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1 Introduction The emerging H.264/AVC video coding standard hasbeen developed and standardized collaboratively byboth ITU-T VCEG and ISO/IEC MPEG organizations .As the newest international video coding standard ,H.264/AVC represents a number of advances i…  相似文献   

The H.264/AVC video coding standard uses an intra prediction mode with 4×4 and 16×16 blocks for luma and 8×8 blocks for chroma. This standard uses the rate distortion optimization (RDO) method to determine the best coding mode based on the compression performance and video quality. This method offers a large improvement in coding efficiency compared to other compression standards, but the computational complexity is greater due to the various intra prediction modes. This paper proposes a fast intra mode decision algorithm for real-time encoding of H.264/AVC based on the dominant edge direction (DED). The DED is extracted using pixel value summation and subtraction in the horizontal and vertical directions. By using the DED, three modes instead of nine are chosen for RDO calculation to decide on the best mode in the 4×4 luma block. For the 16×16 luma and the 8 × 8 chroma, only two modes are chosen instead of four. Experimental results show that the entire encoding time saving of the proposed algorithm is about 67% compared to the full intra search method with negligible loss of quality.  相似文献   

The existing H.264/AVC rate control schemes rarely include the perceptual considerations. As a result, the improvements in visual quality are hardly comparable to those in peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR). In this paper, we propose a perceptual importance analysis scheme to accurately abstract the spatial and temporal perceptual characteristics of video contents. Then we perform bit allocation at macroblock (MB) level by adopting a perceptual mode decision scheme, which adaptively updates the Lagrangian multiplier for mode decision according to the perceptual importance of each MB. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can efficiently reduce bit rates without visual quality degradation.  相似文献   

针对传统三步搜索算法(TSS)的缺陷,提出十字-正方形模板运动估计快速算法(RSPS)。该算法利用运动矢量分布的中心偏置特性,结合起始运动矢量预测与零运动块预判断,有效提高运动估计搜索速度并保持较高的搜索精度。  相似文献   

H.264/MPEG-4 AVC standard appears highly competitive due to its high efficiency, flexibility and error resilience. In order to maintain universal multimedia access, statistical multiplexing, or adaptive video content delivery, etc., it induces an immense demand for converting a large volume of existing multimedia content from other formats into the H.264/AVC format and vice versa. In this work, we study the remultiplexing and resynchronization issue within system coding after transcoding, aiming to sustain the management and time information destroyed in transcoding and enable synchronized decoding of decoder buffers over a wide range of retrieval or receipt conditions. Given the common intention of multiplexing and synchronization mechanism in system coding of different standards, this paper takes the most widely used MPEG-2 transport stream (TS) as an example, and presents a software system and the key technologies to solve the time stamp mapping and relevant buffer management. The solution reuses previous information contained in the input streams to remultiplex and resynchronize the output information with the regulatory coding and composition structure. Experimental results showed that our solutions efficiently preserve the performance in multimedia presentation.  相似文献   

图像压缩技术是基于在空域,时域或者频域上移除数据冗余的算法。它相当大地减少了数据转换率,但是随之的视频压缩信号对于传输误差更加敏感。差错恢复技术相对于通道误差增强了视频比特流的鲁棒性。在H.264/AVC的条带编码作为一种差错恢复技术之一被用于限制接收视频品质的数据丢失效应。有一种模式非常重要,它是将图像的宏块分配成不同的条带组,并能够提供不同的差错恢复标准。该文将深入分析这一类分散类型的灵活的宏块顺序(FMO)模式性能,并提出一个定义明确的系统模式,可以更完全地挖掘宏块顺序中离差概念从而克服误差损失。仿真结果显示:新的改进方案的性能优于传统模式。  相似文献   

In this work, we present an evaluation of the performance and error robustness of RTP-based broadcast streaming of high-quality high-definition (HD) H.264/AVC video. Using a fully controlled IP test bed (Hillestad et al., 2005), we broadcast high-definition video over RTP/UDP, and use an IP network emulator to introduce a varying amount of randomly distributed packet loss. A high-performance network interface monitoring card is used to capture the video packets into a trace file. Purpose-built software parses the trace file, analyzes the RTP stream and assembles the correctly received NAL units into an H.264/AVC Annex B byte stream file, which is subsequently decoded by JVT JM 10.1 reference software. The proposed measurement setup is a novel, practical and intuitive approach to perform error resilience testing of real-world H.264/AVC broadcast applications. Through a series of experiments, we evaluate some of the error resilience features of the H.264/AVC standard, and see how they perform at packet loss rates from 0.01 % to 5%. The results confirmed that an appropriate slice partitioning scheme is essential to have a graceful degradation in received quality in the case of packet loss. While flexible macroblock ordering reduces the compression efficiency about 1 dB for our test material, reconstructed video quality is improved for loss rates above 0.25%.  相似文献   

