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本文提出了认真学习贯彻十六大精神,是电大系统当前和今后一个时期的首要政治任务,强调了学习贯彻十六大精神的重大意义,阐述了全面贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想的现实要求,并结合电大系统的实际,确定了与时俱进、全面开创湖北电大教育事业新局面的工作思路。  相似文献   

进入新世纪,中国教师教育正在走向开放,教师专科教育面临严峻挑战,这是师范专科学校不得不面对的现实,与时俱进是教师专科教育应对挑战、走出困境的必然选择,对策一是瞄准市场调整专业结构,二是为教师专业化打好基础,三是创造条件促进学生一专多能。  相似文献   

“王莽撵刘秀”的传说故事在豫南家喻户晓,文章通过2012年实地考察与拍摄,从故事始末及相关的神话传说,与狗冢庙的关系等方面进行了探索,论述了与该故事有密切关系的狗冢庙的艺术价值以及保护其原址的重要意义,并制定了保护措施,以突出其古老性与艺术性,力求实现对中国传统文化的继承与推广。  相似文献   

面对中国和西方经济的巨大差距和世界经济发展带给中国的巨大机遇,邓小平产生了赶超发达国家的思想,并且经历了从酝酿到成熟的发展过程,邓小平的赶超思想对中国的经济发展战略进行了重新定位,充分体现了时代紧迫感与历史使命感的统一;对外开放与独立自主、自力更生的统一;发展国民经济同改善人民生活的统一;科学与理性的结合,理想与现实的统一等一系列特点.  相似文献   

抓住机遇加快化学基础实验中心建设   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了化学基础实验中心借基础课实验室评估(复查)的机遇,加大投入,重点建设,改善实验室环境,扩大实验室面积,增加仪器设备台套数,改革实验教学内容,完善考试方法,加强教学督导,强化各项管理,加快实验室建设所取得的成绩和体会。  相似文献   

This paper uses regression analysis to test if the universities performing less well according to Shanghai Jiao Tong University’s world universities league tables are able to catch up with the top performers, and to identify national and institutional factors that could affect this catching up process. We have constructed a dataset of 461 universities across 41 countries. We found consistent evidence of a moderate degree of catching up, especially amongst non-US universities. Larger universities as well as universities located in English speaking countries not only perform better on average, but also catch up more over 2003–2009. Universities located in lower income countries are also catching up more. The performance of private universities, as compared to that of public universities, varies substantially between the US and the other countries.  相似文献   

作为后发现代化国家,中国现代化进程的展开,实质上就是一个追赶并超越先发现代化国家的过程.在对中国现代化建设进程的探索中,毛泽东形成了"赶超型"的现代化思想,提出了包括现代化赶超的目标、内容、时间步骤、方式等在内的一整套现代化发展战略,构成了毛泽东现代化思想的一个重要组成部分.为进一步探索我国现代化进程的客观规律提供了重要的指导意义.  相似文献   

赶超思想是后发式发展中国家所普遍采用的一种社会发展思想。20世纪50~60年代,毛泽东确立了其有中国特色的赶超思想体系,不但对赶超目标与赶超重点进行了确立,而且进一步制定了赶超政策,挖掘了赶超源泉。毛泽东“赶超思想”的形成有深刻的国际国内因素的影响,其对中国社会发展既有积极的借鉴价值,又有消极的影响,对其评价要客观公正。  相似文献   

河南理工大学电工电子实验中心借实验教学示范中心建设的机遇,提出了实验中心的建设目标及建设规划:加大投入,重点建设,改善实验室环境;完善实验教学体系,改革实验内容、教学方法与手段;完善教学质量保障体系和实验教学考核办法;加强和完善管理体制和运行模式,加快实验室建设所取得的成绩和体会。  相似文献   

大学生之间由于攀比心理或虚荣心的存在和发展而不断提高自己的消费水平,这不仅增加了家庭的经济负担,而且不利于他们个人的健康成长.本文建立微分方程模型对这一现象进行描述,从定性和定量的角度对攀比消费的结果作出解释和预测.  相似文献   

针对诚信美德教育注重形式忽视其实效性的问题,笔者研究出了切实解决问题的“学校教育与家庭教育、社会教育三合一“的方法,以期与同行交流切磋.  相似文献   

Catching the Bus     
<正>I go to school by bus every day.I usually leave home at 6:50 in the morning since the earliest bus leaves at 7:00.One morning when I woke up I found it was nearly 7:00!I took my school bag and rushed out without having breakfast.I ran all the way to the bus stop.When I arrived,the bus was about to leave.I jumped onto the bus right away.I got on the right bus  相似文献   

毛泽东赶超思想及其战略演变阶段的历史考察   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对毛泽东赶超思想的演进阶段,当前学术界还有不同观点:对毛泽东赶超战略的历史选择也还存在着很大的分歧,并且在研究中有混淆二者关系的现象。该文就试图对毛泽东赶超思想发展的阶段和赶超战略的历史演进,谈一谈看法。  相似文献   

基于生态文明即绿色文明建设的公司社会责任思想的演化,必然落脚于绿色责任;而绿色责任与绿色高职教育会在相互影响中实现共生互赢.构建"绿色职业 绿色技术"的绿色高职教育新体系,成为生态文明建设新时代的新话语.  相似文献   

The article attempts to assess the major sources behind the exceptional Irish growth performance in the 1990s. Unlike other Tigers, Ireland's growth is due to efficiency gains, rather than capital deepening, but the causes for the swift growth in total factor productivity cannot be pinned down to a single factor. Human capital, foreign direct investment, social partnership agreements, sound budget and economic policies since the late 1980s, EU membership, all seemed to have interacted to produce this high‐growth economy. This article focuses on the two mostly quoted catalysts, i.e. FDI and human capital. It provides evidence that — although crucial as enablers for the Irish economic performance — neither the rapid expansion of the compulsory education system in the 1970s and 1980s nor the sheer volume of FDI inflows can by themselves explain why Ireland has grown so much faster than other world economies. Instead, it argues that higher education, especially the vocational/technical stream of educational provision, and the sector composition of FDI in favour of high‐tech industries, were self‐reinforcing factors and have been decisive for the Republic's extraordinary boom.

Spouses may share the same bed and even each other's mannerisms(特殊习惯,怪癖). Now scientists conclude that husbands and wives also share something not nearly as sweet: their diseases. Examining the ills of 8, 000 English couples,  相似文献   

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