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1 Introduction Weconsideraninitial/boundaryvalueproblemfortheheatconductionequationut(t ,x) =Δu(t ,x) ,  0 <t <T ,x∈Ω ,u(t ,x) =0 ,  0 <t<T ,x∈ Ω ,u(θ ,x) =u0 (x) , x∈Ω ,( 1)whereΩ Rnisaboundeddomainwiththesmoothboundary Ω ,ΔistheLaplacianoperator ,andθ∈( 0 ,T)isafixedinstant.Weassume…  相似文献   

1 Introduction ThestudyofB啨ziersurfaces’convexityisusefulinCAGD (computeraidedgeometricdesign)andtherehavebeenmanydiscussionsandresultsforthecon vexityoftheB啨ziersurfaceoveratriangle[1~ 6] .ButfortheconvexityoftheB啨ziersurfaceoverarectan gle ,whatweknewisli…  相似文献   

1 Introduction TheKSequationinonespatialdimensionreadsas  ut+uxxxx+uxx+uux=0, x∈(-l2,l2),t>0,u(x,0)=u0(x).(1.1)Weemphasizethelperiodicboundarycondition,lbeingthesizeofatypicalpatterncell  u(x+l,t)=u(x,t).(1.2) TheKSequationarisesindifferentphysic…  相似文献   

一个猜想不等式的证明   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文 [1 ]的末尾提出如下一个猜想不等式 :证明或否定 :对于任意正实数x、y、z ,有xx y yy z zz x≤322 ①经反复推敲 ,①式是一个真命题。现给出其证明。证明 为方便起见 ,记①式的左边为M ,设u =y z ,v =z x ,w =x y ,由此解出 :x =v w -u2 ,y =w u -v2 ,z =u v -w2 ,代入①式左边 ,得M =v w -u2w w u -v2u u v -w2v②注意到长度分别为u、v、w的三条线段构成三角形 ,设其对角分别为A、B、C ,正弦定理应用于△ABC ,得v w -uw =sinB sinC -sinA…  相似文献   

1 Introduction Generatinglocalizedcoherentstructuresofthe (2 +1) dimensionalnonlinearevolutionequationshascon tinuedtobeachallengingcontemporaryproblemaftertheadventofdromionswhichareexponentiallylocal izedstructuresdrivenbysomestraightlineghostsoli tonsu…  相似文献   

1IntroductionThePadéapproximationisatypeofrationalfractionapproximationtoafunction.Letfberepresentedbyapowerseriesf(x)=∑∞i=0c...  相似文献   

INTRODUCTIONForn≥ 2 ,m≥ 2 ,letSn - 1 andSm - 1 betheunitsphereinRnandRmrepectively ,equippedwiththenormalizedlebesguemeasure .LetΩbeafunctiondefinedonSn - 1 ×Sm - 1 satisfyingΩ∈L1 (Sn - 1 ×Sm - 1 )and∫sn-1 Ω(u ,v)du =0 ,( v ∈Sm- 1 )∫sm-1 Ω(u ,v)du=0 ,( v ∈Sn- 1 ) ( 1 )ThecorrespondingMarcinkie…  相似文献   

1 镜面反射矩阵的概念定义1 当n维向量u的谱范数等于1,即uTu=1时,形如:HI-2uuT    (1)的n阶方阵称为镜面反射矩阵形如(1)的矩阵被称为镜面反射矩阵的理由是:x=cu w   wTu=0   c为常数Hx=(I-2uuT)x=x-2uuTx=cu w-2u[uT(w cu)]=cu w-2cu=-cu w其几何意义是:将n维空间分成两个直交的子空间Q和v,u∈v,v为一维空间,Q是n-1维子空间且由向量u唯一决定,将Q看作镜面,则Hx恰好是向量x关于镜面Q的像,故称H为镜面反射矩阵。2 镜面反射矩阵的性质:定理1 设H为镜面反射矩…  相似文献   

1  Introduction Theinterestinverylowbit ratevideocodinghasin creasedconsiderablywiththecreationofnewservicesandapplicationsrequiringthisclassofbitratesintheirfunction .Withthistrend ,object orientedvideocodingwasfirstproposedbyMusmannetal.in 1989[1 ],andhasbee…  相似文献   

1 Introductiion In 1994 ,O’LearyandYeremin[1] extendedthequasi Newtonalgorithmtotheblockcase ,inwhichtheyminimizedacollectionofthefollowingfunctions :fi(x) =f~(x) +bTix +ci  (i=1,… ,p) (1.1)withx∈Rn.Herefordistinctvaluesofthevectorsbi,eachofthesefunctionshasadifferentmin…  相似文献   