H.264/AVC error resilience tools suitable for 3G mobile video services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The emergence of third generation mobile system (3G) makes video transmission in wireless environment possible, and the latest 3GPP/3GPP2 standards require 3G terminals support H.264/AVC. Due to high packet loss rate in wireless environment, error resilience for 3G terminals is necessary. Moreover, because of the hardware restrictions, 3G mobile terminals support only part of H.264/AVC error resilience tool. This paper analyzes various error resilience tools and their functions, and presents 2 error resilience strategies for 3G mobile streaming video services and mobile conversational services. Performances of the proposed error resilience strategies were tested using off-line common test conditions. Experiments showed that the proposed error resilience strategies can yield reasonably satisfactory results.  相似文献   

The emerging video coding standard H.264[1],provides the state-of-the-art video coding techniquesto meet a wide range of applications. Among thosetechniques, intra prediction is regarded as one of themain factors that contribute to the success ofH.264[2]. The rate distortion optimization (RDO)technology has been employed in H.264 for intra pre-diction mode selection to achieve good codingefficien-cy, which makes encoder extremely complex. Efforts have been made in developing fast H.264intra…  相似文献   

H.264是目前最新的视频编码标准,相对于以前的ITU—T视频编码标准和mpeg序列标准具有更高的压缩效率.编码效率的提高主要归根于精确的帧间预测编码,其中包括多种块模式.多参考帧运动估计和分数像素精度3种新技术的采用,对这些帧间预测编码技术进行研究和分析.主要是分析这些技术与H.264基本配置之间的比较。  相似文献   

在H.264编码算法的基础上,提出了多参考帧的运动估计快速算法--三维菱形搜索法(TDDS).实验结果表明,与未使用快速算法相比,使用本文提出的快速算法,在平均码率增加不到0.1%,恢复图像平均PSNR(峰值信噪比)下降不到0.1dB的情况下,编码速度提高2.5倍,满足实时视频通信的要求.算法与H.264标准兼容,可用于实际产品.  相似文献   

Although H.264 video coding standard provides several error resilience tools, the damage caused by error propagation may still be tremendous. This work is aimed at developing a robust and standard-compliant error resilient coding scheme for H.264 and uses techniques of mode decision, data hiding, and error concealment to reduce the damage from error propagation. This paper proposes a system with two error resilience techniques that can improve the robustness of H.264 in noisy channels. The first technique is Nearest Neighbor motion compensated Error Concealment (NNEC) that chooses the nearest neighbors in the reference frames for error concealment. The second technique is Distortion Estimated Mode Decision (DEMD) that selects an optimal mode based on stochastically distorted frames. Observed simulation results showed that the rate-distortion performances of the proposed algorithms are better than those of the compared algorithms.  相似文献   

针对H.264推荐的误码掩盖方法不能有效恢复受损图像,根据受损块的时空域相关性,提出一种自适应误码掩盖算法(AEC).实验表明,从PSNR和主观质量上,本文算法均明显优于传统方法.  相似文献   

H.264/AVC中快速运动估计算法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运动估计是H.264中关键技术之一。全搜索(FS)虽然能得到最佳的匹配,但在计算上却很繁琐,难以达到实时的要求。对EPZS、UMHexagonS和简化UMHS快速运动估计算法进行了分析。通过与FS的实验比较,归纳出EPZS、UMHexagonS和简化UMHS算法各自的优势。  相似文献   

The latest international coding standard H.264/AVC[1]extends motion compensation to quarter-sampleaccuracy[2]. Generally,integer-pixel motion search costsmuch more time than sub-pixel search during which 16points are checked in total when implemented in f…  相似文献   

In H.264 encoder, all possible coding modes should be checked to choose the most appropriate mode for every macroblock, which adds a heavy computation burden to the encoder. In this paper, a fast inter-mode decision method is presented to reduce computation complexity of an H.264 encoder. By detecting the best matching block (BMB) before transform and quantization, some coding modes can be skipped and the corresponding encoding steps can be omitted for these BMBs. Meanwhile this method can also be used to detect all-zero blocks. The experimental results show that this method achieves consistently significant reduction of encoding time while keeping almost the same rate-distortion performance.  相似文献   

The scalable extension of H.264/AVC, known as scalable video coding or SVC, is currently the main focus of the Joint Video Team‘s work. In its present working draft, the higher level syntax of SVC follows the design principles of H.264/AVC.Self-contained network abstraction layer units (NAL units) form natural entities for packetization. The SVC specification is by no means finalized yet, but nevertheless the work towards an optimized RTP payload format has already started. RFC 3984, the RTP payload specification for H.264/AVC has been taken as a starting point, but it became quickly clear that the scalable features of SVC require adaptation in at least the areas of capability/operation point signaling and documentation of the extended NAL unit header. This paper first gives an overview of the history of scalable video coding, and then reviews the video coding layer (VCL)and NAL of the latest SVC draft specification. Finally, it discusses different aspects of the draft SVC RTP payload format, including the design criteria, use cases, signaling and payload structure.  相似文献   

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