揭示主题的一个重要因素。这部电影涉及了多个国家和不同的语言:英语、日语、墨西哥语、摩洛哥语,甚至还有聋哑人的手语。影片所使用的语言,以及各类人的表面沟通和错综复杂的关系体现人类思想相互沟通的重要性。  相似文献   

翻译从本质上看是一种跨文化的信息传播。而电影片名的翻译则是一种特殊的翻译行为,它不仅需要遵循翻译的一般原则,而且还需要考虑美学欣赏、文化迁移等原则,并将其融入到翻译过程中。从传播学入手,讨论了电影片名的翻译,以对电影的译名进行鉴赏。同时从传播学角度对电影片名的翻译提出不同的见解。  相似文献   

2000-2009年是中国公路电影类型的成长初期,尽管作品不多,但在叙事和影像技巧的本土化上做出了积极的贡献。这一时期作品偏重关注现代化进程中的中国社会的乡土流动,初步形成了迥异于美国公路电影的类型特征与影像风格。  相似文献   

台湾章法学研究给大陆修辞学研究提供了有益启示:一是必须进一步加强应用修辞学的研究,走行知相成之路;二是在继承的基础上超越传统创新理论;三是致力学术研究打造学术后备军。  相似文献   

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