利用Painleve分析的方法,对修正Jaulent-Miodek方程进行奇异流形展开。利用调谐因子项将其进行有限项“截断”,证明其具有Painleve可积性,导出其自B?cklund变换和奇异流形满足的Schwarz导数方程。通过研究相关的Schwarz导数方程的性质,求出广义Lorenz系统的精确解。  相似文献   

利用标准Painleve截断分析法,将Konopelehenko-Dubrovsky(KD)方程约化为两个线性偏微分方程和一个双线性偏微分方程,建立起相应的Backlund变换,进而获得该(2+1)维非线性系统的多孤子解.  相似文献   


Worldwide, subject-matter teachers are commonplace in post-elementary schools. Teachers’ specialisation appears as a key characteristic of secondary schools as opposed to the polyvalence of primary school teachers. Historians have already studied the long process of teachers’ specialisation, which started, in France as in Prussia (for example), at the beginning of the nineteenth century and developed alongside secondary school modernisation. Those works have usually focused on professional aspects: the structuration of professional groups thanks to the unification of training and recruiting processes, the organisation of teachers within subject-matter associations etc. However, they have not paid much attention to the resistance opposed by other forms of pedagogical organisation, as if polyvalence were were just a backward anomaly, a backward anomaly, doomed to disappear.

This paper seeks to shed new light on this question using a comparison between the different forms of post-elementary schooling that existed at the same time in France between the last third of the nineteenth century and the middle of the twentieth, when the slow growth of post-elementary schooling was mainly due to the success of subaltern institutions. In those institutions, dedicated to technical education, girls’ secondary education, or upper-lower classes’ education (“primaire supérieur”, “secondaire special”), different kinds of polyvalence or bivalence were experienced in the classrooms. At the same time, specialisation was triumphing in classical secondary education. Why, how and to what extent did specialisation eventually impose itself in these different institutions? To address this question, two types of material are used. On the one hand, the question is studied on a national level, analysing both the legislation and the controversies it arouses in pedagogical and professional reviews. On the other hand, these views and theories are confronted with a prosopography of post-elementary school teachers in one department, Eure-et-Loir, which offers several forms of post-elementary institutions. This question is addressed focusing on literary disciplines (philosophy, French, Latin, Greek, modern languages and history and geography). By narrowing the scope, the intellectual and cultural stakes of the various pedagogical organisations that were implemented or advocated may more easily be grasped.

The first part of the article examines the most common (though relatively untested) hypothesis: there was just one strategy for those who advocated the promotion of subaltern types of post-elementary schooling as part of a democratisation process, and this strategy was reproducing the model of the elite institution, secondary classical education, including its pedagogical organisation, starting with subject-matter teachers. The chronology of the changes, the content of the debates, as well as a comparative inquiry into teachers’ remuneration induces us to discard this hypothesis as insufficient if not irrelevant. For girls’ secondary education, a trade-off may be observed between equalisation (of salaries, rights etc.) and pedagogical alignment. For the other institutions, there was no lack of advocates for the specificity of the pedagogy or of the institution; however, specialisation was usually considered a process that could ameliorate the quality of teaching in these institutions without renouncing its specificity.

In fact, in the period under study, the louder advocates for less specialised teachers came from secondary classical education itself: the specialisation process as well as the fragmentation of the class schedule had pedagogic inconveniences, abundantly noticed and commented on by subject-matter teachers themselves. In the second part, these critics and the two main alternatives suggested by the teachers are examined. The first is linked with the Progressive Education movement (“Education nouvelle” in French). The École des Roches, a private institution, tested an original organisation that combined the tradition of the humanities with the modern characteristic of “Éducation nouvelle”: there was only one teacher for history, geography, French, Latin and Greek. The teacher was thus enabled to practise a pedagogy of interest, as advocated by Ovide Decroly. The second alternative was advocated by some modern language teachers: if modern language teachers could teach French as well as a modern language, this pedagogic organisation could give strong unity to the until then defective “modern” curriculum (without Latin).

The third part turns towards the effective organisation of post-elementary schools in Eure-et-Loir. To what extent were these alternative conceptions of pedagogical organisation implemented? The analysis of individual records of teachers suggests several results. First of all, in small institutions – be they classical secondary institutions like “collèges” or modern ones like “écoles primaires supérieures” – specialisation of services was a luxury that most teachers could not afford. Most of the time, they had to teach several subjects, even if they had been trained for just one. However, polyvalence was not used as an opportunity to make connections between the subjects. Class schedules rarely enabled teachers to use polyvalence as a way to teach several subjects to the same pupils. More often, polyvalence was used by the administration as an expedient that some teachers explicitly tried to escape, for example by asking for a move to a bigger institution.

