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人类的阅读方式,是阅读介质的结果,是生产能力的折射,甲骨到纸张,莫不如此,书写到印刷,概莫能外.遥想当年,洛阳纸贵,凿壁借光,寄托着科举功名,囊萤照书,背负着锦绣前程.掩卷沉思,那是修身的历练,拥书入梦,那是远行的驿站.爱书痴书,那是华夏儿女内心的神圣,敬书畏书,那是中华民族价值的认同.  相似文献   

有一种职业,叫“记者“,狂风暴雪里,向前,向前,采集寒风的讯息,体味雪花的温度,出现在行路艰辛的回乡游子面前,报告着最新的消息。有一种职业,叫“记者“,天塌地陷时,向前,向前,记录灾难降临的真实场景,守望生命消逝的苦痛悲伤,陪伴在历经劫难的废墟孤儿身边,传递着人间的温暖。  相似文献   

励志,是人们实现理想的心路历程,励志,是我们追求幸福的生命轨迹。励志是普世的,不同的身份,取向有差异,不同的人群,诉求呈多样。社会越发展,励志的层次就越高,文明越进步,励志的起点就越高。从功利到伦理,由利己到利人。励志是心中的太阳:逆境中,它砥励,必须坚强;苦难中,它告诫,不能倒  相似文献   

王贞 《北京档案》2015,(9):48-51
抗日战争期间,在广袤的华北大地上,面对日寇铁蹄的肆意践踏,面对他们的疯狂掠夺和非人奴役,中国共产党领导的人民武装奋起抵抗。八路军、游击队、民兵以及成千上万普通的老百姓深入敌后,运用灵活机动的战略战术,开展广泛的游击战,不仅将敌人后方变成抗日前线,更逐步使之上升为中国抗战的主战场。中国军民以保家卫国必胜的坚定信念和顽强的抗争精神,通过灵活多样的斗争方式,凭借自身的智慧和各方面的支持、配合,出没于日军的周围,以弱胜强、出奇制胜,给日本侵略者以猛烈的打击。  相似文献   

2011年1月11日,北京市朝阳区的霍光里社区,暖洋洋的阳光透过凌乱的树枝洒在墙上.这里靠近东三环,街道上,充满朝气的年轻人随处可见,他们迈着急匆匆的脚步,为了生活,不懈打拼.不远处,转过弯,就在街道的对面,老人们三五成群地围坐在一起,说着昨天的天气和儿女;忽然几名放学的孩童的奔跑笑闹声传来,老人们蓦然惊醒猛地抬头,嘴角嗫嚅有词.每天盼着儿孙回家团圆,成了老人心头的情感牵挂,这是他们永恒的话题.  相似文献   

提起梅光迪,知道他的人并不多,但提起胡适、吴宓、陈寅恪、汤用彤等,大家则非常熟悉,而事实上,这些人都是梅光迪的同学或朋友,他们处在同一个时代,都是有名的国学大师、学派代表人物. 1909年,梅光笛在胡绍庭的介绍下认识了胡适,当时他们都只有19岁,血气方刚,胸怀大志.两人一见如故,相交甚欢,常有书信往来,要么探讨一些复兴古学、孔教、文学革命的话题,要么相互鼓励,共同进步,不知不觉,他们成了十分要好的朋友.然而,随着时间的推移,他们在学术上的分歧越来越大,以至于后来爆发了一场激烈的、旷日持久的战争——“文言与白话”.  相似文献   

王益军 《出版参考》2015,(15):47-48
何谓古籍版本?简言之,就是同一部古书在不同历史时期的不同刊本.我国的古代图书,历经了千年的风雨变迁、兵燹水火,其脱讹散佚者颇为严重.其间,屡经历代传抄影写与刻印,形成了各种版本之间的差异.诸如内容的增删修改,刻写的字体大小,版面的长短阔窄,印刷的精良粗陋,以及装订的精美简易等,均有所不同.版本不仅限于木版雕刻的书本,在印刷术发明之前,书写在竹简木牍和锦帛上的本子,以及后世的活字排版、照像石印、铅字排印等书本,均属于版本的范畴.  相似文献   

