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William Bateson was one of the pivotal figures in the early history of genetics, having championed the promise of Mendelism to unravel the secrets of heredity. Many refer to the "school" of genetics he directed at Cambridge between 1900 and 1910, but few note that Bateson's group consisted primarily of women. Bateson turned to botanists, zoologists, and physiologists associated with Newnham College, Cambridge, for critical assistance in advancing his research program at a time when Mendelism was not yet recognized as a legitimate field of study. Cambridge women carried out a series of breeding experiments in a number of plant and animal species between 1902 and 1910, the results of which provided crucial evidence that both supported and extended Mendel's laws of heredity. This essay shows how the situation of women in science in the early twentieth century was a factor--along with scientific, institutional, social, and political developments--in establishing the new discipline of genetics.  相似文献   

In 1920, the German botanist Hans Winkler coined the concept of the ‘genome’. This paper explores the history of a concept that has developed in parallel with advances in biology and supports novel and powerful heuristic biological research in the 21st century. From a structural interpretation (the genome as the haploid number of chromosomes), it has changed to keep pace with technological progress and new interpretations of the material of heredity. In the first place, the ‘genome’ was extended to include all the material in the nucleus, then the sum of all genes, and (with the discovery of the structure of DNA) the sum of the nucleotide base sequences. In the early 21st century, it has become a much more complex and central concept that has spawned the growing field of studies referred to as the ‘omics’.  相似文献   

Quinlan S 《Endeavour》2010,34(4):142-150
During the French Revolution, there appeared a striking and far-ranging medical literature on heredity, reproduction and biological 'perfectibility'. In some ways anticipating ideas associated with modern eugenics, these writings emerged from radical revolutionary projects for 'physical and moral regeneration' and incarnated deep-seated desires to transform French society and make a 'new man' in mind and body. But by breaking down boundaries between public and private life, doctors did more than just try to regulate intimate sexual behaviour. Instead, they proffered a more intimate vision of civic volunteerism, in which sexual hygiene and domestic practices allowed their patients to imagine new forms of society and gave them ways to attain these socio-political dreams. Moreover, they were responding to powerful new worries about heredity and sought to counsel their patients in the ways of family panning. By the end of revolutionary period, then, medical and lay thinkers had transformed the marriage bed and household into a specially controlled environment - a kind of affective laboratory - in which conscientious parents could make healthy children and raise them in the context of specific political and social values.  相似文献   

何哲  孙林岩 《软科学》2010,24(4):1-5,28
从可持续发展的自然观出发,探讨了可持续发展的语义概念,结合最新的跨国经济发展的研究结果,提出了社会成本视角下可持续发展的新内涵,并进一步提出了社会成本核算的概念和体系,认为社会生产率、收入与分配的社会结构、社会安全性和稳定性以及社会性资本是社会成本核算应该考虑的重要因素。结论认为,对于近期中国经济的发展,可持续发展的社会性因素与自然性因素同样甚至更为重要,中国经济的可持续发展必须要考虑社会成本的承担和累积问题,应尽快考虑建立影响经济可持续性的社会性成本的核算体系并实施监控以减小社会成本损耗,降低社会风险累积,实现经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

通过用类平均的聚类方法对8个高油玉米自交系的品种性状进行聚类分析。对8个高油玉米自交系间遗传距离进行分类,结果表明:8个玉米自交系间的遗传距离中1-2间遗传距离最近,即铁/02与GY22遗传距离最近。依次为3-4,1Ⅰ-8,5-7,1Ⅲ-6,1Ⅴ-5Ⅳ,1Ⅵ-3Ⅱ间。1Ⅵ-3Ⅱ间遗传距离最远。依据亲本自交系的选择原则,亲本间遗传距离越远,获得较强的杂种优势的可能性就越大。即1Ⅵ-3Ⅱ间组配杂交种有可能获得强的优势组合。  相似文献   

技术发展与社会生态环境适应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
江昀  江林茜 《软科学》2001,15(3):24-27
本文提出了“技术社会生态”的概念,将技术纳入大社会生态系统中,并作为其中的要素,寻求它们之间的内在联系及其相互作用规律。因此,技术社会生态环境比一般的社会环境更强调了技术与其它社会自然要素的相互依存关系及其相互组合与匹配关系,即技术社会生态平衡。为了阐述这一观点,文章从社会生态技术与技术社会生态的概念;技术社会生态系统的特征;技术发展的社会生态适应机制三个方面构建了本论题的逻辑框架,并从可持续发展战略方面,针对我国的一、二、三产业发展提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

祝阳  雷莹 《现代情报》2016,36(8):14-20
网络搭建的“场域”成为社会风险的“放大站”,本研究旨在描述网络传播与社会风险放大之间的关系。在区分网络与媒体概念的基础上,分析网络传播特征与放大效应的关系。基于公共卫生事件,探讨社会风险本身就会产生的社会效应。在上述分析基础上,分析网络对社会风险的传播衍生出的次生危害。在网络社会与现实社会关系的假设前提下,提出网络的社会风险放大效应的模型。需要理性应对网络在社会风险中产生的放大效应。  相似文献   