This mundane reality of small institutions invites us to pay renewed attention to teacher training and its regulation during the same period. At the end of the nineteenth century, teachers’ specialisation had been inextricably linked with the modernisation of universities through the specialisation of the “licence de lettres” in 1880. When this model proved to be partially irrelevant for a significant proportion of post-elementary schools, how did universities react? Were universities fit for something other than training specialised teachers? The answer is yes. The curriculum organisation of the licence opened up several possibilities for training polyvalent teachers. This perspective was still looming at the end of the 1930s.

The curricula of the different post-elementary settings analysed in this article shared the same characteristics: they worked as “serial codes” not as “integrated codes”, to quote Basil Bernstein. Therefore the specialisation, bivalence or polyvalence of the teachers did not have much influence, in itself, on the degree of integration of the curriculum. From this perspective, specialisation could probably guarantee better teaching of the subject matters. However, polyvalent teachers were better suited to small schools than specialist ones. Considering demographic and geographic constraints, there was a clear trade-off between specialisation of teachers and separation of publics. In small cities, it was necessary either to mix the pupils to specialise the teachers, or to accept some kind of polyvalence to keep different types of students separated; the debate was still open during the 1930s. School massification, coeducation and the baby-boom era rapidly settled the matter for small cities after the Second World War, giving way to an effective specialisation of teachers. But the question remained open, until the end of the 1970s, for rural settings.  相似文献   

This article reports the results of our study of electronic mentoring (e‐mentoring) in a population of business students. As career paths have become more fluid and less predictable, a growing number of educational and business organizations have implemented traditional and, more recently, e‐mentoring programs. But practice is ahead of evaluation when it comes to e‐mentoring. We attempted to fill this gap by looking more closely at strengths and weaknesses associated with this type of mentoring. Building on research in traditional mentoring and integrating literature in computer‐mediated communication, education and management, we developed a model of e‐mentoring’s antecedents and outcomes. We tested our hypotheses using a sample of business students (protégés) who were mentored by practicing managers. It was found that perceived similarity in terms of attitudes and values is positively related to effective e‐mentoring, while demographic similarity (gender, race) is not. Moreover, effective e‐mentoring may lead to protégés’ enhanced academic performance, professional network and job opportunities. We conclude with implications of our findings and a discussion of opportunities for future research.  相似文献   

Mentoring is a widely used method of induction into a variety of professional roles, including educational leadership. However, little scholarly literature has focused on the role of mentoring in the career development of special education administrators. In this examination of 14 such mentoring relationships, the existence of career and psychosocial functions as theorized by Kram is explored and the perceived value of the functions to mentors and protégés in the career development of beginning special education administrators is identified. Evidence of coaching, a career function, and counseling, a psychosocial function, was found in all relationships studied and these two functions were ranked as most important to the career development of beginning special education administrators by both mentors and protégés. Recommendations include incorporating mentoring functions into mentor and protégé training to increase the positive effect of mentoring on the career development of beginning special education administrators.  相似文献   

Using central registry data for Texas for 1975–1977 of validated cases of abuse and of neglect, a study was conducted to investigate empirically the relationship of child maltreatment to ethnicity, addressing methodological issues that merit consideration in such studies.The ethnic composition of the at-risk population was 61% Anglos, 15% Blacks, and 24% Mexican-Americans. The annual rates for all abuse and neglect were 2.87, 3.17, and 3.94 per 1,000 under 18 population for Anglos, Mexican-Americans, and Blacks, respectively. Abuse was more predominant among Anglos, accounting for 33.5% of the validated cases of maltreatment, than among Mexican-Americans and Blacks, accounting for 25.2% and 29.4% of the maltreatment, respectively. Neglect was the major dynamic of maltreatment for Mexican-Americans and Blacks, accounting for 65.6% and 61.2% of the maltreatment, respectively, with Anglos having 55.4% of the maltreatment due to neglect. These relationships were not altered when rural-urban differences were taken into consideration.  相似文献   

Informal mentoring is based on a natural match between a junior individual and a senior one who share mutual interests. It usually aids in the professional and personal development of both parties involved. We reviewed the literature regarding factors that make informal mentoring effective within the medical realm, by searching a major academic search engine, Web of Knowledge, for the term “informal mentor*”. Our main research questions concerned the factors that lead to a successful informal mentorship process. A salient finding arising is that the success of informal mentorships hinges on the communication skills of mentor and protégé, their level of commitment, and the chemistry between the partakers. Good informal mentorships impose requirements on both mentors and protégés and rest on shared expectations.  相似文献   