岁月其徂,一年又逝。每至此,难免生出许多的怀想眷恋、白云亲舍之情。回首既往,天边的闪烁,在于一本本使人陷入沉思的著作,如同沙砾中的金粉隐约耀眼,这是书籍独有的智慧,是坐在电视或电脑旁很难产生的,因为这种智慧,才使出版人的价值无愧地体现,这便是所谓的独有。再者,一个个令业者经久回味的观点,是心间荡漾的激情,这些观点的效应,或许要在若干年后方可显现,或许待转为其他的措施时方可物化。然而,最是那些曾经闪烁的星辰,却在我们的眼前划然陨落了,其实他们也都是普通的人,之所以轸念他们,皆在于他们以普通人的身份做出了不普通的业绩,除去他们非凡的业务,他们的力量来自他们的人格和思想。  相似文献   

赵仲伟 《传媒》2005,(3):63-63
今天,麦克卢汉的"地球村"假说早已实现,数字技术大行其道,互联网变得与人们的生活息息相关.就犹如古典时代的街头巷尾,网络成为人们崭新的聚集空间,大家于其间相遇、相识,交换彼此的信息,拿走各自的所需.作为网络语言的重要组成部分,"大话"俨然不仅仅是简单的叙事手段,更是后现代话语解构的重要体现,抑或已经成为现代人,尤其是年轻一代的生存方式,处世之道.这种话语方式,不论在之前王家卫的电影、金庸的小说、张艺谋的作品,再到今天的网络博客、<水煮三国>,已经渗透到我们周边媒介环境的方方面面,谈到例证,可以说是信手拈来.  相似文献   

巢峰 《编辑学刊》2004,(2):21-22
目前,我国图书市场除了保留着较深的计划经济的烙印外,无序状态和恶性竞争还十分严重,如盗版,剽窃,胡编滥造,弄虚作假,买卖书号,高定价、低折扣等等.由此可见,在加大图书市场化的同时,加强宏观调控,加大整顿图书市场的力度,实属当务之急.  相似文献   

Long known as a difficult market for books, the South has become more receptive, largely through the efforts of booksellers. This article reviews the history of some of the South's book retailers and their role in their communities. The often strained relations between booksellers and publishers are discussed, including the role of the publisher's rep. The establishment of regional booksellers associations is described. The impact of wholesalers on retail business practices is reviewed, and the current state of the book trade in the South is assessed. Philip M. Pfeffer has served since 1978 as chairman of the board and chief executive officer of Ingram Distribution Group Inc. of La Vergne, Tennessee. Ingram Distribution Group Inc. is the parent company of Ingram Book Company, the world's largest wholesaler of trade books. Mr. Pfeffer also holds the position of executive vice president and is on the board of directors of Ingram Industries Inc. of Nashville, Tennessee. He holds bachelor's and master's degrees from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale.  相似文献   

图书馆与人的全面发展   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:11  
徐洪升 《图书馆论坛》2003,23(5):11-12,120
人的全面发展是人的本质、需要和素质的全面发展。人的发展状况制约着图书馆事业的发展,图书馆的发展水平标志着人的发展的程度;图书馆对人的全面发展具有促进作用。  相似文献   

The inextricably linked concepts of “information” and “information communication” are discussed. Information about some entity is defined as details about its properties reflected in material processes and objects or in the response of systems with purposeful activity. It is asserted that information is manifested only in the process of information communication. The steps of this process are considered. In particular, the processes of information transfer studied by C. Shannon are presented as elements of the stage of reflection of information communication. The aspects of “information support” of typical processes of activity, inherent in a particular subject domain, that must be recognized and studied, are determined. The list of the basic concepts connected with the concept of “information” is given.  相似文献   

