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下蹲式和箭步式上挺技术的比较分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对下蹲式上挺和剪步式上挺技术的比较分析,从理论上论述了下蹲式上挺的优越性,并预测下挺将有更广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

箭步式上挺和下蹲式上挺是上挺的两种方式,国内对这两种上挺方式的争议较大,文章从动力学特征方面对箭步挺和下蹲挺进行比较研究,为教练员和运动员认识和寻找适合自己的上挺方式提供理论依据。在研究中采用三维录像和三维测力台同步测试的方法进行研究,发现下蹲挺下蹲撑铃点低,人体重心下蹲撑铃较为迅速,杠铃上升距离短,所需杠铃上升速度小,但是下蹲挺撑铃的前后稳定及平衡角小,稳定性差,稍有不慎就会导致动作失败,下蹲挺撑铃和起立时间较长,起立距离也较长,消耗的能量多、箭步挺反之。  相似文献   

从运动学和动力学特征两方面对女子举重箭步挺进行研究,为教练员和运动员认识和寻找适合自己的上挺方式提供理论依据。采用三维录像和三维测力台同步测试的方法进行研究,发现箭步挺下蹲撑铃点高,人体重心下蹲撑铃不太迅速,杠铃上升距离长,所需杠铃上升速度大。但是箭步挺撑铃的前后稳定角及平衡角大,稳定性高,稍有不慎也不会导致动作失败。箭步挺撑铃和起立时间较短,起立距离也较短,消耗的能量少。  相似文献   

韩文亮上挺技术的生物力学分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对全国冠军韩文亮上挺技术的测试与分析, 发现在上挺过程中, 杠铃前一阶段基本处于直下直上的运动, 但后程有明显的后抛现象; 躯干前倾不明显, 但后仰较大, 膝和髋形成多级加速; 杠铃的上抛速度达1 658m s, 上挺的力量达到400kg以上。  相似文献   

通过对有关举重的文献资料进行研究,发现我国优秀举重运动员比赛时大部分存在一个突出的问题,就是抓举强、挺举弱,而造成挺举弱的主要原因是上挺失败.就上挺失败的原因进行分析,逐一提出解决问题的训练方法,并通过运动员实验前后成绩比较,证明效果显著.  相似文献   

挺举上挺中下蹲式支撑与箭步式支撑技术之比较   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
通过比较下蹲式支撑与箭步式支撑技术后发现,下蹲式支撑与习惯动作相接近,下蹲撑铃位置低,下蹲速度快,两腿用力较协调,但对平衡能力要求较高;箭步式支撑则与之相反,支撑面积大,稳定性高,对运动员平衡能力要求较低。认为,在完善个人技术和身体素质的基础上,下蹲式支撑应成为技术的主流。  相似文献   

上挺中预蹲制动技术初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动用生物力学的基本原理,对预蹲制动动作进行分析论证。提出了上挺动作中预蹲制动技术的原理,分析了影响预蹲制动技术效果的诸多因素和主要因素  相似文献   

在近几年的举重比赛中有很多优秀的青少年举重运动员在挺举比赛中的上挺过程出现了成功率偏低的现象。这一普遍存在的现象直接影响到单项成绩和总成绩,也影响了项目的排名。在一定程度上制约了一些青少年举重运动员成绩的提高,并给运动员心理造成了很大压力。本文通过对2002年黑龙江青少年举重比赛的93名运动员上挺中预蹲的深度、预蹲的方向进行研究,找出共性的东西进行归纳分析,得出结论并提出合理建议。  相似文献   

对举重"双屈式"上挺技术的生物力学分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过录像解析、文献资料和专家咨询等方法,对举重挺举预蹲上挺中创新型技术——“双屈式”上挺技术进行了科学研究。认为“双屈式”上挺技术通过屈膝预蹲时配合相应的屈髋和翘臀的动作,使预蹲发力蹬腿同时能够辅以较大的伸髋动作.能最大限度地发挥运动员的腰背及腿部力量,加大了杠铃最后的上抛速度,从而能够提高上挺成绩;预蹲屈髋时杠铃重心水平前移导致的人体和杠铃总重心的前移,可以通过适当的翘臀动作予以弥补,以保持总重心的稳定。  相似文献   

挺举在我国相对薄弱,上挺的成败直接影响挺举水平的提高和比赛总成绩。本文试从解剖学、生理学、生物力学原理初步论证上挺的预蹲、发力、分腿支撑各阶段的速度、角度、技巧等技术中的关键,以期使上挺技术能进一步规范化和合理化。  相似文献   

徐芳  陶江  黄强 《湖北体育科技》2011,30(1):123-124
女子举重是我国的优势项目,是我国奥运金牌的重点项目.对挺举技术进行运动生物力学研究,对于保持我国在世界举重领域的领先地位,发展我国的奥运战略具有重要意义.借助三维常速摄像和视频解析系统,运用运动生物力学原理和方法,对我困优秀女子举重运动员的挺举技术进行测试和分析,试图揭示这一技术的运动学特征及原理,并对运动员动作技术的...  相似文献   