《Infancia y Aprendizaje》2013,36(4):363-375

Se consideran las bases del cambio de concebir las matemáticas como conocimiento lógico, a concebirlas como conocimiento sociocultural y se discuten las implicancias de este cambio para el estudio del desarrollo, aprendizaje y enseñanza del número. Se analiza la cuestión de en qué consisten los conocimientos numéricos que las personas aprenden, usan y enseñan, desde los siguientes ángulos: a) las fuentes de ese conocimiento, b) sus componentes y c) las metas para su aprendizaje. Por último, se presentan los artículos reunidos en el Dossier, que analizan varias de las cuestiones apuntadas a lo largo de este trabajo.  相似文献   

Nous présentons ici la reconstruction de l’histoire de l’École Consolidée Miguel Dávila Carson, qui s’est déroulée entre 1953 et 1973. Il s’agit d’une expérience éducative développée par un groupe de professeurs dans un quartier périphérique de Santiago du Chili. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un mouvement syndical, social et pédagogique, le Mouvement de Consolidation de l’Éducation Publique. L’article a pour objet de visibiliser la constitution de la catégorie ‘sujet enseignant’ dans cette expérience particulière. L’origine du mouvement se situe dans les principes définis par un mouvement éducatif des premières décades du XXème siècle. L’expérience a été reconnue et valorisée, sous certains aspects, par la politique expérimentale du Ministère de l’Éducation de la République du Chili. La proposition éducative dont rend compte cette expérience a réussi à s’insérer dans un processus social de transformations plus globales: des enfants et adolescents qui vivaient dans des conditions de vulnérabilité ont accédé peu à peu au système scolaire, parvenant même, dans certains cas, à s’incorporer à l’éducation supérieure. Pour reconstruire les évènements historiques, on a eu recours à l’histoire orale, à travers des entretiens avec cinq professeurs protagonistes de cette expérience. L’analyse de l’expérience permet de montrer que la catégorie ‘sujet enseignant’ émerge de l’articulation de quatre dimensions interdépendantes, à savoir: la communauté, la politique éducative, les pairs et la salle de classe. On en conclut que, dans des conjonctures historiques déterminées, les ‘sujets enseignants’ créent de nouvelles pratiques dans tous ces domaines, qui transforment le système éducatif. La possibilité se manifeste alors de construire un système éducatif comptant sur la participation de la communauté éducative, incorporant la culture locale et cohérente à un projet de transformation sociale nationale. Cet article a été écrit dans le cadre du projet financé par le Fondo Nacional de Desarrollo Científico y Tecnológico, sous le titre: “Ser docente en Chile: tensiones históricas y perspectivas a través del enfoque biográfico y etnográfico (1923–2011)”, projet FONDECYT N° 1090692. Aussi fait reconnaissance du projet FONDECYT N°1080414 qui fournit des renseignements essentiels pour la redaction de l’article.  相似文献   

Autour de 1900, la question de l’éducation sexuelle de la jeunesse émerge dans plusieurs pays d’Europe occidentale. Tous sont confrontés au processus de déclin de la fécondité maritale, qui suscite de nouvelles préoccupations relatives à la dépopulation et à la dégénérescence. Avec la prise de conscience médicale de la gravité et de la contagiosité des maladies vénériennes, ces inquiétudes prennent la dimension d’un péril national. La nécessité de contrer ces dangers autorise un discours respectable sur la sexualité, qui devient l’objet d’un savoir à diffuser, voire à enseigner dans les écoles. Bien plus qu’une information, l’éducation sexuelle est davantage comprise comme l’imposition de normes, en particulier l’abstinence prémaritale, très largement prônée. Un tel consensus pourrait favoriser la mise en place de projets; or, malgré la profusion de discours, les réalisations concrètes restent rares et controversées, surtout dans le cadre scolaire. Comment expliquer ces difficultés? Cet article analyse les dynamiques entre le niveau transnational (conférences, congrès) et le niveau local, en comparant les discours et mobilisations autour de l’éducation sexuelle dans deux cantons suisses francophones (Vaud et Genève). Nous attachons une attention particulière à la manière dont ces projets sont légitimés scientifiquement et sur quelles disciplines leurs défenseurs s’appuient; nous examinons aussi le rôle du genre dans ces mobilisations, étant donné que les femmes et les féministes s’invitent dans ces débats.  相似文献   

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