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The effects of element or compound preexposure and retention interval were examined in three experiments with the taste-aversion paradigm. In Experiment 1, preexposure to the elements of a compound flavor produced less latent inhibition to the compound than did preexposure to the compound itself when a 1-day preexposure-conditioning interval was used. However, preexposing the elements or the compound resulted in equivalent latent inhibition effects when a 21-day retention interval was used. In Experiment 2, a similar pattern of results was observed when the conditioning-test interval was manipulated. Experiment 3 explored the effect of element or compound preexposure when preexposure and test were carried out in different contexts. Attenuated latent inhibition following preexposure to the elements was found when preexposure and test were carried out in the same context. In contrast, preexposure to the elements resulted in as much latent inhibition as did preexposure to the compound when the context was switched from preexposure to testing. The implications of these findings for a retrieval-oriented view of latent inhibition are discussed.  相似文献   

The retention and extinction of a conditioned taste aversion after either short (6-day) or long (60-day) intervals was investigated in preweanling (18-day-old) and adult rats. Taste-only and illness-only control conditions were employed, as were variations in the concentration of the US (holding LiCl amount constant). Results indicated that after the short retention interval, retention of the taste aversion was equivalent for both ages. After the long interval, however, the 18-day-old rats exhibited significantly weaker taste aversion than their adult counterparts— infantile amnesia. Manipulation of US concentration had no effect on the magnitude of the taste aversions for either age or retention interval. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for infantile amnesia and general laws of learning.  相似文献   

Weanling rats were tested for retention of an aversion to a novel flavor (chocolate milk) that had been conditioned as a single-element conditioned stimulus (CS) or in compound with a novel ambient odor (banana). The presence of the ambient odor during conditioning had no effect on flavor aversion shortly thereafter, confirming previous results. The flavor aversion observed 21 days after conditioning, however, was significantly stronger for pups conditioned with the single-element CS than for those given the flavor-odor compound as the CS. This retention effect was due to a surprisingincrease in the conditioned aversion observed 21 days after conditioning with the single-element CS. A second experiment confirmed this paradoxical increase in retention of the aversion to chocolate milk. This experiment also verified that no such increase occurred in retention of the conditioned aversion to a different flavor (saccharin), whether the initial aversion was strong or weak. The results may be explained in terms of generalized latent inhibition from consumption of mother’s milk.  相似文献   

The existence of a sexual dimorphism in the extinction of conditioned taste aversions in both fluid-deprived and nondeprived rats was investigated. When nondeprived rats were poisoned with LiCl after consuming a sucrose solution, males extinguished the subsequent conditioned taste aversion more slowly than females. There was no difference in the rate of extinction of a LiCl-induced conditioned taste aversion in fluid-deprived rats. Using marihuana extract distillate as the toxin, it was shown that the dimorphism found in the nondeprived rats is not a toxin-specific effect, and does not appear to be due to the males being made more ill. Possible explanations for the appearance of the dimorphism and its relation to the deprivational state of the organism are discussed.  相似文献   

Rats (Rattus norvegicus) that received a taste cue (saccharin, saline, quinine, or sucrose) paired with a lithium chloride (LiCl) injection displayed a robust decrease in consumption of that taste, relative to controls that had the taste unpaired with LiCl. Consumption of the paired taste increased with each nonreinforced presentation (i.e., extinction). After asymptotic extinction, rats that had had a 0.1% saccharin cue paired with LiCl consumed less of the saccharin solution than did controls. A similar data pattern was observed with a 10% sucrose solution. These results are consistent with the view that some aspect of the excitatory CS-US association remains after extinction. On the other hand, rats that had a bitter (0.005% or 0.001% quinine) or salty (1% or 0.5% saline) solution paired with LiCl drank similar amounts of the fluid as controls after asymptotic extinction treatment. Together, these experiments suggest that a taste that is either sweet or preferred is required in order to demonstrate the chronic decrease in fluid consumption after extinction treatment. The data suggest that the conditioning experience prevents the later development of a preference for the sweet taste, rather than there being a retained aversion that suppresses fluid consumption.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the effects of nonreinforced flavor exposure on the strength of a conditioned taste aversion. Rats were conditioned by pairing maple flavor with LiC1. Prior to or subsequent to this pairing, some animals received nonreinforced exposure to either maple or saccharin. In separate subjects, preference for maple was tested 1 or 21 days after the last training episode. In the first experiment, the nonreinforced stimulus exposure occurred before conditioning (latent inhibition, or LI, procedure); in the second experiment, the nonreinforced exposure occurred after conditioning (extinction, or EXT, training). In both experiments, nonreinforced exposure to maple or saccharin reduced the magnitude of a conditioned maple aversion when testing occurred soon after conditioning. When testing was delayed, however, the attenuation due to nonreinforced saccharin exposure dissipated, both with the LI procedure and with EXT. In contrast, the nonreinforced exposure to maple was found to attenuate conditioned reactions at both short and long retention intervals. The release from generalized LI and spontaneous recovery following generalized EXT training are discussed in terms of retrieval processing. The possibility that the same mechanism may underlie LI and EXT is considered.  相似文献   