报道了两个先天性聋哑家系。这两个家系中的先天性聋哑属常染色体隐性遗传,且有两对基因控制。只要有一对基因隐性纯合时,即可患病。  相似文献   

阳镇  凌鸿程  陈劲 《科研管理》2021,42(5):143-152
企业社会责任是企业实现可持续发展的重要实践方式,如何驱动企业可持续性的社会责任行为成为研究的重要议题。社会信任作为宏观经济运行与微观企业市场活动的“润滑剂”,对企业的市场行为与社会行为产生不可忽视的作用。传统的研究主要研究外部正式制度对企业社会责任的影响,忽视了社会信任作为一种非正式制度在驱动企业社会责任实践中产生的重要作用。本文基于2009-2017年中国A股上市公司为研究样本,实证考察了社会信任对企业社会责任的影响效应,并检验了外部正式制度与企业内部高管激励制度在社会信任(非正式制度)与企业社会责任的调节效应;进一步验证了基于工具竞争逻辑主导下的企业社会责任在社会信任与企业创新之间的中介作用,验证企业社会责任的工具价值效应。研究结果表明:(1)社会信任对企业社会责任产生显著的正向影响,异质性分析结果表明在产权、披露环境以及行业追随等方面存在异质性;(2)外部正式制度(市场化环境)在社会信任与企业社会责任之间产生正向调节作用,呈现出正式制度与非正式制度对企业社会责任的协同倍增效应;(3)企业内高管股权激励制度在社会信任与企业社会责任之间产生负向调节作用,呈现出企业内激励制度与企业外非正式制度对企业社会责任的替代效应;(4)企业社会责任在社会信任与企业创新之间产生部分中介作用,即Porter和Kramer(2006)提出的企业社会责任的战略竞争工具效应得到实证结果的支持。本研究在理论层面上基于“内外结合”的视角丰富了企业社会责任驱动因素的研究,拓展了社会信任作用与企业社会行为的影响机制,在实践层面为政府以及企业重新审视社会信任的价值效应提供经验证据,也为企业履行社会责任发挥社会责任的竞争工具效应提供经验启示。  相似文献   

社会责任创新又称企业的社会创新,是指企业以创新的方式向社会供给社会责任行为。企业的社会责任理念已经从忽视社会责任、战略性社会责任、社会责任战略逐渐向社会责任创新转变,社会责任创新已经成为企业核心竞争力的新来源。从领域创新、资源和工具创新、传播方式创新、评价方式创新等4个维度构建了社会责任创新的认知框架,以帮助企业在"创新、创业"的政策背景下,既能获得经济利润,又能助推社会进步。  相似文献   

本文将科技向善定位为一种基于竞争性战略导向的企业创新行为。通过回顾技术伦理、负责任的研究与创新、社会创新创业、企业生态化战略、颠覆式技术创新异化、企业社会责任等相关理论,对腾讯公司提出的科技向善概念从经济学和管理学角度提出具体的研究内容。首先对科技向善概念从理念、行为、内容和制度四个维度进行解析,进而尝试构建企业科技向善量表,提出可能的问卷题项,最终提出建立企业科技向善行为的过程模型,从质性和量化质性两个角度对企业科技向善行为对企业绩效水平的影响开展研究,并给出未来值得深入研究的重要问题。本文研究内容对推动科技向善从理念向实践转化,成为数字经济时代下企业的常规战略选择,对于创新理论的补充完善、企业数字化转型的成功实践、数字技术的合理运用、产业创新政策的调整变革等内容具有重要的理论研究和现实指导意义。  相似文献   

Over one billion people are currently using social media such as social websites (Facebook Newsroom, 2015); consequently, numerous academic scholars have developed interest in studying the use of social media and social networks. However, few studies have focused on examining the core factors of social networks. In this study, we collected studies on social-network-related topics that were published between January 1996 and December 2014, assembling a total of 2565 articles and 81,316 citations. Co-citation analysis and cluster analysis were applied to verify seven main factors regarding social networks: (a) the measure of complex social networks; (b) community structure; (c) strong and weak ties; (d) the evolution of social networks; (e) network structure and relationship; (f) value concept and measurement strategies; and (g) social capital. Finally, the results of this study were further discussed to elucidate the core topics relevant to social networks.  相似文献   

针对目前社交网络的研究多是基于内部成员之间的直接关系的研究。突破用图来定义社交网络的方式,提出了社交近似空间的概念,并通过发掘社交子空间的不精确路径定义了隐含路径,从而探索了一种针对社交网络的新的研究方法。  相似文献   

杨妮  史维勇  李养光 《科教文汇》2013,(11):196-198
随着现代社会的发展、多元化管理主体的重塑,社区社会组织作为基层领域最基本的组织在社会管理中发挥了重要作用。本文首先论述创新社会管理的背景与社区社会组织的涵义,继而阐述社区社会组织在推进社区公益事业、社区居民和谐共处、整合社区资源、社区文化的传播及行使部分政府职能这五个方面对创新社会管理所起的作用。最后,本文引入社会工作理念,论述引进社工人才、融入专业方法、运用社工理念以利于社区社会组织在创新社会管理中的作用发挥。  相似文献   