本文通过对运动生物力学在体育教学中的运用,尤其是在技术教学中运用的阐述,证明了运动生物力学在技术教学中的重要性。对于提高学生掌握运动技术动作有着积极的意义,并可有效地提高体育教学效果。  相似文献   

A deterministic model is a modeling paradigm that determines the relationships between a movement outcome measure and the biomechanical factors that produce such a measure. This review provides an overview of the use of deterministic models in biomechanics research, a historical summary of this research, and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using deterministic models. The deterministic model approach has been utilized in technique analysis over the last three decades, especially in swimming, athletics field events, and gymnastics. In addition to their applications in sports and exercise biomechanics, deterministic models have been applied successfully in research on selected motor skills. The advantage of the deterministic model approach is that it helps to avoid selecting performance or injury variables arbitrarily and to provide the necessary theoretical basis for examining the relative importance of various factors that influence the outcome of a movement task. Several disadvantages of deterministic models, such as the use of subjective measures for the performance outcome, were discussed. It is recommended that exercise and sports biomechanics scholars should consider using deterministic models to help identify meaningful dependent variables in their studies.  相似文献   

世界体育科学研究现状和发展趋势   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
自80 年代以来,体育科学研究得到迅速发展,体育科学中的分支学科不断涌现。本文在阐述体育科学体系中已形成学科门类的基础上,对世界各国体育科学研究的现状和发展趋势进行剖析。  相似文献   

Errors in statistical analysis of multiple dependent variables and in documenting the size of effects are common in the scientific and biomechanical literature. In this paper, I review these errors and several solutions that can improve the validity of sports biomechanics research reports. Studies examining multiple dependent variables should either control for the inflation of Type I errors (e.g. Holm's procedure) during multiple comparisons or use multivariate analysis of variance to focus on the structure and interaction of the dependent variables. When statistically significant differences are observed, research reports should provide confidence limits or effect sizes to document the size of the effects. Authors of sports biomechanics research reports are encouraged to analyse and present their data accounting for the experiment-wise Type I error rate, as well as reporting data documenting the size or practical significance of effects reaching their standard of statistical significance.  相似文献   

通过文献资料、访谈、问卷调查等方法,分析山东省体育公共服务建设现状,指出体育公共服务发展中的问题,并提出相应策略。研究认为:山东省体育公共服务发展中基于不同的服务内容采取相应措施,并取得明显成效,但也存在服务供给难以有效反映需求、服务发展不平衡、现有体育设施资源盘活不足以及服务供给方式单一等问题。为此提出:以需求为导向制定服务供给决策、强化公共服务均衡发展、盘活现有体育公共资源以及创新公共服务供给机制与模式等策略。  相似文献   

This study extended research on key citation metrics of winners of two career scholar awards in sports biomechanics. Google Scholar (GS) was searched using Harzing’s Publish or Perish software for the 13 most recent winners of the ISBS Geoffrey Dyson Award and the ASB Jim Hay Memorial Award. Returned records were corrected for author, and publications excluded for all but peer-reviewed journal articles, proceedings articles, chapters and books in English. These recent award winners had published about 150 publications that had been cited typically 4,082 and 6,648 times over a 26- and 28-year period before receiving these career awards for sports biomechanics research. Estimated median citations at time of their awards were 2,927 and 4,907 for the Dyson and Hay awards, respectively. Award winners had mean Hirsh indexes of 32–45 and mean hi of 19–28. Their mean g indexes (59–84) and their numerous citation classics (C > 100) indicated that they had many influential publications. The citation metrics of these scholars were outstanding and consistent with recent studies of top scholars in biomechanics and kinesiology/exercise science. Careful searching, cleaning and interpretation of several scholar-level citation metrics may provide useful confirmatory evidence for evaluations of awards committees.  相似文献   

从文化适应、运动项目和运动心理学的结合、研究者与研究对象间的需求差异、研究方法和心理训练效果评定5个方面,分析了我国运动心理学实践应用研究的现状以及所存在的问题,并提出了解决这些问题的方法以及我国运动心理学的发展趋势。  相似文献   

A deterministic model is a modeling paradigm that determines the relationships between a movement outcome measure and the biomechanical factors that produce such a measure. This review provides an overview of the use of deterministic models in biomechanics research, a historical summary of this research, and an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of using deterministic models. The deterministic model approach has been utilized in technique analysis over the last three decades, especially in swimming, athletics field events, and gymnastics. In addition to their applications in sports and exercise biomechanics, deterministic models have been applied successfully in research on selected motor skills. The advantage of the deterministic model approach is that it helps to avoid selecting performance or injury variables arbitrarily and to provide the necessary theoretical basis for examining the relative importance of various factors that influence the outcome of a movement task. Several disadvantages of deterministic models, such as the use of subjective measures for the performance outcome, were discussed. It is recommended that exercise and sports biomechanics scholars should consider using deterministic models to help identify meaningful dependent variables in their studies.  相似文献   

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