Latent inhibition of conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is sensitive to changes in the temporal context. A change in the time of day of conditioning with respect to the time of day of the preexposure can disrupt the latent inhibition. This contextual change in the time of day may reveal a temporal specificity of latent inhibition. The optimum procedure to induce this temporal specificity is not well established. For example, it has been shown that a long period of habituation to temporal contexts is one factor that can determine the effect. However, the experimental conditions on the conditioning day that facilitate this phenomenon are unknown. The aim of this study is to elucidate whether a restriction in the intake of the conditioned taste stimulus affects the temporal specificity of latent inhibition. Two main groups of Wistar rats were tested in a latent inhibition of CTA paradigm, in which the temporal specificity of this phenomenon was analyzed by a change in the time of day of conditioning. The intake of the taste stimulus was restricted in the conditioning day in one of the groups, but this restriction was not applied in the other group. The results indicated temporal specificity of latent inhibition only in the group without restriction, but not in the group with limitation in the intake of the taste stimulus during conditioning. These findings can help to elucidate the characteristics of the procedure to induce temporal specificity of latent inhibition.  相似文献   

Second-order conditioning (SOC) in pigeons, but not rats, appears to involve an association between the second-order stimulus (S2) and the first-order stimulus (SI). Nairne and Rescorla (1981) suggested it was the use of stimuli from the same modality that promoted an association between S2 and SI in pigeon SOC studies. In support of their hypothesis, they demonstrated that pigeons, like rats, did not form an association between S2 and SI when these stimuli were from different modalities. In this study, we sought to determine whether rats, like pigeons, would associate S2 with SI when these stimuli shared the same modality. Female Lister rats injected with LiCl after consuming .12M saline solution (SI) showed an aversion to a 15% sucrose solution (S2) that was subsequently paired with the saline. This was so regardless of whether S2 and SI had been presented sequentially (Experiment 1) or simultaneously (Experiment 2). Only in Experiment 2, however, did extinction of the aversion to saline diminish the aversion to sucrose; that is, employing stimuli from the same modality was not a sufficient condition, of itself, to allow rats to associate S2 with SI.  相似文献   

Separate groups of water-deprived rats had four trials with 15-min access to 0.0073 M saccharin, 0.3 M alanine, 0.3 M glucose, 0.1 M maltose, 0.3 M fructose, 0.06 M sucrose, or 0.03 M Polycose. Trials 1–3 were followed by injections of either 0.15 M LiCl (1.33 ml/100 g b.w., i.p.) or saline; Trial 4 (Test) was CS only. Extinction included either 48-h access to water alone or to the appropriate CS, both followed by a 24-h, two-bottle choice of CS and water. This 3-day cycle was repeated five to six times. All rats acquired comparable conditioned taste aversions (CTAs), but extinction rates varied with the test and the taste CS. No CTA extinguished during the two-bottle choices following 2 water days. During one-bottle CS exposure, all CTAs extinguished, but the aversion continued longer in the probe two-bottle tests. Intake of glucose moieties recovered rapidly, often in two cycles; the other CSs took four to six cycles. Thus, CTA extinction varies with the nature of the taste CS.  相似文献   

