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Ann Lewis 《教育心理学》1982,2(2):121-135
A Direct Instruction approach to remedial reading (Corrective Reading Programme) was evaluated in an urban Comprehensive school over two school years. First year remedial readers were randomly allocated to one experimental and two control groups. Groups were matched for sex. A similar procedure was followed in the second study carried out with the following group of first year remedial readers.

In the first three months of the first study all groups were monitored while receiving the school's usual remedial reading programme. They made comparable gains during this baseline period. Covariance analysis indicated that in the first study the experimental group and control group I (a ‘novelty’ programme) made significantly greater gains, in accuracy and comprehension, than control group 2 (the usual remedial reading programme). Findings from the second study confirmed the suggestion that gains for the experimental group in the first study were partly due to ‘novelty’ effects. Both experimental groups developed better strategies for tackling oral reading tasks (as assessed by miscue analysis) than control groups, however.  相似文献   

This paper reports an experimental evaluation of a children's safety training programme,Kidscape, which aims to increase primary school children's ability to deal with four types of potentially unsafe situation: being bullied, being approached by a stranger, being subject to inappropriate intimacy from a known adult and to pressure from such adults to keep such intimacy secret. Assessments of children's safety awareness were carried out in three schools which used the programme, and in three matched control schools which did not, with children at two age levels, 6 years and 10 years. These assessments of children's awareness were made on three occasions: before, immediately after and 2‐3 months after the training programme for the experimental sample (60 children) and on corresponding occasions for the control sample (60 children). The results revealed a significant improvement in the safety awareness of the experimental (trained) group after training and also a significant difference between the groups, in favour of the trained group. However, an improved performance of the control (untrained) group suggests that factors other than the Kidscape programme itself may influence these differences. Age differences in children's wariness of the four safety situations are also discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on a mixed methods study that evaluated the efficacy of a study counselling intervention programme at a South African university. Quantitative data, collected by means of the Learning and Study Strategy Inventory, indicated that the study skills intervention programme brought about statistically significant improvements in participants' study skills profiles. The qualitative findings that were collected from 10 participants served as a contextual lens to develop a more holistic understanding of the quantitative results. It is argued that multidisciplinary collaboration is required to address the heteregenous needs of students within the higher education context.  相似文献   

This article is a continuation of the exploration started by Sylvia Ashley in Mentoring and Tutoring, Autumn 1994, of the ‘Roots and Wings' mentoring initiative. The Roots and Wings programme is a Business in the Community initiative using the principles of community group mentoring. Sylvia Astley reported on the London and Bristol pilots. We follow this through with a digest of the evaluation of the Manchester pilot. In this pilot the British Telecom Personal Communications division offered mentoring support to the pupils from a Manchester high school. The evaluation attempted to capture the experiences of the mentors and mentees and the perspectives of the teaching staff involved. Recommendations were made with a view to expanding the scheme into other schools and businesses.  相似文献   

This study describes the evaluation results of PORO; a three level occupational guidance programme designed to improve offender's job finding possibilities and to reduce reoffending after imprisonment. The programme is carried out at a Catalan prison, and the evaluation approach used is Stufflebeam's CIPP model, considering the efficiency, effectiveness and impact of the programme. Evaluation outcomes and practical suggestions for career development applications addressed to prison populations are reported.  相似文献   

一、“4+综合技术”改革方案综合技术的评分标准1999年教育部颁发的《关于进一步深化普通高等学校招生考试制度改革的意见》中明确指出:“面对新世纪的来临,面对基础教育推行素质教育,高校招生制度必须进一步深化改革,以改革促进发展,主动适应时代特点及其人才素质能力结构的要求,突出高考内容改革的核心地位。促进基础教育教材、教学、课程、师资等方面的改革。以利于高等学校选拔全面和有创造性的人才。”江西省高招办组织有关专家对体育专业招生考试的内容改革进行立项研究,提出了“4+综合技术”的考试方案,即四项身体素质加三项球类的综…  相似文献   

In this paper Tony Hurst highlights that peer support programmes can contribute to the effectiveness of pastoral care by involving the pupils in the helping process and this can contribute to their personal and social development. He notes that there are a number of things that can go wrong with such programmes and that they should not be seen as an alternative to an effective traditional pastoral system. The main body of the paper describes the development and evaluation of a programme in a relatively large urban secondary school. This evaluation identified both the positive feelings of pupils and staff about the programme and the important contribution it made. Some issues and problems were also identified and as a result the conclusion includes a number of recommendations and summarizes the various valuable outcomes.  相似文献   