A full bibliography on one of the most active areas of broadcasting —CATV—is long overdue. Don Le Duc originally prepared this compilation while working on his doctorate at the University of Wisconsin. It is based on an extensive clipping file collected by Kenneth Lichty of India, California, and by the author's major professor, Lawrence W. Lichty of the University of Wisconsin. Support for completing the collection came, in part, through a fellowship awarded by the Department of Communication Arts and a travel grant from the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences of the University of Wisconsin. Dr. Le Duc is a member of the State of Wisconsin and United States Supreme Court Bars, and is on the publications committee of the Federal Communications Bar Association and the communications committee of the American Bar Association. Formerly on the faculty of the University of Maryland, he will be assistant professor in the Department of Speech at the Ohio State University starting this fall.  相似文献   

信息获取权利:政府信息公开的法理基础   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
《世界人权宣言》第19条所确立的信息权利可以派生出信息获取权利,这是一种新的信息权利。信息获取权利是各国政府信息公开立法的基础。有两种不同的信息权利:信息生产者或拥有者的信息权利和信息使用者的信息权利,信息公开立法主要依据第二种。保障公民信息获取权利是公共图书馆制度和政府信息公开制度的共同基础。  相似文献   

The cost of unrestricted dissemination of government information to Americans' safety and security has been a topic of heated debate since September 11, 2001. The risks of dissemination seem to have skyrocketed in this age of terrorist attacks. However, the United States faced similar risks after World War II, when the secret of the atom bomb required close protection. Congress can learn from the process that the U.S. government went through to pass the Atomic Energy Act of 1946 [Atomic Energy Act of 1946. Pub. L. No. 79-585, 60 Stat. 755] during a similar time of national stress and fear and work to pass laws regulating the dissemination of information to the public. In the absence of legislative guidance, agencies have been left to restrict information as they think is best, with inconsistent and disastrous results.  相似文献   

通过对全国37家主流媒体网站高管进行问卷调查和半结构性访谈,本文对当前我国主流媒体网络管理状况和存在的问题进行了调研,并提出了相关对策建议。  相似文献   

Changes that are occurring in the information space of science are discussed. It is shown that global trends in this area, first of all the internetization of scientific communication and dissemination of open access to scientific publications, led to the occurrence of new methods of Scientometrics, namely, webometrics. Global and domestic webometric methods for creating indexes are described. The features of the Russian webometric index are listed. We conclude that the creation of a more complete and differentiated national index along with the world webometric index is advisable for adequate monitoring of the electronic resources of Russian science. Use of the experience of the Institute of Scientific and Educational Information of the Russian Academy of Education as a platform of the national experience index is proposed.  相似文献   

The objective was to gain an overview of researchers experiences of searching the literature, with particular reference to the use of optimal search strategies (OSSs) and searching for qualitative research studies. A 13-item semi-structured questionnaire investigating search behaviour was distributed to members of the Cochrane Qualitative Methods Network. Follow-up interviews were conducted with a subset of respondents to explore issues raised and clarify points of ambiguity. Findings were analysed using data reduction, data displays and verification techniques. Eighty-six per cent of distributed questionnaires were returned. All respondents reported searching electronic databases as part of their literature search, with 80% expressing a preference for searching alone or with colleagues. Forty-one per cent indicated that they consider a database search to be only one aspect of a comprehensive literature search. The rigour and availability of OSSs was a concern for 30% of respondents. Twenty-five per cent of respondents had searched for qualitative studies, although the difficulty of locating this type of literature was considered problematic because of the varied use of the term 'qualitative'. Whilst the majority of respondents reported using OSSs in some capacity, reservations were expressed about their ability to facilitate a comprehensive search. Replies indicated a belief that OSSs can reduce the sensitivity of a search, and might limit the breadth of coverage required. A greater appreciation of the availability and purpose of OSSs-including the ability to optimize either sensitivity or recall-is needed if this enhanced approach to accurate data retrieval and potential improvement in time management is to become widespread.  相似文献   

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