We compared the rate of acquisition and strength of retention of conditioned context aversion (CCA) with conditioned taste aversion (CTA) using pigmented, genetically heterogeneous mice (derived from Large and Small strains). Extending previous findings, in Experiment 1, mice accustomed to drinking from large glass bottles in the colony room learned to avoid graduated tubes after a single conditioning trial when drinking from these novel tubes was paired with injections of LiCl. The results also showed that CCA could be developed even when there was a 30-minute delay between conditioned stimulus and unconditioned stimulus. Retention of the aversion lasted for 4 weeks in both Immediate and Delay groups. Studies of conditioned saccharin aversion were conducted in Experiment 2. CTA acquisition was very similar to that observed in CCA and duration of aversion retention was similar in the CCA and CTA Delay groups, although at least 2 weeks longer in the Immediate group. Thus, CCA acquisition and retention characteristics are closer to those seen for CTA than has previously been reported. In Experiment 3, we examined whether albino mice (which are known to have weaker visual abilities compared to pigmented mice) would develop CCA comparable to those of pigmented mice. The development of conditioned aversion and its duration of retention was similar in albinos and pigmented mice. Nonspecific aversion emerged as an important contributor to strength of aversion during retention trials in both CCA and CTA paradigms with pigmented (but not albino) mice and deserves additional scrutiny in this field of inquiry.  相似文献   

Experiment I demonstrated that the strength of a rat’s aversion to saccharin is a direct function of the amount of saccharin it consumed prior to poisoning. Using Kalat and Rozin’s (1973) procedure, Experiment II showed that results consistent with a “learned-safety” theory of taste aversion appear to depend on whether rats drink most saccharin on their first or second exposure to the solution prior to poisoning. Experiment III demonstrated that when animals drank equal amounts of saccharin solution on each of two exposures prior to poisoning, evidence strongly confirming the “learned-safety” theory was obtained. These experiments together demonstrate the importance of amount of solution drunk in the determination of taste aversion.  相似文献   

In Experiment 1, rats experienced presentations of a discrete visual stimulus (Stage 1) until habituation of the orienting response (OR) occurred. On a test session given after an interval of 16 days (Stage 2) the OR reappeared. For control subjects that received no Stage 1 training but presentations of the light in Stage 2, habituation persisted during the test. All subjects then received conditioning trials on which the light preceded the delivery of food. They showed latent inhibition, acquiring the conditioned response less readily than control subjects that had not previously experienced the light. Experiment 2 confirmed that the latent inhibition effect survived the retention interval for subjects that received no habituation test session. This pattern of results implies that habituation of the OR and latent inhibition are determined by different mechanisms.  相似文献   

Imposition of a retention interval between cue-outcome pairings and testing can alleviate the retardation of conditioned responding induced by pretraining exposure to the cue (i.e., the CS-preexposure effect). However, recent studies have reported an enhanced effect of CS-preexposure treatment with longer retention intervals (De la Casa & Lubow, 2000, 2002; Lubow & De la Casa, 2002). In a series of conditioned barpress suppression studies with rats, we examined the effects of imposing a retention interval just prior to testing following either CS-preexposure (cue alone before cue-outcome pairings) or extinction (cue alone after cue-outcome pairings) treatments. Experiment 1 replicated in a different preparation recent reports of CS-preexposure treatment effects increasing with longer retention intervals. Experiment 2 showed that spontaneous recovery of stimulus control of behavior after extinction can be obtained with the same parameters as those used to observe the augmented effect of CS-preexposure treatment. In Experiment 3, both the augmented effect of CS-preexposure treatment and spontaneous recovery from extinction were found when we used, in place of a retention interval, an associative priming manipulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, we investigated the mechanisms of potentiation using pigeons as subjects. Half the groups were given unreinforced preexposures to the CS on 2 consecutive days before aversion training. After training, the taste aversion was extinguished in some of the groups conditioned with a colored, tasty compound. Postconditioning extinction of the taste aversion was found to attenuate potentiated color aversions. This was the case for the subjects that both were and were not preexposed to the CS. These results lend support to the summation theory of potentiation (Durlach & Rescorla, 1980) and weaken the claim that CS preexposures are necessary for obtaining such support. Alternative accounts of the data are discussed.  相似文献   

In five conditioned taste aversion experiments with rats, summation, retardation, and preference tests were used to assess the effects of extinguishing a conditioned saccharin aversion for three or nine trials. In Experiment 1, a summation test showed that saccharin aversion extinguished over nine trials reduced the aversion to a merely conditioned flavor (vinegar), whereas three saccharin extinction trials did not subsequently influence the vinegar aversion. Experiment 2 clarified that result, with unpaired controls equated on flavor exposure prior to testing; the results with those controls suggested that the flavor extinguished for nine trials produced generalization decrement during testing. In Experiment 3, the saccharin aversion reconditioned slowly after nine extinction trials, but not after three. Those results suggested the development of latent inhibition after more than three extinction trials. Preference tests comparing saccharin consumption with a concurrently available fluid (water in Experiment 4, saline in Experiment 5) showed that the preference for saccharin was greater after nine extinction trials than after three. However, saccharin preference after nine extinction trials was not greater, as compared with that for either latent inhibition controls (Experiments 4 and 5) or a control given equated exposures to saccharin and trained to drink saline at a high rate prior to testing (Experiment 5). Concerns about whether conditioned inhibition has been demonstrated in any flavor aversion procedure are discussed. Our findings help explain both successes and failures in demonstrating postextinction conditioned response recovery effects reported in the conditioned taste aversion literature, and they can be explained using a memory interference account.  相似文献   