在对非教育援助中,英国政府将嵌入式评估作为一种有效问责手段,提高了经费的使用效能,完善了经费的分配方式,为英国政府提供了决策依据。同时,在开展对非教育援助的过程中英国政府也在努力完善、调整并改良评估模式,帮助非洲受援国提高中小学教育质量,激活受援国教育发展的内部动力。文章从英国对非教育援助的 PbR评估模式入手,以英国对卢旺达教育援助项目为例,分析了RBA评估模式的应用与改良,介绍了评估团队的竞标与对他们的要求,阐释了评估结果的使用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to explore some of the most prevalent methods for conducting Levels 4 and 5 of technical training evaluation among large organizations with a preponderance of technical talent. The researchers collected data through a survey and conducted interviews with select study participants. The sample size for the study (n = 26) comprised predominantly large, global organizations in technical industries. While a larger percentage of organizations have been found than in previous research to conduct Level 4 evaluations, few conduct Level 5 evaluations for their technical training, and most of the participant organizations struggle with advanced analytical techniques for technical training evaluation. The article summarizes some of the most prevalent training evaluation models reported in the literature since 2000, and provides useful examples from study participants of how they evaluated their technical training at Levels 3 and 4, along with their advice to fellow technical training and performance improvement professionals. Although the study was exploratory in nature and utilized a small sample size, the study is only the second study since 2000 to specifically explore the evaluation practices of large organizations with a focus on technical training as opposed to general training.  相似文献   

新一轮课程改革已进入实验阶段,新课程与现行的教学体系相比,发生了许多变化。历史教育与时俱进,历史课程标准即将取代现行的历史教学大纲,这意味着什么?本简要回顾了百年历史教育中课程标准与教学大纲的演化历程,对现行历史教学大纲和历史课程标准作了一些对照,着重介绍了课程标准的理念与内容,从而说明了由新的历史课程标准代替历史教学大纲是我国历史教育的演进与发展。为适应新课程的变化,历史教师应尽早做好准备。  相似文献   

历史教育的演进:从历史教学大纲到历史课程标准   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
新一轮课程改革已进入实验阶段,新课程与现行的教学体系相比,发生了许多变化.历史教育与时俱进,历史课程标准即将取代现行的历史教学大纲,这意味着什么?本文简要回顾了百年历史教育中课程标准与教学大纲的演化历程,对现行历史教学大纲和历史课程标准作了一些对照,着重介绍了课程标准的理念与内容,从而说明了由新的历史课程标准代替历史教学大纲是我国历史教育的演进与发展.为适应新课程的变化,历史教师应尽早做好准备.  相似文献   

This article reports on teachers' reactions to a pilot implementation of a new standards-based teacher evaluation system in a medium-sized Midwestern school district. The system, based on the Framework for Teaching (Danielson, 1996), was intended to serve as the foundation for a new knowledge and skill pay plan for teachers. Teacher reactions were measured using both interview and survey methods. Teachers' overall favorableness toward the system, as measured by the survey, was correlated with acceptance of the teaching standards, perception of the evaluation process as fair and the evaluator as capable and objective, and perception that the evaluation system had a positive impact on their teaching. In interviews, teachers perceived both positive and negative aspects of the system, and for many these more or less balanced each other. While most teachers accepted the evaluation standards and the need for an evaluation system, many also perceived that the system added too much to teachers' workloads and did not provide enough feedback. Based on these results several changes were made in the evaluation system prior to full implementation. The results are discussed with reference to previous research and the Personnel Evaluation Standards.  相似文献   

发达国家在发展风险投资基金、加快高科技产业化进程、促进国民经济高速发展方面积累了丰富的经验,我们应借鉴国外的先进经验,结合我国经济建设发展的实际,建立和发展风险投资基金,加快高新技术产业化进程,缩短我国和发达国家间的差距,早日立于世界发达国家之林。  相似文献   

《波特奇早期教育方法》Poztage Guide to Eazly Education(PGEE)又称波特奇计划。1969年,由美国残障教育局主持开发的一套适用于0-6岁的儿童早期教育教材,1972年问世。1976年经修订公开发行后向世界40多个国家推广。1988年由苗淑新教授引入我国,经试用取得显效果。1983年波特奇计划在日本推行,对接受波特奇指导的儿童,经多年追踪研究的结果表明,取得了超出预期的极好效果。  相似文献   

本文从分析我国环保投资的现状入手,论证了对环保投资进行后评价的重要意义,并就环保投资后评价的分类以及后评价的依据,程序,内容作了简明的阐述。  相似文献   

加快推进教育信息化进程,对推进教育现代化、促进教育公平和教育均等化、实现教育跨越式发展具有十分重要的意义。要增强推进教育信息化的紧迫感,把握推进教育信息化的基本要求,突出应用导向,明确推进教育信息化的目标任务,建立推动教育信息化的保障机制。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市教育厅(教委)。计划单列市教育局.新疆生产建设兵团教育局,有关部门(单位)教育司(局): 为贯彻落实《国务院关于大力发展职业教育的决定》(国发[2005]35号)提出的“逐步建立和完善半工半读制度,在部分职业院校中开展学生通过半工半读实现免费接受职业教育的试点,取得经验后逐步推广”的要求,在各地推荐的基础上,我部决定在百所中等职业学校(以下简称试点院校,名单见附件)先期开展半工半读试点工作,现将有关事宜通知如下:  相似文献   

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