Interactivity has been identified as a core concept of new media, yet despite nearly three decades of study and analysis, we scarcely know what interactivity is, let alone what it does, and have scant insight into the conditions in which interactive processes are likely to be consequential for members of a social system. This article attempts to address this deficiency by critiquing three self-defeating tendencies and an erroneous assumption of interactivity research, then proposes four basic propositions around which systematic knowledge regarding interactivity in society may be built. In the spirit of bridging mass and interpersonal processes, a model of interactivity is proposed to initiate discussion about the concept as a cross-level and multivalent phenomenon—one with both positive and negative consequences—and to spur more socially relevant research. For interactivity to succeed as a concept, it must have some meaningful social and psychological relevance beyond its technical status as a property of media systems or message exchanges.  相似文献   

Participation in and adding content to social tagging tools is important for these tools to achieve their purpose of classifying and organizing information. Users of social tagging tools are driven to participate and add tags by extrinsic and intrinsic motivation. Extrinsic motivation is dominating research as a main predictor of why users use information systems. Social tagging tools, as a subset of social media tools, are distinguished by their unique social aspect that makes intrinsic motivation a potential driver for users to add tags to content. Intrinsic motivation, when applied to social tagging tools, could entail many shades that represent different users’ motives for using such tools. In this paper, we add a rich concept of intrinsic motivation to include hedonism as a main predictor of users’ behavior on social tagging tools. We empirically validate a previously proposed theoretical model of three dimensional concepts of hedonism with three components describing individuals’ hedonic state when interacting with social tagging tools: explorability, curiosity, and enjoyment. After a robust and thorough data analysis using structured equation modeling, the results confirm our theoretical model and suggest using a richer concept of enjoyment to reflect a hedonic dimension when investigating intrinsic motivation with interactive social media tools. Our validated model could be the spark of new factors that have the potential to influence user acceptance of information systems in general and in social media tools. This research contributes to the development of attitude-behavior theories that could explain users’ acceptance of dynamic web  相似文献   

本研究在分析项目团队知识隐藏概念基础上,整合社会认知、社会惰化等理论,构建知识隐藏的前因变量模型,并通过187份有效问卷,运用逐步回归分析对假设进行验证。研究结果表明,知识共享自我效能、个体结果期望、外生激励、分配公平、互惠与知识隐藏显著负相关;知识共享自我效能与个体结果期望显著正相关;个体结果期望对知识共享自我效能和知识隐藏之间的关系起到部分中介作用;互惠对知识共享自我效能和知识隐藏之间的关系起正向调节作用。最后对研究进行了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

Interactivity has been identified as a core concept of new media, yet despite nearly three decades of study and analysis, we scarcely know what interactivity is, let alone what it does, and have scant insight into the conditions in which interactive processes are likely to be consequential for members of a social system. This article attempts to address this deficiency by critiquing three self-defeating tendencies and an erroneous assumption of interactivity research, then proposes four basic propositions around which systematic knowledge regarding interactivity in society may be built. In the spirit of bridging mass and interpersonal processes, a model of interactivity is proposed to initiate discussion about the concept as a cross-level and multivalent phenomenon—one with both positive and negative consequences—and to spur more socially relevant research. For interactivity to succeed as a concept, it must have some meaningful social and psychological relevance beyond its technical status as a property of media systems or message exchanges.  相似文献   

Companies are increasingly relying on social media brand communities to interact with consumers and achieve business values. Thus, it is essential to understand how companies can extract value from consumers in social media brand communities. We develop a model clarifying the dual concept of consumer value and illustrating how consumer-perceived value can be transformed into consumer-generated value from a trust transfer perspective. Specifically, we identify three types of consumer-perceived value: utilitarian, hedonic, and social. We capture consumer-generated value in terms of purchase intention and social media word of mouth. Using a two-wave survey, our results strongly support the research model. Specifically, the three types of consumer-perceived values positively affect consumer trust in social media brand communities, which in turn leads to trust in brand and in social media and, thereafter, consumers’ subsequent social media word of mouth and purchase intentions. Our study makes several contributions to the strategic information systems literature concerning leveraging social media brand communities into business strategies. Theoretically, our study expands the understanding of the dual concept of consumer value in social media brand communities through the trust transfer theory. Practically, our study delivers insights for companies into how social media brand communities can be used as a strategic tool for achieving business values.  相似文献   

本文采用文献回顾的方法,通过对SMJ和AMJ近10年战略研究中对社会资本探讨的文献分析,从社会研究中测量的起点——概念和概念化着手,沿着概念化的途径对具体的测量客体、测量内容和测量法则进行剖析,从而给出战略研究里社会资本测量应该如何展开的清晰化路径。从概念与概念化着手,根据具体研究主题进行社会资本测量的讨论为社会资本、尤其是战略管理中社会资本的经验研究提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

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