The re-shaping of the Australian senior secondary landscape in recent years and the emergence of a new space for vocational knowledge within Australian senior secondary certificates of education have been underpinned by a national focus on raising retention rates and achieving Year 12 or equivalent attainment rates in the context of a diversifying senior secondary cohort, and on delivering effective training to meet the skills needs of the growing economy. Absent from this policy agenda is a focus on the efficacy of the expanding vocational education and training (VET) in Schools. At the core of this discussion are the impacts of ongoing tensions between the instrumentalist labour market role of VET in Schools programmes and the expectation that an equitable senior secondary landscape should respond to the education and training needs of all students. Despite rapid growth, low achievers and socioeconomically disadvantaged learners remain the dominant participants in VET in Schools programmes, and pathways for these students into post-school education and training or full-time employment remain weak. This paper draws on the views of students, teachers, and policy-makers to examine the ways in which vocational programmes are delivered within the different curricular contexts of VET in Schools across Australian senior secondary education systems.  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined how preexposure to discriminative stimuli and introduction of a 21-day retention interval affected the latent inhibition (LI) and perceptual learning (PL) of rats in a choice-maze discrimination task. Experimental groups were preexposed to three wall patterns, one in each of three arms of a maze. Control groups were preexposed only to white arms. PL groups were trained to discriminate A versus B, and LI groups, to discriminate A or B versus C. The A and B patterns shared many elements not shared with the C pattern. In Experiment 1, both at the end of training and after the subsequent retention interval, the PL groups performed better than controls, whereas the LI groups performed worse. In Experiment 2, inserting the 21-day retention interval between preexposure and discrimination training disrupted final measures of LI but not PL performance. Implications for current concepts of PL and LI are discussed.  相似文献   

In the present experiments, we examined the role of within-compound associations in the interaction of the overshadowing procedure with conditioned stimulus (CS) duration, using a conditioned suppression procedure with rats. In Experiment 1, we found that, with elemental reinforced training, conditioned suppression to the target stimulus decreased as CS duration increased (i.e., the CS duration effect), whereas, with compound reinforced training (i.e., the overshadowing procedure), conditioned suppression to the target stimulus increased as CS duration increased. In subsequent experiments, we replicated these findings with sensory preconditioning and demonstrated that extinction of the overshadowing stimulus results in retrospective revaluation with short CSs and in mediated extinction with long CSs. These results highlight the role of the duration of the stimulus in behavioral control. Moreover, these results illuminate one cause (the CS duration) of whether retrospective revaluation or mediated extinction will be observed.  相似文献   

The acquisition of the rabbit’s nictitating membrane response to a tone + light compound and its components was examined as a function of the CS-US interval (Experiment 1) and CS duration (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, responding to the compound attained high levels in all groups, but responding on component test trials declined to low levels as the CS-US interval increased across values of 300, 800, and 1,300 msec. Further disparities between the compound and components appeared when the animals were shifted to a positive patterning schedule. In Experiment 2, disparities between the compound and components increased as the duration of the CS was increased across values of 50, 200, and 800 msec within a fixed CS-US interval of 800 msec. The results are discussed with respect to distributive processes, configuration, and speed-accuracy tradeoffs.  相似文献   

This study examines the impact of a country’s security unrest on student retention. It draws on the key factors that influence retention worldwide, adopts Bourdieu’s notion of cultural capital and also brings in concepts related to terrorism and security unrest traditionally absent from theories on student retention. Based on a case study carried out in Israel on 50 full‐time undergraduate students, this study suggests that the difficulties created by a country’s political environment alone do not play a significant role in student retention. However, when coupled with the salient features that negatively impact retention worldwide, difficulties created by a country’s security situation may increase tendencies to leave or consider leaving higher education.  相似文献   

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